Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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Duct tape was George's. It could have been his idea, a former police detective, to make it look like a kidnapping instead of the coverup of an unfortunate accident they were all afraid to let CA in on the truth of.

I don't get the hang up on the duct tape being George's. The defense said follow the duct tape. So what if it was George's duct tape. Casey lived at the house and could get and use the duct tape. I'm sure the laundry bag was Cindy's and no one is blaming Cindy for dumping the body because the laundry bag was hers.

Next time I eat the last brownie, I'm claiming dh bought it, therefore they were his, therefore he ate the last one.
This guy sure likes to hear himself talk. He's on every show.
I can't believe a juror would say he did not believe KC was molested as her defense attorney stated quite vividly in his opening statement that the jury was instructed not to consider and then turns around and says he does not trust what GA was saying because he was giving JB a hard time. The man just said you stuck a part of your body in your daughter's mouth and you expect him to give the defense attorney a big hug (personally I think GA would have been missing part of his body had he done that knowing KC). So you believe KC was lying about the molestation but telling the truth about the drowning. And you don't know how the body got there but are sure that there was no body in the trunk regardless of the witnesses who said they smelled decomposition.

If someone is lying you can't trust anything they say and that is why the evidence was there and so important for them to look at. None of those jury members asked to look at the carpet that LE, FBI and SA said was stained. Did they even look at one piece of evidence? I do not think they did and the fact that they, too, are hiding from the media is not a good sign. Something is just not right. It defies common sense. jmo
They did not "put duct tape on the pets." GA even testified that he never put duct tape "on" the pets. It was sometimes used as a seal on the funerary wrap. It was never placed on the actual pets.
Sorry, I meant when burying the pets - guess I was so upset that this juror could be so stupid when making the connection of burying the pets with the disposal of Caylee.
After hearing this alternative I have 'no doubt' they were all discussing this case.

*what time did they spend deliberating? 12:09... pick a foreman, lunch, go over instructions... take a perlim vote (did I hear they didn't have their notebooks or ask to review any evidence?) sounds like that they were all on the same page. wth

regardless, if they were on the same page about reasonable doubt, they should have 'indeed' asked to review the evidence regarding those doubts to at least ensure if it was evidence or purjured statements or in just incorrectly understanding the instructions.... they wanted to go home

too hinkey imo
Did it escape this moron's attention that Caylee's hair was stuck in the duct tape? Or do they believe that it just sort of floated there while Roy Kronk had the remains? Unbelievable.

Well thank heavens that one juror won't have to miss the cruise. Home in plenty of time to pack.

Heard the aunt by marriage say that she is just disgusted and believes the jurors to be stupid or very very lazy. I concur wholeheartedly. They did not even make a pretense of revisiting any of the evidence.
He won't shut up until you quit listening. Just a thought.
Casey, and everyone in the house, had access to the duct tape. But, again, I come back to the simple fact that George would have buried the body. It was his modus operandi in the pet burials. He would not have left Caylee's body unburied. Someone lacking the upper body strength to dig a hole for Caylee's body (it's harder than one may think) disposed of her. That only leaves Casey. Or Cindy if you're really trying to stretch things.

I, flat out, don't buy that LE moved the tape before it arrived to forensics. The duct tape was holding the mandible in place. If there was no duct tape applied around the mouth and nose, the mandible would have separated. IIRC, experts attested to this. To believe that the duct accidentally held the mandible in place is, IMO, like believing you'll win the lottery…without buying a lottery ticket,

I'm starting to wonder if seeing all the pictures of the skull, and maybe the recreation, horrified the jurors so much that they just couldn't let themselves believe that a "good mother" would do this to her child. It almost seems like willful denial. If they agree it was just an accident, they can deny the reality of what happened. And if they deny it, they don't have to feel the full horror of knowing that a mother duct taped her child's mouth and nose, which resulted in her death.
No. as they said, Casey could confess tomorrow and there would be no fact there was a case where that happened iirc.

the state only gets one bite at the apple

Bold mine

Yeah...and the defense gets to eat the whole apple, rotten core and all. :maddening:
First post here at WS but have been following this case since day 1. I noticed also that RH kept saying 'WE' and than he would retract and say 'I'. It makes me believe that they did talk amongst themselves outside of that courtroom.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that alternates do not participate in the deliberation room with the original jurors? If this is the case why would he continue to say 'we' if he was not in that room during deliberation?

That should be cause for a mistrial, imo.
I just want all of you to take notice and spread the word...DO NOT BUY OR SPEND ONE DIME ON ANY BOOK THOSE <modsnip> JURORS WRITE OR ANY MAGAZINE THEY MAY GIVE AN INTERVIEW TO.....hopefully, if all the publishers and magazines are boycotted they will just drop it and KC and the jurors and Baez will not profit from this. But it will only happen if nobody purchases any of their publications.

Don't watch the shows either. They track viewer watching.....this is so insane. For instance if 20/20 or those other big new shows advertise this Friday at 10, blah, blah, blah, just don't turn it on. I know it could be hard, but for me I have no interest in hearing what KC's 12 new BFF have to say regarding their decision of why they came to their decision, so it won't be hard for me!!!

ty for the link
they were talking.. BBM how would he know "US" & 'WE"

Note Quote from article:

"They didn't give us any type of explanation for that," said Huekler. "So again, they were just not meeting any kind of burden of proof. We had plenty of reasonable doubt."

Quote from article:

It's a shame because it was an accident that became a murder scene

how did they conclude it was an accident? whate evidence was presented?
Jury selection is what was messed up. Also, heard a few TH's say this jury may have been looking for 'beyond any doubt' rather then a reasonable doubt.
In the channel 13 interview, Hueckler says that the "party girl" motive didn't ring true because CA & GA were so supportive. Looks like they ignored the evidence of her lies about her job, which were motivated by a desire to go out and party with a legitimate excuse. If CA & GA were so supportive that they'd babysit any night she wanted, then why did Casey make up such a huge lie to get free time to party?
It isnt fair to attack the jurors.

I HATE that Casey Anthony isnt going to death row!

But it is the jury selection process that eliminated anyone who had exposure to the story -- and someone could figure out what percentage that is -- ask yourselves then what kind of person was on the jury?? Ashon and co. just didnt convince them.

I think the defense knew this better tan the prosecution and thus they seeed either slow or just plain stupid to us.

Do you think the jury will be surprised to hear the outrage about their verdict?

I can understand your viewpoint. However, it seems you are saying that the prosecution should have dumbed down their case for the sake of a win, instead of presenting the facts (which they did, powerfully). The truth is the truth, no matter how ineffective it seems to a jury, IMO. (Which, IMO, then says more about the jury than about the prosecution.)
Casey, and everyone in the house, had access to the duct tape. But, again, I come back to the simple fact that George would have buried the body. It was his modus operandi in the pet burials. He would not have left Caylee's body unburied. Someone lacking the upper body strength to dig a hole for Caylee's body (it's harder than one may think) disposed of her. That only leaves Casey. Or Cindy if you're really trying to stretch things.

I, flat out, don't buy that LE moved the tape before it arrived to forensics. The duct tape was holding the mandible in place. If there was no duct tape applied around the mouth and nose, the mandible would have separated. IIRC, experts attested to this. To believe that the duct accidentally held the mandible in place is, IMO, like believing you'll will the lottery…without buying a lottery ticket,

The area was underwater for a while, and there are also wolves, coyotes, and other animals in the area. It is possible that the item was buried at one point and resurfaced after the area was submerged. Remember the remains were already skeletonized & they didn't find plants that tend to grow where a body actually decomposed. Also like I said before GA is a former police detective & it may have been his idea to use duct tape & make it look like a kidnapping instead of a coverup of a terrible accident. Maybe he didn't bury...I'm sure he knows what an MO is & didn't want to make it look like he'd be involved. Who knows--I just know he's hiding a lot, and you don't do that without reason. Poor Caylee, rest her soul, may have died any number of ways--accidental or otherwise. I don't think ICA is innocent, but I don't know who did what and who just knew about what. Also, the only time I heard ICA say "Honest to God" in her police interviews is when she was repeating that she doesn't know where her daughter is "right now." In her prison letters, she seems to be pretty religious. That makes me think GA may have been the one who actually transported the body--which is why little evidence was left in the car, because he knew better--and ICA really didn't know where Caysee was at that point. In all her lies, I never heard to say "honest to God" during a lie; also she seemed adamant on that point, and the detectives were like "ok maybe you don't know where she is right now but you know what happened to her" (paraphrasing). Then GA &/or CA cleaned the trunk, accounting for the choloroform levels. Again, not saying any of this happened...just saying that reasonable doubt does "live" in this case (excuse my Baez-ism).
Obviously twelve <unusual people> do.

Maybe they went down the rabbit hole.

I feel so horrible for Caylee's name and memory.I wonder if Cindy is going to get on her to make another asap. Who knows what kinds of deals they made.

I will never ever contribute a penny to anything anthony related, no shows, no books, no movies, no interviews and whomever sponsers I'll avoid like the plague even if it means throwing my tv out, disconecting my puter.
Misty croslin gets 25 years for a few vicodin (that's all that can be proven as of now) and Caylees murderer goes free.
Lord forbid someone smokes a joint in public. imo
My god...all the money and resources spent on this..~~FLUSH~ right down the drain. I am beyond sad and mystified tonight. :cry:
This jury was a joke and obviously doesn't have one brain cell between them. Even if they forgot all other evidence, not reporting a missing child is child abuse at the very least. And this ***** is a teacher. No wonder our children aren't learning. Good to know he thinks there's something creepy about George but not KC. Now I understand his IQ.

So sad that the whole world cares about Caylee with the exception of theses jurors and KC's defense team. We all can't be wrong.

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