MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #2

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Back to the Peas interview. Did anyone find it odd BB claims LE told them NOT to take polys for legal reasons? That makes no sense to me. LE usually requests poly's- which must be taken voluntarily to rule out possible POI's. If LE is not concerned over any of the B's taking poly's it tells me they have other solid info to verify an alibi to rule them out without a poly.

Now, MJ on the other hand lawyered up and as far as I see has not offered to take a voluntary Poly. Wouldn't he be begging LE to give him a poly so he can be ruled out and LE can focus in the right direction? ETA: his cousin too... or any of the J family who can not provide solid alibi's for their whereabouts the tuesday PB went missing.

jmo of course

For him to want to take a poly ,even if he is innocent he would have to trust LE . I dont believe he would one no matter what.

If he is innocent I could see him thinking he was geting set up.
Just got caught up on the Find PB site (I think. It changes so rapidly there).
It will be interesting to see what he says after listening to the interview.
I find it amazing that he says he was not in a relationship since June 2010.

They moved INTO that apartment the summer of 2010. Why would he continue to live there, after they broke up? Is this a matter of after the fact, looking back and realizing their relationship was dead for a long time, and "backdating" to when he realized it was over, in retrospect?

If there was a "new" boyfriend in the works, is this the person who they are calling MJ's "younger brother/cousin who is older than PB"? Or is it someone who has not been named or mentioned yet?

YIkes, this thing is beginning to have more turns and twists than a twizzler.

Based on what MJ and GIJ are saying, their family has been seriously investigated, but LE said two days ago (I posted the article earlier) that MJ is NOT as suspect at this time. So whatever LE did, they feel they have cleared him?

How and Why did the "little brother" turn into a "cousin"? Was this an example of people tripping up while covering up?

And I read on the Find PB site that the caller who called into the PEas interview and really cornered KB was one of the main posters on the Find PB site. Or was saying that she was. Whoever it was, she was good. She should be a journalist or investigator.
MJ has started to open up on the Find PB FB group. Link to Find BP FB is in post 10 of this thread.

Paraphrased. (these were comments/dialogue made in the early hours of 1-19 )

MJ claims he was assisting in the investigation until the 'big incident' happened, and alleges that he is being targeted because he has a new girlfriend and aludes to being targeted because DB is upset about his having a new gf. (his words, not mine). He has lawyered up because LE took his things. He doesn't say specifically what they took but it sounds like his car and computer at min. He also mentions being followed by investigators. He says he works nights which is why we see posts in the wee hours of the morning.

He claims PB had tensions with someone in baltimore but it is claiming this person PB had tentions with is not someone in his family. He wants to listen to the Peas interiew and will share more after he listens to the interview, claiming much of what was said is lies.

Did you see where GIJ said he was in a cell for 12 hours, and then interviewed for 30 minutes? Thought that was interesting.
I do feel that LE has thoroughly investigated this family, and knows what is going on.
For him to want to take a poly ,even if he is innocent he would have to trust LE . I dont believe he would one no matter what.

If he is innocent I could see him thinking he was geting set up.

Then he should cooperate with the assistance of his atty. I was under the impression from his FB comments he is no longer cooperating with LE but I could be wrong...
Did you see where GIJ said he was in a cell for 12 hours, and then interviewed for 30 minutes? Thought that was interesting.
I do feel that LE has thoroughly investigated this family, and knows what is going on.

I missed this comment. I wonder why 12 hours and then only a 30 minute interview. Hopefully that is one of the things MJ expands on after he listens to the Peas interview.

In reference to another comment about LE stating he is not a suspect. LE does that all the time. The reiterate that in MSM when they are not ready to officially name someone a suspect pubically. There is a big difference between LE saying someone is not a suspect and saying they are ruled out. LE has not publically ruled anyone out.
Still waiting on a call back from SAR that covers Maryland. Also spoke with other SAR in NC. They weren't notified for over a week, nor was I. How is this possible??? Since it was a personal phone call for me, I don't have a link. Can anyone confirm that through a media report for me?? TIA.

ETA: I haven't had the chance to catch up thoroughly yet so I apologize if this has been asked and answered, but I'm confused by her myspace page. The comments left by PB and the dates associated with. I understand that the page may be being managed...but the Dec 29, Dec 31st dates seemed odd to me if if they were from other years or it was reworked by family or LE?
Still waiting on a call back from SAR that covers Maryland. Also spoke with other SAR in NC. They weren't notified for over a week, nor was I. How is this possible??? Since it was a personal phone call for me, I don't have a link. Can anyone confirm that through a media report for me?? TIA.

For me, personally, I'll take your information on it over msm anyday. Being that you are verified SAR I think that also counts as solid information.
Still waiting on a call back from SAR that covers Maryland. Also spoke with other SAR in NC. They weren't notified for over a week, nor was I. How is this possible??? Since it was a personal phone call for me, I don't have a link. Can anyone confirm that through a media report for me?? TIA.

ETA: I haven't had the chance to catch up thoroughly yet so I aspologize if this has been asked and answered, but I'm confused by her myspace page. The comments left by PB and the dates associated with. I understand that the page may be being managed...but the Dec 29, Dec 31st dates seemed odd to me if if they were from other years or it was reworked by family or LE?

You are verified so a personal telephone call is fine. I agree with sarx and will take your info over MSM anytime! :blowkiss:
So this means no SAR was there with dogs until she was missing for 1 week? Am I understanding this correctly? tia

The comments on PB's myspace page were from December of 2009. I too was confused at first but when I looked a second time there are comments from her following the Dec 09 posts in the spring of '10.

You are verified so a personal telephone call is fine. I agree with sarx and will take your info over MSM anytime! :blowkiss:
So this means no SAR was there with dogs until she was missing for 1 week? Am I understanding this correctly? tia

The comments on PB's myspace page were from December of 2009. I too was confused at first but when I looked a second time there are comments from her following the Dec 09 posts in the spring of '10.


Well what it means to me is that the dogs that lost her scent in the parking lot were most likely police K9's that were called after the PD responded to the initial missing report. Which means there's a very good chance they may not have been specifically trained for trailing, but for police K9 work. Which means then there was a week+ lag time to try and pick up a scent again. :(
However, without confirmation from Maryland- can't be 100% positive of that yet.

Thanks for clarifying the MS page. It seemed a touch ironic- I guessed they visit Baltimore annually when she is on break from school.
Yes, PB was encouraged by her mother 2 years ago to contact her half siblings that she had not been in contact with for 8 years since she was 7 or 8. We know of the two visits and I believe PB also visited her fathers side of the family at a family reunion in Atlanta...... her fathers children all reside (IIRC) in the Baltimore area and according to MSM her college of choice was one near Baltimore.

Just to add a little background.

Thank you for seeing what you can find out/confirm regarding the search dogs used for this case. Is there a general question answer thread anywhere for questions regarding SAR, the differences in K-9 versus other scent dogs where we can ask more general questions for our own understanding that may or may not be directly related to PB's case? If so can you please link to the thread here?

Yes, PB was encouraged by her mother 2 years ago to contact her half siblings that she had not been in contact with for 8 years since she was 7 or 8. We know of the two visits and I believe PB also visited her fathers side of the family at a family reunion in Atlanta...... her fathers children all reside (IIRC) in the Baltimore area and according to MSM her college of choice was one near Baltimore.

Just to add a little background.

Thank you for seeing what you can find out/confirm regarding the search dogs used for this case. Is there a general question answer thread anywhere for questions regarding SAR, the differences in K-9 versus other scent dogs where we can ask more general questions for our own understanding that may or may not be directly related to PB's case? If so can you please link to the thread here?


From what I have gathered, between all the MS,FB, Twitter, and media, PB first contacted the Baltimore family in May 2009.
She went to a family reunion in Atlanta summer, 2009. DB and KB drove to NC to pick her up, and took her.
PB visited over Christmas holiday Dec. 2009.
PB visited some time during the summer, 2010.
And PB visited this Dec. 2010.
There may be another visit over a spring break in 2010 but I have no evidence of it.
Cubby, I've been in contact with Kimmer about this. I'm going to go ahead and start one in the Jury Room and then it can be moved later if wanted/needed. We've had several instances where it would be really handy. Be back with a link in a few.
Bumping this post by investigate1, because I think it has a lot of relevance to the recent Peas interview. I would like to know if the person we know as "MJ's younger brother" from FB/MS/Twitter is the brother/cousin who stayed at the house Monday night. I bolded the parts that seemed especially relevant.

Hope I didn't break rules here. I attempted to type carefully. I like reading on the Find PB page. A lot of real thought there and it appears that some of the youngsters live there in B-more. Something that is of importance is, knowing how to read in between the lines and some-what understanding this type of life style or (once being exposed) to this type of life style. It makes it a little easier to understand.

I too am a 60's baby. I've been exposed to much. Been in plenty different situations. Yet was never a follower. I find PB to be quite different from the B-more atmosphere that she was surrounded by at the time (while visiting B-more). On FB, the younger brother of MJ (teased PB about her grammar) how different it was from the ppl in B-more. Many times he would tease PB about certain things and once told her that she didn't know what she was talking about. At one point, PB wanted to be in B-more and mentioned that she didn't have a way to get there. The younger brother of MJ told PB to... (walk). It wouldn't be too difficult to examine PB's text or FB status (to see if it were really her who typed it).

As far as the tatt on PB, perhaps the mother approved of the tatt if it was small and respectable. If PB was an amazing student in school, PB might have asked for permission to receive the tatt and the mother may have approved. I made my children wait until they were 18.

Certainly, PB was not perfect. I see where she typed bad words a few times (from the past) on some of her sites. The bad words were not horrible. Yet, they still remain posted. So, I don't know exactly how well PB's mother was monitoring the activity. It is wide open on the sites how thuggish MJ, his brother's and friends live. They even have pics posted. They really disrespect females with how horrible they speak about females, sex, drinking and drugs. I see they want a music career as well.

It is (EXTREMELY ODD) that MJ decided to move out on the day in question. (if that is true). Stepping out of the picture and looking in; he left the situation with a BANG! With some sort of attitude. I believe he left the music loud and door unlock to show his disgust for having to leave. I believe he would have done anything to hurt DB's heart for making him move. He didn't want to move. It was very comfortable for him there. For him to leave so abruptly on the day in question (makes him a number one suspect). Put on top of that, he probably had thuggish family members with him or friends or both present to assist him. On top of drinking and smoking.

While moving, if one of them tried to hit on PB (knowing she was alone), if PB said the wrong thing to the wrong person, she would have been in trouble right away. These guys do NOT respect females. Plus, PB is not from B-more. They only cared so much for her. Even one of MJ's sisters said that she only met PB once. (nothing quoted) The sister also stated that she wish that ppl would leave her (peeps) alone; then continued the rest of her post in reference to PB. One of the brothers also stated (family before all) Someone also makes a statement such as (not quoted) if a female gets drunk and let guys pull a tra****(sexual act) on her etc..etc.. etc...

You also have one of MJ's bothers speaking about how he tossed the box out (not quoted). You also have another brother stating that he knows this is going to catch up with him (not quoted) but close enough. That was a day or 2 after the day in question. I could go on and on.

Investigate1, if you have more information, especially in light of the interview on Peas, I'd really like to see it. I am at the point now where I have no idea WHO is lying or telling the truth among this whole crew.
link not working for me.... give me a few min and I will try to fix/update.

ETA: link for the general questions and answers on SAR dogs and K-9 dogs. This is a members only thread so if you are not registered at WS and would like to participate please join and become a member of this fantastic community.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
I think where LE is stuck is not so much on the possible "who" in this case, as the how and the where...and they need to get the public involved for any potential witnesses. I wish they could show the vehicles of the possible POI's to the public, to try to trigger any memories, although at this late date, it probably would not be very useful.
According to DB/KB/BB, per their interview on Peas in Their Pods, 1-18-11


Tuesday 12-28

  • 8:45 DB leaves for work. Sees PB sleeping. DB knows that MJ is coming to the apartment at some point to pick up his little brother/cousin(?)

But MJ was already at the apartment from the night before. WHy would he need to tell her if he already lives there?
Trying to spread the word, but yeah to be honest if your black and missing forget about it. Its the truth. That applies to males too.

No MSM wants to dwell on some black teen lost in Bmore. It happens frequently and lets face it Bmore is high on crime. If the story isnt juicy enough or the victim isnt attractive then if takes hard work to keep the case in the media.

Im in Texas and i've only heard this story on the internet. I contacted local media and they werent interested.
Trying to spread the word, but yeah to be honest if your black and missing forget about it. Its the truth. That applies to males too.

No MSM wants to dwell on some black teen lost in Bmore. It happens frequently and lets face it Bmore is high on crime. If the story isnt juicy enough or the victim isnt attractive then if takes hard work to keep the case in the media.

Im in Texas and i've only heard this story on the internet. I contacted local media and they werent interested.

Thanks for trying local media. I'm hitting up NC because they should have a lot more interest. We'll see what gets rolling there.
Unfortunately statistics do point to the trend that you mention.
It's a trend that needs to be broken, and where better than on WS? We're getting to be MSM, aren't we? ;)

Black, white, or purple- rich, poor, or middle class- educated or uneducated....children are children and when they're missing under unfavorable circumstances, they need to be found. Ditto for vulnerable adults.

Missing NC honor student case baffles Md. police

BALTIMORE – If anyone knows how Phylicia Barnes spent her 17th birthday, they aren't saying. Three weeks after the visiting honor student vanished in Baltimore, police are pessimistic, but her mother is holding onto hope.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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