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Criminal Murder Case Docket Updated!

Events & Orders of the Court
05/10/2010---Court Minutes---Hearing on Various Motions

05/10/2010---State's Response---to Defendants Motion to Dismiss Defective Indictment

05/10/2010---Response---Orange County's to Defendants Motion to Seal

05/11/2010---Hearing---9:00 AM---Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR---Pending Motions on Death Penalty
UPDATED: Judge: Casey Will Face Death Penalty
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 4:43:49 PM
Anthony broke down into tears in court when defense attorneys mentioned her daughter's name.

The defense said just because Anthony had a promiscuous lifestyle doesn't mean Caylee wasn't well taken care of. The defense set out to prove the state wanted the death penalty because it has a gender bias.

Prosecutors initially said they wouldn't seek it, but later changed their minds saying aggravating factors came to light.

However, the defense said the state wouldn't share those factors. Perry stepped in and gave the state 10 days to list what those aggravating factors are. We could soon learn more about the case the state will bring against Anthony before the trial begins May 9, 2011.

Updates From Court:
*10:17 a.m. -- Cindy walked in and told Casey "I love you" as she was discussing things with her attorneys. Casey started crying, as Jose Baez and Andrea Cheney hover over her.
*10:09 a.m. -- Perry takes 10 minute recess.
*10:08 a.m. -- Judge Perry denies motion to preclude the death penalty. State prosecutors can still pursue death.
*9:45 a.m. -- The professor's testimony concludes.
*9:23 a.m. -- State is fighting tooth and nail. Every question defensse asks, the state objects to the professor, saying media pays huge attention to white middle class women accused of killing their child.
*9:15 a.m. -- Cindy Anthony is in court with a friend. George Anthony is not present.
*9:13 a.m. -- The professor takes the stand.
*9:11 a.m. -- The legal professor who traveled here from New Mexico will be allowed to testify. If the state wants more time to cross examine, they will have 30 days and then will do it via video conference.
*9:07 a.m. -- Defense plans to call witness regarding motion concerning gender bias. The state says they did not have enough notice (sufficient time) to depose and are objecting to her testifying.

Video: Anthony Still Facing Death Penalty Still Facing Death Penalty

PDF: Motion to preclude the state's impermissible, gender biase, request for imposition of the death penalty for Imposition of the Death Penalty.pdf

PDF: Second motion to preclude death procedures for impermissible prosecutorial motives for Impermissible Prosecutorial Motives.pdf

UPDATED: Casey Anthony still facing death penalty
Updated: Tuesday, 11 May 2010, 1:11 PM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 11 May 2010, 6:25 AM EDT
The judge has denied the defense attorney's motion to take the death penalty off the table if Casey is convicted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter.

New Mexico law professor Elizabeth Rapaport testified during the hearing. She said a mother who is perceived as "deviant" by a jury faces a difficult time in defending herself against criminal charges.

Update from FOX 35 Reporter Holly Bristow: Casey Anthony appears to be wearing the same shirt as yesterday. The defense has a witness to testify. Her name is Elizabeth Rapaport. She's a professor of law at The University of New Mexico School of Law. She has been studying gender bias in death penalty cases. Cindy Anthony is in the courtroom. George is not.

Photo Gallery>>>

UPDATED: Judge Says Casey Anthony Will Face Death Penalty
Posted: 6:30 am EDT May 11, 2010
Updated: 6:02 pm EDT May 11, 2010
Attorneys for Casey Anthony used colorful language in their fight to keep her off death row, but Tuesday they failed and the death penalty is still on the table.

&#8220;People don&#8217;t say, you know, &#8216;She&#8217;s a,&#8217; it&#8217;s an impolite word, but, you know, &#8216;She&#8217;s a *advertiser censored*, so she should die.&#8217; Right? They don&#8217;t say that out loud. Oh, well, they do in the blogs, your honor,&#8221; Casey's death penalty-qualified attorney, Andrea Lyon, argued in court Tuesday morning. &#8220;But they don&#8217;t say that here in court ... but underneath, that is what&#8217;s going on.&#8221;

Judge Belvin Perry rejected several of the defense teams' arguments, including that the death penalty is sexist and that the prosecution was seeking it to bankrupt the defense.

It was an emotional day in court for Casey. She cried during testimony and during a break. It was the second day in a row she's had to appear in court. Next May, she&#8217;ll stand trial for allegedly killing her daughter Caylee.

*Much more at link!




RAW INTERVIEW: Jose Baez Talks After 05/11/10 Hearing

BILL SHEAFFER: Analysis Of Death Penalty Hearing

VIDEO REPORT: Casey Can Still Face Death Penalty

RAW VIDEO 05/11/10 HEARING: Casey Anthony Death Penalty Hearing Part 1 of 4 ~29:47

RAW VIDEO 05/11/10 HEARING: Casey Anthony Death Penalty Hearing Part 2 of 4 ~30:07

RAW VIDEO 05/11/10 HEARING: Casey Anthony Death Penalty Hearing Part 3 of 4 ~ 32:02

RAW VIDEO 05/11/10 HEARING: Casey Anthony Death Penalty Hearing Part 4 of 4 ~ 32:33





COURTROOM PICS: Various Images Inside Court

READ: Defense Motion To Preclude Death Penalty

UPDATED: Judge Denies 4 Anthony Death Penalty Motions
Perry Orders State To List Factors In Seeking Death Penalty

POSTED: 6:28 am EDT May 11, 2010
UPDATED: 12:50 pm EDT May 11, 2010
Judge Belvin Perry decided on Tuesday to allow the death penalty in the Casey Anthony case. However, the defense still has several motions related to the death penalty that still must be decided. Anthony looked very emotional at times during the hearing as attorneys discussed her personality, abilities as a mother and her fate.

All of the motions were presented to Judge Belvin Perry by defense attorney Andrea Lyon. Prosecutor Jeff Ashton countered that Lyon's opinion and position were biased. "She doesn't like the fact that our law permits jurors to assess the character of individuals in deciding the death penalty. That's the way the law is whether it's a man or a woman," Ashton said.

Perry ruled against the defense and took a short recess before continuing the hearing. Perry also denied two additional motions regarding to the constitutionality of the death penalty. Lyon also argued a motion to seek prosecutors to produce a statement of particulars on what aggravating factors exist that allow them to seek the death penalty. Perry granted the motion. Perry also denied a motion to issue a protective order on penalty phase defense witnesses that could have protected them from the possibility of harassment, and he denied a motion to throw out the death penalty because of impermissible motives.

*More at link!

Video: Watch Top Stories On WESH 2 News On CW18 10:48
*Casey Anthony's case covered at 2:15-2:58 video!

Video: Judge Denies 4 Anthony Death Penalty Motions

Video: Death Penalty Hearing Slated In Case 2:21
Prosecutors in case against Casey Anthony will argue the death penalty in a hearing Tuesday morning.

Video: Casey Gets Emotional During Hearing

Video: Perry Issues Stern Warning In Court

UPDATED: Casey Anthony case: Judge denies gender challenge in death penalty
11:32 a.m. EDT, May 11, 2010
Orange County Chief Judge Belvin Perry Jr. ruled on several motions this morning in the Casey Anthony case during a 90 minute hearing. Among the decisions Perry made today, he ruled that Casey Anthony's defense team failed to prove "inherent bias" against women who are accused of violent crimes, especially those accused of killing their children. Perry denied the defense team's motion to remove the death penalty based on gender bias.

Today's hearing is scheduled to cover these issues:
&#8226;Gender-biased motives in seeking death
Anthony's legal team argues the state is unfairly seeking the death penalty against their client. The defense claims there is "inherent bias" against women who are accused of violent crimes, especially those accused of killing their children.
Perry's ruling &#8211; Denied

&#8226;Automatic appeal of death sentence
A defendant who is sentenced to death automatically gets a direct appeal to the Florida Supreme Court. The defense claims the state's top court can't meaningfully review the case without a report written by a "capital jury," which is not required by law.
Perry's ruling &#8211; Denied

&#8226;Legal details on why state is seeking death
Casey Anthony's attorneys want prosecutors to give the legal reasons &#8212; called "statutory aggravators" &#8212; why the state seeks to execute their client.
Perry's ruling &#8212; Granted defense's request.

&#8226; No info revealed related to a potential penalty phase of trial
If someone is convicted of murder, the case moves to the penalty phase. That's when the defense tells a jury reasons why the defendant should not get the death penalty but be sentenced to life in prison.
Perry's ruling &#8211; Denied.

&#8226; Prosecutors' motives to seek death
The state initially announced it wasn't going to seek capital punishment. Four months after Caylee's remains were found, prosecutors changed their minds and stated they would seek death.
Perry's ruling &#8211; Denied.

*More at link!
**6-Page Article!!


Video: Anthony's-attorney Jose Baez on judge's rulings 2:22

Video: Judge Perry grants defense access to legal details on why state seeks death 4:52

Video: Casey Anthony case Judge denies gender challenge in death penalty 3:57

UPDATED: Casey Anthony Still Faces Death Penalty
POSTED: Tuesday, May 11, 2010
UPDATED: 12:51 pm EDT May 11, 2010
Chief Judge Belvin Perry made his ruling at a hearing Tuesday in Orlando. The judge said Anthony's attorneys failed to prove that prosecutors had a gender bias in seeking the death penalty against Anthony.

New Mexico law professor Elizabeth Rapaport was called as an expert by Anthony's attorney, Andrea Lyon, a DePaul University law school professor and nationally known death penalty expert. "If a woman is accused of murdering her child, it will be important for the defense to establish that she was a good mother," Rapaport said. "(Jurors) will be antagonistic if they conclude she wasn't a good mother and that bleeds into whether she was a good woman, a woman who wasn't scantily clad, sleeping with men, wasn't disreputable, and it's not relevant to if this woman killed this particular child."

If Anthony is convicted and the case goes to the jury as a death penalty case, the state attorney's office will have to show aggravating factors -- that the crime was particularly cruel, or heinous. Perry ruled Tuesday that the prosecution will have to turn over all their aggravating factors to the defense

Anthony shed tears during the hearing following a comment by Lyon, who said that despite the characterizations people have made against her client, "they all say that Caylee was happy and healthy."


IMAGES: Today's Hearing 05/11/10 1-67

Video: Casey Anthony Still Faces Death Penalty 2:43
The judge in the case of Casey Anthony hears arguments about the death penalty.

Video: Anthony Judge To Rule On Party Pics Independently
In regard to the pictures showing Casey Anthony partying during the time Caylee was missing, Perry asked prosecutors to narrow down the images they may want to use at the trial. Anthony's defense team will then have the opportunity to challenge the admissibility of the selected photographs.

Video: Anthony Apologizes In Open Court
Casey Anthony enters a guilty plea and is sentenced on check fraud charges.

Video: Documents: Casey Anthony Led Rich Social Life
New information is unveiled in 600 pages of documents released in the developing case of missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony.

Video: June 16: Casey Anthony Timeline
Local 6 reporter Tony Pipitone gives a play-by-play of Casey Anthony's day on the last day her daughter, Caylee Anthony, was seen alive using cell

Casey Anthony: Television takes note of her tears
posted by halboedeker on May, 11 2010 1:12 PM
&#8220;It was an emtional day in court for Casey. She cried during a break,&#8221; WFTV-Channel 9 anchor Barbara West said.

WFTV&#8217;s Kathi Belich also noted that &#8220;Casey broke down and cried during a break in the court hearing today after her mother appeared to try to communicate with her, possibly mimic a hug.&#8221;

Central Florida News 13&#8217;s Mark Perkins said Cindy Anthony attended the hearing, but George Anthony wasn&#8217;t there. &#8220;You could see Cindy a couple of times with her hand over her face, her head down, just kind of praying, as the judge was reading out his orders,&#8221; Perkins said. &#8220;We did see her as she came in. She mouthed the words &#8216;I love you&#8217; to Casey Anthony as she was sitting with her defense attorneys.&#8221;

Casey Anthony Gets Emotional At Hearing
Judge Rules To Allow Prosecutors To Seek Death Penalty

POSTED: 3:09 pm EDT May 11, 2010
UPDATED: 4:33 pm EDT May 11, 2010
It was a gut-wrenching day for Anthony as the defense presented testimony from Elizabeth Rapaport, a University of New Mexico professor, who said women accused of murdering their children are painted as bad mothers by prosecutors and the media -- and are more likely to face the death penalty instead of life in prison. "In some of the blogs, they suggest I should die with her, but that's neither here nor there," defense attorney Andrea Lyon said. Anthony started crying as Lyon tried to prove her motion that prosecutors seeking death in the case are biased against women.

Rapaport testified that prosecutors and the media are titillated with accused female child murderers and are more likely to play up stories of them sleeping around and partying. They pointed to prosecutor Linda Drane Burdick's reference on Monday to Anthony's party pictures, where she was "scantily clad."

"Our law permits jurors to assess the character of individuals when deciding the death penalty," Ashton said. Ashton argued the defense provided no evidence that this prosecution team was gender biased. In denying the motion, Perry agreed. "The defense has not met their burden in this case," Perry said.

There is one woman on Florida's death row, who was convicted of killing two adult non-family members.

Video: Casey Gets Emotional During Hearing

Criminal defense attorneys comment on Anthony jury
May 11, 2010 2:37 PM
Judge Belvin Perry says jurors will be kept from hearing or reading about the case outside their Orlando courtroom. Why? "The overriding and number one fear that most attorneys, whether prosecution or defense, have is that juries do their own investigation," explained Orlando criminal defense attorney Richard Hornsby.

"That's become a very big issue, especially with the Internet and ability of people to do their own research, if you will." "I think it's going to be an unprecendented logistical nightmare," added criminal defense attorney Diana Tennis. "Certainly nothing that is beyond Judge Perry's abilities, but it's going to be monumentally difficult" to hide the jury's location, she said. Tennis feels the jurors will be "tucked away" somewhere where they can be "well protected."

She said life for the jurors will be a "drastic" change. Their phone usage will probably be monitored, their televisions will be connected to DVD players or VCRs, with a limited number of videos to watch. They won't allowed access to TV news coverage of the trial, she added. "I think it will be really rough for these poor folks," she surmised. Hornsby said the daily routine will probably become routine, after a while.

Anthony attorneys to fight death penalty
May 11, 2010 7:02 AM
The defense plans to argue that the death penalty is unconstitutional and an inappropriate sanction for the accused child killer. "The Florida death penalty is unique to other states, and there's some serious problems with it," said Baez.

Andrea Lyon will be handling this portion of the case. The DePaul University College of Law professor is known as the Angel of Death Row for her success in this area.

Death penalty still in play for Casey Anthony
May 11, 2010 1:38 PM
The defense cited several factors including gender bias. Defense death penalty expert Andrea Lyon argued that Casey was only facing capital punishment because she's a woman accused of killing her child. "To say that this bias isn't here is to be willfully blind," said Lyon. "There is no actual proof as to whether this death was even a homicide." Lyon, who's a professor at the DePaul University College of Law, also argued that the death penalty is unconstitutional as it's administered in Florida.

The defense did successfully argue that prosecutors should be forced to reveal why they're seeking the death penalty. "We should be told what we're charged with and what we're facing and what exactly their aggravating factors are and how they intend to prove it," said Lyon. The state countered that the defense should be able to figure out why they're going for capital punishment.

In Session~Judge: Death penalty not sexist in Anthony case
April 7, 2010 1:01 p.m. EDT
Casey Anthony breaks down in sobs as she learns the death penalty is still on the table! This new tough, no-nonsense judge shoots down the defense team's sexual bias argument, ruling Casey can still be executed.

The defense argued that Anthony is facing more serious charges and harsher punishment than a man in the same position would receive.

Responding to Ashton's questions, Rapaport said that men who kill their children usually are acting in a rage.

Women, Ashton argued, tend to premeditate a child's killing and have underlying psychological issues. Cases in which women kill without evidence of psychological disturbance are rare, he added. "In my 30 years" as a prosecutor, Ashton said, "this is the first time we have had the evidence for the jury to determine if death is the appropriate penalty."

*Much more at link!

Video: Casey Anthony still may face death
Judge says Anthony will face the possibility of the death penalty in her murder trial. HLN's Christi Paul has details.

Video: Out-of-town jury to hear Anthony case 2:58
Will Casey Anthony get a fair trial if jurors are chosen from outside Orlando? HLN's Richelle Carey has Your Views.

Video: Why the new Casey Anthony judge?
Casey Anthony's defense team talks to "In Session" about the new judge overseeing her murder trial.

Video: Blogger gets Casey Anthony judge recused
In Session talks to "Marinade Dave," the blogger who led to a new judge being appointed in Casey Anthony's murder trial.


Video: Casey Anthony's secret jail letters
Were Casey Anthony's recently leaked jailhouse letters a 'set-up' for a jury? Profiler Pat Brown thinks so.










Casey Anthony: Television sees a tough day for Casey Anthony&#8217;s defense
posted by halboedeker on May, 11 2010 6:10 PM
How bad a day was it for Casey Anthony and her defense team? &#8220;A tough day for Casey&#8217;s defense,&#8221; WESH anchor Jim Payne said. &#8220;Gut-wrenching &#8230; for Casey and her mother, Cindy, as they had to sit there and listen to hours of talk about the death penalty,&#8221; WESH&#8217;s Bob Kealing said. &#8220;Her lawyers tried to get her life spared in a hearing that brought Casey to tears and led her lawyer to talk about the nastiest things being said about her,&#8221; WFTV anchor Bob Opsahl said. WFTV replayed a snippet of defense attorney Andrea Lyon citing one of those nastiest things: &#8220;She&#8217;s a *advertiser censored*, so she should die.&#8221;

WFTV&#8217;s Kathi Belich said Anthony is the first mother in Orange County to face a possible death sentence for murdering her child. &#8220;And prosecutors say that&#8217;s because she&#8217;s the first mother accused of premeditated murder who cannot blame mental illness for what she&#8217;s done,&#8221; Belich added. WFTV anchor Martie Salt said the station&#8217;s research had found that no mother had ever been executed in Florida for killing her child.

But on WESH, attorney Richard Hornsby saw &#8220;a shallow victory&#8221; for the defense in getting the state to explain the aggravating factors in seeking the death penalty. &#8220;It proves nothing, advances the case no further,&#8221; Hornsby said. &#8220;[Prosecutor] Jeff Ashton is going to consider it a waste of his time.&#8221; During a break today, Anthony was able to tell her mother twice that she loved her, Kealing reported.

*Much More At Link!

Attorneys Concerned Of Out-Of-Town Jury In Casey Case
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 9:59:28 PM
&#8220;Not too many people can pack up their life for two months and go somewhere," said Jose Baez, Casey Anthony&#8217;s attorney. But that's what attorneys and a judge in the Case Against Casey will ask 12 people, plus alternates to do.

They'll be from out of town, living in a hotel. They won&#8217;t be allowed to watch the news, read the paper, surf the internet, or even talk about what's going on in court.

But, Dean Darryll Jones at FAMU College of Law says they won't be in complete isolation. "They just have to refrain from speaking about the case,&#8221; Jones said. &#8220;The idea is we want the jurors to decide that case solely on the evidence that's been vetted and presented in court."

The trial is expected to last two months, six days a week. Both sides are worried jurors will get irritated and take it out on them.

Video: Picking A Jury A Jury

Criminal Murder Case Docket Updated!

Events & Orders of the Court
05/11/2010---Hearing---9:00 AM---Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR---Pending Motions on Death Penalty

05/11/2010---Court Minutes---Hearing on Various Death Penalty Motions

05/11/2010---Order---on Omnibus Motion to Exclude Hearsay Evidence Gossip and Innuendo and Motion in Limine to Exclude Lay Opinion Testimony - Court Reserves Ruling

05/11/2010---Order Denying---Motion to Dismiss Defective Indictment

05/11/2010---Order---on Renewed Motion to Compel Bench Notes, Standards, Data, and Communications with Law Enforcement, et. al. - Court Reserves Ruling

05/11/2010---Order Denying---Motion to Preclude State's Impermissible, Gender-Baised Request for Imposition of the Death Penalty

05/11/2010---Order Denying---Motion to Declare F.S. 921.141 Unconstitutional Under Ring V. Arizona and Order Denying Motion to Declare F.S. 921.141 Unconstitutional for Inadequate Appellate Review

05/11/2010---Amended Notice of Hearing---2nd

05/11/2010---Order on Motion---for Change of Venue - Granted as to Selection of Jury

05/11/2010---Order---Regarding Pending Death Penalty Motions

05/11/2010---Order Denying---Amended Second Motion to Preclude Death Procedures for Impermissible Prosecutorial Motives

05/11/2010---Order on Motion---in Limine to Exclude Irrelevant Evidence of "Party Pictures" - Defers ruling

05/11/2010---Order Denying---Motion for Protective Order with Respect to Penalty Phase Discovery

05/11/2010---Order---Granting Motion for Statement of Particulars Providing Notice of Aggravating Circumstances

05/12/2010---Notice of Provision of Supplemental Discovery

05/12/2010---Order---Addressing Motion to Seal Records Related to the JAC Retainment and Payment of Experts, Investigators, Mitigation Specialist, and other costs/Reconsideration of Defendant's Request to Waive Appearance at Certain Hearings/Procedures for Future Motions
Casey Anthony case: State provides reasons for seeking death penalty
Prosecutors list five reasons, including Caylee's death was especially heinous, atrocious or cruel

5:49 p.m. EDT, May 13, 2010
Prosecutors filed the legal reasons why they are seeking the death penalty against Casey Anthony, a 24-year-old accused of killing her daughter, Caylee Marie.

In court Tuesday, defense attorney Andrea Lyon requested the legal reasons why the state is seeking the ultimate punishment. Knowing these reasons, Lyon said, will help the legal team prepare a defense.

Out of 15 potential legal reasons, the state lists five on its one-page notice:

&#8226;The death occurred during aggravated child abuse.

&#8226;It was especially heinous, atrocious or cruel.

&#8226;The homicide was committed in a cold, calculated and premeditated manner without any pretense of moral or legal justification.

&#8226;Caylee is a victim younger than 12.

&#8226;The defendant was in a position of "familial or custodial authority" over the victim.

UPDATED: Prosecutors List Death Penalty Reasons In Casey Case
Posted: 4:31 pm EDT May 13, 2010
Updated: 5:16 pm EDT May 13, 2010
Prosecutors filed a document Thursday afternoon telling the defense which legal reasons they're using to justify the death penalty in the murder case against Casey Anthony.

If Casey is convicted of murdering her daughter Caylee, prosecutors will argue five of the 15 possible aggravators to the jury.

DOCUMENT: Notice Of Aggravating Circumstances

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