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New documents: Garrido undersupervised in Calif.
April 18, 2010
During the 18-month period between June 1999 and December 2000, the documents show agents visited Garrido's home three times and his workplace eight times, while contacting him by phone twice and conducting drug tests five times.

According to the department, "Staff should have visited Garrido at home 14 times and at the office two times, and should have drug tested him 16 times." Parole supervision continued under the mandated levels until 2007, when parole agents met the yearly requirements and ordered Garrido attend parole outpatient treatment.

The documents show Garrido was incorrectly labeled a "low risk" sex offender, "despite the assessment's direction that low risk offenders are those whose controlling offenses are non-sexual," according to the report. Following a Nevada rape conviction in 1976, Garrido should have been classified as a "moderate or high risk," which would have exposed Garrido to greatly increased visits and testing before 2007.

Jaycee Dugard case: Phillip Garrido lacked supervision for 8 years while on parole, state says
April 18, 8:39 PM
An internal California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation document reveals that registered sex offender, Phillip Garrido was unsupervised much of the time he was out on parole after a rape conviction sent him to prison in the late 1970s. In 1991, while on parole, Garrido is accused of abducting an 11-year-old Jaycee Dugard, raping her, and holding her captive for almost two decades. She reportedly bore him two children while still a minor in captivity.

In the documents, the CDCR writes &#8220;Staff should have visited Garrido at home 14 times and at the office two times, and should have drug tested him 16 times&#8230; Garrido should have been ordered to attend parole outpatient treatment, but was not ordered to do so until November 2007.&#8221;

Matthew Cate, the CDCR secretary, has said &#8220;We agree that serious errors were made over the last 10 years.&#8221;

Jaycee Dugard Update: Phillip and Nancy Garrido Denied In-Jail Visits for Second Time
April 19, 2010 12:41 PM
Phillip and Nancy Garrido, the California couple accused of kidnapping and imprisoning Jaycee Dugard for nearly two decades, won't be seeing each other any time soon.

El Dorado County Superior Court Judge Douglas Phimister has, for the second time, denied the couple's request to visit each other in jail. They were granted two more monthly five-minute phone calls, according to officials.

"We have an overwhelming volume of evidence to prove each and every charge" against Phillip Garrido, the prosecutor said.

In addition, information has been uncovered that could mitigate the guilt of his wife and co-defendant Nancy Dugard, El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson said during a court hearing.

Stephen Tapson, the court-appointed lawyer who represents Nancy Garrido, has said he plans to argue that his client was under her husband's control when Dugard was abducted from her South Lake Tahoe street in 1991, then raped and held captive for 18 years.

Key Garrido Documents Still Not Released
Apr 19, 2010 7:25 pm US/Pacific
Since September, CBS13 and other media outlets have been pushing for the U.S. Parole Commission to provide documentation on how they supervised convicted rapist Phillip Garrido, and on Monday, dozens of pages were released. But authorities refused to release hundreds of additional pages that may contain key information about federal efforts to monitor Garrido, even as he allegedly kept Jaycee Lee Dugard imprisoned in his Antioch backyard for nearly two decades.

In total, federal officials are withholding 624 pages and released a mere 44 pages that contain few details on parole agents' monitoring of Garrido for an 11 year period.

The U.S. Parole Commission won't release documents showing how Garrido was classified as a parolee and officials' initial plan to supervise him in 1989. They also withheld three years of supervisor case plans: 1994, 1997 and 1998.

The revised case supervision plans from December of 1995 and 1998 have not been released, and neither are two electronic monitoring reports in 1993 -- the commission cited a "clearly unwarranted invasion of person privacy of others" for the last document.

At least 200 additional pages of monthly supervision reports -- submitted by Garrido -- are also being withheld.

Attorney Ken Rosenfeld said federal authorities may be worried about a lawsuit that could be filed by Dugard. "If the theory is, if he was supervised appropriately and if people came to the house, they would have seen me here and I wouldn't have been tortured for as long as I was... it could be one of the reasons why," Rosenfeld said.

Video: Key Garrido Documents Still Not Released

I would think that the media would leave this girl alone. I mean she doesn't look annoyed but this would seem like a whole new thing with cameras around.

Pic at link
The Associated Press
Posted: 05/12/2010 11:51:54 AM PDT
Updated: 05/12/2010 11:51:55 AM PDT

PLACERVILLE, Calif.—The Northern California couple charged with kidnapping and raping Jaycee Dugard won't be getting any face-to-face visits while they remain jailed. An El Dorado County judge denied Phillip and Nancy Garrido's request to see each other in an order issued Friday and made public Wednesday.
Superior Court Judge Douglas Phimister says the couple can have one five-minute phone call in May and in June. He says the calls may be monitored by jail officials and recordings provided to prosecutors and defense lawyers.
Phimister did not give a reason for nixing the visits. more at link:
Posted: 10:11 am PDT June 16, 2010
SAN FRANCISCO -- Jaycee Dugard, who resurfaced last year after being kidnapped 18 years ago, says she has no interest in having a relationship with the man who claims to be her biological father. In a statement released Wednesday, spokeswoman Nancy Seltzer says the 30-year-old Dugard does not wish to see Kenneth Slayton or his family, though she reserves the right to change her mind later. Almost immediately after Dugard was found in August in Northern California, Slayton publicly announced he was her father and retained a lawyer to help him establish his paternity. Dugard's mother Terry Probyn has never denied Slayton was the father. She says she told Slayton about the pregnancy and he showed no interest.
more at link:
By Robert Salonga
Contra Costa Times

Posted: 06/16/2010 10:44:33 AM PDT
Updated: 06/16/2010 11:33:14 AM PDT
Jaycee Dugard and her family are not interested in attempts by Dugard's biological father to establish paternity, according to a family spokeswoman.
Dugard's biological father, Kenneth Slayton, initially expressed his desire to reunite with Dugard shortly after she resurfaced last fall following 18 years in captivity.
A statement released today by Dugard spokeswoman Nancy Seltzer asserts that Slayton showed no investment in his daughter's life until her ordeal drew international attention.
When Dugard's mother, Terry Probyn, told Slayton she was pregnant, he showed no interest, according to the statement. It further says that Slayton had similar reaction upon learning of her kidnapping and during interviews with federal and local law enforcement officials.
Part of the motivation behind the statement, Seltzer wrote, is to "avoid the terror of a process server" for Dugard and her family.
"Terry Probyn has never denied that Kenneth Slayton was the father. Rather it was Mr. Slayton who showed no interest for the first 29 years of his daughter's life," the statement said. "It is now Jaycee Dugard's turn to express her feelings and she has no interest. She does not wish to see Mr. Slayton or his family at this time." more at link:
Posted: 5:26 pm PDT July 7, 2010Updated: 8:53 pm PDT July 7, 2010
SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- A report prepared by the state attorney general's office says California parole agents spoke to the woman who was held captive by a paroled rapist for 18 years and bore his two children, but never bothered to follow up. The revelation about how parole agents missed another opportunity to rescue Jaycee Dugard is contained in a report obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press under the California Public Records Act. Dugard, now 30, said parole agents spoke with her during her captivity, and with the older of the two daughters she bore to Phillip Garrido. Garrido has pleaded not guilty to kidnapping and raping Dugard, who was 11 when she disappeared. The document was prepared by the attorney general's office and sent to lawmakers in advance of their vote last week to settle with the Dugard family for $20 million. Dugard and her daughters, ages 15 and 12, claimed that state parole agents failed to properly supervise Garrido starting in 1999 and did not follow up on reports and observations that might have led to their rescue. They finally surfaced last August, after living for nearly two decades in a compound in the backyard of Garrido's house in the eastern San Francisco Bay-area city of Antioch. Previous reports from the state corrections department and an independent inspector general said parole agents had discovered one of the girls Garrido had fathered with Dugard but accepted his explanation that she was a niece. That contact was made in 2008 when the girl was 12. Those reports made no mention of any contact between parole agents and Dugard while she was being held captive. more at link:
Direct link to the PDF of the Department of Justice report on the Jaycee Dugard settlement:


"SACRAMENTO, CA - Jaycee Dugard spoke with California parole agents during the 18 years she spent in the hands of a paroled rapist, but the agents never followed up on the kidnapped woman's identity, according to a California Department of Justice internal report.

The revelation about how parole agents missed another opportunity to rescue Dugard is contained in a report obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press under the California Public Records Act.

According to the investigators, attorneys for Dugard claimed that "agents saw and spoke to Ms. Dugard and her eldest daughter but failed to investigate their identities or their relationship to (Phillip) Garrido." The report goes on to say Dugard was "seen by at least three different CDCR parole agents," according to plaintiffs' statements.

The report does not specify when the meeting took place."
The six-page attorney general's report also said the $20 million settlement with the Dugard family appears justified because of "the uniquely tragic circumstances."
The most similar case may be that of Elisabeth Fritzl of Vienna, Austria, the report says. Josef Fritzl was convicted last year of locking his daughter in a rat-infested dungeon for 24 years and fathering seven children with her.
By Don Thompson
Associated Press
Posted: 07/08/2010 04:39:05 PM PDT
Updated: 07/09/2010 07:00:26 AM PDT
SACRAMENTO — State corrections officials said Thursday they do not intend to investigate Jaycee Dugard's assertion that she spoke with parole agents while being held captive near Antioch at the home of a convicted rapist, even though the information had not previously been disclosed.
"It was new information. We did not know that," said David Shaw, inspector general for the state Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. "It's more evidence that they (parole agents) weren't doing the job."
However, Shaw said Dugard's assertion provides too few details to warrant reopening an investigation that already documented numerous instances in which authorities missed opportunities to rescue Dugard, who was kidnapped from her home in South Lake Tahoe when she was 11.
Nor will the inspector general's office try to interview Dugard, now 30, to get more details, Shaw said. She previously had declined to speak with investigators, he said.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is content with the reviews already completed by corrections officials, the inspector general and the Sex Offender Management Board, said spokeswoman Rachel Arrezola.

<snip>More details could be revealed at the trial of Garrido and his wife, Nancy, said Terry Thornton, spokeswoman for the corrections department. more at link:
By Bay City News Service

Posted: 09/16/2010 02:47:41 PM PDT
Updated: 09/16/2010 02:47:41 PM PDT
SAN FRANCISCO -- The California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board voted unanimously today to reject a claim by the mother of kidnap victim Jaycee Dugard for emotional and psychological injury caused by her daughter's abduction, a spokeswoman for the board said.
Government claims and victim compensation are two distinct programs, both overseen by the board, spokeswoman Janice Mackey said.
Dugard's mother, Terry Probyn, filed her claim with the board as a government claim against the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Mackey said.
In the claim, Probyn said she was psychologically and emotionally injured by "various lapses by the Corrections Department contributing to daughter Jaycee Dugard's continued captivity, ongoing sexual assault and mental and/or physical abuse."
She also said that the CDCR had a responsibility to follow its own procedures regarding supervision of parolees and failed to do so.
She asked for unspecified compensation of more than $25,000.
Mackey said the board's decision today was just a formality. Anyone who believes the state has caused them harm must first file a government claim before beginning litigation against the state.
She said the rejection was not based on the merits of the claim.
"The board rejects claims that raise complex issues, allowing the parties to proceed to court to seek judicial remedies," Mackey said in an e-mail.
Mackey said Probyn can also file a separate victims compensation claim.
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Posted: 8:26 pm PDT September 22, 2010
SAN FRANCISCO -- Jaycee Dugard and her two daughters may be spared from having to testify in open court next month against the Northern California couple charged with kidnapping her and holding her captive for 18 years, a defense lawyer said Wednesday. Stephen Tapson, who represents Nancy Garrido, said he was told by several legal sources "in a position to know" that El Dorado County prosecutors convened a grand jury Friday that indicted his client and her husband, Phillip Garrido, either late Tuesday or Wednesday morning. He said he has not received the indictment yet because the transcripts have not been completed. Grand jury charges would supersede the 29 counts of kidnapping, rape and false imprisonment the district attorney brought against the Garridos soon after their August 2009 arrests, he said. The couple have pleaded not guilty. More important, an indictment would eliminate the need for a preliminary hearing where a judge would decide if there was enough evidence for a trial, according to Tapson. That hearing is scheduled for Oct. 7. "If (prosecutors) don't have to put on a preliminary hearing, the live bodies are not subject to cross-examination," he said. "It's timesaving for them, but obviously defense lawyers can't stand it."
By Sam Stanton
Sacramento Bee
Posted: 09/23/2010 06:08:13 PM PDT
Updated: 09/23/2010 06:35:30 PM PDTSACRAMENTO -- Phillip Garrido will be back in court Friday afternoon, possibly for his public defender to announce that the accused kidnapper of Jaycee Lee Dugard may be mentally incompetent to stand trial.
Such a move could put an immediate stop to the proceedings, if the judge in the case agrees to order a mental evaluation of the convicted rapist and kidnapper.
The hearing was scheduled after a closed session held Thursday in El Dorado Superior Court, records show, and follows word that the El Dorado County grand jury had issued new indictments against Garrido and his wife, Nancy, earlier this week.
Nancy Garrido's attorney said he believed the indictments had been issued, but they have not yet been made public. The current charges were expected to be thrown out at the next scheduled hearing on Oct. 1 and replaced by the indictment, which would allow the case to move directly to trial without a preliminary hearing.
But that may all change, depending on what Garrido's lawyer, Susan Gellman, does in court Friday.

more at link:
By Lisa Leff
Associated Press
Posted: 09/24/2010 01:44:25 PM PDT
Updated: 09/24/2010 04:19:17 PM PDT
PLACERVILLE -- A judge temporarily suspended criminal proceedings Friday against the man accused of kidnapping Jaycee Dugard when she was a child and holding her prisoner for 18 years near Antioch, citing concerns about the defendant's mental state.
El Dorado County Superior Court Judge Douglas Phimister made the decision after a short pretrial hearing for Phillip Garrido.
Phimister said he had concerns about Garrido's mental competency to participate in his defense on 29 counts of kidnapping, rape and false imprisonment in the 1991 disappearance of Dugard. A preliminary hearing in which prosecutors would have laid out their evidence against Garrido had been scheduled to start Oct. 7.
The judge did not halt proceedings against Garrido's wife, Nancy, who faces similar counts. more at link:
Garridos Indicted, To Be Arraigned Friday

PLACERVILLE, Calif. -- Phillip and Nancy Garrido have been indicted in the kidnapping case of Jaycee Dugard and will be arraigned Friday on the charges, sources confirmed to KCRA 3.

Though the specific details of the indictment are unknown, sources told KCRA 3 the couple will be arraigned together.

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By John Simerman
Contra Costa Times
Posted: 10/01/2010 05:23:54 PM PDT
Updated: 10/01/2010 10:46:47 PM PDT
Phillip and Nancy Garrido raped Jaycee Dugard twice the day they abducted her from her South Lake Tahoe neighborhood, then repeatedly throughout her childhood years, and Phillip Garrido recorded the sex acts on video through the early part of Dugard's first pregnancy at age 14, according to details in an 18-count indictment released Friday.
The grand jury indictment, filed Sept. 21, will spare the victim from testifying at a preliminary hearing in the case against the couple. It replaces 29 charges that prosecutors filed within days of the Garridos' Aug. 26, 2009, arrest.
The revelation of the video evidence is new.
Dugard, two El Dorado County investigators and Contra Costa County sheriff's Detective Garrett Schiro testified before the grand jury.
The indictment includes counts of kidnapping, forcible rape, and several counts of forcible lewd acts upon a child, enumerated by date range. It also includes a child *advertiser censored* count and eight special allegations against the couple, as well as five more against Phillip Garrido related to his past sexual crimes. more at link:
Defense Attorney In Dugard Case Seeks To Keep Seal
Posted: 7:05 pm PDT November 3, 2010

SAN FRANCISCO -- The attorney representing one of two people charged in the Jaycee Lee Dugard kidnapping case is seeking to keep the documents in the case sealed.

Stephen Tapson, the court-appointed attorney representing Nancy Garrido, filed legal documents in El Dorado Superior Court Monday asking the judge presiding over the case against his client and her husband, Phillip Garrido, to keep the documents and transcripts in the case sealed.

In the filing, Tapson argues that a "release of the previously sealed documents would prejudice her (Nancy Garrido's) right to a fair jury trial."

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