Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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GA had to have brought the duct tape to the command center. CA also testified George was the only one who used the duct tape. They lived in Ohio when ICA was just a child, and the duct tape was manufactured in Ohio, where GA probably bought it long before Caylee was born. I believe it was George's personal duct tape, as you put it. It was also on his gas can. And he is obviously very particular about his personal things.

Yeah, and um, Casey "borrowed" his gas can. She could have "borrowed" his duct tape too. Personal or not. There was no evidence presented that GA kept the duct tape locked up. But he did keep the gas cans locked up and she got a hold of them (by breaking the lock). It's reasonable to conclude she could get her hands on the duct tape too.
Bill O'Reilly chewed up Geraldo and spit him out. He had him red faced and stuttering and sputtering. It was beautiful.
Where did we hear that term, "an accident that snowballed out of control." It was John Allen during his interview with KC at Universal when he asked her if Caylee drowned and she said no. He asked her if it was an accident that snowballed out of control. She again told him no. The nanny took her and that was her story and she was sticking to it. That tape was heard by millons of people over the course of these 3 years.

There was NO evidence of a drowning presented at trial. Nothing, nada. KC did not testify it was an accident. GA said, no, Caylee did not drown. They want you to believe CA left the ladder up and both outside doors were unlocked but that the front door was locked and secured, the sheds were locked and secured and that this one time that Caylee who always woke up JoJo picked this day not to do so. That Cindy went past those two opened doors to the outside and thought nothing of it but stated in her deposition that she knew the girls were still in bed because she could hear them breathing. GA gets up everyday between 6 and 7am. There was no proof of a drowning and none was presented only a bunch of lies about what time it happened in the opening statement. jmo
If you look at the anything but clothes party picture of KC and the American flag you can see that it has tape under the portion that is keeping it on her chest. Amy talked about them doing this during her deposition. KC was no stranger to tape of any kind. Amy even says in a text message that "you did not give me back my tape. Guess it's what I get for letting you have my purse." Wonder what else was missing??? jmo
I was in a civil trial and we asked questions during deliberations that were sent out to the judge and we all filed out and our question was answered. This jury did not do the job they swore under oath to do. One of the juror's showed up in a suit this morning indicating they had already made a decision after about 2 hours of deliberation yesterday. IMO today was spent filling out the form. It took us a couple of hours to do that with less charges.

No wonder none of them want to talk to the media. jmo

AHA..didn't Jean say they were dressed up yesterday too?

They knew, they knew yesterday they would start deliberations & they were all set with their verdict then.
They didn't give it because it was way too quick & someone would catch on.
They knew...........
I hope someone takes that first interview the guy did and lets the judge listen to it. He did imply they had talked about it.
I would have voted exactly the way this Jury voted.

I think alot of people would do well to rewatch the trial as often as I have heard anyone say "are they watching the same trial "

I have saw where people infered the evidence said one thing when it did not. I have seen people say JA made a point when the only thing he did was make himself look mean. Now people are insulting the IQ of 12 people who are not just educated but some of them are even educators.

I understand people are upset, but this jury was educated.

I think not...JMO
People who are unable to use deductive reasoning, a rare skill in this country, will find it next to impossible to understand the definition of:

The level of certainty a juror must have to find a defendant guilty of a crime. A real doubt, based upon reason and common sense after careful and impartial consideration of all the evidence, or lack of evidence, in a case.

Proof beyond a reasonable doubt, therefore, is proof of such a convincing character that you would be willing to rely and act upon it without hesitation in the most important of your own affairs. However, it does not mean an absolute certainty.

I accept this verdict, since I believe in the judicial system, but I knew this would be the outcome when these individuals were chosen. I held out very little hope that logic would rule the day. Sadly I was correct. RIP Caylee Marie.
Just listening to what this one semi-literate, inchoate ***** said (the Alternate Juror)
convinces me that our System of Justice is a JOKE, is dead, is a
charade, and actually reinforces and enables the forces of secular humanism,
ethical relativism, sensation/instant gratification-seeking
that have,
ahem, swamped our FORMERLY "common sense."

(aside)....The Triumph of the "Jose Baez's" of this Life is what wearies my soul and spirit the most.

Pertinent Book Titles:

A Confederacy of Dunces,

Stranger in a Strange Land

Thank you!!!

This jury doesn't know how reasonable doubt is defined. PERIOD.
People who are unable to use deductive reasoning, a rare skill in this country, will find it next to impossible to understand the definition of:

The level of certainty a juror must have to find a defendant guilty of a crime. A real doubt, based upon reason and common sense after careful and impartial consideration of all the evidence, or lack of evidence, in a case.

Proof beyond a reasonable doubt, therefore, is proof of such a convincing character that you would be willing to rely and act upon it without hesitation in the most important of your own affairs. However, it does not mean an absolute certainty.

I accept this verdict, since I believe in the judicial system, but I knew this would be the outcome when these individuals were chosen. I held out very little hope that logic would rule the day. Sadly I was correct. RIP Caylee Marie.

My sentiments exactly. I have lost faith in humanity. Someone should've given them a legal dictionary.
this man does NOT speak for the jury. when and if some of the jurors decide to speak, then you can (and undoubtedly will) pass judgement on their findings.
All through the trial, I was yelling at the TV, " quit talking down to them JB, they aren't ignorant"

The joke's on me.
So he (they) didn't believe the car smelled like decomposition but yet he said, "Why did they take the vehicle home and try to clean it?".

Why try to clean the car if it didn't stink? They didn't believe LE, the tow guy, George, Cindy, Lee, that it stunk. They prefer to believe the few LEOs who were around that night, probably not really concentrating on the car. But yet he's questioning why the family cleaned the car? A car that he thinks had no dead body in it!!!!

The jurors didn't listen to Cindy's 911 call, did they?

The stench in the car told LE Caylee was dead. How did the jurors let that go?

To be a juror, does one have to check off the box "brain dead"? OK, you're a juror. :eek:

I agree, and i don't think they took this burden lightly. Nor are they 'stupid'. They did what they were called to do and just because their conclusion is different to what many wanted, doesn't make them uneducated.

It is disgusting to me that so many are condemning these people. They sacrificed weeks of their lives. They could not make a guilty verdict fit. They did what they were asked to do. It is is disgusting that they are on the receiving end of so much hate. The evidence was not there for them. The evidence failed Caylee, not the Jury.

Nope, Nope, and Nope.

The evidence was there for them........they were just too <modsnip> to understand it.

They LIED to Judge Perry when they agreed they were NOT discussing this trial amongst each other.
Duct tape was George's. It could have been his idea, a former police detective, to make it look like a kidnapping instead of the coverup of an unfortunate accident they were all afraid to let CA in on the truth of. Or the duct tape could've been not around her mouth & nose, but on the bag, and got caught in her hair at some point in the forest w/water or animals. DT also cast doubt on whether duct tape was "arranged" before making it to Med Examiner.


How did they cast 'reasonable doubt'???

The duct tape is the only reason the mandible was in place.

The cotton strings in the duct tape were deteriorated because of the length of time it had been out in the elements.

Please, someone, anyone who was here watching this trial everyday, tell me I am not entering the twilight zone.

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