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It's all about the context, my toothy friend.

My thoughts exactly. Except I'm referring to the inconsistencies themselves.

I see no point in answering that.

Be glad to! Let's see:

--First and foremost in my mind is the ever-evolving saga of what Burke was doing. First they claimed that he was asleep and did not wake up until they woke him. Then, in their NE interview, John said that he was awake, but they decided to say he was asleep.

--Then there's the pineapple. It's a big enough problem for them as it is, but JR just had to dig himself a little deeper. During the 1998 interviews, the first day John Ramsey was interviewed, he said that no one fed JonBenet pineapple under any circumstances, since she wouldn't have eaten it from an intruder anyway. Det. Thomas writes in his book, quote:

"The very next day he retracted that firm statement, saying his lawyer chastised him for making it. Nether he nor Patsy fed her pineapple, he said, but then he asked, 'What if she knew the intruder?' After thinking about it, he said, 'It hit me like a ton of bricks.' JonBenet 'adored' Santa Bill McReynolds, and if he had come into her room, she would have gotten out of bed and gone downstairs with him without a problem. 'She may have had a secretly prearranged meeting.' he said. 'Maybe he fed her pineapple.' The detectives stopped the tape and watched that section repeatedly. Only the day before, Ramsey had said such a thing was impossible. Now he laid it on Santa Bill."

That's a good starter.
Burke Ramsey said in one of his videotaped interviews that JonBenet loved Pineapple and he liked it too. Bit of an odd thing for a child to like if there parents don't give them it and would a stranger know she liked it?
They liked pineapples = easily accessible fruit.

Packaged containers in the fridge.

Getting something from the fridge = no visible evidence of an intruder.
They liked pineapples = easily accessible fruit.

Packaged containers in the fridge.

Getting something from the fridge = no visible evidence of an intruder.

Actually, John Ramsey said in the interview linked below that the Ramseys didn’t buy fresh pineapple, but rather they would buy canned pineapple.

9 LOU SMIT: Where would you keep pineapple?
10 JOHN RAMSEY: If it were opened, it would
11 have been kept in the refrigerator.
12 LOU SMIT: And that's the walk-in one?
13 JOHN RAMSEY: Right. If it were not open,
14 it would be in the pantry. This little (INAUDIBLE)
15 was here with the cans. (INAUDIBLE) next to the
16 cans.

He went on to say in the same interview:

3 MIKE KANE: While your doing that, could
4 I ask, you said you had cans of pineapple normally
5 would be kept in that pantry that's open. Do you
6 ever by fresh pineapple (INAUDIBLE)?
7 JOHN RAMSEY: We did not, not that I remember.

So, the Ramseys ate pineapple out of cans. Also, when reading the evidence logs, I don’t recall reading anything about the trash. But I could have overlooked it, so if you have a report that reflects that, please pass it along.
The Police were checking trash for a note and similar things.

I do not know what exactly they checked. I do not have access to internal papers of the Police.
The Police were checking trash for a note and similar things.

I do not know what exactly they checked. I do not have access to internal papers of the Police.

There are a number of search warrants and evidence inventories available online: s-Flight755-15thStreet.htm

I figured the police would check the trash, but I figured there was something notable about the pineapple containers in a report on the crime scene given their emphasis.
I'm sure you guys have seen this website before but its fairly new to me. It goes into great detail about all the possible suspects, even giving exculpatory evidence references. It also mentions different internet posters and their own theories (via posts) about who did it. Ramsey

I've always wondered about the phone call records. That was something never uncovered IIRC. That is like one of the FIRST things you look at in a case like this. A poster called Spade claims to have a friend who worked in intelligence for over 30 years. Apparently this person tried to get the phone records from 1996, was unsuccessful, and was also told to "leave this case alone." Hmmmm. Of course I dont take it all to heart but its an interesting comment. Since that would explain SO much.

I still think Patsy did it. The whole ransom note thing was laughable IMO. The note said dont call anyone and what do they do? Allegedly call everyone. Why would you do that if you were scared for your child? Just like sending Burke back to school after a few weeks. Wouldnt you be scared he could be kidnapped by these same people? J & P worked too much on staging JB and forgot about the surroundings. And this site also reminded me about the 991 call when (thru some sort of enhancement), authorities hear Burke speaking in the background (Pats thought the phone was hung up) when J & P clearly stated numerous times Burke was alseep.
My thoughts exactly!
There are some pretty reasonable theories on here and when i say reasonable I don't mean they are any good or in anyway related to how I perceive the story myself - I mean that if we lived in a reasonable world then simple answers would be the logical and most truthful.

However, we do not live in a reasonable world and I believe a ring of people were responsible for this death and that it was planned and deliberate.

There are some people who are paedophiles who believe in children joining in with sexual activity and who are aroused by children perhaps because they cannot attain or maintain adult relationships or whatever, but I also believe there are religious elements: for example those who believe it is their duty to bestow upon the children the consequences of the perceived sins of the parents: for example: if the dad was going away on business and he was cheating on his wife - with prostitutes or a workmate or whatever (perhpas because his wife was poorly and also they lost another child too I believe) then these organised groups target the children - systematically and continually.
I believe these groups operate in degrees or stages of behaviour - hard to explain or find the right words... what happens to the children is incremental: the first thing is to instil fear so the child will not speak up (I believe some groups also use deceptive language which if repeated by a child will seem non-sensical or confusing or which will not be understood in some way: for example all the males in the group might say: I am your daddy and all the women might say: I am your mummy - or they might say - hello we are the monsters..) so if the child says there is a monster in the basement or daddy was in the basement - noone thinks listens or believes.. so in this way the non-reaction around them normalises the peculiar pehaviour the children are experiencing - the next thing also is to love the cildren: your parents are bad but we love you - even though the group is in involved in the most hideous forms of human behaviour possible - the killing of animals and people to gain behavioural and social control - the systematic kidnapping of children (whereby the child is returned home after each theft).
where was I ?

I believe both children were being systematically stolen. I believe when the young lad played garotte - he was mimicking what he had seen.
I believe the 911 call was made by one of the children because things were getting incrementally closer to what the child perceived as no longer a game and something which was a greater fear than that which had previously been imposed to shut them up.

I believe the parents are innocent. I believe the boy witnessed things no child should ever witness but he remains silent to protect his parents and perhaps other children or people.

I believe he stayed in bed all day through nervous shock.

I believe that these types of groups administer their actions step by step - it is possible it is all being filmed recorded or photographed - to prove the step has been achieved - perhaps to earn money whether this is done by those who attain the pictures or images or by those who receive them.

I believe the little child was drugged and unaware - I need to believe this - I believe the pictures were for the group - which in a way acts as a religious deterrent to the group abou t the consequences of thou shalt not commit adultery.

I believe the ransom note was a lie to take the spotlight off the true nature of the crime and the group who may not feel criminal but righteous but who possibly feel persecuted by those who do not understand.
I believe the series of photos had been completed and the last image was to be the death of the child - or her sending to the lord or whatever these people call it.

I believe the paintbrush is some sort of re-enactment of the foulness of the father's adulterous betrayal of the family and the wee child was abused for each of his sins over time.
If the job lot for each - next photo or film in the series was offered out and first in best dressed then some groups may even have performed in orgies of they got the incremental evidence first.

The final shot was attained by a ring who wanted to divert attention from their true purpose.

The ransome note - further acts as a deterrent to all those in the "know" about the operations of systems such as this and "she dies" may not have been a threat to the little girl any more but may have referred to another child randomly chosen or as a warning to the brother about his mother.

To threaten to cut off the head is a common threat by these people and these children have witnessed behaedings and burnings during their indoctrinations into these groups and that is why these groups exist and are so communal - cos there is no way out - no one to tell - no one to listen.

The teacher came forward and claimed a degree of guilt but this could not be proven so he was never charged - he was one of many.
The boy may even have been told to crack his sister's head - not fatally killing her but being made to believe it was all his fault. he is an onnocent child. We were all innocent children - once.

I have no pity for any of these people who perpetrate any of these things and allow families to suffer in the way this one has. The mother and father losing their child being accused family falling apart wondering what had happened to their child - feeling the guilt of not having woken - not haing known - not having been ale to protect against such a beast as they could not have prepared for or understood - because some things are just not reasonable.

It is also possible there was no intruder creeping round the bedrroms on this particular night - the children may have been charged with the task of leaving thru the broken window themselves - the boy returning wit the note to be placed and then someone returning with the little girl and the act/s carried out elsewhere - perhaps. rest In Peace Little Baby Girl and Your Lovely Mom who tried so hard to give you a good life the best way she knew how.. xxxx :(
That is possibly one of the wierdest things I have ever read in my life. Sounds like something from a very far fetched horror movie about the occult or Freemasons or something or from an episode of Wire In The Blood or Midsomer Murders... Bizarre...
It's April, 2015, and I've wandered into this discussion. I haven't read all 44 pages of theories yet but I just want to say that, in general, yours seems plausible to me. I am female, despite my Username.

Many years ago, as a "regular" (non-abusive) mom, I did, at times, slighly cross the line into unintentional abuse - grabbing, yanking, etc. - when I was singularly stressed, which kids, alone, can create. Add 1000 other things in there and and I'm a powder keg. I knew when I had handled my son too roughly - maybe almost savagely for 60 seconds, that I had crossed the line, and it scared me. I never did it again.

My best friend, also a "regular" mom was so stressed out by her toddler ( and other pressures) that she picked her daughter up, stomped to the daughter's room, and slammed her down over the child gate between the hallway where she was standing and the girl's room that it was, in that moment, abusive. She called me crying because she was so scared she had just treated her daughter that way, and she said, "What if I had broken her leg? I would have had to take her to the hospital, they would have suspected or known I had done something bad to her, or I would have had to lie."

You have to be very close friends with other women for us to confess to each other that we have on at least one occasion, crossed the line. In every case, there but for the grace of god "went we". But for the wrong roll of the dice, any of us could have been Pasty Ramsey and actually killed our child, by accident, but at the time we were all mad enough that, for a split second we really did want to kill them ( let's be honest).

I think Pasy had rubbed her too fast and too hard with a cloth/baby wipe to get all the pee off he body and especially the vaginal area 1. because it would have need the most cleaning 2. Because subconsiously, I would have "hate" for it as it "caused" my problem, here.


One thing, in general, that has always bothered me is that no one found JB before the police or anyone else arrived. The other day, I couldn't find my house cat and I literally turned my entire house upside looking for her, my panic rising every minute until I had throughy checked everywhere, including places I "knew" she couldn't have gotten into, twice. I have no idea where she was as later I found her sitting in the middle of the living room floor ( where she had NOT been earlier.)

My point is, if I got that panicked over my cat and searched every conceivable place twice, I can't IMAGINE someone missing even 1 square centimeter of their house, their yard, their garage - EVERYWHERE, before assuming she was gone, even WITH a ransom note. If JR could find her relatively quickly in the basement she could not have been missed if they has really, really looking for her.

As for the garrot, I think it might have have been something staged to look like a perverted sex maniac got her. POSSIBLY, Patsy had just been reading Bonfire of the Vanities, a book in which the main character is killed by a garrot, which turned out later to have been a staged as a sexual crime after a murder. Until then, I never knew what a garrot was and how it was used. The book described it in minute detail. I read that book well over a decade ago, and I have never ever forgotten that.

There could be other factors playing into this - JR's abuse - see Occam's Razor's comment, just above, but I do think Patsy was the main perpetrator.

I also think that denial is a VERY powerful sub-conscious psychological coping mechanism, and that it wouldn't have taken Pasty and John to HONESTLY and 100% believe that something else had happened. Only tht usually accounts foe the guilty to deny it convincingly.
Totally agree with you about how they didn't search for her and well done for being so honest about your own personal experiences with anger towards your child. I think people forget it occurs.
Hi, I'm new here, but not new to this case. I've read whatever I can get my hands on about it and trawled through many forums, pages etc and tried to form my own opinion on what happened. Like everyone, I go round in circles and end up more confused but my theory tends to focus on JR. I think he viewed JBR very differently from his other daughters. He comes across as very controlling man who makes his own rules.

Christmas morning - supposedly no battery power for the video recorder? So plug it in to the wall socket with the charger?? We used to have to do that a fair bit and the cord would still be long enough for sitting opening presents.
Breakfast/brunch - pancakes and maybe pineapple put in a bowl by PR and shoved in the fridge (culinary wiz that she was).
JR spent most of the day at the airport . Patsy took the opportunity to dye her hair, even with a bunch of kids at her house. Priorities.
No showers for the kids (getting a bit smelly surely by then?), couple of arguments about clothes, and off to a Christmas dinner - poor kids probably starving for decent food by this point.
Drive home, Patsy spends too long yakking to Stine lady and JR is right cranky by then. They head for home, tired and snarky.
Burke's complaining about being hungry so Patsy tells him to get some fruit (ha, I do this with my kids). He grabs out the pineapple, easy peasy. JBR follows Patsy upstairs, is changed by her into some old longjohns as it was the only cleanish item of clothing within reach. JR is grumbling around, telling Burke to hurry it up and clear up his toy...

Ok so then around this part I have trouble working out what happened.

I don't think Burke did it. He was sent away so quickly in the morning and that maneuver would have been very risky if he was guilty. Also, if it is his voice we can hear on the 911 call asking "What did you find?" - I really don't see Burke doing that if he had whacked his sister over the head, or strangled her a few hours previous. That's just a bit too sassy for even a smart alec kid. Nor do I see Patsy even being able to look at him, let alone just wanting to hold him at the end of the day.

So that leaves PR or JR. I lean toward JR, who then threatened/manipulated PR into writing the note, while he fiddled around with the staging. It took a few goes but PR got there in the end and JR was able to have a nice hot shower before the police arrived. Motive? That comes back to JR seeing JBR not as a daughter, but something else. She cried/yelled out once too often perhaps? Awful to think about, for sure. Then the whole damn thing is just awful.

Apologies for the long post, I tried to be succinct but it's been a struggle!
Hi, I'm new here, but not new to this case. I've read whatever I can get my hands on about it and trawled through many forums, pages etc and tried to form my own opinion on what happened. Like everyone, I go round in circles and end up more confused but my theory tends to focus on JR. I think he viewed JBR very differently from his other daughters. He comes across as very controlling man who makes his own rules.

Christmas morning - supposedly no battery power for the video recorder? So plug it in to the wall socket with the charger?? We used to have to do that a fair bit and the cord would still be long enough for sitting opening presents.
Breakfast/brunch - pancakes and maybe pineapple put in a bowl by PR and shoved in the fridge (culinary wiz that she was).
JR spent most of the day at the airport . Patsy took the opportunity to dye her hair, even with a bunch of kids at her house. Priorities.
No showers for the kids (getting a bit smelly surely by then?), couple of arguments about clothes, and off to a Christmas dinner - poor kids probably starving for decent food by this point.
Drive home, Patsy spends too long yakking to Stine lady and JR is right cranky by then. They head for home, tired and snarky.
Burke's complaining about being hungry so Patsy tells him to get some fruit (ha, I do this with my kids). He grabs out the pineapple, easy peasy. JBR follows Patsy upstairs, is changed by her into some old longjohns as it was the only cleanish item of clothing within reach. JR is grumbling around, telling Burke to hurry it up and clear up his toy...

Ok so then around this part I have trouble working out what happened.

I don't think Burke did it. He was sent away so quickly in the morning and that maneuver would have been very risky if he was guilty. Also, if it is his voice we can hear on the 911 call asking "What did you find?" - I really don't see Burke doing that if he had whacked his sister over the head, or strangled her a few hours previous. That's just a bit too sassy for even a smart alec kid. Nor do I see Patsy even being able to look at him, let alone just wanting to hold him at the end of the day.

So that leaves PR or JR. I lean toward JR, who then threatened/manipulated PR into writing the note, while he fiddled around with the staging. It took a few goes but PR got there in the end and JR was able to have a nice hot shower before the police arrived. Motive? That comes back to JR seeing JBR not as a daughter, but something else. She cried/yelled out once too often perhaps? Awful to think about, for sure. Then the whole damn thing is just awful.

Apologies for the long post, I tried to be succinct but it's been a struggle!

Veronica Lodge,
Well you got there and put JR in the frame. If its all JDI then that might explain why the breakfast bar was never cleaned up, e.g. only Patsy was aware but forgot in the panic? Also JonBenet's hair was dressed in Ponytails, hardly put straight to bed, for me Patsy let the kids snack and prepared JonBenet for bed, i.e. JonBenet made it to her bed.

Yup sending Burke away hardly fits BDI, same if JR and PR intended to flee Colarado interstate by private plane, leaving BR and JonBenet behind, you see JR had a business meeting, LOL.

Also if you read JR's interviews he has an explantion for stuff he would normally know nothing about, e.g. JAR's samsonite suitcase, what does Mr CEO JR care about a suitcase, that's the house keeper's domain, as Patsy is top busy painting and doing her hair.

Fibers from JR's Israeli made shirt were found on JonBenet's crotch, that means he staged for himself or for Patsy?

Patsy is all over the wine-cellar she is definitely an accessory or the case is PDI?

Thanks for the response UKGuy, I appreciate your wisdom on this forum very much. Yep, I'm seeing it happen as Burke told it - JonBenet followed Patsy upstairs to get ready for bed. Her hair was tied back and the black vest and dressy pants taken off.

From there? Not sure. She may have just put the longjohns on minus undies? Patsy goes to 'pack' (or have another vino), JR comes in and JonBenet fights back? Gah, around and around I go...

Ha, yes the business meeting! Crikey how did he think that was going to go? "Uh, yeah, sure Mr Ramsey, I'll grab the door for you, have a safe flight" pffffffttt!

The suitcase was his clever brain trying to plan to get her out of the house and it fell in a heap when he realised she was too big to fit. It was on his brain a lot.

JR stuffed up with his shirt - he was wearing that before she was killed and didn't realise she was going to dead by the morning. Patsy is all over the wine cellar because she helped JR, did what he told her to do. I think JR was ten steps ahead from the get-go.

Ok my red wine dribble typing is probably not making the best sense right about now. I'll check in when sober, might be a wait... it's been a long week! Ha!
Thanks for the response UKGuy, I appreciate your wisdom on this forum very much. Yep, I'm seeing it happen as Burke told it - JonBenet followed Patsy upstairs to get ready for bed. Her hair was tied back and the black vest and dressy pants taken off.

From there? Not sure. She may have just put the longjohns on minus undies? Patsy goes to 'pack' (or have another vino), JR comes in and JonBenet fights back? Gah, around and around I go...

Ha, yes the business meeting! Crikey how did he think that was going to go? "Uh, yeah, sure Mr Ramsey, I'll grab the door for you, have a safe flight" pffffffttt!

The suitcase was his clever brain trying to plan to get her out of the house and it fell in a heap when he realised she was too big to fit. It was on his brain a lot.

JR stuffed up with his shirt - he was wearing that before she was killed and didn't realise she was going to dead by the morning. Patsy is all over the wine cellar because she helped JR, did what he told her to do. I think JR was ten steps ahead from the get-go.

Ok my red wine dribble typing is probably not making the best sense right about now. I'll check in when sober, might be a wait... it's been a long week! Ha!

Veronica Lodge,
Makes perfect sense to me. I wonder if JR is partial to some el vino, maybe he is a Scotch drinker, CEOs seem to like that stuff.

Fibers from JR's shirt should not be on JonBenet's crotch since, wait for it, Patsy says she chaperoned JonBenet for bathing, JR was excluded on the night of the White's party, and remember in JR's version of events he never undressed JonBenet !

According to the forensic evidence Patsy is in deep, ransom note, fibers everywhere, so its safe to speculate that Patsy was involved.

Not so JR, just a few fibers and maybe some sealed touch dna, no smoking gun but places him in contact with JonBenet, close to her sexual assault.

Yet we also have JR explaining away stuff down in the basement, stuff he definitely cared little about, e.g. suitcase, broken window, chair in front of door, and the Partially Opened Gifts, in an interview with Lou Smit he declared Patsy originally never knew they were in the wine-cellar, meaning only JR knew.

Bottom Line: JR is either backing up Patsy as the case is PDI or he is smoothing one of his own prior stagings in the basement by offering ridiculous accounts why stuff landed where it is !

Adding to JR's Hands Up defense is his latest admission on Dr Phil where he said he took the Flashlight upstairs to put Burke to bed, i.e. he never said he came back down with it.

Why does a multi-millionare CEO need a flashlight to put his son to bed, that one beats me, no wall switches maybe, we need Columbo on this case.

Veronica Lodge,
Makes perfect sense to me. I wonder if JR is partial to some el vino, maybe he is a Scotch drinker, CEOs seem to like that stuff.

Fibers from JR's shirt should not be on JonBenet's crotch since, wait for it, Patsy says she chaperoned JonBenet for bathing, JR was excluded on the night of the White's party, and remember in JR's version of events he never undressed JonBenet !

According to the forensic evidence Patsy is in deep, ransom note, fibers everywhere, so its safe to speculate that Patsy was involved.

Not so JR, just a few fibers and maybe some sealed touch dna, no smoking gun but places him in contact with JonBenet, close to her sexual assault.

Yet we also have JR explaining away stuff down in the basement, stuff he definitely cared little about, e.g. suitcase, broken window, chair in front of door, and the Partially Opened Gifts, in an interview with Lou Smit he declared Patsy originally never knew they were in the wine-cellar, meaning only JR knew.

Bottom Line: JR is either backing up Patsy as the case is PDI or he is smoothing one of his own prior stagings in the basement by offering ridiculous accounts why stuff landed where it is !

Adding to JR's Hands Up defense is his latest admission on Dr Phil where he said he took the Flashlight upstairs to put Burke to bed, i.e. he never said he came back down with it.

Why does a multi-millionare CEO need a flashlight to put his son to bed, that one beats me, no wall switches maybe, we need Columbo on this case.

JR got caught out in his grand royale story about the red chair. Then he’s forced to admit he made an earlier solo trip to the basement. When asked by investigators, how long was he in the basement by himself during that trip?, JR says 30 seconds. I never knew JR was a comedian!
JR got caught out in his grand royale story about the red chair. Then he’s forced to admit he made an earlier solo trip to the basement. When asked by investigators, how long was he in the basement by himself during that trip?, JR says 30 seconds. I never knew JR was a comedian!

Sure, so JR backtracks, and magics up explanations for forensic evidence, does that mean JR is filling in the gaps in his own defense?

Everyone thinks the Pineapple Snack suggests the Ramsey version of events is inconsistent, yet consider JR's stories regarding stuff down in the basement, why does it matter?

Because if you are JR who decides to restage a homicide to include an abduction scenario surely you would iron out the local difficulties, e.g. put the suitcase back in JAR's bedroom, move the chair, sort the window, etc.

JR does none of these things, same with PR she leaves the breakfast bar evidence untouched !

We need Columbo on this case, Excuse Me Sir, Just one More Thing Mr Ramsey, On The Flashlight, Did The Wall Switch in JonBenet's Work?

Oh yes Cottonstar, the chair! And UKGuy, the opened gifts! Oh I love you guys. I love this forum with sensible discussion with people like you two, truly. Love love love

Its my opinion that there are so many JR touches throughout the case (and beyond, and still occurring frankly) that is was his train set (pardon the pun) and he was the controller from the moment poor Jon Benet was knocked out.

The load of pony about the cigars - no, he wasn't a smoker he said, then he said he smoked them in the car sometimes - (I'll have to read through the interviews again, ugh) No, Patsy didn't smoke them, but yes she did at her birthday party. I mean huh? That's why I can't believe that they weren't into their booze - just because JR said they didn't drink, does not mean they didn't drink. Add in their 'anxiety' meds to the mix too.
Oh yes Cottonstar, the chair! And UKGuy, the opened gifts! Oh I love you guys. I love this forum with sensible discussion with people like you two, truly. Love love love

Its my opinion that there are so many JR touches throughout the case (and beyond, and still occurring frankly) that is was his train set (pardon the pun) and he was the controller from the moment poor Jon Benet was knocked out.

The load of pony about the cigars - no, he wasn't a smoker he said, then he said he smoked them in the car sometimes - (I'll have to read through the interviews again, ugh) No, Patsy didn't smoke them, but yes she did at her birthday party. I mean huh? That's why I can't believe that they weren't into their booze - just because JR said they didn't drink, does not mean they didn't drink. Add in their 'anxiety' meds to the mix too.

Veronica Lodge,
JR or PR never struck me as the pill popping type, alcohol possibly but going by the interviews they were both sedated with tranquilizers after JonBenet's death.

Consider the Train Room on Christmas Night just what is the attraction for two young children over that of a warm bedroom and snacks upstairs?

Everything said about the wine-cellar, e.g. the Partially Opened Gifts is from the Ramsey's mouths and its all contradictory, i.e. JR says Patsy never knew about the gifts in the wine-cellar, Patsy says she opened them, hey why are they in the wine-cellar, and Burke says he opened them on Christmas Afternoon, get all that, three different stories !

Meaning something is being covered up, JR tells Lou Smit that Patsy never knew the gifts were in the wine-cellar probably because he put them there, and Patsy thinks she is covering either for Burke or JR?

Looks to me as JR put forensic evidence into the wine-cellar in case LEA saw it and said lets search further here?

I've expanded on this theme with a post today covering why I think the Chair is significant on the main threads.

I think Patsy was having a “psychotic break” and possibly a bad reaction from psychiatric medication and was suicidal/homicidal and should have been hospitalized for being a potential danger to herself and others. The timing of showing John the ransom note, then calling 911 before he had a chance to absorb it, and subsequent summoning of friends probably put him in a daze of disbelief for a few hours, where he probably knew she had done something but had no idea the extent of it until the body was found, and couldn’t get her alone to question her. Ultimately he protected her from the law so that Burke would continue to have a mother and because he felt responsible for not recognizing that Patsy was so ill. I hope that if this is the case, the truth comes out eventually just to bring more awareness to the perils of psychiatric drugs and the seriousness of depression.
There are so many different theories and strange circumstances surrounding this case. At first I was almost entirely sure that someone within the Ramsey household was responsible for the murder, but the more I've looked into the details of the case, the more confused I am. The fact that the murder weapons were crafted using items from within the house is strange-you would think that an intruder would have their weapons prepared beforehand, rather than risk being inside the house longer than was absolutely necessary. The fact that the ransom letter was two pages long and written using paper and a pen matching those belonging to Patsy Ramsey is also weird-why would an intruder spend time looking for a pen and paper within the home, then take the time to write a two page long letter? The red fibers found on the body matching Patsy Ramsey's Christmas sweater is not necessarily suspicious, but I do find it strange that when the police arrived at the home Patsy was wearing the same clothes she had worn to the Christmas party they had attended the previous evening. Patsy claims she just threw on the first thing she came across, but to me, a lady like Patsy with a whole wardrobe full of clothes wouldn't put on something dirty. Perhaps she did, but perhaps she hadn't changed because she had been up all night. The blow to the head that fractured the skull and bruised the brain was most likely caused by the flashlight found inside the home. If you watch Burke's interview with the child psychologist just after the murder, he seems extremely calm and detached. Burke also said that he heard strange noises coming from downstairs but "decided to stay in bed and go back to sleep." Family friends told police that Burke had a history of violent outbursts and once hit his sister in the face with a golf club, causing a black eye and scaring under that eye. Several experts suggest that the handwriting on the ransom note matched Patsy's. It is also strange that rather than talk to police, Patsy decided to do an interview with CNN. The 911 phone call is eerie. The 911 operator believes that Patsy did not hang up the phone properly. Once the call was enhanced by audio engineers, you can clearly hear three things: You hear John Ramsey say "We're not speaking to you" in a harsh tone, followed by Patsy saying, "What did you do? Help me Jesus." And finally Burke saying "What did you find." The strange thing is that the Ramseys told police that Burke was in bed at the time of the 911 call. Why lie about that? But the strangest thing to me is the fact that there were two different DNA profiles lifted from JonBenet's clothing. I believe that the DNA needs to be tested again. Maybe then there will be some kind of closure in this horrible and heartbreaking case.
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