MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #3

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:bowdown:...georgiajean....Your wealth of knowledge about this case has been so helpful and amazing. Thank you!
I am feeling really discouraged about finding Phylicia, or anyone being charged with her abduction and/or murder. I hate reading those words, that some of the people who last saw her have obtained lawyers. I just do not understand how innocent people can get lawyers and stop talking to LE when a friend or relative is missing. I can't help thinking of Brittanee Drexel again, last seen with friends, at least one has a lawyer and won't cooperate and coming up on two years, no sign of Brittanee.

If this group of folks was being honest with LE, taken polygraphs, etc. and allowed LE to clear them and move on, then perhaps I would believe P was the unlucky victim of a random stranger. Their refusal or inability to do this is very scary and depressing and not good for P...

You get a lawyer to protect your interests. Whether or not you are guilty, charged, never charged etc -if your name is connected to scandalous activity in the media then it will have an affect on your standard of living. IF he has nothing to do with this would not matter to the public-his NAME would always be connected. Would you want anyone to publish YOUR name, photos, children just because "someone" said you did something and has what they believe to be a strong case against you? I sure wouldn't, the cost of trying to fix the mess after the fact would be astronomical and would never erase the accusations because everyong does not read at the same pace. Better to have a lawyer as a precaution.
You get a lawyer to protect your interests. Whether or not you are guilty, charged, never charged etc -if your name is connected to scandalous activity in the media then it will have an affect on your standard of living. IF he has nothing to do with this would not matter to the public-his NAME would always be connected. Would you want anyone to publish YOUR name, photos, children just because "someone" said you did something and has what they believe to be a strong case against you? I sure wouldn't, the cost of trying to fix the mess after the fact would be astronomical and would never erase the accusations because everyong does not read at the same pace. Better to have a lawyer as a precaution.

Thank you for explaining this. I know the media never clears someone's name as vigorously as they drag the same person's name through the mud, erroneously. I am impressed they have kept MJ and his family's names out of the media so far.
But getting a lawyer does not have to mean stop cooperating with LE.
You get a lawyer to protect your interests. Whether or not you are guilty, charged, never charged etc -if your name is connected to scandalous activity in the media then it will have an affect on your standard of living. IF he has nothing to do with this would not matter to the public-his NAME would always be connected. Would you want anyone to publish YOUR name, photos, children just because "someone" said you did something and has what they believe to be a strong case against you? I sure wouldn't, the cost of trying to fix the mess after the fact would be astronomical and would never erase the accusations because everyong does not read at the same pace. Better to have a lawyer as a precaution.

Great post, thank you. I've also been thinking... it's possible he had attorneys knocking at his door once this went to the media.
Sorry to hear that RB has denounced JS. Very sad. I hope they can come to an understanding someday. At least, not hate one another. I don't know if JS is ever going to accept the fact that certain adults acted so irresponsible with PB's safety. It is important to protect ones sisters and brothers. Even MJ is (allegedly) protecting his brother(s) and cousin. At least in his eyes but mainly protecting himself. PB should have been protected!

At times, some very young children are exposed to a certain type of atmosphere. They see and hear many things while growing up. In a sense, they begin to learn what danger means; dangerous situations. In PB's case, from what has been stated, she wasn't exposed to this type of life until a later age in life. Although, she is still young. Yet, coming into adulthood. PB would have been absolutely (naive) to how some people and situations can be.

I believe that MJ and family had been exposed to a certain life style at a young age. They are aware of danger to the point that they may have become dangerous themselves. Again, a very sad story. I pray for the best, for closure and that justice will be served. :praying:

What? There is nothing to say that MJ's family was exposed to anything. Really, that is far fetched.
Baltimore PD and the FBI are not limited in their ability to thouroughly investigate by any means. Despite, the principals having attorneys, I believe they have investigated everything thoroughly. Not to mention, PB's uncle is a Baltimore detective. I don't believe their investigation and interviews are deterred by attorneys.I believe they checked pings and all the tools that are usually investigated in any missing persons investigation. If there was evidence, they would have it.
I remember the Chandra Levy case in DC and how everyone was so sure Cogressman Condit killed her. She left everything in her apt. There were no clues. They crucified him and ruined him.Then they found out she was snatchedand killed while going for a run,a year later.That is why you need to lawyer up.
What? There is nothing to say that MJ's family was exposed to anything. Really, that is far fetched.
Baltimore PD and the FBI are not limited in their ability to thouroughly investigate by any means. Despite, the principals having attorneys, I believe they have investigated everything thoroughly. Not to mention, PB's uncle is a Baltimore detective. I don't believe their investigation and interviews are deterred by attorneys.I believe they checked pings and all the tools that are usually investigated in any missing persons investigation. If there was evidence, they would have it.
I remember the Chandra Levy case in DC and how everyone was so sure Cogressman Condit killed her. She left everything in her apt. There were no clues. They crucified him and ruined him.Then they found out she was snatchedand killed while going for a run,a year later.That is why you need to lawyer up.

The Chandra Levy case is a good example of needing to get a lawyer when you are innocent. Now did Condit help LE, or did he block investigation? I seem to recall he took a poly?

However, I do have concerns about LE's work on some levels. I do not think they have investigated the social networking media as much as they could have. They came out with the myspace posts from Dec. 2009 weeks after they were discovered here. And it took a couple days for a correction to appear in MSM. I think this case is going to be broken with information that has come from social networking sites. JMO.

I also do not think they have investigated the tangled web of the J family as deeply as they could have. There are many marriages, just as many divorces, many step/half siblings and cousins and "brothers." Many last names. It's just a lot, and I am not confident they have pursued all the angles. I hope I am wrong. I am probably wrong, because it is their job to investigate.
What? There is nothing to say that MJ's family was exposed to anything. Really, that is far fetched.

Time will tell. It always does. PB is still missing. At this stage, it will be a challenge to see how PB was removed out of the apt. Was she forced to leave out by being intimidated. Did she leave out willingly or whatever the case may be. How did PB exit the building. What time did she exit the building. Was PB covered/hid/disguised so that the public could not see her or would the public had been able to see PB. There has not been one person to step forward that was able to say that they saw PB leave the building. No reports that anyone (actually) saw PB at all that day except, DB, MJ and LBC. From there, no one else saw PB on that day.
Some great thought provoking comments everyone. I don't generally follow current cases. The majority I follow are cold cases and the UID's- some as old as 30-40 plus years old. 30 days is such a short amount of time in regards to an investigation while it feels like a life time not knowing PB's whereabouts. I'm no where near thinking if evidence exist they'd have already found it. I'm no where near thinking LE is not moving forward here.

Praying Phylicia is found soon and confident LE is continously moving forward and will solve this case.
Some great thought provoking comments everyone. I don't generally follow current cases. The majority I follow are cold cases and the UID's- some as old as 30-40 plus years old. 30 days is such a short amount of time in regards to an investigation while it feels like a life time not knowing PB's whereabouts. I'm no where near thinking if evidence exist they'd have already found it. I'm no where near thinking LE is not moving forward here.

Praying Phylicia is found soon and confident LE is continously moving forward and will solve this case.

Thank you for shedding a bit of perspective on this. It's hard to remember when one is in the thick of it.
I remain hopeful.
LE has asked Mr. Rondeau to not go forward with the Polygraph tests.
Post on Pray for PB
Mr. Rondeau indicates that RB (dad) talked with LE to tell them they wanted to provide voluntary licenses poly's for people connected to PB's case.
A detective leading the case said OK.
Today LE contacted RB and asked him to not do the poly's.
Mr. Rondeau spoke directly with two LE who "asked that we not move forward with the examination of Deena Barnes as this may negatively impact the investigation."
Thus all poly's have been canceled.
I am wondering how a poly would negatively affect the investigation. Any ideas?
The Chandra Levy case is a good example of needing to get a lawyer when you are innocent. Now did Condit help LE, or did he block investigation? I seem to recall he took a poly?

However, I do have concerns about LE's work on some levels. I do not think they have investigated the social networking media as much as they could have. They came out with the myspace posts from Dec. 2009 weeks after they were discovered here. And it took a couple days for a correction to appear in MSM. I think this case is going to be broken with information that has come from social networking sites. JMO.

I also do not think they have investigated the tangled web of the J family as deeply as they could have. There are many marriages, just as many divorces, many step/half siblings and cousins and "brothers." Many last names. It's just a lot, and I am not confident they have pursued all the angles. I hope I am wrong. I am probably wrong, because it is their job to investigate.
I believe he was cleared however, that didn't mean anything to the public. The rumor still exists that she was pregnant and she was going to have the baby and marry him. I don't think he was interested in giving up his position.

Being from DC and working there , Baltimore police and FBI are top knotch. The fact that they are so close to DC gives them access to investigative tools that many cities do not have in place. MJ lawyered up after the policie showed up with automatic rifles at his door to interrogate home. I think it is funny and scary both. This he said on the Help find PB page however, the conversation is now deleted.
Posted by Mr. Rondeau, to counter answer some FB questions about who he is and if he really exists:

Video has a cilp of him, speaking to the media, and explains a little who he is.


This was very kind of Mr. Rondeau to do, Let's leave the FB drama at FB please! WS has no control over what happens at FB and we do not allow drama from FB to be carried here to WS.

Thank you,
I am wondering how a poly would negatively affect the investigation. Any ideas?

My guess is LE has their own polygraph adminstrators they would prefer to use if any of the possible POI's wish to willingly take them. And that perhaps by bypassing LE's poly administrators that closes a door to LE having an opportunity to interview the possible suspects.

LE has asked Mr. Rondeau to not go forward with the Polygraph tests.
Post on Pray for PB
Mr. Rondeau indicates that RB (dad) talked with LE to tell them they wanted to provide voluntary licenses poly's for people connected to PB's case.
A detective leading the case said OK.
Today LE contacted RB and asked him to not do the poly's.
Mr. Rondeau spoke directly with two LE who "asked that we not move forward with the examination of Deena Barnes as this may negatively impact the investigation."
Thus all poly's have been canceled.

Glad to see Mr. Rondeau fully cooperative with LE. Now if only the 12 POI's would start cooperating.

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