MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #2

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MD state police links to NCMEC for their missing children. No state MP files I can find online.

Baltimore PD links here:

A pop up to a missing persons alert and a link to the recent pressers (which I can't listen to due to no working speakers) - nothing about the current amount of the reward in writing. :banghead:,-police-still-searching-for-missing-teenager
$10,000 and link to Pray for PB page.
$10000 reward.

It is out there, just not plastered everywhere like it ought to be. Every time her name is mentioned, it ought to have the reward after it...
The link to the Find PB FB page is in post #10 in this thread. I took the bro/cousin thing to be J's youngest brother who is in HS and may be a minor. It is against WS TOS to 'sleuth' a minor, so we can't sleuth him. We can discuss him based on the Peas's interview and FB info, but it has not been confirmed via MSM exactly who this is.


Very hard to say who the Bro/Cou is. Because the person I thought it was has been denied on the Find PB FB page. I did not realize there was another younger brother in high school.
Also, when the Peas moderator tried to pin down more details on this Bro/Cou, DB and KB were adamant that he was not in the same age range as PB. That he was older than PB, but younger than MJ. (This could have been a CYA move, but also could have been the truth) This was confusing to me, because I would consider anyone in high school to be around PB's age?? So this made me look at the over-19 bro/cou's.
They said teenager so I assumed minor. It is very confusing and I think DB and KB were not so much in a cya mode, but rather being cautious and not naming someone not named by LE - not putting themselves in a position to impede the case kind of thing. I've worked with family and friends of missing persons and there is some information that simply can not be released to the public for reasons of both impeding the case and LE or others leaving themself open to a lawsuit.

It is very confusing because it has not been clarified who was there in the am, versus all the MSM info about who was there the evening before.........

This case can give me a headache with all the what if's. I wish LE would officially clear somethings up.... it leaves me wondering if the reason they have not cleared things up is because certain person known to be at the apt Tuesday have not been cleared.

also im thinking did i read pb was texting mj younger brother not texting but um talking back and fourth to each other on my space or facebook. i recall reading somewhere we he (mj's younger brother) criticize pb about something then recanted by saying sike. please foregive me im over 50. not into texting and crap. i also do believe pb may have had a crush on young bro. i believe pb may have gone willing with whom ever to get food. but person had other plans.
okay its me again im clueless i looked up mj and brother on myspace these guys look way to innocent to do anything that foolish they both work and attending school and i dont see written anywhere they look preppy to me okay who hasnt smoked weed or drank a 40. could be she was bascially abducted by a stranger breaking into apt.
There is a 'rumor' on the FB the reward is up to 10,000 but nothing to confirm this via MSM. If the 10,000 is accurate why hasn't that been released to the public via MSM?

Any locals following here? I would love to see some pictures of the billboards if any locals are following.

I'm going to look around and see if I can find any info on either the Baltimore PD's site or MD state police site to see if we can find some confirmation about where the reward currently stands.

There are pictures of billboards in this newslink.

I believe they said they had been placed along I-95 between Baltimore and NY.
okay its me again im clueless i looked up mj and brother on myspace these guys look way to innocent to do anything that foolish they both work and attending school and i dont see written anywhere they look preppy to me okay who hasnt smoked weed or drank a 40. could be she was bascially abducted by a stranger breaking into apt.

I agree however we all know 'bad guys' don't necessarily look like bad guys and come in all shapes, sizes, races, background, education and income levels.

I think we also know where there is weed there are *some* who don't stop with the use of weed only.

I just continue to pray something breaks in this case soon.
okay its me again im clueless i looked up mj and brother on myspace these guys look way to innocent to do anything that foolish they both work and attending school and i dont see written anywhere they look preppy to me okay who hasnt smoked weed or drank a 40. could be she was bascially abducted by a stranger breaking into apt.

Let's play devil's advocate for a moment and assume MJ & Co had nothing to do with PB's disappearance and that MJ is telling the truth:

- MJ left the apartment at 1:30
- PB was asleep
- MJ locked the door behind him

If PB were abducted by a stranger IN THE APT, the stranger would have to have known:

- that PB was inside (I don't think regular petty thieves end up abducting people, with no trace especially)
- that MJ wasn't returning
- have to have some sign of forced entry (I'm giving PB the benefit of the doubt, that she wouldn't have answered the door for a stranger, but even if she did, who knew she was in there ALONE?)

If PB were abducted by someone outside of the apartment while on her way elsewhere:

- she would have taken phone/money if going to get a snack
- she probably would have had more communication with DB/KB after waking from her nap

I'm still leaning towards MJ & Co, or a very close associate. JMHO
Did any of the 20 men who were in and out of the apartment while she was visiting also live in the same complex? Sorry if I missed this...
Did any of the 20 men who were in and out of the apartment while she was visiting also live in the same complex? Sorry if I missed this...

It has not been reported if they did or did not reside in the same complex. No information regarding the 20 has been released outside of LE has narrowed down to 12 POI's.
Let's play devil's advocate for a moment and assume MJ & Co had nothing to do with PB's disappearance and that MJ is telling the truth:

- MJ left the apartment at 1:30
- PB was asleep
- MJ locked the door behind him

If PB were abducted by a stranger IN THE APT, the stranger would have to have known:

- that PB was inside (I don't think regular petty thieves end up abducting people, with no trace especially)
- that MJ wasn't returning
- have to have some sign of forced entry (I'm giving PB the benefit of the doubt, that she wouldn't have answered the door for a stranger, but even if she did, who knew she was in there ALONE?)

If PB were abducted by someone outside of the apartment while on her way elsewhere:

- she would have taken phone/money if going to get a snack
- she probably would have had more communication with DB/KB after waking from her nap

I'm still leaning towards MJ & Co, or a very close associate. JMHO

Excellent points. IIRC PB never reported to her sisters she was going to sleep. The only person who reported this was MJ. Why would MJ report she was asleep if he didn't give DB the courtesy of letting her know what time he would be arriving in the am to move his things? Are we to believe he'd call or text to say your sister is sleeping on the couch when he was unwilling to let DB know in advance about what time he'd he arriving at the apartment? I mean, from the peas interview I understood it that DB knew MJ would be by sometime but not what time.

I too am still leaning towards MJ & Co or close associate.

Any thoughts or idea's on why LE is not releasing more info under the 'wanted for questioning and are not considered a suspect at this time' guise. We often see something along those lines from LE and we are not seeing that in this case.
I was thinking if any of the 12-20 also lived in the complex, maybe they saw the sister leave, and later saw the ex come and go, and figured she was alone. Maybe they knocked and she answered...
Hello everyone: Being a mother of 2 teens in NC, I was touched by this story. Found about it 2 weeks out. Now at 3+ weeks out and I am very concerned. I listened to the "Peas" interview of the half siblings and was surprised that it was completely different from statements made by the mother, JS. Here are my thoughts after reviewing it twice

1. I counted 4 x that DB referred to the other gentleman as her ex's "little brother", then changed to "cousin" before she exited the call.

2. When DB was asked for an age on the bro/cousin, she just said "he is young". But later KB was asked if he was younger or older than PB and she said "older". So if he is older than PB, but considered young to DB, I'm guessing he is around 18-21ish.

3. I am too thru with KB because if you're coming to get someone, you're coming to get someone whether they are calling you back, texting back, sleep, taking a shower or what! I don't understand why she (allegedly) did not go check on that child. That is a BIG problem for me. Also there is a discrepency in their text activity. First, KB said that she too was receiving texts from PB at 10am (around the same time as DB) and said her last text from PB was at 11:08. Then later she changed up and said that she did not even attempt to reach her until 12-12:30 and was already on the way...

4. I don't appreciate that everyone received a phone call except mom, who had to call up there (herself) on instinct. Why would you not notify her mother if she is missing? Could it be that you need more time to get your lies straight???

I'm sorry, these "sisters" are very inconsistent and sketchy to me. I'm not saying they are involved in whatever happened. But they are trying to paint this guiltless picture like they are on the up and up and were the perfect hostesses to this young lady when they know it was completely opposite! They were treating her like an adult and exposing her to adult activities. At 16, she was still a child. They failed to do what they agreed, which was look after her at all times. I don't have anything bad to say about JS other than she used poor judgement trusting her baby with them <mod snip>.
I agree, Carolina, I think something happened as a result of the people who came in and out of the apartment, either directly or indirectly. I am astounded that the sister would have that sort of "action" going on when her underage sister comes for a "girls weekend" kind of visit.
also im thinking did i read pb was texting mj younger brother not texting but um talking back and fourth to each other on my space or facebook. i recall reading somewhere we he (mj's younger brother) criticize pb about something then recanted by saying sike. please foregive me im over 50. not into texting and crap. i also do believe pb may have had a crush on young bro. i believe pb may have gone willing with whom ever to get food. but person had other plans.

Some of the things in your quote, comes from some of the things I have typed in the past. Meaning, before MJ and GIJ came forward in enlightening the public on some of the inconsistencies. Also, I read somewhere that was used. could be the wrong term to use. Yet, when people from the outside are researching, reading some of the comments from the people who socialize, the grammar is harsh; along with some of the behavior. One, can not deny that.

After reviewing what a couple of the brothers were saying, it absolutely changes the way other people were viewing this situation. At first all the blame was being placed on one particular brother (from what people could gather) through media and interviews that DB had gave.

I still stick with, it appeared as if PB admired one of the younger brothers (perhaps) wanting his attention. If PB thought she could fit in with the crowd (as I've read somewhere) or wanted to fit in, (she should have known better). DB should have known that PB wouldn't be able to keep up with the crowd. I'm (assuming) that (DB) assured PB's mother that PB would be just fine while visiting.

Someone recently on this thread gave a scenario of what he or she thought could have happened. I read it closely and that very well could be a possibility. Sound convincing to me. Allow me to add that, MJ and GIJ did not come across as thugs while communicating with people on the find PB group on FB. They came across as (very well educated). As they should.

DB and friends appear to be very close. Must be a lot of feelings there. Especially during this time period. It's sad that PB is missing. She had to be afraid at the time (once she found out what was going on). Can't say if she is still with us or gone. Someone knows but, perhaps the public will never know.
I think she was torn: on one hand she wanted to make the best of the visit she had so been looking forward to. On the other hand, she knew she was in over her head with bad company, but didn't want her mom to worry.

I saw another interview where JS stated that PB had reached out to her older sister "back home" and confided that someone in the house (a male) had made an advancement toward her (the night before) that she rejected. The sister kept quiet about this until it came out that she was missing.

I know police have interviewed all of DB's friends, but they should be interviewing this "other" sister because they were in constant contact with each other the entire time. Either by FB, Skype, or phone. I feel that she will have the most accurate picture of what was going on prior to 12/28/10. That information could aid the investigation.
I'm thinking as well. If it were me, I would have wanted to say my version of what I could recall. After that, I would have nothing left to say. I wouldn't just allow the other party to make me look at fault so that they could be cleared. Each time MJ and GIJ responded to questions on the find PB group on FB, they answered each question very well. That was very impressive. After I told the events on what I could recall on that date, after that, I would keep my words to myself because that's what people do.
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