Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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His reaction/response: "I was angry and shocked by the verdict. It's obvious from the evidence that was presented that Casey was the last person to see Caylee alive, and her body was dumped in the woods, so.." he got cut off
JG doesn' think Casey will go home. She will have that partying lifestyle.

I would tell her she has to repent. (JG)
He said it so well. KC will be the one to answer someday, why Caylee is no longer on this earth
Says alot when those who were closest to Casey are shocked and disappointed in the verdict. I'd love to hear from AH and TL.
He seems very accepting of the jury's decision and the process. Disappointed of course, but seems very realistic and objective and accepting of what happened.

That's because he and LDB have class and grace.
I'm dying to see this show - hope it is on line soon!
I watched a Russell Huekler interview on GMA this morning. Said he was shocked to learn so many people did not agree with the verdict. I noticed he did not address the forensic evidence at all. I don't believe this Jury understood the forensics of the case so totally disregarded it. I also noticed something else. When the Scott Peterson Jury gave their press conference, all were very emotional. One could tell they were mentally exhausted. This Jury really connected with little Conner. So much so, the redhead gave him a nickname. I believe it was "little man".Russell Huekler didn't appear to be effected by the trial at all. Perhaps it was because he was an alternate. However,the red head in the SP case was also an alternate until she replaced one of the Jurors late in the trial.
Stop attacking jurors. They did exactly what the law asked them to do. The state failed, not the jury.

I don't think this jury fully understood the instructions given to them. If someone has lied under oath and it is proven they must give no weigh to their testimony. CA, other than her 911 call, should have been discounted. Admittedly the alternate juror claimed they did not believe KC was molested but did not trust GA. They found KC guilty of lying but want to buy into the drowning theory that she failed to reveal for three years. Did not consider the jawbone and the numerous witnesses who said the car smelled like human decomposition and did not know how the body got down the street. Too many questions that had answers by the State of Florida that were ignored.

It appears they wrote off the family as dysfunctional and the child was just collateral damage. I was in a minor civil trial and we had questions for the judge. This group had none but by the alternate's statement they had plenty questions. That is not a sign of doing a thorough job. jmo
I am not too concerned about his use of the word 'we'. He is a teacher-he is used to saying 'we' to his students. example..'and now we add these number' and we get a total of what?'. example-'if we take these facts, what do we conclude?' etc etc even as simple as 'we walk, we don't run'.
Says alot to me that this guy is EVERYWHERE. Wonder what his motives were in serving on this jury?

He was one of the very few potential jurors during selection that was anxious to serve, IIRC. He wanted to be able to use the experience in his teachings as a government teacher. Think about that - this is the type of people teaching our young people. Scary.
This alternate is really stretching his 15 minutes..
Props to JA. I have no idea how it happened but I feel a bit better. Still will skip any and all interviews with the jurors/defense though.

I wish it made me feel better. :( I'm still spinning in disbelief and anger.
Just announced on HLN Jeff Ashton will be on the Dr. Drew show at 9 tonight.
I am not too concerned about his use of the word 'we'. He is a teacher-he is used to saying 'we' to his students. example..'and now we add these number' and we get a total of what?'. example-'if we take these facts, what do we conclude?' etc etc even as simple as 'we walk, we don't run'.

I'm not too concerned about the use of the word "we" either. What I am concerned about is the following statement he made on HLN's this morning;

Russell Heukler (alt. juror) said (and I quote), "I can speak for all 17 of us when I say it was a horrific accident." (HLN news) How can he speak for ALL 17 of them if they didn't discuss the case before the alternates were removed and the 12 jurors began deliberations?! He would have had NO idea what ALL 17 jurors were thinking!
Interviewer: Did Jose Baez act ethically? (re: abuse allegations)
JA: "ah....ahhh.........I..I think he...I... wouldn't like to say"

We completely understand.
I agree that the instructions make it impossible unless you believe Casey did it beyond a reasonable doubt..the way its written, how in hell could they know if there was a permanent disfigurement (if its death then it would be manslaughter) etc.

I understand their verdict.

Yeah cause a baby's body decomposing to nothing more than a bag of bones isn't permanent disfigurement... :waitasec:

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