MD - Officers Injured, Baltimore Businesses Shut Down Amid Violent Riots - #2

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The thing I saw was definttly like a spray can, and they were not like trying to get them out of there hand (like something that had been ignited)

I was talking about the original cans being thrown toward the crowd. They were smoke canisters. Some of the protesters started picking them up and throwing them back at the cops. Deplorable!
I'm not anywhere close and it is an honest question. After last night, how are those cops going to deal with what went on? If the stated goal of the protesters is not to have any more Freddie Grays happen, then it seems like an odd way of going about it. Goad the cops, taunt them, threaten fire personnel, oh hey tonight we are trying to burn libraries. How does ANY of that make any kind of worthwhile point?
I'm not anywhere close and it is an honest question. After last night, how are those cops going to deal with what went on? If the stated goal of the protesters is not to have any more Freddie Grays happen, then it seems like an odd way of going about it. Goad the cops, taunt them, threaten fire personnel, oh hey tonight we are trying to burn libraries. How does ANY of that make any kind of worthwhile point?

I understand what you are saying. And IMO it will affect them greatly. Some will retire or find other jobs. Some will try to go overboard to be nicer. Some though will probably be harsher.... if they think they can get by with it. That is where admin comes in. They will be watched closely. They will tell officers over and over that they do not want to be the cause of another riot. There will be a lot of healing needed within the department too.
Curious how the curfew and being homeless works? Quite a bit of homeless in the city....and not all look a stereotypical homeless person.
my feeling is the ones who retire or quit would quite likely be the ones who are needed the most. So all this crap is completely counterproductive...unless all that matters is drawing attention to your cause, who cares about the cost to innocent lives. Which makes you pretty close to being just as bad as the abusive cops themselves in my book.
I'm not anywhere close and it is an honest question. After last night, how are those cops going to deal with what went on? If the stated goal of the protesters is not to have any more Freddie Grays happen, then it seems like an odd way of going about it. Goad the cops, taunt them, threaten fire personnel, oh hey tonight we are trying to burn libraries. How does ANY of that make any kind of worthwhile point?

Got LE's attention.
Alan Blinder @alanblinder · 8m 8 minutes ago
Seems to be getting quieter and quieter in #Baltimore. The police have scheduled a news conference for 11:45 p.m.
Curious how the curfew and being homeless works? Quite a bit of homeless in the city....and not all look a stereotypical homeless person.

Under bridges, woods and train stations and airports.
I'm not anywhere close and it is an honest question. After last night, how are those cops going to deal with what went on? If the stated goal of the protesters is not to have any more Freddie Grays happen, then it seems like an odd way of going about it. Goad the cops, taunt them, threaten fire personnel, oh hey tonight we are trying to burn libraries. How does ANY of that make any kind of worthwhile point?

Years ago, I worked with this population - the disenfranchised. At its core, its an envornmnetal dynamic. Violence is what is lived. Probably most of us are not residing in neighborhoods where gun fire is a regular occurance, drug dealing is not the main source of income. The prevelance of single young moms is stunning. There are no choices - mom has to go to her job at McDonalds everyday. There is no adult. THey come home from school to an emptly house , they are alone unsupervised, since they are 5 years of age. School becomes a frustrating entity. Mom comes home at 1130 PM, exhausted, does not have a high school degree or the engergy or capacity to help with the homework. They fail. The are outside in the street, the watch nothing other than violence.

They come to homes where the electrcity has been cut off, becasue two weeks ago moms unreliable car did not work , she missed 2 days, got fired, has no income. Food becomes a problem.

Mom finds another job. The childs other sibling is in juvnile detention. Mom has to make it to court hearing for the older sibling. She does not gas money to make , needs to take another day off (loss of income) that boss fires her . Mom goes to court - while doing all this the other children are alone. There are court fees to pay. THe older sibling stays in juvee. Mom gets another job, and for three weeks her car gets her there, but then it dies again. She has no resources to get car fixed cant make it work, gets fired again.

NOw she has been terminated 3 times in last 4 months, has no income, no gas to drive around looking for another job. The eviction notice comes. They have to go live with auntee who is young single mom herserlf, there are now 8 people living in a two bedroom apt. One kid gets sick, mom has no money for treatment, the kid goes to school sick. The teacher notices this and reports it to deperatmnet of children and famiy.

Now a social worker is invovled, demanding all sorts of obserd things, anger management for the kid, a parenting class, family therapy. All this stuff requires money, gas, reliable car. Does not happen - all those entities (anger mangemnt clinician, parenting class presenter, family therapist) has to report back non compliance cause mom has not made the last two weeks)

Department of children and families tells mom they are going to began the procdurre to have her kids taken away from her. She has no money, the teacher of another kid requests a parent confernece, she cant make that, Teacher reports that , another case is opened. The kids are now watching mom completly fall apart, starts dealing drugs to try to get some money to pay court costs, anger management classes, get the car fixed, get her other kid out of juvvee, Its a cycle that repeats and repeats. A sibling wants to help his mom and aunt out - starts dealing, or stealing or robbing. Rince repeat rinse repeat

The only contact they have had with the more fountuate, is law enforcement, juvinile detention settings, observed their older two brothers be arrested and incarcarated . Theri contact wiht the legal system/ courts is nothing like most of us. They have no resoucres to engage in hypothtical "justice" they have to take the plea they are forced to take - they have 3 younger siblings at home - they have had no exposure to anything other than being arrested charged take the plea do the community time or jail time.

As we have seen in these other events - they have no idea how the suppossed justice system works (that is why in each instance there expectation of the system is go arrest them - thats is what they have watched and lived. ANd it has happened over and over and in all liklihood will happen again this FRiday when the system is saying a report will be ready . They thing that means, they will be arrrested Friday. They do not know that in Friday, "the report" is being given over to the state attorney for review, which in all liklihood means that the state attroney will take several more weeks to determine if they have enough to charge.

To a community that has not expericed the numbing slow grind of our obserd system - it is percieved as stalling, creating feelings of hopelessness, powerlessness

in practically every instance of this endless stream of video of LE abusing their powers, using excessive uneeded force, the communities expectation is what they have lived and watched. Arrested charged and jailed in a short peroid of time - most of us understand the process is endless, for these folks the entire thing happens pretty much instantly.

Arrest , how do plead, (no choice they have no resources) guilty or no contest, sentenaced , and are sent to juvvee, or jail, or prison timeframe wise it is a complely different "dance" those with resources, and dance longer, those with superresources OJ Herndezez etc can make the dance go on for years and years

It is not a system that has anything to do with guilt or innocence, it is at its core , about money and the capacity not to take a plea cause that is the only choice
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