MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #2

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Welcome to WS january and thank you for your interest in Phylicia's case.

So do we gather that the searches of the well were fruitless? How frustrating, it seemed as though something might be breaking last night and I thought that perhaps someone was finally talking. And now it is almost as easy to begin to believe that P did get out of the apartment on her own and was abducted soon after.

Still, I can't get past 20 men in and out of there.
So do we gather that the searches of the well were fruitless? How frustrating, it seemed as though something might be breaking last night and I thought that perhaps someone was finally talking. And now it is almost as easy to begin to believe that P did get out of the apartment on her own and was abducted soon after.

Still, I can't get past 20 men in and out of there.

BBM. I am beginning to think along the same lines. We know that scent dogs (what kind?) tracked to her a particular spot in her sisters apartment parking lot. What we don't know is how it was or if it has been determined if that track is from the Tuesday she went missing or the previous weekend.... WS verified members sarx and Oriah gave some good info in the Jury Room how it is determined how old the trail is based on the amount of time it takes the dogs to follow the trail.

I'm perplexed, either she left with someone she was familiar with, someone known or unknown to her - heck it could have been a visitor of another resident in the building forced her to get into their car in the parking lot or she left to go get something to eat and was abducted prior to being captured on survellience video.....

I hope and pray something breaks in this case soon!
and I wish LE would release some info other than they have nothing. Have they been able to rule anyone out in the Barnes or Johnson family? Even that would help people to look in other directions.

and I wish LE would release some info other than they have nothing. Have they been able to rule anyone out in the Barnes or Johnson family? Even that would help people to look in other directions.


Me too.
I've seen in several articles now, LE saying that all they have are opinions and personal alibis (people vouching for each other, with no outside proof), they have no evidence, nothing to go on. How difficult would that be, to just have all these people of interest CTA (plural of CYA), and not knowing who is telling the truth or not. Clearly LE is taking this case seriously, given their response to the well tip. Maybe the well tip had more to it. Who did it come from?

Have they checked video from the metro station?
Have they checked the RSO who lived on Bend rd until Dec 12?
okay i have comments and questions first time posting just how well did pb mother know db and family i know pb connected with family about three years ago. did pb mom pay a visit before allowing pb to connect with db and siblings . i picture pb as being very smart but naive. i think she wanted to fit in. we all wanted to fit in when we were teens. obiviously pb enjoyed her fredom her in bmore. she even choose towson as her college. db and friends unfortunately just wasnt the crowd to be with and im sure pb may at times wondered she i be here. now to mj and brothers and their friends just what are their character. these guys could be involved in a gang. i sure would like to see a picture of mj and brothers.

Hi there and welcome!
Not sure how well JS (mom) knew the Baltimore Barnes. PB had visited BMore on three other occasions, and had visited the Barnes family in Atlanta a few times, as well. Not sure if JS had gone to BMore with PB, or if she had always gone alone? It may be that PB's father was there, supervising, too.
Most of the FB and Myspace pages have been changed or set to private. But the best place to see pics is on MJ's youngest bro's myspace. He had a lot of pictures. There are also some up on the Find Phylicia Barnes facebook page, but you have to dig for them. Unfortunately, since none of them (even MJ) have been named in MSM, I don't believe I can post or link pictures of them here. Hope that helps.
I don't think they have cleared anyone, have they? How can they? We have not heard about any LD tests, have we?

I have been trying to stay postive for Phylicia and her family. But also trying to think if there has been an abduction of a child as old as 16 at time of abduction, who was later found unharmed/alive? I thought of Ann Sluti, which was a very unusual case, I think she was about P's age, so that is hopeful.
I don't think they have cleared anyone, have they? How can they? We have not heard about any LD tests, have we?

I have been trying to stay postive for Phylicia and her family. But also trying to think if there has been an abduction of a child as old as 16 at time of abduction, who was later found unharmed/alive? I thought of Ann Sluti, which was a very unusual case, I think she was about P's age, so that is hopeful.

As far as I know, no one has been cleared, everyone's a person of interest, and nobody has done a lie detector test. They have twelve POI's. They have searched the cars and homes of these POI's and came up with zero, zilch, nothing. I am beginning to side with those of you who think this may have been a stranger abduction after all.

Although I believe JS (mom) and RB (dad) have been cleared, because they were in different states.
I, like many, am very curious about MJ's brother. Why has his place in the time line only recently been mentioned? He stayed over-night, and his brother picked him up the next morning. So, he was the second-to-last person, that we know of, to see Phylicia?

Do we know if Phylicia had her own key to the apartment?

I keep thinking that someone came by, and offered to treat her to drive-thru or something of that nature. If they offered to buy, that would explain why she did not bring money. It would also explain why she would leave in her slippers (assuming she would not have to get out of the car) and, if she believed it was going to be a quick trip, why she would feel comfortable leaving the door unlocked. It seems likely that she got into a vehicle on her own, or perhaps she was persuaded by a firearm.
I, like many, am very curious about MJ's brother. Why has his place in the time line only recently been mentioned? He stayed over-night, and his brother picked him up the next morning. So, he was the second-to-last person, that we know of, to see Phylicia?

Do we know if Phylicia had her own key to the apartment?

I keep thinking that someone came by, and offered to treat her to drive-thru or something of that nature. If they offered to buy, that would explain why she did not bring money. It would also explain why she would leave in her slippers (assuming she would not have to get out of the car) and, if she believed it was going to be a quick trip, why she would feel comfortable leaving the door unlocked. It seems likely that she got into a vehicle on her own, or perhaps she was persuaded by a firearm.

Good questions. I keep wondering myself why this brother/cousin is being protected? Is it because he is a minor? Is it because he was "dating" PB? Those of us who had been sleuthing the brothers had suspected one of the younger brothers, but didn't have anything to go on.

Did KB have a key to the apartment? If so, then PB didn't need one, because she was supposed to always be with one or the other, or her brother, BB. But we can see how well all the other "supposed to's" have worked out.

Your point about the slippers and going to a drive-up-window makes a LOT of sense. Especially if PB, being such an obedient youngster, liked to find small ways to disobey within reason. So when criticized later, she'd have a rational explanation for why she hadn't done what she was told.
Anyway, good food for thought there. Thanks!

Good questions. I keep wondering myself why this brother/cousin is being protected? Is it because he is a minor? Is it because he was "dating" PB? Those of us who had been sleuthing the brothers had suspected one of the younger brothers, but didn't have anything to go on.

Did KB have a key to the apartment? If so, then PB didn't need one, because she was supposed to always be with one or the other, or her brother, BB. But we can see how well all the other "supposed to's" have worked out.

Your point about the slippers and going to a drive-up-window makes a LOT of sense. Especially if PB, being such an obedient youngster, liked to find small ways to disobey within reason. So when criticized later, she'd have a rational explanation for why she hadn't done what she was told.
Anyway, good food for thought there. Thanks!

Who was the first person to bring up MJ's younger brother? Was it MJ himself? I'm trying to recall without going back in the thread (I will though). I recall, after reading of the younger brother/cousin, thinking that perhaps MJ is getting a little tired of taking so much heat (especially after he mentioned being monitored by LE).

Also, a note on the younger brother vs. cousin thing... "cousin" is often used as slang for someone close to you. I've heard it used to reference friends, siblings and actual cousins. Not saying that's how it was used here (I'll have to listen to all of the interviews in depth), but just thought I'd put that out there.

Although this is my first post here, I feel like I am already familiar with some of you in this thread (georgiajean!)! I've been slowly reading through the entire thread for the last week, and finally reached this page today. Great work, and great ideas. Wonderful site in general, which I am glad to have found after seeing a very brief spot on Phylicia on CNN.
Who was the first person to bring up MJ's younger brother? Was it MJ himself? I'm trying to recall without going back in the thread (I will though). I recall, after reading of the younger brother/cousin, thinking that perhaps MJ is getting a little tired of taking so much heat (especially after he mentioned being monitored by LE).

Also, a note on the younger brother vs. cousin thing... "cousin" is often used as slang for someone close to you. I've heard it used to reference friends, siblings and actual cousins. Not saying that's how it was used here (I'll have to listen to all of the interviews in depth), but just thought I'd put that out there.

Although this is my first post here, I feel like I am already familiar with some of you in this thread (georgiajean!)! I've been slowly reading through the entire thread for the last week, and finally reached this page today. Great work, and great ideas. Wonderful site in general, which I am glad to have found after seeing a very brief spot on Phylicia on CNN.

At the top of page 6 in this thread is the transcript for the Peas in Their Pods interview. This is the first time that MJ's brother/cousin was mentioned. Then MJ talked about it on the Find PB facebook page.

The brother/cousin confusion also came from the Peas interview, because DB and KB referred to MJ's little brother during the first half of the interview, and then the moderator was corrected when she said "brother", and told that it was actually a cousin. So that's why my confusion. I can see someone calling someone "cousin" in the way you described, and then clarifying that it is actually a brother. Does it also go the other way? Would you call someone your brother, when actually he was a cousin? I am thinking maybe so. Maybe I'll just call him MJ's Bro/Cou until we know for sure.
Police in Baltimore have received help from Maryland state police and the FBI. A broadcasting company has donated space on billboards along the Interstate 95 corridor between Baltimore and New York City. The billboards include Barnes' photo and are in response to the possibility that the Monroe teen might have been abducted and taken out of Baltimore.
Baltimore police say they have received several dozen tips and conducted a number of searches. The most recent was Thursday night in southwest Baltimore. Officers looked on residential property, searching a garage and a well.

Read more:
U.S. Rep. Larry Kissell, whose 8th Congressional District includes Monroe, said he has offered his help to Phylicia's family. He told WCNC-TV, the Observer's news partner, that he and U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., have been working together.
"We want to keep the story alive," Kissell told WCNC-TV. "Somebody might talk to somebody who talks to somebody, and that may be the break that we are looking for to get her back home safely."

At the top of page 6 in this thread is the transcript for the Peas in Their Pods interview. This is the first time that MJ's brother/cousin was mentioned. Then MJ talked about it on the Find PB facebook page.

The brother/cousin confusion also came from the Peas interview, because DB and KB referred to MJ's little brother during the first half of the interview, and then the moderator was corrected when she said "brother", and told that it was actually a cousin. So that's why my confusion. I can see someone calling someone "cousin" in the way you described, and then clarifying that it is actually a brother. Does it also go the other way? Would you call someone your brother, when actually he was a cousin? I am thinking maybe so. Maybe I'll just call him MJ's Bro/Cou until we know for sure.

Thank you! I just listened (while reading along to your transcription, which was great btw). Also scoured the Find PB FB page and saw where MJ references his Bro/Cou. It seems likely that it is his brother, as opposed to cousin. I'm thinking the Barnes family may have backtracked in the interview and began referring to him as a cousin to protect his identity (since she had some concern over his age and discussing him any further). Then MJ confirmed on FB that the BroCou is his brother. Now the question is... which brother?
I have not been able to find the FB page that is being referenced here often...does anyone have a link?
The link to the Find PB FB page is in post #10 in this thread. I took the bro/cousin thing to be J's youngest brother who is in HS and may be a minor. It is against WS TOS to 'sleuth' a minor, so we can't sleuth him. We can discuss him based on the Peas's interview and FB info, but it has not been confirmed via MSM exactly who this is.

There is a 'rumor' on the FB the reward is up to 10,000 but nothing to confirm this via MSM. If the 10,000 is accurate why hasn't that been released to the public via MSM?

Any locals following here? I would love to see some pictures of the billboards if any locals are following.

I'm going to look around and see if I can find any info on either the Baltimore PD's site or MD state police site to see if we can find some confirmation about where the reward currently stands.
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