MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #7

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What about if she had developed a crush on somebody in that circle?

She might have slipped out to be with him, or she might have been vulnerable to somebody saying, "Let's go up to the park; xxxx will be there."

Good point! I still think she would gave texted DB and KB but maybe not! She did seems to be flirting with LBC online. I wonder where LBC and the other brothers, cousins her age (or older) were that day. Have we heard any of that?
I read the comment from the RO person on the other site.
I think that they are telling half truths and half lies, knowing that people are now looking for reasons, and how?

I don't think PB went missing early that morning, because DB, KB and all POI's would be in big trouble with the law? Isn't it called "obstructing justice"?
Unless this was a big drug deal gone bad and DB, KB and others were afraid to tell the truth? We know that none of the POI's have told the whole truth, but LE knows that their truths were cloudy, therefore they are most likely relying on the phones, and text records to help sort out the truth?
KB, and DB could not have simply told LE that they were in contact with her, and she was on FB that same day and did contact someone that day outside of the circle.
Also I think the part about the truth is the drug deal involvement. Yes it is apparent that there were drugs being sold out of that house, and we really don't know what PB was exposed to that day or any days previous?
MJ and others could have gotten caught up in a drug deal once they took PB to get something to eat?
MJ could have put a drug date rape in her drink once he took her to get something to eat?
But why didn't KB check on her anyway, especially after she was already informed that PB was up and dressed ready to go? What fears did KB have going to that apt.?
A red car could have been involved? How we don't know?
Other parties could have been involved?
Motive, I still think was about sex, and naiveness?
PB's friends were very hestitate about saying if she had a love interest or not on the Peas interview?
Like I said earlier this is one crazy and messed up case!
And most of it is because there is no clarity from the ones who were suppose to be
watching over her? (at least not to us, maybe to LE)
FWIW, just because PB was found near the dam doesn't mean that is the location she entered the river. She could have been placed further north/upstream and then was carried to where she was found.

I thought about that earlier - depending on when MJ returned to the apartment, we could see what kind of timeline that would have been and see what is around there.
I know we have talked about it before but if I was supposed to meet my sister or pick her up and she stopped texting me/answering her phone when I leaving soon to get her - I would be very very worried and I without question would go to her house anyway, even though I hadn't heard from her. That's what sister's should do.

Not implying KB was involved. We don't know that she was or wasn't. Just that I find it strange. Especially since PB was up there to see her family.

This wasn't someone familiar with the area, with a tons of friends she could have decided to hang out with instead and she was someone KB didn't get to see a lot of. Wouldn't she have tried her hardest to see her sister that day?

If they did a lot of partying the night before and maybe they knew PB partied even after they went to sleep, would the text saying she is sleeping be believable.
I thought about that earlier - depending on when MJ returned to the apartment, we could see what kind of timeline that would have been and see what is around there.

Remember PB might have been put in the well at first.
There is talk about that, so we really don't know when she was placed
in the dam, but forensics will tell/
If she drowned, was she drugged and sexually violated?

All this information will help sort out the who's, why's, when's, and how's.
Also all of what this person posted on the other site could be true up until her disappearing?
She may have taken this ride a week prior to the 28th? (BUT RETURNED SAFELY)
I am not ruling out that she was hanging with the wrong crowd while in Bmore, but on the morning of the 28th? Not likely?

Also DB did say that she was searching for PB at other POI's homes, so that lead me to believe that DB most likely gave PB more freedom to roam than what she was getting from JS at home in NC, but WHY?????? If JS over and over again requested differently.
It is not a secret that PB enjoyed going there to Bmore, and most likely it was due to the fact that her siblings did give her more freedom.
Not good especially as naive as she was, and also if they were living in a crime area, with possible drug dealers, not good?
Unless they are afraid of him.

But then don't we need a scenario where the members of the B and J family are more frightened of this person than they have confidence in the B family member in LE? I'm not coming up with a scenario for that..... especially since so many jurisdictions are involved from local to state to FBI.

I mean we are not talking the Mob or hard core gang affiliations here of - that I am aware of or that we have uncovered. (two examples of where I might have great fear and stay quiet - if it mean my life or my childs life might be in danger if I did not remain silent.)

. . . I don't have the tolerance to read through MSM comments when so many comments are down right rude and disrespectful. (they get me too angry and my blood pressure boiling! )

And my comments were not in any way meant to be disrespectful to shoe~diva.

:blowkiss: all!

Cubby, I think if the RO comments were further down I would have missed them because, like you, I don't have the tolerance for rude & disrespectful (the main reason I was unable to keep up the the FPB FB page).

No worries about your troll comment. I did not find it disrespectful at all and am thankful for the reminder. It is so easy to gravitate toward "what you want to hear" when truth and solid facts are in short supply.
Did LBC or Bro or whoever (so many initials!) also say their phone died that day. How strange... when people these days live with their phones. Someone of MJ's age would have been sure his phone was charged. Especially if the RUMORS (we don't know) are true about him - his phone would be his bank roll and life.

I agree they had plenty of time. Maybe PB thought they were going to get something to eat (Hey I know this great little place up the road a bit!). And she wouldn't have had a chance to get out of the car if an attack occurred there. But I don't think anything happened in the car because LE did forensic testing on several cars (I would assume MJ's would be included). THat doesn't mean he wasn't driving someone else's car.

Ahhh... every time I start to go one direction my mind thinks of reasons that couldn't be or how different scenarios are possible.

We know nothing about the phones of the little B or C. All we know of them is somewhere DB slipped and said both where there, or only one was there. It later came out C was living there.... I think it is most likely all 3 will eventually be charged. All 3 minimally if not more than those 3.

We know nothing about the phones of the little B or C. All we know of them is somewhere DB slipped and said both where there, or only one was there. It later came out C was living there.... I think it is most likely all 3 will eventually be charged. All 3 minimally if not more than those 3.


On LB's twitter page (not sure if this the same LB) he stated on the 28th that his phone battery had died and that is why he was not able to reply to some of his twitters. This was between 12pm -2:30pm.
This is the same person that PB talked with on her Myspace back
in Dec. of 2009 about her moving and going to school in Bmore.

PB had given the impression to the B'more people that she had a very strick life and wanted to leave NC if possible and go to school in B'more.
PB thought as we all do (until we learn better) that the grass is greener
on the other side. However sadly enough PB learned that lesson with her life.
But then don't we need a scenario where the members of the B and J family are more frightened of this person than they have confidence in the B family member in LE? I'm not coming up with a scenario for that..... especially since so many jurisdictions are involved from local to state to FBI.

I mean we are not talking the Mob or hard core gang affiliations here of - that I am aware of or that we have uncovered. (two examples of where I might have great fear and stay quiet - if it mean my life or my childs life might be in danger if I did not remain silent.)


In general, we will never know how deep someone is involved with drugs.
This brings more suspension to me if the B family has a member in LE?
All of the circles travel very close together, a world that the average person is not privy to unless one is directly involved.
Gang members also attend colleges (Universities) just as the Mob does.
So yes MJ and crew could have been working class citizens, and highly involved with drugs without DB even knowing. Even if her family member is a part of LE it is still all likely possible. I have seen this many of times in my life.
Remember the drug business is a big part of the American business so the dots are connected without us even knowing.
I am not saying that this whole case is about drugs, I still believe that PB was killed due to a sex crime. However I will never rule out drug involvement.
Drugs could have created the environment?
Drugs could have been the driving force?
Drugs could have been the co-arthur?
Drugs could have created the excitement that lead to the crime itself?
Time will tell??????????????????
BBM. but first what do you mean by "perhaps she was picked up..." That went right over my head.

Back to the BBM. My explanation, lazyness, lack of commitment to follow through, selfishness.... Someone/People (both in this case and in general) can't be bothered to follow through with plans already committed to if they can't reach the person immediately preceding the time they are expected. Too busy, can't be bothered with perhaps having to go knock on someones door to wake them and wait 15-20 minutes or so while they freshen up. Pure selfishness........

Think about it. I am sure we all have friends we know who we can count on to be there when they say they will, or call if they can not make it or need to change the time. And then there are others we know who are consistently flighty and can not be replied upon without confirming and then reconfirming plans last minute. The question which remains is why did KB choose to treat PB like someone who couldn't be relied upon and chose not to follow through on plans when they could not be reconfirmed last minute? Or is that just part of her personality due to the type of people she chose to socialize with?

Either way, I don't think it makes KB ultimately responsible for what happened to PB, nor does it necessarily ensure had she shown up PB would not have already been removed the apartment. Because the person most likely responsible for taking PB knew what time KB was expected and most likely ensured PB had been removed from the apartment prior to that time. And gave reasons why neither he or PB could be reached.....

In other words had KB showed up like planned she would have likely found the apartment already empty at 1:30 or so and at best, it would have tightened the timeline surrounding who we believe to be the main POI(s) PB would have been reported missing a few hours earlier, but who is to say that it would have made a difference? Especially since it reportedly took LE a few days to become convinced PB was not a runaway.


Maybe she was picked up at 1:30 or so,like she was supposed to have been, but the person who picked her up has denied picking her up. It would mean that everyone else was telling the truth, but that one person. And if that one person kept silent and adamant about what they did/did not do, it would only be that one person who had to keep the secret. It would be actions taken in a rage of jealousy.
Just another possibility. Highly unlikely, but I'm trying to leave no stone unturned.

Maybe she was picked up at 1:30 or so,like she was supposed to have been, but the person who picked her up has denied picking her up. It would mean that everyone else was telling the truth, but that one person. And if that one person kept silent and adamant about what they did/did not do, it would only be that one person who had to keep the secret. It would be actions taken in a rage of jealousy.
Just another possibility. Highly unlikely, but I'm trying to leave no stone unturned.

Like JS said on her very first interview with MSM, the first 48 hours are the most important for finding information.
Even if LE would not have reacted thinking that she was a runaway?
They still would have had a better clue into MJ and his crew.
The Barnes family alone, and JS and family would have had more information.
Those first hours are very important. The time between 1pm and 6pm when DB got home are very important times, that I am sure that LE is dealing with?

KB could have seen the condition of the apt.
KB could have talked to neighbors at that very moment.
Or KB could have talked to people walking thru, and the people at the food places. Right away for ones memory is better than the next day or later that night, when you have a totally different set of people that are in the area.

I know KB wishes she would have went there after work?
You know, unless someone talks, I think we may have a 2-month or so wait for new information, if LE has to wait on toxicology to determine cause of death. And even then, it will be tricky to prove homicide if it turns out that she had a fatal dose of something in her system. Possible negligent homicide, or disposing of a corpse (yikes :( ) or some other degree of charges, if they have suspects.

I do hope that when certain people say their batteries were dead, they did not know to remove them from their phones, so that the phone might still be able to be tracked. Tying someone to the river's edge area will be key, even if farther up or downstream. And some experts will have a good idea of where she would have had to be put in, to end up where she did.

Yesterday I came across 4 separate articles about the bridge-juming man up in NY, and none of them mentioned race, and two of them said police up there know who he is but are not naming him. Will look for links if necessary, but it makes me wonder if this is the same man.
I hope it is not 2-3 months before any new information is released. I'm afraid too many will forget in that time. Unless LE has this in the bag and there is no further need for assistance from the public imo it would be detrimental to solving the case by staying as close to the vest as they have. Perhaps there is some info they no longer need to be so close to the vest since she has been recovered.

Yesterday I came across 4 separate articles about the bridge-juming man up in NY, and none of them mentioned race, and two of them said police up there know who he is but are not naming him. Will look for links if necessary, but it makes me wonder if this is the same man.

Respectfully snipped. You know I wonder about this. With as many cases as are mentioned in MSM once or twice and then fall off the radar entirely, I hope if the man found near where Phylicia was located LE will minimally release info indicating the man has been id'd and his name is being withheld- he has been ruled out as having any connection to PB's case or something along those lines. Otherwise, imo, it will lead to further unverified rumor and speculation possibly further hindering solving PB's case.

I hope it is not 2-3 months before any new information is released. I'm afraid too many will forget in that time. Unless LE has this in the bag and there is no further need for assistance from the public imo it would be detrimental to solving the case by staying as close to the vest as they have. Perhaps there is some info they no longer need to be so close to the vest since she has been recovered.


If they have to wait for tox results, that seems to be how long it takes in these cases...I don't know why, not sure why anything should take that long with potential murder cases, especially of minors. But we still don't know why or how little Sylar Newton died, as far as I know, and it has been 9 or 10 months. And it took a long time to get toxicology back on the lady golfer, Erica (?) last year too.
While searching Youtube for any new info on PB, I came across this persons newsreel.
It talks about LE, and how they responded to this case? Interesting??????
Very interesting. I am a caucasion woman who grew up on the great side of the tracks in Baltimore. This man is more indictive of the African American community in Baltimore then the reputation of the city shows. I am interested to hear more from him.
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