GUILTY ME - Nichole Cable, 15, Glenburn, 12 May 2013

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Who is Catfish? I usually lurk instead of post and that name is unfamiliar to me.

Show on MTV based around real life stories of people pretending to be someone they are not through a fictitious online persona. Usually with the intent of gaining romantic favor with the target.

""The Maine Warden Service is currently conducting ground searches and the following agencies have been involved in assisting the sheriff's office in this investigation. The FBI, the National Center of Missing Children, several state agencies, including the Maine State Police, the Computer Crimes Unit, and the Maine Intel Unit, along with Bangor Police Department, and any other agencies we've requested," says Morton."

"Morton also addressed rumors of a social media connection to Nichole's disappearance."

more at the link
"The FBI, the National Center for Missing Children, the Maine State Police computer crimes unit, Bangor Police Department and others are assisting in the case, Morton said."

"Asked if Cable may have been abducted, Morton said, "We are not going to rule out anything." "

How often does FBI get involved with a fifteen year old that people are pretty sure is a runaway, versus one they're pretty sure is a victim of a predator abduction?

Just a question based in curiosity... her Aunt posted on the fb group that family is convinced she DID NOT run away.
Someone using the FB page "Nicole Ann" posted on the Find Nichole FB page that the stolen identity Bryan Butterfield updated his FB status Sunday at the local Walmart. Her daughter was also allegedly friended by this person and that's how she new this info. This is the person's page that posted that info. She didn't state that she had contacted the police. ??? I hope the subhuman that took Nichole was in Walmart which has LOTS of cameras.
from that link --
"Her mother, Kristine Willey, "Sunday night, my daughter Nicole want to the driveway, in my drive way, to meet a friend, and it turned out to be something different then what she who she said. It was someone that she didn't know that she met on Facebook.""
So does the mother have a description of a vehicle? Of the person? Did her daughter come back inside the house or get grabbed and put in the car at that point or how does the mom know the daughter went into the driveway, looked into the car, didn't recognize the person as who she thought it was, etc? I'm guessing either she was there and witnessed it, or else Nichole came back inside and told her mom, but then when did she disappear?

I don't understand exactly how this happened.

edit - all I see on the group page as an explanation is as follows:

"UPDATE: Nichole Kristine Cable was last know to be with a male using a fictitious name of Bryan Butterfield. He was using a Facebook account with that name and it has now been taken down. The authorities have no leads. "

Which also doesn't tell a whole lot..

How did mom know this wasn't the person she was supposed to meet. They must have spoken to each other right? Hey Mom that's not the guy in the pic?

Ugh never meet ppl from online never ever!
I tried to do the google image and it did not work.. Other pics came up. SO then I took my husbands pic and the same thing took place. So I wonder how catfish does it!

I would love pics from the walmart. I feel like she had a good home life, so no need to runaway. This reminds me of that movie, where the girl chatted with a guy and thought it was a young boy like herself but turned into being an older man.

The school seems to be having issues with posters at school, I can see it getting overwhelming. But this is a great time to talk to students about the internet dangers, as sad as this is.
Since she was friends with the Real BB, maybe that is how this perp found her and used his pic.

My take of the situation, she told her mom she was meeting the friend outside, who happen to be BB impostor. One of her other friends was also friends with this guy, and they put it together that is was not the real BB. That is how I am understanding how mom new.
Wow, this world is such an incredibly scary place these days. When I was young my brother and I played outside by ourselves and never had to worry but now, I won't let my kids go outside by themselves to do anything. Even though we live in a rural area, my husband thinks I'm crazy but we hear about stories like this all of the time now where kids are abducted during their "normal" routine.

It's scary that these predators can, and obviously are, using the internet to troll for victims.

My thoughts and prayers are with Nichole's family and I hope she's found safe, soon.
She disappeared from her driveway around 9pm and texted a friend at 918pm, then her phone was turned off apparently after that.

This is all on the family's fb and I believe I saw something about the text in MSM as well. Her family is very active personally on the FB page and are trying to help explain things but there is definitely information that isn't being shared, I'm sure. The FBI has been involved from almost the start. But I mean, she's been gone since Mother's Day. This is WAY too long. :(
The 2 boys the guy used in his profile pic were cleared very early on (don't remember if I read that in a link or on the find FB page)

So, did they person who took her know them? I mean this town is very small, either they are from this town or another small bordering town. I think the perp knows them somehow...otherwise, why not use a random person's picture?

Neighboring towns need to be aware of someone who took work off, or missed school, etc. I have this feeling that it's some married father - wife thinks hes on a business trip or something...MOO
Ugh! Would someone please post on the Find Nichole FB that Chelsea Hoffman isn't a profiler and she causes a LOT of #$%@## drama in missing children cases? tia
Ugh! Would someone please post on the Find Nichole FB that Chelsea Hoffman isn't a profiler and she causes a LOT of #$%@## drama in missing children cases. tia

Times like this, I need a Facebook account. :rolleyes:
Well, mom wants nothing to do with her ATM -- thank god! (even though she listed her accomplishments on the page and how she is a member of the criminal justice "industry")
Ugh! Would someone please post on the Find Nichole FB that Chelsea Hoffman isn't a profiler and she causes a LOT of #$%@## drama in missing children cases. tia

I'm going to just step up right now and admit I got her on board. Please don't hate me. Yesterday I posted here in Mikaela's thread that I can't stand Chelsea's inflammatory tactics and hate her stories, etc. And I stand by that. But I also stand by my comments on the fb group page.

I can't believe I'm owning up to that being my doing but.. I can't (and won't) hide behind the internet on this one. I feel strongly that this girl's case not being in MSM is a huge reason she hasn't turned up yet, and this could very well be a predator who has/will do this before/again and I don't want to see my daughter be next.

Gotta get media exposure. Praying she doesn't cause more harm than good. That will be the true test I guess.

Hoping not to get flamed too badly here, I only want the girl's story out. I contacted at LEAST 30 other media people/outlets in the past 24 hours and she was the only one aside from KlaasKidsSearchCtr to respond. :(
I'm going to just step up right now and admit I got her on board. Please don't hate me. Yesterday I posted here in Mikaela's thread that I can't stand Chelsea's inflammatory tactics and hate her stories, etc. And I stand by that. But I also stand by my comments on the fb group page.

I can't believe I'm owning up to that being my doing but.. I can't (and won't) hide behind the internet on this one. I feel strongly that this girl's case not being in MSM is a huge reason she hasn't turned up yet, and this could very well be a predator who has/will do this before/again and I don't want to see my daughter be next.

Gotta get media exposure. Praying she doesn't cause more harm than good. That will be the true test I guess.

Hoping not to get flamed too badly here, I only want the girl's story out. I contacted at LEAST 30 other media people/outlets in the past 24 hours and she was the only one aside from KlaasKidsSearchCtr to respond. :(
You have a good soul. May God bless you for trying to bring Nichole's story to everyone's attention. I never looked at Chelsea's blog in this manner. (START WRITING, CHELSEA!!! :) )
won't get flamed here GGE, IMO she over sensationalizes things - and I don't particularly care for the way she bullies her way on FB pages some times...but yes, if it gets the story more attention, then by all means.

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