MD - Officers Injured, Baltimore Businesses Shut Down Amid Violent Riots - #1

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Why would they have to shoot someone? They're pretty much doing nothing at all .. or is shooting people the only way to deal with a crowd like this over there .. may go a long way to explain why the riot is happening in the first place, the old shoot first ask questions later mentality.

People were setting fire to stores and homes. Innocent people had to be saved from the fires. Protesters were looting and setting fire to cars;

How were the cops supposed to try and stop an angry crowd from setting a car on fire without POSSIBLY needing to defend themselves if the crowd fought them? What were they supposed to do if someone pulled a gun on them in the crowded street?
you said:

Originally Posted by Mrs G Norris
I just can't understand why the police are doing nothing .. are they afraid of provoking more violence? Do they think the criminal rioters will get bored of it all and go home if they don't react? WTF!!=================================

So I replied that someone could get hurt or shot in the process. How do you STOP an unruly out of control crowd from setting cars on fire without using force? There were thousands of angry marchers on the streets. How can the cops 'force' them to leave the area and stop rioting? THEY CAN'T!
People were setting fire to stores and homes. Innocent people had to be saved from the fires. Protesters were looting and setting fire to cars;

How were the cops supposed to try and stop an angry crowd from setting a car on fire without POSSIBLY needing to defend themselves if the crowd fought them? What were they supposed to do if someone pulled a gun on them in the crowded street?

That's why doing nothing at all is not a good way to go IMO .. standing back and just allowing it is unbelievable .. there are other options besides shooting.
Well, it seems live news coverage cut out at midnight. Are we to think nothing is going on? The NG was just getting there.
That's why doing nothing at all is not a good way to go IMO .. standing back and just allowing it is unbelievable .. there are other options besides shooting.

What options are there? Tell me how to walk into an angry crowd and STOP THEM from doing what they are doing? Any way besides fighting with them? We have seen that it takes about 8 cops to arrest ONE protester because there are so many others around them 'in support' of them.

Did you know that some cops were actually trapped in their cars and their cars were jumped on and the windows broken and car was almost tipped over while they were inside???

Cops are just people. How do they take on a crowd of a thousand angry rioters and not have a physical battle?
I'm sure I am in the minority (I usually am) but with all things considered, I think the police have been doing a good job.
What options are there? Tell me how to walk into an angry crowd and STOP THEM from doing what they are doing? Any way besides fighting with them? We have seen that it takes about 8 cops to arrest ONE protester because there are so many others around them 'in support' of them.

Did you know that some cops were actually trapped in their cars and their cars were jumped on and the windows broken and car was almost tipped over while they were inside???

Cops are just people. How do they take on a crowd of a thousand angry rioters and not have a physical battle?

Arrests / pepper spray / firehoses / tear gas / police dogs / horses .. etc etc etc .. the same way riots are dealt with in most places. What about all the looters, is that allowed during riots? Should it be? The NG should have been called in earlier too clearly. I'm sure others would have other ideas. It seems that the properties and citizens safety was sacrificed for the sake of whatever you call this, calm isn't really the right word .. non resistance? No wonder the people who riot after an incident, or a decision doesn't go their way, think they have the right to do so.
Arrests / pepper spray / firehoses / tear gas / police dogs / horses .. etc etc etc .. the same way riots are dealt with in most places. What about all the looters, is that allowed during riots? Should it be? The NG should have been called in earlier too clearly. I'm sure others would have other ideas. It seems that the properties and citizens safety was sacrificed for the sake of whatever you call this, calm isn't really the right word .. non resistance? No wonder the people who riot after an incident, or a decision doesn't go their way, think they have the right to do so.

PEPPER SPRAY/TEAR GAS= they used that several times. It just disperse them briefly and they regroup/ It does nothing to halt the criminal actions.
FIREHOSES=== NO WAY. That would be considered a major civil rights infraction. Have you ever seen pictures from Selma, Circa 1968?
POLICE DOGS/HORSES===I fail to see how either would have any effect upon a crowd of a thousand angry rioters

ARRESTS: DUH, but how exactly. ... that is easier said than done. There were THOUSANDS of people. You can only arrest a very small percentage. And it escalates quickly and becomes out of control very fast.

LOOTING? Of course it is not 'allowed.' But there is not much that can be done given the massive amount of rioters and the problems going on in virtually 10 places at once.

The NG are practically useless. They can't do much about the problems either.

If anyone 'sacrificed' the property and public safety it was the protesters, not the cops.

Kind of funny that you seem to be saying the cops were too non resistant, yet are outraged to consider they would possibly need force. That is why it scares me every day that my son is in Law Enforcement. Seems he will always be judged harshly by some, JMO
"He described how he and some Bloods members stood in front of stores that they knew were black-owned businesses, to protect them from looting and vandalism. He said they made sure no black youths, or reporters, were injured by rioters.

Instead, he said, they pointed the rioters toward Chinese- and Arab-owned stores."®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

And here we are worrying about a word...........this (BBM) is an clear example of racism, and I would hope it's also considered a hate crime.
PEPPER SPRAY/TEAR GAS= they used that several times. It just disperse them briefly and they regroup/ It does nothing to halt the criminal actions.
FIREHOSES=== NO WAY. That would be considered a major civil rights infraction. Have you ever seen pictures from Selma, Circa 1968?
POLICE DOGS/HORSES===I fail to see how either would have any effect upon a crowd of a thousand angry rioters

ARRESTS: DUH, but how exactly. ... that is easier said than done. There were THOUSANDS of people. You can only arrest a very small percentage. And it escalates quickly and becomes out of control very fast.

LOOTING? Of course it is not 'allowed.' But there is not much that can be done given the massive amount of rioters and the problems going on in virtually 10 places at once.

The NG are practically useless. They can't do much about the problems either.

If anyone 'sacrificed' the property and public safety it was the protesters, not the cops.

Kind of funny that you seem to be saying the cops were too non resistant, yet are outraged to consider they would possibly need force. That is why it scares me every day that my son is in Law Enforcement. Seems he will always be judged harshly by some, JMO

So you're saying the only options are to either do nothing or start shooting them?
I have my own theory. I wouldn't be surprised if ISIS is somehow involved (pure speculation on my part). This is based on the fact that the Nation of Islam is part of this new Crips, Blood, BGF alliance. The Nation of Islam is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood which in turn is connected to ISIS. We have seen how ISIS have expanded their influence across the middle east and Africa by forming alliances with former foes, e.g. Al Nusra Front (Al Qaeda in Syria) Boko Haram in Somalia. ISIS is even rumored to be partnered with the Mexican drug cartels. If ISIS wants to gain a foothold in America I could see them recruiting members from inner city gangs.

It would be naive to assume that it's not happening or couldn't happen IMO. ISIS targets disgruntled and easily persuadable Americans, that's their MO.
So you're saying the only options are to either do nothing or start shooting them?

Pretty much. They can try the things you mentioned, but those things do NOT prevent looting. They just incite and escalate the crowd, which makes force MORE necessary.

But no one says the cops should 'just start shooting.' What I am trying to say is that once the crowd grows to such high numbers it is hard to quell the violence. And if the cops try to stop the looting it might come to them needing to use force. Pepper spray disperses but does not stop them totally. It just makes it go on and on longer.

Also, the cops DID try pepper spray and tear gas. They used it several times tonight. And the looting and burning happened anyway.
It would be naive to assume that it's not happening or couldn't happen IMO. ISIS targets disgruntled and easily persuadable Americans, that's their MO.

Exactly! I know for some my theory may seem "way out there" and some will call me a "webgoof" (LOL) but the fact is three years ago NONE of us could ever have imagined that a diabolical group like ISIS could become a reality and that ISIS would come to dominate large parts of Iraq, Syria and Libya with major incursions into Egypt and Somalia and other countries in the region. ISIS is growing exponentially and we need to be on the alert and open-minded to all the possibilities!
Video of young Asian family (with a baby) being rescued from their apartment above a liquor store that had been set on fire. I suspect that this family owned the liquor store that was earlier looted by rioters. Very sad to see the terrified reaction of this family that has probably lost everything that they have worked hard for :(
Exactly! I know for some my theory may seem "way out there" and some will call me a "webgoof" (LOL) but the fact is three years ago NONE of us could ever have imagined that a diabolical group like ISIS could become a reality and that ISIS would come to dominate large parts of Iraq, Syria and Libya with major incursions into Egypt and Somalia and other countries in the region. ISIS is growing exponentially and we need to be on the alert and open-minded to all the possibilities!

Then the real real question becomes.... Who is funding ISIS?

Things are not what they seem folks. JMO
Well was that a welcome to bal'more hon or what? I am about 10 south of the city, daughter lives in the city. We called her and texted till late and all was well in her neck of the woods. I got to say after listening to the radio yesterday at the beginning of this at the mall I could hear the some what shock and dismay at what she was seeing, saying at one point that she had to holler at a cop in the street to say that a car was speeding down the road in his path and then the boy with the bucket of rocks for throwing coming to arm up the front line.
I am disappointed in the mayor's decision not to use greater force. I am sure she will be asked about that in the coming days. In reference to the terror/gang element there is a picture in the Daily Mail I linked below that everybody needs to see, funny I am not seeing it in any u.s.a. papers, gotta love the daily mail and their pictures. I have a feeling today/tonite will be a little different but we'll see.

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake was asked why she waited hours to ask the governor to declare a state of emergency, while the governor himself hinted she should have come to him earlier.

"We were all in the command center in the second floor of the State House in constant communication, and we were trying to get in touch with the mayor for quite some time," Gov. Larry Hogan told a Monday evening news conference. "She finally made that call, and we immediately took action."

Asked if the mayor should have called for help sooner, however, Hogan replied that he didn't want to question what Baltimore officials were doing: "They're all under tremendous stress. We're all on one team."

Rawlings-Blake said officials believed they had gotten the unrest that had erupted over the weekend under control "and I think it would have been inappropriate to bring in the National Guard when we had it under control."

But later on, Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts made it clear events had become unmanageable. "They just outnumbered us and outflanked us," Batts said. "We needed to have more resources out there."


Unprecedented: Members of rival gangs Crips and Blood united with Nation Of Islam in the streets in an apparent show of solidarity
Then the real real question becomes.... Who is funding ISIS?

Things are not what they seem folks. JMO

They are funding themselves - human trafficking (slavery), stolen oil, drugs and who knows what else.
Do you know anything of the history of the Muslim Brotherhood?
What options are there? Tell me how to walk into an angry crowd and STOP THEM from doing what they are doing? Any way besides fighting with them? We have seen that it takes about 8 cops to arrest ONE protester because there are so many others around them 'in support' of them.

Did you know that some cops were actually trapped in their cars and their cars were jumped on and the windows broken and car was almost tipped over while they were inside???

Cops are just people. How do they take on a crowd of a thousand angry rioters and not have a physical battle?

We have riots over here every summer when its marching season. Police use plastic bullets, water cannons and armoured tanks. It works for us I wonder would it work there.
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