Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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So the non action of GA for not calling about the smell in the car trumps the non calling of KC about the accidental drowning of an innocent 2 year old baby?

YEAH HOW can they claim there was never a "Dead body in the damn car" and turn around and say GA should have reported the smell of decomposition?!

I could just cry and never stop. :maddening::maddening::maddening:
We do have to remember...this is only 1 alternate...Hopefully the real jurors have real reasons..Good grief, is it even for sure a real alternate...
I also think "Father Time" aka Cm also threw them for a loop...with his Terror alert, Guilty Not Guilty Scale....
Russell Huekler said...The Prosecution did not prove there case and the big question that was not answered was how did Caylee die. Probably alot of discussion probably a horrific accident that dad and casey covered it up, and it did snowball.

Q..What evidence snowballed??
A, Horrific accident that they didn't know how to deal with it. the family very dysfunctional, it was an accident and they chose to hide it for whatever reason.

Q. Why would GA allow ICA face the death penalty for a accident?
A. Thats a good question. He now laughs, and says thats a really good question. Then he says THAT NEEDS TO BE ANSWERED.

They should not have left any question unanswered.

I know that this juror was an alternate, but I have a feeling that there were many questions still left unanswered when this jury adjorned. We at WS have access to much more info than the jury did and we are still trying to figure some things out. So, there is nobody that can tell me that this jury did what the state of Fla asked of them in 10 hrs.

Caylee deserved more than 10 hrs of their time.

TC, Robin
We do have to remember...this is only 1 alternate...Hopefully the real jurors have real reasons..Good grief, is it even for sure a real alternate...

That's the thing. There's no real reasons 12 people could have all agreed NOT GUILTY after such a short time.
YouTube of Russel talking. I am really concerned about the things he says...

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony: Russell Huekler Alternate Juror 7/5/11‬‏[/ame]
Also didn't believe a body was ever in the car . . . and bought the pet burial testimony.

This the thing that got me. I held out forever.. but from day 31, the one thing I always knew beyond a reasonable doubt was that there was a dead body in that damn car.
I'm guessing they didn't believe that the duct tape was used as the weapon. I don't want to believe that people can hide a body and get away with murder either and I would hope that's not true. I think every case is different but in this case there was a chance that it was an accident. I think that was the key. I think that the defense was smart to bring up the accident because it gave them another theory to go with. I think this stinks and I really really really hoped that she would have been found guilty and I'm so sick at the thought that she is going to go free.

Totally agree, but I also think they pounced on the family dysfunction and turned it to their total advantage and caught the SA completely off guard. Revenge served cold is our best line of thinking at this point I guess. Thanks again for the uber intelligent responses :)
Baez as much as admitted in his closing that there was a body in the darn car. i am disgusted
Ok it's probably poor taste to link to my own thread but Russell mentioned that he didn't believe the smell in the trunk partly because all of the law enforcement who came to the house that night didn't smell anything.

Here's what I heard:

VP: Do you believe Caylee Anthony's remains were in Casey's car in the trunk?
RH: I had a hard time believing that, especially with just, you know, the one hair being found, uh, I don't think there was the evidence of the chloroform, you know, we really, I, I meant to say I personally I didn't buy it, because I thought there was such so low levels, that it could have been attributed, you know, to possibly cleaning products, uhn and then with the one hair. And then, they showed us a picture of a stain, I didn't see a picture of a stain, that could have been, you know, decomposing material. Um, getting back with George, if George was...
VP: How about...
RH: You know, with him being an ex-police officer, if he would have smelled a decomposing body when they picked up the car from the, from the uh, tow yard, you know, why didn't he, why didn't the tow driver call law enforcement right away? Why did they take the vehicle home and try to clean it?
VP: So you, here's a question Russ, (fumbling) so you think all of the people that smelled the smell of death, because it was a big part of the case, you did not find their testimony credible, any of them?
RH: Well you gotta remember, a number of law enforcement officers responded on July the 15th and none of them smelled the odor.

(bolding mine)

Jose's Who Smelled What Chart

Jose spun that list out of the air, after admonishing them to use the actual evidence. The jury did not remember the testimony of those witnesses, or at least Russ didn't. ALL of the LE smelled something that night except one.

This troubles me, as well as use of the word "we". :(

So he (they) didn't believe the car smelled like decomposition but yet he said, "Why did they take the vehicle home and try to clean it?".

Why try to clean the car if it didn't stink? They didn't believe LE, the tow guy, George, Cindy, Lee, that it stunk. They prefer to believe the few LEOs who were around that night, probably not really concentrating on the car. But yet he's questioning why the family cleaned the car? A car that he thinks had no dead body in it!!!!

The jurors didn't listen to Cindy's 911 call, did they?

The stench in the car told LE Caylee was dead. How did the jurors let that go?

To be a juror, does one have to check off the box "brain dead"? OK, you're a juror. :eek:
So to sum up: the jury decided she was 'not guilty' directly after hearing the DT's opening statements.

OK, perhaps there was a little more effort and thought went into it than that so perhaps my assessment is unjust....but then so was this verdict.
First post here at WS but have been following this case since day 1. I noticed also that RH kept saying 'WE' and than he would retract and say 'I'. It makes me believe that they did talk amongst themselves outside of that courtroom.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that alternates do not participate in the deliberation room with the original jurors? If this is the case why would he continue to say 'we' if he was not in that room during deliberation?


:rocker: Where is Kathi Belich?
How is it possible that not ONE single juror did not say to the others: "I am staying here until we completely go over all the evidence, testimony and judge's charges. I will not decide on my verdict until I'm satisified that I've reviewed everything."

Regardless of their verdict, I am devastated that these jurors didn't devote the necessary time to complete their sworn duty. IMHO, 10+ hours on 6+ weeks of testimony and evidence is a tremendous travesty of justice.
Cindy Anthony called and reported the smell of a dead body in the car. I guess they didn't believe that either.

What's interesting is when you realize the Anthony's (Cindy) called police and reported their daughter to police, but then they tried to do everything to obstruct LE from getting to the truth, claimed a fake person kidnapped Caylee...I mean...if they didn't want their precious princess to be blamed, then why call police AT ALL? What was it all for?
I was in a civil trial and we asked questions during deliberations that were sent out to the judge and we all filed out and our question was answered. This jury did not do the job they swore under oath to do. One of the juror's showed up in a suit this morning indicating they had already made a decision after about 2 hours of deliberation yesterday. IMO today was spent filling out the form. It took us a couple of hours to do that with less charges.

No wonder none of them want to talk to the media. jmo
How could they not believe Dr. Vass? This guy is Mr. Science of Dead Bodies, for goodness sakes. It's his life's profession. HE smelled the decomp smell that is "unlike anything else." There was a dead body in that car. Cindy smelled it, George smelled it, as soon as they picked up the car. The tow yard guy smelled it. Dr. Vass smelled it! The cadaver dogs (2) smelled it!

This guy is a TEACHER. Lord help the next generation... critical thinking is history.
This is what I was afraid of, that the DT would make GA appear so sleazy that it would overshadow KC's actions. So the lies of GA and CA really played well into their daughter's defense. Congratulations to the Anthony's - you all seriously deserve each other.

Respectfully, George and Cindy made themselves look sleazy without any help from the defense team. IMO

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