GUILTY MD - Multiple Fatalities At Capital Gazette Newsroom In Annapolis, 28 June 2018 *arrest*

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May they Rest In Peace.

The identities of all five victims in the Maryland newsroom shooting were released by law enforcement officials late Thursday.

Rob Hiaasen, Gerald Fischman, Wendi Winters, John McNamara, and Rebecca Smith died this afternoon when 38-year-old Jarrod W. Ramos opened fire inside the Capital Gazette offices in Annapolis.

Hiassen, 59, of Timonium, was employed as an assistant editor and columnist for the newspaper.

Fischman, 61, worked as the editorial page editor and Winters, 65, as the special publications editor.

McNamara, 56, was a writer and Smith, 34, a sales assistant.

PICTURED: The five victims shot dead in the Capital Gazette newsroom | Daily Mail Online
So now when someone feels disgruntled over anything, they just think it's ok to up the ante and start murdering people ?
Something's wrong with this picture. What with all the shootings over the last few months, years, it appears to be a situation of desensitization , which makes it easier for someone to commit a crime such as this. Call it copycat or whatever, it's a desensitization . It makes it easier for them to do it.
Maybe part of the problem is that it's being reported all over the world, every bad thing that happens, it's reported in every state, in every country. In the olden days all we heard was local news. But now the news is like the fuel that fires the flame.
So now when someone feels disgruntled over anything, they just think it's ok to up the ante and start murdering people ?
Something's wrong with this picture. What with all the shootings over the last few months, years, it appears to be a situation of desensitization , which makes it easier for someone to commit a crime such as this. Call it copycat or whatever, it's a desensitization . It makes it easier for them to do it.
Maybe part of the problem is that it's being reported all over the world, every bad thing that happens, it's reported in every state, in every country. In the olden days all we heard was local news. But now the news is like the fuel that fires the flame.

The thing I hate is that after nearly every tragedy like this the signs are obvious the threat the person posed with social media posts etc and nothing is done about it until after the event. Surely when there are signs alarm bells should be going off and action taken to protect people. I know this is easy to say in hindsight it’s just very frustrating.
anyone know anything about what federal position he was in

I would think he would have gotten fired after the case made the papers

My apologies if this has already been answered... the newspaper article that caused him to file the defamation lawsuit said he worked for the Dept of Labor.
So now when someone feels disgruntled over anything, they just think it's ok to up the ante and start murdering people ?
Something's wrong with this picture. What with all the shootings over the last few months, years, it appears to be a situation of desensitization , which makes it easier for someone to commit a crime such as this. Call it copycat or whatever, it's a desensitization . It makes it easier for them to do it.
Maybe part of the problem is that it's being reported all over the world, every bad thing that happens, it's reported in every state, in every country. In the olden days all we heard was local news. But now the news is like the fuel that fires the flame.
Yes, it is reported all over the world. Why don't people in other countries go the copycat route too?
That's the messenger, not the problem. Respectfully, this story would still be national news regardless of what era it happened in. I'll just stop at that.


Maybe part of the problem is that it's being reported all over the world, every bad thing that happens, it's reported in every state, in every country. In the olden days all we heard was local news. But now the news is like the fuel that fires the flame.
My apologies if this has already been answered... the newspaper article that caused him to file the defamation lawsuit said he worked for the Dept of Labor.
I think at first people thought that he was another journalist who had worked at the newspaper, but that turned out to be not true. He sued the newspaper for reporting a criminal case against him and his case was thrown out of court.
Hi @CARIIS. I'm glad to see you posting updates in (yet another) breaking news thread here. Typist extraordinaire! <3

There are more details about the criminal harassment case against Ramos. He included the news article about his guilty plea in his "defamation" lawsuit against a Capital Gazette reporter. (His behavior was frightening, imo!! Whoa.)

Bumping pdf link to his appeal:

Here's a USA Today story that summarizes it pretty well, too: Accused Capital Gazette shooter had sued paper, held grudge

Thanks for the USA Today article as that summs it up pretty well. A very disturbed individual.

In a nutshell if I read it right

It all began many years ago when he was charged with harrassment of a female.

Then the paper did a story on the case and he gets really upset about the article and he files a defamation suit

He loses his case and then gets mad about his perceived non justice

His anger against judges and the newspaper continues for a long time until today.

Accused Capital Gazette shooter had sued paper, held grudge
So now when someone feels disgruntled over anything, they just think it's ok to up the ante and start murdering people ?
Something's wrong with this picture. What with all the shootings over the last few months, years, it appears to be a situation of desensitization , which makes it easier for someone to commit a crime such as this. Call it copycat or whatever, it's a desensitization . It makes it easier for them to do it.
Maybe part of the problem is that it's being reported all over the world, every bad thing that happens, it's reported in every state, in every country. In the olden days all we heard was local news. But now the news is like the fuel that fires the flame.

Yeah. The news is the problem here.

Here's What We Know About The Suspect In The Maryland Newspaper Shooting

(Former editor and publisher Tom) Marquardt told the Baltimore Sun, a sister paper of the Capital, he wasn't surprised that Ramos had been identified as the suspected shooter.

He said Ramos harassed the newspaper for years after it published the 2011 article.

"I was seriously concerned he would threaten us with physical violence," Marquardt told the Sun, adding that he reached out to Anne Arundel County authorities about Ramos years ago, but nothing came of it.

He also considered filing a restraining order, but decided against it.

"I remember telling our attorneys, 'This is a guy who is going to come in and shoot us,'" Marquardt said.
Annapolis attack: Deadliest day for journalism in US since 9/11

"News of the shooting spree caused a chill in newsrooms across the United States on Thursday. Law enforcement in several cities stepped up security around major news organizations as a precautionary measure.

Threats against members of the media have been on the rise in recent years. But murders of American journalists are very rare.

The last time multiple journalists were killed while on assignment in the U.S. was in 2015, when an ex-employee attacked two members of a WDBJ TV news crew during a live report in Virginia."


"The Committee to Protect Journalists, which tracks threats to journalists around the world, said that "seven journalists have been killed in relation to their work in the United States" since the group began its tracking effort in 1992."
Here's What We Know About The Suspect In The Maryland Newspaper Shooting

(Former editor and publisher Tom) Marquardt told the Baltimore Sun, a sister paper of the Capital, he wasn't surprised that Ramos had been identified as the suspected shooter.

He said Ramos harassed the newspaper for years after it published the 2011 article.

"I was seriously concerned he would threaten us with physical violence," Marquardt told the Sun, adding that he reached out to Anne Arundel County authorities about Ramos years ago, but nothing came of it.

He also considered filing a restraining order, but decided against it.

"I remember telling our attorneys, 'This is a guy who is going to come in and shoot us,'" Marquardt said.
Yes, because ...............guns.
Not sure if this was posted, yikez:

"Two law enforcement sources said his fingerprints appeared to have been altered, which made it difficult to identify him, but one law enforcement source said he was identified through facial recognition software."

Suspect of newsroom shooting had past court battle with paper, documents show - CNNPolitics

The suspect damaged his fingertips in an effort to avoid identification, a law enforcement source tells CBS News.

5 dead in shooting at newspaper building in Maryland, suspect in custody
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TweetsJarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd11hFuck you, leave me alone @judgemoylanfrnd.View details · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd21 Jan 16I’d say Moylan should kill himself, but I hope he lives to see this. Then the crooked prosecutor can off like Frank (i.e., like Phil).View details · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd19 Jan 16More tactile indenture evidence: “11th.” This is not a copy! Motion was never reviewed by a judge (or #judgeling).…View details · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd18 Jan 16Maybe it's not true Moylan is just another lying shitbag esquire (in robes). Maybe he's actually gone senile. But what's Graeff's excuse?View details · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd18 Jan 16Citing Vanderlinde standard (lie = disbarment), COA considers greater consequences than other jurisdictions imposed.…View details · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd18 Jan 164 months ago Wright, Graeff and Moylan was the very same panel disposing of "pro se appeals" in 1 day. Krauser really assigns them randomly?View details · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd17 Jan 16Replying to @MDAppealThe power of false reputation, @MDAppeal. "Without offering any legal support or argument … the appellant seems to be raising arguments[.]"View conversation · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd15 Jan 16Eric Thomas Hartley comes closer to “the immunity” under Steve Shitbag. Interest in cert grants, truth, soon to be tested yet again. #hurtView details · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd14 Jan 16Replying to @Steve_LashDoes @Steve_Lash have info COSO is a cold bench? But see Rule 8-523(b)(1). #judgelings(consideration actually dictated by Krauser’s clerk)View conversation · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd8 Jan 16"Witnesses lie because they believe in street justice." So do crooked prosecutors. At least one (Moylan) became a MD appellate#judgeling.View details · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd31 Dec 15Alternatively, she could rely on her and Lamasney’s “higher power” to justify lying, bringing further disrepute to the Maryland Judiciary.View details · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd31 Dec 15Now that she has to think more carefully about her “opinions” beyond the actual parties, hopefully Hotten would reverse herself in Simpson.View details · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd23 Dec 15Sin City paper @reviewjournal is seeking a new editor. I understand Thomas Lee Marquardt didn't really want to retire. He'd be a great fit.View details · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd23 Dec 15Eric Thomas Hartley knows from experience, but doesn't appreciate how bad it can get. Journalist Hell awaits.…View details · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd14 Dec 15None out of two, as #judgeling Moylan said, "does not do it," @ethartley. #ethics photo · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd11 Dec 15Not spoken like a fellow contemnor who doesn't have the immunity.…View details · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd6 Dec 15Am I for real or just signing papers ghostwritten by Zodd? Ask the @anneleitess assistant who watched me school BFM before MIttelstaedt, J.View details · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd1 Dec 15Gross, but what other choice? Hope some honor rubs off on Slob Lamasney’s workout partner turned appellate…View summary · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd29 Nov 15In anticipation of forthcoming rape and murder, I am now officially more famous than Jarrod Radnich. Thanks JabbaTH. photo · Jarrod W. Ramos@EricHartleyFrnd28 Nov 15How to make peace with lying for a living when there is MD Rule 1-311 to worry about? Stop living. See Phil. See also Frank. P.S. Hi Moylan.View details ·
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