GUILTY ME - Nichole Cable, 15, Glenburn, 12 May 2013

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The guy speaking says he can only imagine what the family is going thru, not knowing the status of their loved one. with that in mind LE is giving every effort to try to bring her home. They're very fortunate that they have the unqualified support from multiple, multiple agencies and are very appreciative of this.
will answer a few questions at the end but don't want to say anything that might jeopardize anything theyr'e doing. now turning it over to deputy cheif morton.

morton -
as you know our attempt to locate nichole as a missing person continues. thanks everyone for coming and helping.

case remains active missing persons investigation.

continuing to work with multiple agencies, exploring phone and computer data and are evaluating those leads appropriately.

thanks public for continued support of the family and for not disturbing them at this difficult time.

family has asked the media does not come to the family home and disturb them, they've asked LE to hold the conferences and reach out to media this way instead.

Have received more than 60 messages/tips throughout the night, no tip is useless to them, they investigate each and every one of them whether an email needs to be processed or an interview needs to be done wiht someone, they'll do it.

turning it over to another guy -

says mmostly using k9 resources, they're highly efficient in a search like this, using them around residences, camp roads in the area, camps, the area she lives, will continue to do that, today they brought a plane down to fly over some areas that is difficult to get to and large, and they'll just keep expanding each day.
Question from media - is this a missing persons case or abduction case?
This is a missing persons case.

QUestion - there are reports she's run away before, is ther something different THIS time?
Obviously we can't comment on everything at this time, we are concerned for her welfare and well being and will continue to search for her.

Question (i missed it)
In any search we search for clues, could be footprints, clothing, you follow those clues and you should find the person so that's ultimately what we're looking for is clues, footprints, things like that.
talking about not being able to share everything with media but are sharing what they can...

question re: computer crimes unit - answer, yes they have individuals specialized in phone and data analysis, and their incident management team will also be utilized in this investigation.

question - are you finding information this way that is helpful to the investigation?
can't answer right now

has a search taken you out of state?
we'll follow the leads wherever they take us

involvement of fbi - is that typical in a case like this?
this investigation involves a lot of manpower so the more officers we have involved in it the better, they are often involved in cases of missing children
nichole went missing sunday evening, her parents notified us the following morning when it was apparent to them that she was missing, several leads from family and friends have been helpful but theyr'e asking public if they saw anythign on route 221 between the pushaw rd intersection and route 43 intersection near rogers market between the hours of 8pm and 2am we would certainly appreciate hearing from any bypassers who saw anything at all between those times.
phone has rung continuously, have a live person phone manned and will continue to

should students of the high school be concerned? are there unwanted people scoping out the school property for young girls or anything like that?
people should take ordinary precautions

will take a few more questions then have to get back to work on this
can you say anything about "bryan butterfield" (fake facebook profile name)
there is a theory that has been floated out by many about bryan butterfield. (player cut out, darn!)

take everything seriously and continue to follow up on those.

we are well aware of that theory and there is nothing at htis point that would indicate there is any action needed further by our department there, this is an active investigatiion but he is NOT (cut out again!!)
Yesterday press conf mother gave statement.
LE giving every bit of effort to get Nicole home.
Been given support from multiple agencies including FBI.
Don't want to say anything that would jeopardize or speculate what we are doing.
Continued to explore computer and phone data.
Thank public.
Want to locate Nicole. Family asked media not to disturb family.
Received 60 tips overnight.
Next phase will be search efforts.
We mostly been using K9's in area where she was last seen, camp areas, plane brought in to areas that are difficult to get to.
This is a missing person's case.
Is there something different this time?
Obviously we can't comment on everything at this time, we are concerned for her welfare and well being and will continue to search for her.
What are you looking for?
We are looking for clues, footprints, clothing, things like that.
Vehicles involved?
There are reasons we are keeping things close to the vest.
Computer crimes unit also cell phone and data personnel being utilized.
Are you finding stuff?
Not commenting on that.
Geographic boundaries?
No boundaries.
FBI typical?
FBI brings a lot of resources to free up other officers.
A brief timeline.
Nicole missing Sunday evening, parents called Le next morning. LE asking for help.
Continue to man a live person tip line.
Narrowing down on continued tips.
Cell phone still on?
Can't comment.
Bryan Butterfield?
He has been interviewed, there is nothing at this point that would indicate...(Video feed cut out)
Maybe this means absolutely nothing, but I think it's creepy that the FB picture the abductor used is of males that are fishing. Does anyone know how long he had used that fishing photo? tia

He allegedly (according to some posts on Find Nicole FB page) had messaged multiple young women before he began to talk with Nichole. If this monster was using his smart phone to post on FB, shouldn't LE be able to track him with his phone's gps? If he was using a home computer (modem or router), wouldn't he have been found by now? Maybe he was plotting this at places with public wifi? Ugh.
There are reasons we are keeping things close to the vest.
Snipped by me. I wonder what that means? (Unless just referring to the usual not telling so we don't jeopardize the case type of thing).
This just seems stupid. The guy used social media and a phone or computer to contact multiple people. There is a trail. There is data. A location can be triangulated.
I would benefit from my teenage daughter having a gps chip to tell me where she's located. I need to figure out how to disguise it. (I'm only slightly joking. Do they make these for humans?) It texts you when your "loved one" leaves your property.|utmcmd=search&__utmv=-&__utmk=238379522

Me and my entire Family are on Life 360 its an app for the phone it tells me exactly where everyone is at all times. It shows you crimes commited in the area where everyone is at the time u look and gives you every Sex offender and where they live.

Look it up its pretty awesome!
I just got home from work and Im confused.

Didn't mom say her daughter went out to the driveway to meet someone and it wasn't who she thought it would be? How does mom know this and why did she wait till Monday morning to alert LE if she went missing sunday night?
I would benefit from my teenage daughter having a gps chip to tell me where she's located. I need to figure out how to disguise it. (I'm only slightly joking. Do they make these for humans?) It texts you when your "loved one" leaves your property.|utmcmd=search&__utmv=-&__utmk=238379522

When I worked for Sprint, (Assuming all companies use the same feature) there was a 5 dollar/mo add on to the plan that let you track your family members via a gps app. However, whenever you wanted to track a family member (probably to avoid privacy issues) the company would send a text to the phone letting them know they were being tracked.
Sprint Family Locator.
I just got home from work and Im confused.

Didn't mom say her daughter went out to the driveway to meet someone and it wasn't who she thought it would be? How does mom know this and why did she wait till Monday morning to alert LE if she went missing sunday night?

Yea I don't know if that was great judgment IMO. "Hey Mom, I'm gonna meet some dude at the end of the driveway is that OK?"
My Mom would have said;
"No you let that boy come to the door and knock."
This is scary!!!

Apparently this 19 yr old's name was used to create a fake facebook page with another guys pictures as a profile picture and photos were taken from this other guy's page to create this fake page which had contacted Nichole along with other minors.

In the video with this article at 00:45, BB says that he found out about this fake accnt as someone "messaged my girlfriend saying that you know, I was commenting on other girls pictures and asking other under age girls to hang out and I'm 19 and I was asking them for pictures that I shouldn't have been."

The article is Quoted... "What Bryan says is that he knew this fake account existed and claims he went to police after the person started contacting his friends and girlfriend. According to Butterfield both police and Facebook security did nothing to correct the situation. Now both he and his family are being questioned and scrutinized on social media and in public. And he says it could have been prevented."

Now this account has since been deleted. It's scary how people can grab your facebook photos and create fake accnts and start friending your friends or friend of friends and a lot of kids accept requests from those who have mutual friends without even knowing these people. Scary if this is what indeed happened and she is with some creepo! Teach your kids to lock their profiles down tight!:please:

Where are you Nicole?
Snipped by me. I wonder what that means? (Unless just referring to the usual not telling so we don't jeopardize the case type of thing).

As I was able to listen again once they put the video up the exact answer to the question of "Were any vehicles involved?"...
Answer..."Again that's information we are just not able to share..."
Later "I'm not going to comment, as Chief Deputy said investigative information is very important that we keep very close to the vest."

So I was transcribing as fast as I could but wasn't perfect. I tried. :blushing:
But the video is now up for anyone that wants to hear it.

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