Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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After reading that article from Juror #2 I just wish he would've held out and not went with NG...

After going around the room, each juror having their say, they voted on the charge: It was 10-2 against first-degree murder.

"We didn't know how she died, we didn't know when she died," the juror said. "Technically, we didn't even know where she died.

"You couldn't say who did it. To me, that's why it was aggravated manslaughter of a child."

• • •

That was the next charge the charge the jury could have convicted Casey Anthony on, one that could have carried a sentence of up to 15 years in prison.

Juror No. 2 believed that the mother was guilty of the "culpable negligence" requirement of that charge in the death of her daughter. He wasn't alone.

Now it was Tuesday. The vote on the manslaughter charge: 6-6. The two sides were starting to harden. They started talking over one another. Voices were raised. The foreman calmed them down. They started raising their hands and waiting to speak.

Here, then, another defense argument started to sway the jury. The defense told the jury that Caylee Anthony drowned, and the family tried to cover it up. But, as Baez said, things "snowballed out of control."

The defense also accused George Anthony of sexually abusing his daughter Casey — a charge he denied. But the defense said the abuse trained Casey Anthony to lie and live in denial.

The jury didn't believe anything George Anthony had to say on the stand, according to Juror No. 2. But more important to the jurors who opposed the manslaughter charge, no one could say who was actually the child's caretaker no matter her fate: whether she was killed or died accidentally.

Juror No. 2 didn't buy that. He believed that whether or not Casey Anthony was in physical control of the child when she died, or found out about it afterward, the mother's failure to act was damning.

"The six that voted guilty said it didn't matter at what point in time she came home and found out her daughter was missing," he said. "She had to report it in some way, shape or form, and that's where the negligence came in."

But some jurors, he said, would not convict Anthony of any charge related to the girl's death.

By lunch Tuesday, the guilty side started to lose votes. Juror No. 2 was the last holdout. The other side's argument was strong, but he was still disappointed. His vote changed. The verdict was read at 2:15 p.m.

"We truly don't know what happened," Juror No. 2 said. "Somebody knows, but we don't know."

• • •

:sick: Why would anyone give in, other than wanting to go home? Poor Caylee.
I'm beginning to see that life "on the outside" will be far more punishment for MCA (Murderer CA) than being incarcerated for life could ever be!

Wait until she finds out the celebs hate her. lol I hope she doesn't think this jury represents most of America because it really doesn't.

Wow! Intriguing comments from this juror...snips from the article

After going around the room, each juror having their say, they voted on the charge: It was 10-2 against first-degree murder.

Now it was Tuesday. The vote on the manslaughter charge: 6-6. The two sides were starting to harden. They started talking over one another. Voices were raised. The foreman calmed them down. They started raising their hands and waiting to speak.

"The six that voted guilty said it didn't matter at what point in time she came home and found out her daughter was missing," he said. "She had to report it in some way, shape or form, and that's where the negligence came in."

But some jurors, he said, would not convict Anthony of any charge related to the girl's death.

By lunch Tuesday, the guilty side started to lose votes. Juror No. 2 was the last holdout. The other side's argument was strong, but he was still disappointed. His vote changed. The verdict was read at 2:15 p.m.

"We truly don't know what happened," Juror No. 2 said. "Somebody knows, but we don't know."

Gosh. How are 2 jurors able to go from thinking this is 1st degree murder to letting her off on all the felony charges. Wow.
"I just swear to God ...," he said, his voice falling silent, overcome by tears. "I wish we had more evidence to put her away. I truly do ...

"But it wasn't there."

How do they know? They didn't even ask to view the evidence in private..?
OMG please help me here. How can they get away with this?

They had the evidence in their room, except for the can of smell and the transcripts...
Exactly as I figured. Group pressure and tactics. Some stronger personalities persuaded the others. No mentioned about the evidence, but focusing on GA and accidental drowning. So to the people talking about evidence well according to this juror that wasn't the reasoning behind their verdict.
Note to Juror #2 All it took was one person to stand up for Caylee.

That's what I keep telling myself. This poor child didn't have one person stand up for her when it really mattered. I am so so sad!!!

But if you read the interview, all they did was take everything the defense said in their opening and said the prosecution didn't prove what the defense said.

Did they have ear plugs in during jury instructions?

I guess it should have been gone over and over that the opening, closing and every thing the lawyers say is not evidence.
But if you read the interview, all they did was take everything the defense said in their opening and said the prosecution didn't prove what the defense said.

Did they have ear plugs in during jury instructions?

I guess it should have been gone over and over that the opening, closing and every thing the lawyers say is not evidence.

Now it was Tuesday. The vote on the manslaughter charge: 6-6. The two sides were starting to harden. They started talking over one another. Voices were raised. The foreman calmed them down. They started raising their hands and waiting to speak.

"The six that voted guilty said it didn't matter at what point in time she came home and found out her daughter was missing," he said. "She had to report it in some way, shape or form, and that's where the negligence came in."

But some jurors, he said, would not convict Anthony of any charge related to the girl's death.

By lunch Tuesday, the guilty side started to lose votes. Juror No. 2 was the last holdout. The other side's argument was strong, but he was still disappointed. His vote changed. The verdict was read at 2:15 p.m.

"We truly don't know what happened," Juror No. 2 said. "Somebody knows, but we don't know."

My point is this....Why did he give in?? The SA would be working on a retrial right now if he had not given in. I know it would be hard to stand up to 11 others but given the opportunity, I would have. :anguish: :tears:
"I just swear to God ...," he said, his voice falling silent, overcome by tears. "I wish we had more evidence to put her away. I truly do ...

"But it wasn't there."

How do they know? They didn't even ask to view the evidence in private..?
OMG please help me here. How can they get away with this?

He says the jury didn't believe one word from GA.....and, they had no clue who the caretaker of Caylee was when she died???? Casey came home and found out Caylee died??? WHAT in the name of all that is holy is this <unusual person> talking about?? OMG...
Why are the likes of Jennifer Ford (aka Juror #3) allowed to serve on a DP case? She was arrested for check fraud, and here she sits in judgement? Of course she's gonna be sympathetic.

View attachment 17591

Makes sense now --



Are we sure this is the same Jennifer Ford??? I just watched her interview on Nightline and she doesn't look anything like the mug shot on the left to me.

However.....her interview was disturbing. She seemed to have no grasp of the jury instructions IMHO. She said "Yeah, it looked bad, it smelled bad, but that doesn't prove murder." She also said "How can punish someone when you don't even know what they did?" When the interviewer asked her about the remains in the swamp and the duct tape, she said "Well they were trying to cover up something, but I don't know what." I have watched it twice now and I still can't believe some of things she said. I understand now why there was no justice for Caylee yesterday. :maddening:
Wow after reading juror No. 3's comments now more then ever I do believe they picked the only 12 people on Earth that still believe the world is flat as a lawyer stated on Nancy Grace last night. What a shame and travesty.
After reading what #2 has to say it just seems clear no one really cared enough to fight for Caylee. Someone could have stood their ground and hung the jury on the Agg Man charge and none cared enough to do it. It seems they really did just want to go to Disney or home. Caylee never has that chance again. She deserved better.
The State put on a very strong case with tons of evidence. If Baez had claimed that aliens from outer space killed Caylee, this jury would have agreed because they WANTED to rendered a NOT Guilty verdict!!!

So I asked myself why would they want do that. The answer - MONEY. They knew that by finding ICA NOT guilty, the media would pay big $$ for an interview. The alternates also new that they would not be privy to the deliberations, so they would not get as much money for an interview. In fact, according to an article I read, SHORTLY AFTER THE TRIAL STARTED these 17 jurors send HHJP a note wanting to know who was going to be relieved of the responsibility of deciding ICA fate--and they want to know it now. The article also said the jurors in this case seem more eager to hear who the judge will send home than listening to the testimony. The fact that the jury is concentrating on who will be leaving -- and sending notes to the judge to that effect -- instead of focusing more on case details or being present to ensure there isn't a mistrial is very concerning.

IMO) they were in conclusion and decided to render a Not Guilty verdict so they could get big bucks when the trial was over.

Here’s a link to the full article
Havent read through the trheads, becuase my eyeys are still weeping, and Im having a hard time seeing/reading them, but Ashtons interviews arent helping me. Classy, Nondescriptive....BS BS BS....why is he being such a politically correct mother f'er attorney.. He prosecuted her...for death. ....Cant he just say I know know know she3 is guilty of murdering her child,...Just say it, she killed her daughetr ......still weeping , and jello fingers....
Havent read through the trheads, becuase my eyeys are still weeping, and Im having a hard time seeing/reading them, but Ashtons interviews arent helping me. Classy, Nondescriptive....BS BS BS....why is he being such a politically correct mother f'er attorney.. He prosecuted her...for death. ....Cant he just say I know know know she3 is guilty of murdering her child,...Just say it, she killed her daughetr ......still weeping , and jello fingers....

I believe JA did say he thought ICA killed Caylee.
Havent read through the trheads, becuase my eyeys are still weeping, and Im having a hard time seeing/reading them, but Ashtons interviews arent helping me. Classy, Nondescriptive....BS BS BS....why is he being such a politically correct mother f'er attorney.. He prosecuted her...for death. ....Cant he just say I know know know she3 is guilty of murdering her child,...Just say it, she killed her daughetr ......still weeping , and jello fingers....

You know what I'm learning? Lawyers are a weird breed. No offense to yall lawyers. No visible emotion, they have this strange way of looking at things objectively...

I could never be one. Think Jeff Ashton made faces? Ha! I'd make him look tame.
If any of you can tape or watch Bill O'Reilly tonight, tune it! He is pizzed! Talks about the trial in his first segment, then interviews 2 atty's. Very good stuff. He should be a WSer! Haven't finished watching, but Dennis Miller and maybe the body language expert is on later in the show.
He rakes the jurors over the coals for outright rejecting the expert testimony. He's disgusted.

I love WS but I will not watch this man on TV. I have never been able to stand him he is the male version of Nancy grace but worse. I thought he would never make it on TV this long.

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