Found Deceased MD - Robin Pope, 51, Stevensville, Kent Island, 1 March 2013

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I was disappointed there was no search yesterday, but suppose if you have no idea where to look, after covering the places nearby and any suggested by tips, there would be no point. I knew of this discovery virtually as it happened and was asked to keep it to myself until they cleared the area. I was surprised nobody posted ahead of me, but respected my "source" enough to keep it under my hat until the Sheriff posted it on facebook. I am beginning to wonder if this might turn out to be something besides foul play...


I thought about this as well. But by every account I've seen, Robin seemed like an upbeat, happy person. She evidently had a job interview that afternoon, which doesn't sound like someone who's contemplating ending it. And I think the Bay is so shallow there that it would be hard for someone to "fall" in and drown, kwim? Unless severely intoxicated.

The only thing that I wonder (in addition to foul play) is that she was a breast cancer survivor. Is it possible that her cancer had returned and she didn't tell anyone? Is it possible that her job interview was really a doctor's appt? (<-- okay, I know that's stretching it - just trying to really look at every angle)

What now has me wondering if it's something besides foul play is that --- that is awfully close to home. I guess it there was a struggle on the beach then maybe that would be the most logical place to put her. Otherwise, you'd think far away from the scene of the crime would make more sense.

Just so sorry for Robin and her family.
Her family must be going through such anguish waiting to hear if it is indeed Robin although it most likely is imo.

What I question is the proximity to the home, from what I've read it's very close. Wouldn't a body be swept away by now unless it was wedge under some sort of structure or the worst case scenario weighted down?
Her family must be going through such anguish waiting to hear if it is indeed Robin although it most likely is imo.

What I question is the proximity to the home, from what I've read it's very close. Wouldn't a body be swept away by now unless it was wedge under some sort of structure or the worst case scenario weighted down?

Someone more local would know more about this, but there isn't much of a current in the Chesapeake Bay, not like being on the coast. Maybe a little but not enough to move the body of an adult, I don't think. Any of you more familiar with the water in the area have any insight?

I think the autopsy will reveal a lot, hopefully --- drowning vs foul play. :(
The husband falling asleep when he knows she is coming over and then waking and finding her asleep in the driveway
does not sound right to me at all. Has he taken a polygraph?
To me this is time he cant account for.

I dont think she harmed herself!
Keeping all of RPs loved ones in my prayers. I am from the area but did not know Robin. From what has been written about her I only wish that I had.
I tried to find some data on currents for that part of the bay. Probably not very good research on my part but it does seem fairly quiet current wise. I believe this is the Kent Island Estate area

I'm not sure what the weather was like the night Robin disappeared, except that it was cold. However on Robin Pope's personal facebook page under her photos there is a picture of the current taken from her back yard and it is extremely rough. I imagine a storm was coming in at the time she took the photo. Does anyone remember besides it being cold that night, if it was raining, or if there were high winds?
To add to the mystery, there is still the coincidence, at least, of the dead dog. How does the dog's death fit with any possible scenario?
To add to the mystery, there is still the coincidence, at least, of the dead dog. How does the dog's death fit with any possible scenario?

There are only a few scenarios, as I do not believe Robin would've taken the dog's life even if she took her own (which is a probability but pretty low IMO):

1) someone else harmed them both
2) Robin ended up in the water (fell in, intoxicated, was thrown in, whatever) and the dog tried desperately to save her (but a dog would save itself by getting out of the water eventually, before drowning in rather calm waters, I would think)
3) Robin took both of their lives. I think this is highly unlikely, unless she had received bad news about her cancer returning or something (and evidently the dog had tumors as well). But I still can't see her doing this, just based on what I've read about her on FB, etc. Seems like she loved life too much.

I'm leaning towards #1.
There are only a few scenarios, as I do not believe Robin would've taken the dog's life even if she took her own (which is a probability but pretty low IMO):

1) someone else harmed them both
2) Robin ended up in the water (fell in, intoxicated, was thrown in, whatever) and the dog tried desperately to save her (but a dog would save itself by getting out of the water eventually, before drowning in rather calm waters, I would think)
3) Robin took both of their lives. I think this is highly unlikely, unless she had received bad news about her cancer returning or something (and evidently the dog had tumors as well). But I still can't see her doing this, just based on what I've read about her on FB, etc. Seems like she loved life too much.

I'm leaning towards #1.

But wasn't it said that the dog died of natural causes? Or did I imagine that?
But wasn't it said that the dog died of natural causes? Or did I imagine that?

My understanding is that the dog died due to the elements, hypothermia. Still it would seem plausible that the dog could have gone out into the water to help Robin and return without Robin to the shore.
But wasn't it said that the dog died of natural causes? Or did I imagine that?

Without looking it up, I don't recall exactly was COD was. Early on, there were rumors that the dog had substantial damage to the upper torso but I that seems to have been an error in reporting. The last word was there was no trauma but the dog did had tumors. I'm just baffled. If she weren't going through a divorce/separation and the last place she was known to have been wasn't the home of her ex, then I'd lean more towards an accident or self-harm. But, having been on here for so long and seen the pattern of 'woman last seen by ex' cases, I can't let that go at this point. One thing in the ex's favor, though, is that he acted pretty early in looking for her. It would be more hinky if he had waiting until morning or whatever. I haven't seen much said about him - no comments that 'he was a jerk', etc - so I hate to jump on the 'he did it' bandwagon. It's just... such an unfortunate pattern in so many cases... :(
So very very sorry.... May strength and beautiful memories envelop her family and friends to help them through this horrible time.

Rest in Peace Robin, you will be missed and remembered by many

:rose: :rose: :rose:
Since the dog was in its dying hours, it possible the dogs behavior was effected. It would of been going thru organ failure of some sort, which is uncomfortable and frightening for the dog-and the owner too.
The dog could of had a seizure -which can make them lose vision for a time- this can make the dog bitey, because the dog is afraid. Or the dog will go thru heart failure.

Theres a lot of grief if you love the dog and watch it dying. Usually you can tell when the dying hours are close by the dogs actions. Robin may not known what was happening or how to deal with the situation.
It may of set off a chain of events if she walking the dog near the water. JMO MOO

RIP Robin and your lovely great dane
There was a guy up here who drowned during one of the ocean storms when he dove in to try to rescue his dog, who was struggling. I wonder if the same thing might have happened to Robin.
Since the dog was in its dying hours, it possible the dogs behavior was effected. It would of been going thru organ failure of some sort, which is uncomfortable and frightening for the dog-and the owner too.
The dog could of had a seizure -which can make them lose vision for a time- this can make the dog bitey, because the dog is afraid. Or the dog will go thru heart failure.

Theres a lot of grief if you love the dog and watch it dying. Usually you can tell when the dying hours are close by the dogs actions. Robin may not known what was happening or how to deal with the situation.
It may of set off a chain of events if she walking the dog near the water. JMO MOO

RIP Robin and your lovely great dane

I agree. I was actually thinking maybe she walked a little bit with her dog when Robin accidentally fell into the water. Robin could have had a heart attack & fell in the water from the pier during high tide, maybe floated a little ways away. Maybe her dog went in after her & suffered from the struggle bc the dog was ready to go anyway. The Dane could have died from a heart attack over the sheer worry she felt for Robin & not being able to save her.

My pet Bubba died after my Nona had a heart attack. They were extremely close. He literally died within hours & nothing was even wrong with him prior. Just sayin'. An example like that just feels so much better than placing blame w/o proof. Everybody that's spoken in the media says good things about Robin's husband. We read so many bad things & follow so many cases here that our minds automatically go "there", but in this one instance I'm just gonna give this guy the benefit of the doubt. I hope the autopsy is done soon & that there's nothing nefarious about her death. Lord knows that family is hurting enough.

RIP Robin. Prayers going out to Robin's loved ones.

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