GUILTY ME - Nichole Cable, 15, Glenburn, 12 May 2013

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DNA Solves
Some OVERage a##hat swiped her and who knows what her fate is now. I mean I'm sure we know what her immediate fate was , but what next? :(
I'm really worried about this girl. I feel so bad for her family. I've had to call the police once about my oldest son when he was about 15. I just could not find that boy anywhere for about three hours, and it was just... I don't know how to describe the feeling. Everything stopped. I cannot fathom what DAYS feels like. I ache for these people. I am just praying so hard that she is safe and fine and just staying away by her own will, even though I know her family doesn't believe that. But to believe anything else is just so scary.

I think I'll bring up the police scanner in her area and listen for awhile.

(Oh, my boy was fine. He and his knucklehead best friend were sleeping. Because male teenagers do that. *facepalm*)
I know SCHAME! I'm sick about this one. I really was hoping she just ran away but once her phone was off and no communication with anyone...Friends and family on the Bring Nichole Cable Home FB said she had always called someone and never stayed gone this long before, so yes I am very worried for her.:frown:
Can anyone point me in the direction of the original photos this man used to impersonate the young man ?
Can anyone point me in the direction of the original photos this man used to impersonate the young man ?
I looked for the fishing photo the poseur used, but I can't find it now. Maybe someone on here save it and would post it for you.
I looked for the fishing photo the poseur used, but I can't find it now. Maybe someone on here save it and would post it for you.

I wish the old profile was still up. Imposters normally link their real account to make it look like they have mutual friends.
I have a really bad feeling about this one. This creep went to a lot if trouble to get to this girl. Imagine how many other young girls he lured to his FB page before he chose which one to take. It's like he laid the trap then took his pick.

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I wish the old profile was still up. Imposters normally link their real account to make it look like they have mutual friends.

Because this guy stole the FB identity of another real 19-year-old guy in the same area, he was thought to be everyone's friend. :(
This case can be solved quickly and possibly a life saved if appropriate resources are made available. USSS I'm looking at you.
This monster used a computer or smart phone to post many times for over a year on FB. These devices leave digital tracks. The internet never forgets. If he used a public wifi, there was very likely security cameras in or near this business. What is keeping the FBI from finding Nichole's abductor and her?
I have a brother who is a bit of a computer genius and he explained to me once how people with even just rudimentary computer knowledge can learn to cover their tracks. They start with a computer that has a wiped clean hard drive and they use a dongle connected to a prepaid cell phone, like a tracfone. The IP changes every time they log in and the cell phone is not registered to anyone and is untraceable.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if this person was very careful, it could be extremely difficult to track them down and not nearly as simple as people are thinking (i.e. merely getting a warrant for all the Facebook logins and IPs, etc).

The only thing that gives me hope was the post (on I believe the FB group) that one of her friends had seen his last Facebook update and it had come from a demo laptop at a Walmart? That is a good sign and might mean that he isn't as sophisticated as he could have been.
I hope the real BB is checking his friend's list VERY carefully. I would bet there is at least one, if not two or more other fake accounts and they could be friends with him.
Here's the fake account picture.<mod snip>

Edited to add: All of the kids in these pictures have been identified as not involved and as having had their picture's stolen by the perp to make up his fake profile. So don't feel like you have the sleuth out the fishermen, they've already been identified and are not involved, just more victims of identity theft.
Good Morning! Long time lurker, first time poster here. I mostly check in on the Brittney Wood case, but this young lady has my attention since I have a daughter the same age. My daughter's opinion (as an expert teenager!) is that the guy who took Nichole is most likely not some "creepy old pedophile," but rather a young man, maybe late teens or early 20's. She just doesn't understand too many scenarios where this young lady would have gotten into the car with someone older. At night, in the dark, in a car lots of young guys would look alike.
I hope the real BB is checking his friend's list VERY carefully. I would bet there is at least one, if not two or more other fake accounts and they could be friends with him.

I agree with this or this person Knows BB is close with her!

Could this be a younger guy?
Not an older guy!
Good Morning! Long time lurker, first time poster here. I mostly check in on the Brittney Wood case, but this young lady has my attention since I have a daughter the same age. My daughter's opinion (as an expert teenager!) is that the guy who took Nichole is most likely not some "creepy old pedophile," but rather a young man, maybe late teens or early 20's. She just doesn't understand too many scenarios where this young lady would have gotten into the car with someone older. At night, in the dark, in a car lots of young guys would look alike.

I was just thinking the exact same thing! He is young!
If he had a hat on, and it was dark out she might not have really looked at him. Feeling like you already know the person you might just hop in. The movie I watched about the internet/girl who talked to a boy and it turned out to be a much older man. Maybe it is a fake story but it gives some good information. Once she met the guy he convinced her he was the same person just older, she went to a hotel with him. That is how good these perps are, 15 years might know better but they are still very trusting. I wonder once she got in he might of told her that he still needed to go to the store to get the cigs.
Here's the fake account picture.<mod snip>

Edited to add: All of the kids in these pictures have been identified as not involved and as having had their picture's stolen by the perp to make up his fake profile. So don't feel like you have the sleuth out the fishermen, they've already been identified and are not involved, just more victims of identity theft.

I think this guy knows all these ppl.
Fake FB profiles are nothing new. Nasty Business Nasty Joke! Maybe an Obsessed teen and this was the only way she would talk to him!
Has anyone been missing from school?
When I worked for Sprint, (Assuming all companies use the same feature) there was a 5 dollar/mo add on to the plan that let you track your family members via a gps app. However, whenever you wanted to track a family member (probably to avoid privacy issues) the company would send a text to the phone letting them know they were being tracked.
Sprint Family Locator.

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