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Raven Abaroa

Slain Durham Woman's Husband To Plead Guilty To Embezzlement Charges

POSTED: 11:58 am EDT August 22, 2005

DURHAM, N.C. -- The husband of a Durham woman who was found dead in her home will plead guilty to embezzlement charges, authorities say.

In February, Raven Abaroa was charged with embezzling thousands of dollars from his former employer, Eurosport, where he and his wife worked. Under the plea deal, Abaroa would be on probation and must pay restitution.

In April, Durham police found his wife, 25-year-old Janet Abaroa, stabbed to death in their home. The couple's 6-month-old son, Kaiden, was also in the home, but was not hurt. Police have not made an arrest in the case.

Previous Stories:

Raven Abaroa, who is now living in Utah, pleaded guilty Tuesday to charges that he embezzled money from his former employer.

Slain Durham Woman's Husband Pleads Guilty To Embezzlement Charges

POSTED: 11:58 am EDT August 22, 2005

HILLSBOROUGH, N.C. -- The husband of a Durham woman who was found dead in her home returned to the Triangle Tuesday to plead guilty to embezzlement charges.

In February, Raven Abaroa was charged with embezzling thousands of dollars from his former employer, Eurosport, where he and his wife worked.

Abaroa admits he stole thousands of dollars in merchandise from Eurosport in Chapel Hill. He told a judge that he used the money to pay off bills. He accepted a deal with Orange County prosecutors in which he will serve two years and pay back close to $10,000.

In April, Durham police found his wife, Janet Abaroa, stabbed to death in their home. An autopsy report released last week revealed that the 25-year-old was pregnant at the time of her death.

Janet Abaroa was found dead in her home April 26.

The couple's 6-month-old son, Kaiden, was also in the home, but was not hurt. Abaroa is now raising Kaiden in Utah with the help of his family.

"He's doing pretty good," Abaroa told WRAL. "He's growing, he looks great."

Abaroa would not talk about his wife's death or the investigation, but said he is determined to get through it.

"I think faith has a lot to do with it," he said.

Abaroa's attorney said they were eager for an arrest.

Investigators say they do not believe the murder was random. Last week, Durham investigators obtained a search warrant to gain access to the couple's e-mail accounts. They hope that they may find some information to lead them to an arrest.

Previous Stories:

Reporter: Julia Lewis
Photographer: Don Ingle
Web Editor: Kelly Gardner
Copyright 2005 by

Man whose wife slain pleads to embezzlement

Aug 23, 2005 : 9:04 pm ET

HILLSBOROUGH -- Raven Abaroa, whose young wife was found stabbed to death in the Durham home she shared with her husband and baby on April 26, pleaded guilty Tuesday to five counts of embezzlement in Orange County Criminal Superior Court.

Abaroa, 25, came from Utah, where he now lives, for the short hearing in front of Superior Court Judge Wade Barber.

Barber approved a plea agreement in the case and put Abaroa on supervised probation for two years, and then agreed to have his probation transferred to Utah. In accordance with the plea agreement, Barber sentenced him to five to six months in prison but then suspended the sentence. He also ordered Abaroa to pay $9,600 to Sports Endeavors Inc. in restitution.

Abaroa was working for Sports Endeavors Inc., which owns Eurosport, a mail-order catalog company for sports equipment located in Hillsborough, when he placed orders for shoes and had them delivered to his home but did not pay for them, according to Assistant District Attorney Jacqueline Perez.

Abaroa would order 25 to 30 pairs of shoes at a time and then resell them, Perez said. The thefts occurred last year when Abaroa worked for the company.

Once he became a suspect, he cooperated with police and allowed them to search his computer and home for evidence needed for prosecution, Perez said.

The shoes were valued at approximately $100 a pair, said Abaroa's attorney, Julian Mack. Mack told the judge that he has another 28 pairs of shoes that he will return to the Hillsborough Police Department in the next day or two as part of the restitution.

Mack told Barber that Abaroa lives with his 10-month-old son in Utah with his family, who are providing help and support for them.

Barber, unaware that Abaroa's wife was murdered in April and that the case is unsolved, questioned Abaroa about where he worked and why he had moved to Utah. Mack interrupted and told Barber that Abaroa's wife Janet had been murdered and that Abaroa returned to Utah to raise his son and be with his family.

Later, Barber asked Abaroa if there was a reason he stole the athletic shoes.

"No," Abaroa replied.

"What did you do with the money?" Barber asked.

"I repaired cars, paid bills," Abaroa said.



Published: Aug 24, 2005
Modified: Aug 24, 2005 3:00 AM
Guilty plea offered in embezzlement
Husband of slain woman is ordered to pay $9,600 to former employer

By JESSICA ROCHA, Staff Writer

HILLSBOROUGH -- A man whose pregnant wife was stabbed to death in the family's Durham home in April pleaded guilty Tuesday to embezzling more than $9,000 from his former employer.

Raven Abaroa, 25, pleaded guilty to five counts of felony embezzlement from Sports Endeavors, identified on its Web site as a soccer and lacrosse company in Hillsborough.

Durham police have not made any arrests or named any suspects in the death of his wife, Janet Abaroa, who was found in her bedroom April 26 after her husband called 911.

Between July and December 2004, Abaroa and a partner ordered dozens of pairs of shoes but had them delivered to his address instead of the store. From there he would sell them, pocketing the cash. The store never received the merchandise or money for it, said Jacqueline Perez, an Orange County assistant district attorney.

In court, Abaroa said he used the cash from the shoe sales for car repairs and paying bills.

Abaroa was ordered to pay $9,600 in restitution and placed on supervised probation for 24 months. If he violates probation, he could spend up to six months in prison.

His probation will be transferred to Utah. That is where Abaroa and his 10-month-old son are living to be closer to Abaroa's family, he told Orange-Chatham Superior Court Judge Wade Barber. Abaroa said he is working as a salesman for a mobile phone contractor.

Staff writer Jessica Rocha can be reached at 932-2008 or

By Paul Bonner : The Herald-Sun
Aug 28, 2005 : 8:35 pm ET

DURHAM -- Woman pregnant when she was killed

Autopsy says stab wound to right side of her neck likely cause of death

Woman pregnant when she was killed; 419-6621

Janet Abaroa was pregnant when she was stabbed to death in April at the Durham home she shared with her husband and infant son, an autopsy has determined.

A stab wound to the right side of her neck likely caused her death, although a second one to her chest also was potentially lethal, concluded the autopsy, performed April 28 at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Chapel Hill. The autopsy also noted a stab wound to a right-hand finger.

A blood test discovered that she was in an early stage of pregnancy.

The body of Abaroa, 25, was found in a bedroom of her home on Ferrand Drive off Sparger Road on April 26. Her husband, Raven Abaroa, told police he returned home about 11 p.m. and found her slain. Their son, Kaiden, then 6 months old, was in the house but unharmed.

Police say they're continuing to investigate Abaroa's death, and no one has been charged.

Raven Abaroa pleaded guilty last week in Orange County to embezzlement charges filed nearly three months before his wife's death. He received a suspended sentence and probation for five counts of stealing athletic shoes from his employer at the time, Hillsborough-based soccer outfitter Sports Endeavors Inc.

He and Kaiden now live in Utah with his family. Police have divulged little about the case but have said they don't believe the killing was random.
Police in the Triangle investigated a number of bewildering murder cases in 2005.

...In Durham, murders reached a five-year high in 2005. Thirty-eight people were shot, beaten, strangled or stabbed to death within the city limits.

...Twice this year, mourners buried pregnant women. Jarvlin Lassiter's killer must have noticed her third-trimester belly when he shot her. Janet Abaroa was only weeks along with her second child when she was stabbed to death.

The Durham News | Around Town

Mapping the Violence
Homicides in 2005

By SAMIHA KHANNA, Staff Writer

Here is a list of the homicides in Durham in 2005. Numbers correspond with the map above...

12. APRIL 26: Janet M. Abaroa, 25, stabbed to death in her home at 2606 Ferrand Drive. She was pregnant. No arrests...
Just saw on the news that a non-profit organization has put together a $5000 tipster reward on Janet's case. They showed a picture of her, the crime scene, and then flashed a picture of Raven and the baby. They repeated that law enforcement doesn't believe the case is random. So is law enforcement just waiting for Raven to step forward and admit that he did it before they have enough evidence to charge him??!!?? This nonsense has gone on long enough!
Published: Jan 25, 2006 12:30 AM
Modified: Jan 25, 2006 02:53 AM

$5,000 reward offered in slaying
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$5,000 reward offered in slaying
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Samiha Khanna, Staff Writer
For nine months, family and friends have been waiting desperately for an arrest in the killing of Janet Abaroa, a young mother stabbed in her home.

On Tuesday, Durham police released more details about her last day alive and announced a $5,000 reward in the unsolved case.

In his first interview about the killing, the victim's husband said Tuesday that he hoped a reward, if not someone's conscience, would bring clues forward.

"Someone knows something," Raven Abaroa said in a telephone interview. "I don't know what it's going to take."

Janet Abaroa, 25, was found dead by her husband the night of April 26 inside her home at 2606 Ferrand Drive. Her 6-month-old son, Kaiden, was in the next room, uninjured, police said. At the time, police said there were no signs of forced entry and the crime was "not random," but they have not named any suspects.

On Tuesday, police said a laptop computer was missing from the home. They also said that on her last day, Abaroa went to pick up her son from day care, then she and her husband dropped off her car for repairs, according to a Durham police news release.

That evening, the couple hosted a friend from church at their home. About 8:30 p.m., Raven Abaroa went to Morrisville for a soccer game, the release said. About 11 p.m., he returned and found his wife dead, kneeling on the floor of a bedroom, according a medical examiner's report.

An autopsy report later showed that Abaroa was in the early stages of pregnancy when she was killed.

Little information has been released by authorities, but the case is still active, said Dena Kendall, 38, the victim's older sister.

"Our family has been in constant contact with the police," Kendall said Tuesday. Waiting for developments from police is frustrating, she said, "but we have to let them do their job."

Meanwhile, Raven Abaroa, 26, has moved to Utah with Kaiden. He left Durham shortly after his wife's death, he said, because there was no reason to stay.

"The only thing I had there was my family, and my family was taken from me," he said.

Months went by and Kaiden, now 1, took his first steps. He learned to kick a soccer ball, something that would have made his soccer-star mom proud, Raven Abaroa said.

"He knows who his mom is," he said. "He sees pictures of her and says, 'Ma,' " he added, sobbing.

Raven and Janet Abaroa were private people, and now strangers speculate on the details of their lives and the killing on Web sites, he said. He recognizes that even strangers want to see justice for his wife, but he also worries that people personify Janet as weak, as being helplessly victimized. They should remember her as the strong woman she was, he said.

"She [was] the epitome of what a woman should be," he said.

For the next six months, the Carole Sund/Carrington Memorial Reward Foundation, based in Modesto, Calif., will pay $5,000 for information leading to an arrest and conviction in the killing.

Carole Carrington, 72, started the foundation in 1999, when her own daughter, granddaughter and family friend were murdered on a trip to Yosemite National Park.

It was publicity of the reward that broke open that case and put a serial killer behind bars, Carrington said. Now, it is how she helps other families.

"When you've got a tragedy in your life, helping other people helps you, too," Carrington said in a telephone interview. Since 1999, the nonprofit foundation has offered more than $2.5 million in 364 cases, including the killing of congressional intern Chandra Levy. Durham CrimeStoppers also is offering up to $1,200 for information. Anyone with information is asked to call Investigator S.W. Vaughan at 560-4440, ext. 247, or CrimeStoppers at 683-1200.

Staff writer Samiha Khanna can be reached at 956-2468 or
The husband is no longer a suspect? How can he go back to Utah when there are outstanding charges against him of embezzlement?
Hi Pinkhammer.

I will do my best to explain this, but I tend to get wordy.

No Person of Interest has been "publicly" named at this time. This just means that Law Enforcement has not come out to say who they 'believe' committed the crime. I still am of the believe that Raven Abaroa is the one and only POI or Suspect.

The Embezzlement case is basically over. Raven has been sentenced to probation, ordered to pay back the money (which I doubt will happen) and there was a few other conditions. He was allowed to leave NC to go to the Utah, because until he he is arrested he is free to do what he wants.

I think he has not been arrested or named a POI yet, because they are still gathering as much as they can against thim. The problem with many circumstantial cases is if they hurry, name a POI and arrest and go to trial on circumstantial evidence, there is a rule called "double jeopardy."

If there is not quite enough evidence to get a conviction the first time, and let's say 5 years down the road, he confesses to the crime and they find more evidence against him, there is really nothing that can be done. It's been tried and it cannot be tried again.

The State has ONE shot to get a conviction, and they need to have their "ducks in a row" their I's and T's dotted and crossed as there is only one shot to get a conviction.

Family awaits answers in death

By BriAnne Dopart : The Herald-Sun
Apr 26, 2006 : 12:01 am ET

DURHAM -- A year after 25-year-old Janet Abaroa's husband reported finding her stabbed to death in the couple's home, family members wait in anguish for answers about her murder.

"Somebody out there has to know something. There's a murderer walking around that killed a pregnant woman and somebody has to know," said Dena Kendall, Abaroa's sister who lives in northern Virginia.

Although police have not released any updates on the case, Durham police spokeswoman Kammie Michael described the investigation as "still very active" and said that investigators are following several leads. She did not elaborate.

However, Michael said, investigators are still looking for a laptop computer that was missing from the home.

Police seized correspondence from both Raven and Janet Abaroa's e-mail accounts from before and after the homicide. Police also confiscated the clothing Raven Abaroa wore the night of the murder.

Raven Abaroa has not been named as a suspect in his wife's murder.

Kendall, who declined to say who she thought murdered her sister, said family members are frustrated by the lack of progress in the investigation.

"It's been slow. I know they're working on it, but it's been a year and nobody's named a suspect," Kendall said.

While acknowledging that she and her family are grateful to Durham police homicide investigators for their work on the case, the family has questions they long to have answered, Kendall said.

"Where did the murder weapon go? It wasn't there when the police got there," she said.

"There would have been blood [on the clothing of the murderer]. Where is that?" she asked.

Raven Abaroa told police he found his wife's body in an upstairs bedroom of their blue, two-story house at 2606 Ferrand Drive at about 11 p.m. on April 26, 2005. Abaroa had been home caring for the couple's 6-month-old son, Kaiden, while Raven Abaroa was at a soccer game, police reported last year.

The first officer to arrive at the house found Abaroa with a knife wound to the chest, lying on her back in a pool of blood. On the walls of the bedroom and near the side entrance of the house, investigators discovered bloodstains. Police did not say if there were signs of forced entry into the home but said that it was not a random act.

An autopsy later revealed that a knife wound to the neck likely killed Abaroa, who was in the early stages of pregnancy.

Both of the Abaroas worked at Sport Endeavors, a sports equipment company in Hillsborough. They were fired when Raven Abaroa was accused of embezzling more than $9,000 from the company.

He pleaded guilty to the charges in August 2005 and was sentenced to supervised probation. He was permitted to move his probation to Utah, where he is caring for Kaiden.

Regardless of the investigation, Kendall and her sister-in-law, Connie Christiansen, said that this week is about remembering Janet.

A vigil for Abaroa will be held at 7 p.m. Saturday at the Durham Marriott Civic Center in conjunction with National Crime Victims' Rights Week, according to family spokesperson Cheryl Cheek.

Christiansen remembers her sister-in-law as funny, quiet, and careful with words. More than anything, Christiansen said, she remembers her sister-in-law as a private person who treasured her family.

"What I remember most was the way she adored her nephews and nieces," Christiansen said. "One year she was in college ... my oldest [child] had just been born, and she made a special trip just to see him. It was so important for her to see him and hold him and love him."

Kendall said she hoped that the anniversary of her sister's death and the vigil help jog people's memories about the night of the murder.

"Maybe this year," she said wishfully, "somebody will say 'Oh, I didn't realize that case was still open.' "

Police ask anyone with information about Abaroa's murder to call the Police Department's Criminal Investigations Division at 560-4440 or CrimeStoppers at 683-1200. CrimeStoppers pays cash rewards for information leading to an arrest in felony cases and callers never have to identify themselves.
Janet was not fired from Eurosports, she quit because she was embarrassed because of the embezzlement by her husband is my understanding.
Another one:

Abaroa Murder Still Unsolved

Eyewitness News

(04/26/06 - DURHAM) - One year has passed and no arrests have been made in the murder of a pregnant Durham mother.

Janet Abaroa was found stabbed to death inside her Ferrand Drive home a year ago today.

Her husband, Raven, found her body when he returned home from a soccer game. The couple's 6-month-old son was in the home during the murder. He wasn't hurt.

Abaroa was pregnant with the couple's second child. A vigil for Janet Abaroa will be held on Saturday night at the Durham Marriott Civic Center.

Wednesday marks 1 year anniversary of woman's death
4/26/2006 8:44 AM
By: News 14 Carolina Staff

Janet Abaroa (DURHAM) -- It's been a year since a Durham woman was found stabbed to death in her home and still no arrests have been made.

Police say Janet Abaroa's husband found her stabbed to death in their west Durham home in April of last year. The medical examiners office says the 25-year-old mother had been stabbed in the neck and chest.


Wednesday marks 1 year anniversary of woman's death

Police say Janet Abaroa's husband found her stabbed to death in their west Durham home in April of last year.

An autopsy report shows she was pregnant at the time.

Durham police say the investigation is still very active.

A vigil for Abaroa is Saturday at 7 p.m. at the Durham Marriott Civic Center in conjunction with National Crime Victims' Rights Week.


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