ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 8

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Why didn't they charge Justin? Isn't it any kind of crime to aid and abet in an assault by acting as the driver?

RBBM: Me thinks they did NOT charge Justin for this "assult" because they want Justin for the "ultimate crime" ... KWIM ?

Where is Ayla ?

MOO ...
What next...a rat in the mail box?

:floorlaugh: omg ... I remember that ...

:waitasec: The DiPietro's and the Cummings / Croslins are a "close run"

MOO ...
I would agree that they are definitely not on good terms. It appears that JL has a restraining order against him and he is not allowed to see Baby G.

From the PPH article:

"A protection-from-abuse order forbids Linnell from seeing his daughter, according to court records."

So it isn't just the D's that have anger issues. I know everyone is quick to jump all over the D boys but playing Devil's Advocate here, none of us really know what was said to them by JL nor why LD chose to assault him. I am sure there is more to the story than 'You've been saying stuff about my family. Knock it off,'... Just my .02

To throw an outrageous theory out there (there certainly have been a lot mentioned already), perhaps JL broke in to steal his own baby & she wasn't in the room (sleeping with her mom that night) and took Ayla instead. As in, you can have your baby back when I get mine back... Outrageous, I know, but a possiblity nonetheless.

Knowing how angry Lance apparently was with him the other day, JL never would have left that house alive if he had done something so horrible.

No one has explained to my satisfaction how this guy got into the house and out again with Ayla - oh right, no one did because her blood is in the basement. LE believes she wasn't kidnapped, so to me that line of thinking is closed now. :cow:

We can't ignore the evidence we have so far, which is that LE has blood evidence from where Daddy was sleeping in the basement.

I hope today is the day you are found, Ayla.

askfornina, What a darling picture !

I'm sorry... I must have missed the release where it was proven she was thrown down the stairs. That is just a theory that has been thrown out there. I understand that everyone wants resolution in this case, as do I, but there has been no proof that JD or anyone else "threw" baby Ayla down the stairs. We don't even know where the blood was found nor the amount. To my knowledge, LE has not released this information. It is being speculated that it was at the bottom of the stairs.

I'm not saying she was thrown down the stairs for sure. . .we don't know exactly where the blood was found, but we know it was in the basement, that it was more than a cut would produce and LE finds it "troubling."

LE has also stated that they feel the three adults in the home that night aren't telling them the whole story and that their accounts don’t “pass the ‘straight-face’ test in Maine." LE also says, "there is no evidence that we have found that would point to an abduction." AND "There were three adults in the home, and their version of events is not backed up by any forensic evidence that we have located."

I don't see how any of those things would be true if JL snuck into the house and took Ayla.
I'm not saying she was thrown down the stairs for sure. . .we don't know exactly where the blood was found, but we know it was in the basement, that it was more than a cut would produce and LE finds it "troubling."

LE has also stated that they feel the three adults in the home that night aren't telling them the whole story and that their accounts don’t “pass the ‘straight-face’ test in Maine." LE also says, "there is no evidence that we have found that would point to an abduction." AND "There were three adults in the home, and their version of events is not backed up by any forensic evidence that we have located."

I don't see how any of those things would be true if JL snuck into the house and took Ayla.

BBM: I agree ... :waitasec: Just had a thought here :innocent: ...

I am wondering if Justin D and his brother Lance went "looking for" Justin L and started the "fight" as a way to bring Justin L into the "picture" ?

And the DiPietro 'boys' are now trying to "pin" at least the broken windows on Justin L and maybe "pin" Ayla's "disappearance" on Justin L ?

I know it's a stretch ... but nothing from the DiPietro boys would surprise me ... And sure, LE knows who and who was not there the night Ayla went "missing" and I am sure LE knows a lot more ...

Just thinking "out loud" ... afterall, Justin L has a "connection" to the D's home -- his child lives there ...

MOO ...
BBM: I agree ... :waitasec: Just had a thought here :innocent: ...

I am wondering if Justin D and his brother Lance went "looking for" Justin L and started the "fight" as a way to bring Justin L into the "picture" ?

And the DiPietro 'boys' are now trying to "pin" at least the broken windows on Justin L and maybe "pin" Ayla's "disappearance" on Justin L ?

I know it's a stretch ... but nothing from the DiPietro boys would surprise me ... And sure, LE knows who and who was not there the night Ayla went "missing" and I am sure LE knows a lot more ...

Just thinking "out loud" ... afterall, Justin L has a "connection" to the D's home -- his child lives there ...

MOO ...

Wouldn't surprise me!

It's also possible that Justin L (who didn't have a good feeling towards the family anyway) might have said something to someone in the town about their guilt. So they wanted to shut him up - as simple as that.
What I don't understand if it was an accident why would they not call 911? Instead of hiding and making a fake kidnapping. Wouldn't it be easier?
All these "distratctions"...just like in Haleigh C.'s case, and it always seemed then that surely, whatever happened to Haleigh would be discovered, with the various arrests and antics of the "players"...and yet nothing.
All these "distratctions"...just like in Haleigh C.'s case, and it always seemed then that surely, whatever happened to Haleigh would be discovered, with the various arrests and antics of the "players"...and yet nothing.

As Hunter S. Thompson wrote: "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."
All these "distratctions"...just like in Haleigh C.'s case, and it always seemed then that surely, whatever happened to Haleigh would be discovered, with the various arrests and antics of the "players"...and yet nothing.


But in Ayla's case, they have blood evidence in the basement, which is evidence of a crime scene ... and that is why I believe this case will be solved ...

However, could this case end up with similar results like the Cummings/Croslins, who are all in the slammer for drugs ? And Misty got the "book thrown at her" -- 25 years and Ronald -- 15 years ...

Now ... from what we have learned, the D boys have a "temper" -- and like to "fight" ... So, JMO, it's a matter of time ...


But in Ayla's case, they have blood evidence in the basement, which is evidence of a crime scene ... and that is why I believe this case will be solved ...

However, could this case end up with similar results like the Cummings/Croslins, who are all in the slammer for drugs ? And Misty got the "book thrown at her" -- 25 years and Ronald -- 15 years ...

Now ... from what we have learned, the D boys have a "temper" -- and like to "fight" ... So, JMO, it's a matter of time ...


I guess I am worried that the blood evidence won't be enough...either in quantity or in not being able to determine when it occurred, or how, etc...hope I am wrong. But without Ayla and/or someone confessing, I don't see how LE can do a whole lot. JMO
Wouldn't surprise me!

It's also possible that Justin L (who didn't have a good feeling towards the family anyway) might have said something to someone in the town about their guilt. So they wanted to shut him up - as simple as that.

I'm guessing that if all were known, the majority of people here would not want their daughter, sister, friend whoever, going out with JL. I think there is a birds of a feather deal going on here. I wouldn't be surprised if JL was trash talking the DiPietros, along with a bunch of others in town. I think this is part of an ongoing feud between the families, and I wouldn't be surprised if there is more to this story. Whatever the reason for the beat down, it was a planned attack with JD locating the victim and being the wheel man and LD as the muscle. And whatever the reason, rational, law abiding people don't use ambushes to settle differences. I guess PD was pretty insightful when her first response to learning of Ayla's "abduction" was to figure JD would gather his posse and go around kicking in doors. What is astonishing is that you would figure the DiPietros would be laying low. As others have pointed out, the parallels to the Cummings/Croslin feuding and fighting are remarkable. It all points to an entitled, reckless, violent and defiant mindset on the part of the DiPietro brothers. I think any child (and any adult for that matter) associated with these people is in peril. All MOO.
lots of tiny capillaries in head and scalp area will produce allot of bleeding also.
but splatter is another thing all together...........medical experts, what do you think?

I thought I had kept up fairly well with the info about this case, but, although I have been seeing a lot of posts regarding 'splatter' I am still unsure where that is coming from ~ is there a link to LE stating the blood was splatter that I can check out? Does anyone know??
This will be my only credit to Justin, he was believed to have moved back to Portland I read last week somewhere in my travels. So his sister might have been closer to help mom. What is it, 75 miles approx. from there? That's as far as I go and have no idea if it's true or not. Just who could help her first was the daughter E.

I don't like vigilantie justice towards his mom at all. Let the law figure this part (us too) before anyone would harm this family. Even afterwards, only the guilty should be verbally dissed, not harmed by violence. Violence never heals anything. Nevers covers up anything either. Not even Josh Powell can remove his horrible deed on earth. Nor shall Justin and family if they know what happened to Ayla.

going to kick tires and say bad words now

My understanding was that J's sister E was already at the house. That Justin actually called his friend I in the parking lot?? I think I should be...
I thought I had kept up fairly well with the info about this case, but, although I have been seeing a lot of posts regarding 'splatter' I am still unsure where that is coming from ~ is there a link to LE stating the blood was splatter that I can check out? Does anyone know??

The only official statement is that there was blood found, that blood is Ayla's and that the quanity is more than would be produced by a small cut. Multiple reports have quoted unnamed sources that there is spatter and evidence of a clean up, but there is no official statement backing that up. All MOO.
Why didn't they charge Justin? Isn't it any kind of crime to aid and abet in an assault by acting as the driver?

It depends on how much coordination took place before the assault. If the DiPi's had planned it, then JD would be culpable. BUT if their story is true in that they responded to someone accosting them, then it was obviously spur of the moment. JD didn't necessarily know LD's intentions.

Also, this was not a felony crime, so it was a minor scuffle and is probably being overstated in discussion. JMO
I thought I had kept up fairly well with the info about this case, but, although I have been seeing a lot of posts regarding 'splatter' I am still unsure where that is coming from ~ is there a link to LE stating the blood was splatter that I can check out? Does anyone know??

Nancy Grace last week, reported it as splatter....she was asking an expert what exactly does splatter mean...I'll try and find the link, it was the episode she showed my family on the family album btw :)
snipped from :

Cars pass an electronic billboard with an image of missing Maine toddler Ayla Reynolds, Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012, in Philadelphia. A New Hampshire-based group is putting up billboards to spread the word about the missing toddler from Waterville who was 20 months old when she was reported missing on Dec. 17.

If you open this link, there is a photo of the billboard ...
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