MD - Officers Injured, Baltimore Businesses Shut Down Amid Violent Riots - #2

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Baltimore continues to elect these officials because they Do NOT go out and vote. When Rawlings-Blake won in 2011, the voter turnout was extremely low.

Turnout was low for the general election, as it was for the primaries. About 12 percent of eligible voters cast ballots in the mayoral race: about 44,000 people cast ballots in person for mayor and another 1,600 sent in absentee ballots for the city of 620,000 residents.

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VOTE!! Have your voices heard and put in people who are compentent to run your city!
“'We want the media to move back,' Maryland State Sen. Majority Leader Catherine Pugh told Rivera after nearby demonstrators interrupted their interview on the streets of the troubled city.

When the flustered Fox anchor said it seemed like those in the crowd 'want trouble,' Pugh sternly shut him down.

'No, they don’t want trouble,' she said. 'We want our people to go home, but we also need the media to move back, because this is just inciting people.'"

From the article:
After mentioning the mayor had been criticized, Burnett asked, 'Isn’t it the right word?'
Stokes first responded: 'No, of course it’s not the right word to call our children ****s.

'These are children who have been set aside, marginalized, who have not been engaged by us.
President Barack Obama said on Tuesday the looters should be treated as 'criminals' and '****s'

President Barack Obama said on Tuesday the looters should be treated as 'criminals' and '****s'

'No. We don’t have to call them ****s.'

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Pretty is as pretty does. If you act like a t____, you are a t______. And yes, if my son were acting like a t_____, I'd call him one.
Instead of getting all bent out of shape over word choices, why not get all bent out of shape because these poor, marginalized young adults are burning down your city, robbing and looting, and showing massive doses of disrespect to all of your law-abiding citizens? Go give them a hug. That'll make it stop.
Hillary is on CNN talking about Baltimore. And a thought just ocurred to me. She says Mr Grays spine was nearly severed. So does that mean she checked that fact? Called the coroner? Because so far that info has not been publicly released. That info has only come from the family attorney and hasn't been verified yet. Not picking on Hillary because I have heard it from other polititians too. I really hate the idea that they may be passing on unverified info.
“'We want the media to move back,' Maryland State Sen. Majority Leader Catherine Pugh told Rivera after nearby demonstrators interrupted their interview on the streets of the troubled city.

When the flustered Fox anchor said it seemed like those in the crowd 'want trouble,' Pugh sternly shut him down.

'No, they don’t want trouble,' she said. 'We want our people to go home, but we also need the media to move back, because this is just inciting people.'"

Last night several comments were made to media that kind of made it seem that they were not happy that media was there.
It's REALLY easy to sit here on our computers with our internet access and all of our connections to see what's happening in the world, and judge these people who have next to nothing. It's really easy to say they should be responsible for SELF and stop blaming the system and others. But tell me, how easy is it to change what you've been raised to think or believe, especially when you have no method or even reason to disprove what you've been taught by your environment? It's not a spontaneous thing, to completely change your mindset and realize there are options you weren't aware of. You have to be made aware of them by someone you listen to. White people coming in and saying "There are other options" will be met with derision and sneers.

Here comes the white man to either save us or lock us up.

And then we blame the parents. They barely have time to shower and kick their feet up before their next shift, but we expect them to have time to dedicate to contemplating how to improve their lives or how to teach their children they can get out of this life somehow. "Well then they shouldn't have children." Ya think? Oh wait but that goes back to the whole being raised by parents too busy trying to feed them than teach them abstinence or education. For generations, the parents in those communities literally do not have time to teach their children how to get out of this life because they either don't know or are too busy trying to keep them from starving.

So how do YOU in general propose these HUMAN BEINGS (calling them vermin and t***s is dehumanizing them so that we don't have to acknowledge that they are humans with thoughts and feelings and emotions and motivations) turn their lives around? Are you (again, in general, hypothetical you) going to pick them up and take them to their job every day until they save up enough to buy a car? Are you going to pay their utilities until they can afford to pay for their own? Are you going to educate them so that they know there are other options than Burger King and selling drugs?

Or are we going to just keep calling them names and refusing to acknowledge that for some, this is what their life has always been, for generations. But we want to pretend they can just find other solutions for themselves. They are KIDS. Kids who grew up around violence and drugs and no options.

Do some of them manage to find their way out of the inner city and make something of themselves? Yep. But I can almost guarantee that every single one of those had an outside influence of some sort. A friend or family member who encouraged them or provided an opportunity.

The VERY LEAST we can do, the absolute bare minimum we can do, is treat them like humans and hold accountable the LEO that abuse their power and use unnecessary force on them. The LEAST we can do is sentence them the same as we sentence white people for the same crimes. The LEAST we can do is LISTEN and try to understand. LISTEN and reach out to the children. LISTEN and be human freaking beings to one another.

I'm so tired of seeing people call them names, because it's easier than acknowledging that we really have had way more opportunities in our own lives than the people in nearly all "black" communities.

All, JMOO. I just want everyone to have a chance to be heard.
I grew up in poverty I know what it's like I know what it feels like to go to bed hungry,
I know what it's like to have nothing!
I didn't know what a Christmas tee was until I was in my teens, we had no tv, food was more important.
I didn't like it I wanted better, I worked my way out.
I now own my own business.. A very successful business. So please don't tell me it can't be done because this is the only thing they know!
P.S. You gotta want it, you gotta work hard for it, you gotta make it happen!
Making every excuse imaginable isn't helping matters either, as apparent by what is happening right now. At some point, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY has to come into play. MANY MANY people have been born into horrible situations--much worse and have succeeded. And please do not give me that there are "no options." Bull. This country is full of options and opportunities.
Agree. But I still feel that the totality of the anger which is being displayed would be more validated if it wasn't so bias.

You can't burn down the community when it comes to a case like this; But go about your merry way when babies are dying in drive by shootings. Or when some old lady is getting raped and killed by some local dope addict.

A thousand times this...hypocritical when many of the populance behave at least as badly as the cops they are protesting about.
See for me these parents are NOT the only ones who do not have a lot of time on their hands...there are millions of parents across the country who are in the SAME situation and their kids do NOT go out and riot which is then excused as 'needing to be heard'.

You want to be heard, quit speaking in violence...the cops are violent because the neighborhood is violent and the circle feeds itself. They DO have a part to play in their own poverty and yes the violence.
I wish I could post links to some really interesting stories and studies, but I don't think the race debate is going to be welcome or allowed (understandably).
I grew up in poverty I know what it's like I know what it feels like to go to bed hungry,
I know what it's like to have nothing!
I didn't know what a Christmas tee was until I was in my teens, we had no tv, food was more important.
I didn't like it I wanted better, I worked my way out.
I now own my own business.. A very successful business. So please don't tell me it can't be done because this is the only thing they know!
P.S. You gotta want it, you gotta work hard for it, you gotta make it happen!
Very well said. You overcame and didn't wallow in self pity or blame others for your situation. This country desperately needs more like you.
Some seem to think that everyone here came from a background that did not include poverty. It is easy to say we don't understand when the same people talking have no clue the history of posters here.

To me that excuse is part of the problem. They have been seduced/brainwashed into believing they are victims without options.

Even many AAs have made videos on FB talking about their own people. They consistently say if AAs want hope and change then CHANGE!

Its not the white people's fault that many AAs do not even finish high school. Its not the white people's fault that many AA males wind up in jail or prison. We have an AA democrat for President yet what has he done for the AAs? What has the AA Mayor done to decrease the high unemployment rate in BM?

Everyone no matter where they came from knows that does not define their future. Everyone has options. Everyone has choices whether dirt poor or wealthy.

And imo, many of these parents are single mothers without any fathers in the home to help raise and guide the children. Some of the parents don't work either. They rely on entitlements as if taxpayers owe them a living. It isn't the white people's fault that 90% of AA in BM who are murdered are killed by their own race. To me they are their own worst enemy. Hope and change starts with strong family ties, church, graduating high school (at least), and replacing entitlements with a honest job.

Saying they are helpless and have no options is nothing more than an excuse and that excuse is hurting them in the long run.

We have seen cases where an AA was homeless living out of a car yet was accepted to the best colleges in the nation. There is no excuse. If they want to reach their goal then it isn't going to be handed to them like so much has in their lives. They have to want it, work hard to get it and then and only then will it be obtainable.

But sitting back and crying victim will never advance their lives. I saw a FB video the other day by an intelligent AA gentleman. He said the very party his people have voted for time and time again are the very ones who have seen they are dependent on the government, and suppressed them the most.

It's REALLY easy to sit here on our computers with our internet access and all of our connections to see what's happening in the world, and judge these people who have next to nothing. It's really easy to say they should be responsible for SELF and stop blaming the system and others. But tell me, how easy is it to change what you've been raised to think or believe, especially when you have no method or even reason to disprove what you've been taught by your environment? It's not a spontaneous thing, to completely change your mindset and realize there are options you weren't aware of. You have to be made aware of them by someone you listen to. White people coming in and saying "There are other options" will be met with derision and sneers.

Here comes the white man to either save us or lock us up.

And then we blame the parents. They barely have time to shower and kick their feet up before their next shift, but we expect them to have time to dedicate to contemplating how to improve their lives or how to teach their children they can get out of this life somehow. "Well then they shouldn't have children." Ya think? Oh wait but that goes back to the whole being raised by parents too busy trying to feed them than teach them abstinence or education. For generations, the parents in those communities literally do not have time to teach their children how to get out of this life because they either don't know or are too busy trying to keep them from starving.

So how do YOU in general propose these HUMAN BEINGS (calling them vermin and t***s is dehumanizing them so that we don't have to acknowledge that they are humans with thoughts and feelings and emotions and motivations) turn their lives around? Are you (again, in general, hypothetical you) going to pick them up and take them to their job every day until they save up enough to buy a car? Are you going to pay their utilities until they can afford to pay for their own? Are you going to educate them so that they know there are other options than Burger King and selling drugs?

Or are we going to just keep calling them names and refusing to acknowledge that for some, this is what their life has always been, for generations. But we want to pretend they can just find other solutions for themselves. They are KIDS. Kids who grew up around violence and drugs and no options.

Do some of them manage to find their way out of the inner city and make something of themselves? Yep. But I can almost guarantee that every single one of those had an outside influence of some sort. A friend or family member who encouraged them or provided an opportunity.

The VERY LEAST we can do, the absolute bare minimum we can do, is treat them like humans and hold accountable the LEO that abuse their power and use unnecessary force on them. The LEAST we can do is sentence them the same as we sentence white people for the same crimes. The LEAST we can do is LISTEN and try to understand. LISTEN and reach out to the children. LISTEN and be human freaking beings to one another.

I'm so tired of seeing people call them names, because it's easier than acknowledging that we really have had way more opportunities in our own lives than the people in nearly all "black" communities.

All, JMOO. I just want everyone to have a chance to be heard.

I don't call "them" names per se. They are people. And part of the people who live there are good hard working people who are trying to do the best for their familes under the conditions they are in. They work when they can, they care for their kids always. Those are the ones we don't 'see.' Because their names aren't connected to crimes and because they are behind closed doors when the crimes go down.

But there are others. Yes them I may call names. Criminals who don't have any respect for life and property of others would have no respect for me. And I will give them no respect. Respect has to be earned, it is not an automatic right. And I don't those who don't even give others the right to breathe any respect.

And when we stand and try to protect those who have no respect, we do a disservice to those who do make the effort. Because if we keep trying to stand up for those with no respect, doesn't it make their effort seem useless? They could get the same respect by doing nothing and trying less.

I am not saying the second group is beyond hope. There are some who do try to change, to do better. Them I can respect. Them I can see trying to support. But if they can get the same respect without trying, why would they even try?

When you lump them all together you aren't recognizing those who do try. That can make it very hopeless for those who do try. If no one recognizes that they are different than the drug dealer on the corner, they might as well go deal drugs.
Yes one of my great grandmothers came over by ship via the Barnardo children's homes. Children who were living in the street or abandoned by parents were gathered up by Dr. Barnardo and sent to North American by ship. Conditions of these children were horrible - starving and left abandoned by those who could not afford to care for them. The upper class found the starving "waifs" on the street "embarrassing" and so they leapt at the solution to ship them out of England.

Surely you are not comparing the orphaned children in England 150 years ago to the rioting teens in Baltimore, are you?

If you are let me point out a few very important differences. In England those waifs would literally STARVE TO DEATH if they did not do whatever was necessary to survive. They would live on the streets with no shelter, no food, no medical care, and no free education.

Things have changed a LOT in the western world. No reasonable person could compare the rioting "teens" in Baltimore (they are NOT starving nor worried about starving, they receive free medical care, food stamps, free education, free meals at school, and subsidized or free housing, etc...) with the truly destitute homeless waifs of the 18th and 19th centuries.
I really wish CNN would differentiate between Monday's and Tuesday's activity. Yesterday was protests. But Monday evening was rioting in every sense of the word.

It seems like such a little thing. But the next time someone plans a protest they have this bar on how far they will go. And that bar is now being raised.
It's REALLY easy to sit here on our computers with our internet access and all of our connections to see what's happening in the world, and judge these people who have next to nothing. It's really easy to say they should be responsible for SELF and stop blaming the system and others. But tell me, how easy is it to change what you've been raised to think or believe, especially when you have no method or even reason to disprove what you've been taught by your environment? It's not a spontaneous thing, to completely change your mindset and realize there are options you weren't aware of. You have to be made aware of them by someone you listen to. White people coming in and saying "There are other options" will be met with derision and sneers.

Here comes the white man to either save us or lock us up.

And then we blame the parents. They barely have time to shower and kick their feet up before their next shift, but we expect them to have time to dedicate to contemplating how to improve their lives or how to teach their children they can get out of this life somehow. "Well then they shouldn't have children." Ya think? Oh wait but that goes back to the whole being raised by parents too busy trying to feed them than teach them abstinence or education. For generations, the parents in those communities literally do not have time to teach their children how to get out of this life because they either don't know or are too busy trying to keep them from starving.

So how do YOU in general propose these HUMAN BEINGS (calling them vermin and t***s is dehumanizing them so that we don't have to acknowledge that they are humans with thoughts and feelings and emotions and motivations) turn their lives around? Are you (again, in general, hypothetical you) going to pick them up and take them to their job every day until they save up enough to buy a car? Are you going to pay their utilities until they can afford to pay for their own? Are you going to educate them so that they know there are other options than Burger King and selling drugs?

Or are we going to just keep calling them names and refusing to acknowledge that for some, this is what their life has always been, for generations. But we want to pretend they can just find other solutions for themselves. They are KIDS. Kids who grew up around violence and drugs and no options.

Do some of them manage to find their way out of the inner city and make something of themselves? Yep. But I can almost guarantee that every single one of those had an outside influence of some sort. A friend or family member who encouraged them or provided an opportunity.

The VERY LEAST we can do, the absolute bare minimum we can do, is treat them like humans and hold accountable the LEO that abuse their power and use unnecessary force on them. The LEAST we can do is sentence them the same as we sentence white people for the same crimes. The LEAST we can do is LISTEN and try to understand. LISTEN and reach out to the children. LISTEN and be human freaking beings to one another.

I'm so tired of seeing people call them names, because it's easier than acknowledging that we really have had way more opportunities in our own lives than the people in nearly all "black" communities.

All, JMOO. I just want everyone to have a chance to be heard.

It seems that you are giving these people very little credit and minimizing their own abilities to recognize the need for change or improvement. And also downplaying their capabilities and potential. You seem to be saying they come from generations of addicts and low lives and can't do any better and it's not their fault. Is that helpful? I would rather EMPOWER them and remind them of their personal strengths and personal responsibilities. JMO

Eyewitnesses: The Baltimore Riots Didn't Start the Way You Think

After Baltimore police and a crowd of teens clashed near the Mondawmin Mall in northwest Baltimore on Monday afternoon, news reports described the violence as a riot triggered by kids who had been itching for a fight all day. But in interviews with Mother Jones and other media outlets, teachers and parents maintain that police actions inflamed a tense-but-stable situation.


Mother Jones

How drunk sports fans helped spark Saturday night's post-protest violence

On Saturday night, following the violence that broke out near Camden Yards, a photo of me supposedly protecting a woman from violent protesters surfaced on BuzzFeed and then trickled down to the conservative armpit of the internet where it was mischaracterized. In the photo, I look strangely heroic, and the picture was quickly co-opted by those who like to present an all-too-common and easy narrative: white people being terrorized by black people.

The truth, or as much as I have been able to cobble together from my own memory and notes, videos online, video I shot, and videos from City Paper’s Managing Editor Baynard Woods, is far less interesting, though much more important than “white dude saves white lady.”


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