Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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:waitasec: I have a question for this so-called "alternate juror" :

Would you let Casey Anthony "babysit" your children ?

:waitasec: I guess he would ...

What a < > ... I don't want to get banned because I love it here at WS and will be relying on WS for all of my news ... I have had enough of the THs and TV ...

This alternate is a teacher ... no wonder the school system is FAILING in this country !

I'm sorry but if I had money and lived in Pinellas County I would take a billboard and say thanks jurors for letting a murderer walk free, you did your county proud. Heck, I'll bet the Cummings, Croslins, Billie Dunn, Kyron's stepmom and others are loading up their moving trucks to move to Pinellas County to do their dirty deeds if this how juries think. I mean really????? They had to have discussed and this is the best they can come up with???

(no disrespect to the other Pinellas County residents - I know we have some here on the boards)

but a question I have is -- what if you were this guy's or one of the jurors families and you watched the trial -- would you not slap them and say what the heck are you thinking??????

And Cindy smiling so big after the verdict - newsflash - ICA wants nothing to do with you. Hope you're all happy!!!

I am so disgusted and mad it's not even funny.
This alternate juror is in an alternate universe.
Oh, I hope that is true!

If the jurors discussed the case before deliberations, I think that would be grounds for a mistrial due to juror misconduct!

Keep talkin' big man, please! Tell us more!

Right now this would just be rumor unless someone can provide a link to the comment on GMA. Anyone else hear it? We need a link!

Can JP legally overrule this now that casey has been found not guilty?
The state didnt fail, and ICA didnt win. Humanity failed us. We live in a world where people go apesh#t if they lose their phone or cant post a facebook status. where people excuse the bad behaviors of their children just so they can not suffer consequences. where everyone is recognized for every stupid unmonumental occasion. Where the sense of self worth is already tremendously over inflated for people who have never worked aday in their lives. Full of people who think only of themselves and believe that they are owed the world when they have contributed nothing. This jury and this world is filled with those people. This jury and this world is filled with casey anthony's. This society has bred a bunch of self involved, greedy, malicious, uncaring individuals that only care about how many twitter followers they have and how many people liked their facebook posts. Caylee most likely died cuz she got in the middle of mommys myspace time. I will never understand this world we live in right now. disgusted is a ridiculous understatement. How long till Casey Anthony has her new twitter and Facebook accounts up and running. And How many "friends"will she have. I calculate in the hundreds of thousands. And that, ladies and gentleman, Is the world we live in.
Did he die?

Gee whiz! MY BAD! I did think he had died a couple of years ago. I should have checked that out first.

Since he IS alive, I wonder what his response to that would be.
Can JP legally overrule this now that casey has been found not guilty?

The trial is done, nothing more can be done. I understand people want to grasp on to some hope but it's not going to happen, at least not as far as this trial is concerned. It's over, she is (or soon will be) a free woman and there is nothing anyone here, there or anywhere can do about it.
The state didnt fail, and ICA didnt win. Humanity failed us. We live in a world where people go apesh#t if they lose their phone or cant post a facebook status. where people excuse the bad behaviors of their children just so they can not suffer consequences. where everyone is recognized for every stupid unmonumental occasion. Where the sense of self worth is already tremendously over inflated for people who have never worked aday in their lives. Full of people who think only of themselves and believe that they are owed the world when they have contributed nothing. This jury and this world is filled with those people. This jury and this world is filled with casey anthony's. This society has bred a bunch of self involved, greedy, malicious, uncaring individuals that only care about how many twitter followers they have and how many people liked their facebook posts. Caylee most likely died cuz she got in the middle of mommys myspace time. I will never understand this world we live in right now. disgusted is a ridiculous understatement. How long till Casey Anthony has her new twitter and Facebook accounts up and running. And How many "friends"will she have. I calculate in the hundreds of thousands. And that, ladies and gentleman, Is the world we live in.

Exactly.........people dont want to believe this, but IMO this is true.
To everyone here...please exercise your rights to free speech (while keeping in minds the rules here of course!) and judge away. These jurors had no business being part of this trial. a few hours of deliberation and not requesting any evidence = they have earned the judgement they get. I am beyond shocked at the audacity of these jurors.
And to those of you who live in Florida please let Judge Perry know about the possible juror misconduct. You never know!
The trial is done, nothing more can be done. I understand people want to grasp on to some hope but it's not going to happen, at least not as far as this trial is concerned. It's over, she is (or soon will be) a free woman and there is nothing anyone here, there or anywhere can do about it.

Then hold them all in contempt and give them a huge fine! There is always a remedy of some kind.

Eh, where's my pitchfork, and who took my torch!?!
Gee whiz! MY BAD! I did think he had died a couple of years ago. I should have checked that out first.

Since he IS alive, I wonder what his response to that would be.

Well, it's not the first time he's been buried at WS. ;)

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Andrea Lyon New DP Atty[/ame]

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Andrea Lyon New DP Atty[/ame]

I'd love to see him post and let us know his reaction to the case now.
"Stop attacking jurors. They did exactly what the law asked them to do. The state failed, not the jury."

Actually, no, no they didn't. It is clear from the comments of the alternate and the near record speed with which they "deliberated" that the jury did not follow the judge's order not to discuss the case until it was time to deliberate. So, no, they did not do "what the law asked them to do." I hope that there is further investigation of this issue by the Florida justice system, so that future jurors will understand that lying to a judge and violating a court order is a serious matter. Unfortunately in this case, their misconduct lead to a severe miscarriage of justice.

BethKaras Beth Karas

JEFF ASHTON INTERVIEW: I'm interviewing Jeff Ashton, live from New York, from 2-3 pm today on In Session. Tune in!


Another interview this afternoon!
I'm really not understanding folks who want to make this a liberal or conservative issue as if one group or the other has the moral high ground. Ridiculous.
This dude was just on TV saying he thought he could speak for all 17 of them! How on earth, without discussing the case before deliberations, could he do that?! :thud:

I hope HHBP is watching the news.

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