Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox appeals conviction #16

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I should have added that I also don't expect our European posters to know the difference between the Globe and the San Francisco Examiner. If necessary, we North Americans will be happy to explain.
Yes, but what if she was, and then who delivered the fatal thrust? In the kitchen, Amanda is a non-violent, scared little female, alarmed at what the bad men are doing. Very different story than what convicted her, and from Mignini's closing arguments.

ETA: This business of Mignini saying she may have been in the kitchen is very worrisome. Because some of us were taking very seriously his depiction of Amanda as charged in the indictment: As a masculine, aggressive, knife-wielding killer. Not a feminine whimpering wreck in the kitchen, and who could call that a murderer?

Excellent point. Because if the prosecution believes it's possible that she could have been in the kitchen, then they have to GIVE UP THE KNIFE. We have no dna from RG or RS on it, so out the window knife.

And IF she was in the kitchen the whole time, then that also means the prosecution was making up stuff when they tried to make the knife the murder weapon. There's all sorts of problems with Mig saying AK was in the kitchen.

Unless...they decide she's the one who cleaned the dirty knife for one of the others, and cleaned it so well that it left "dna" from both her and kercher but magically removed the culprit's DNA.

Yeah, it's possible...just like big foot...
Excellent point. Because if the prosecution believes it's possible that she could have been in the kitchen, then they have to GIVE UP THE KNIFE. We have no dna from RG or RS on it, so out the window knife.

And IF she was in the kitchen the whole time, then that also means the prosecution was making up stuff when they tried to make the knife the murder weapon. There's all sorts of problems with Mig saying AK was in the kitchen.

Unless...they decide she's the one who cleaned the dirty knife for one of the others, and cleaned it so well that it left "dna" from both her and kercher but magically removed the culprit's DNA.

Yeah, it's possible...just like big foot...
Oxymoronic? No, it make Mignini seem like a moron. (I added this in an ETA to my other): This business of Mignini saying she may have been in the kitchen is very worrisome. Because some of us were taking very seriously his depiction of Amanda as charged in the indictment: As a masculine, aggressive, knife-wielding killer. Not a feminine whimpering wreck in the kitchen, and who could call that a murderer?

What's more, if she was this wreck in the kitchen, then how could she camly stage a crime scene and remain stoic about it for 4 years?
Weird....the initial theory presented by the prosecution specifically Mignini had her as slitting her throat.

We then get Mignini in his own words stating that she was "directing" this from another room

Yet we have no proof that she was even there the night of the murder. Sorry this logic continues to astound me and truly only undermines the pro-guilt argument

But the knife says she was there. Anyone grasping this theory must let the knife go and admit that Stephanoni can do "magic."
Funny how individuals are referring to the daily mail, when PL has actually sued PLE for being beaten.

I tend to lend more credence to his winning his suit against PLE. As well since you have followed this for 2 years I am quite certain you have seen the photos of the injuries he sustained

I haven't. But I've only been here since April. Where's that? Where's the links to this stuff? You know I love learning new evidence. new to me, anyways.
The cottage was broken into after the murder that is why there is taped off

I thought they climbed in on the balcony? So it IS true that the people who'd broken in had been there while they were STILL investigating?


AND are you saying it's TRUE that they climbed in MK's window? That's the same height of RF's right? See what I am saying?


(BTW, notice the clothes rack--with clothes on it or maybe STILL on it-- that was once in the hallway. They are still investigating. Whose DNA was on that thing, I wonder.)

I don't know about it, because it doesn't appear broken. But what's the reason that this window is taped up?
He won the case regarding the spending 2 weeks in jail but being completely innocent... not being beaten.

This is how I remember the facts as well. Patrick was not beaten. The one article that claims he was is a rag mag filled with incorrect information. If I were to pull all the info from the same article that completely trashes Knox, I would be Knox bashing ... but that singular claim about Patrick being beaten has to be trotted out from time to time to suggest that Knox is the opposite of how she is described in the article. It makes no sense ... unless someone is not particularly interested in the truth.

Absolutely. But in Britain (not sure about other countries) our tabloid papers are renowned for just fabricating interviews on occasion, so you really never know what you're getting. Russell Brand does a really good stand up piece on this where he picks apart an article (might even be in the Mail) claiming that he got slapped by C-list celebrity Tamara Beckwith, who he had never even met!

The article even had quotes from Tamara (supposedly) about the incident.

Thank you for making this so clear. With the fall of Murdoch and News of the World, it should now be well known how far the media will go for a competitive story. If, after four years, a story cannot be confirmed by any other source and was not introduced during court proceedings (lawsuit of Patrick Lumumba against police), as was the case with that particular story, chances are it was fabricated - all of it, from Patrick being beaten to Knox being fired.
The window was probably taped so if someone broke in, the tape would break, and they'd know the crime scene had been disturbed.

Otto, I actually heard that Lumamba was threatened and intimidated, not that he was beaten. I heard Frank Sfarzo was beaten. But I don't have sources on either of those. I wish I could see the info on his trial against the police.

The only sourced info I dug up was that the police did keep his bar closed for a full three months (according to the guardian who tends to be more circumspect):

To the rest of you guys, interesting tidbits:
Like Meredith, Filomena found the high-spirited American girl eccentric. “She had quite a lot of interests. She liked music, sports, yoga, and languages. Sometimes she had unusual attitudes, like she would start doing yoga while we were speaking, or she would play guitar while we were watching TV.”

Only a few members of Meredith’s British social set had actually met Amanda, but they all knew about the singing. At their dinner parties, they often dished about the brash UW student. Meredith shared a laundry list of grievances, saying Amanda skimped out on the cleaning, neglected to flush the toilet, annoyed her by speaking Italian at every opportunity, and strummed the same chord on the guitar over and over again. Meredith also considered Amanda overly admiring of Laura, one of their Italian roommates. Not only did Amanda have too many ear piercings, according to Meredith, but she’d only gotten them because she wanted to imitate Laura, who had at least four in each ear.

“Meredith would tell us about things Amanda did that got on her nerves, but she didn’t necessarily think these things were bad. Just strange,” said Amy.

The cottage’s Italian tenants had a far different take on the two foreign girls and their relationship than did Meredith’s friends. None of the lodgers, upstairs or downstairs, reported any tension between the two girls. Nobody ever heard Amanda criticize Meredith or raise her voice to anyone at any time. In fact, Marco Marzan, one of the boys downstairs, said the relationship was “idyllic.” Laura called it “normale.”

Giacomo, Meredith’s boyfriend, used the word tranquilla (tranquil). “Of all the people in the house, they got on best together,” he said, calling the girls natural allies and good friends. “Amanda was always outgoing. She started coming down to our flat almost from the start when we hardly knew each other. Sometimes she brought us cakes she had made.

Other times she asked me to play music with her. I play bass and she had just begun playing the guitar. She loved music, especially the Beatles.”
The window was probably taped so if someone broke in, the tape would break, and they'd know the crime scene had been disturbed.

When the cottage was broken in to after the murder, the culprits climbed up over the door/grill of the downstairs flat, onto the balcony and in through the kitchen window. Hard to believe, but it is a confirmed fact that the following two break-ins at the cottage were as people would expect. Real burglars enter through the kitchen window. There was no spiderman, it was a staged break-in.
When the cottage was broken in to after the murder, the culprits climbed up over the door/grill of the downstairs flat, onto the balcony and in through the kitchen window. Hard to believe, but it is a confirmed fact that the following two break-ins at the cottage were as people would expect. Real burglars enter through the kitchen window. There was no spiderman, it was a staged break-in.

I'm confused, isn't the kitchen on the other side of the house? Actually, does it even have a window?
When the cottage was broken in to after the murder, the culprits climbed up over the door/grill of the downstairs flat, onto the balcony and in through the kitchen window. Hard to believe, but it is a confirmed fact that the following two break-ins at the cottage were as people would expect. Real burglars enter through the kitchen window. There was no spiderman, it was a staged break-in.

1) Judge Micheli said climbing through that window would not take a spiderman.

2) The window of the lawyers office he broke into looks just as complicated.

But, point taken that it is atypical to break in that way. The counter would be, is Rudy an atypical burglar? i.e. it is atypical for a burglar to not burgle things, but Rudy has also been proven to do that as well.
Otto, I actually heard that Lumamba was threatened and intimidated, not that he was beaten. I heard Frank Sfarzo was beaten. But I don't have sources on either of those. I wish I could see the info on his trial against the police.


If you heard it somewhere ... that Lumumba and Frank were beaten ... perhaps you heard it here. I've heard that there is also a "Mary" on the forums that may be making unsubstaniated claims. Without solid information to contradict the fact that Lumumba did not allege this in his compensation request, there's really no reason to believe this singular, manufactured article. Alternatively, we could believe that everything in the article is factual ... meaning that Knox is of very poor character.

There is no "info ... against the police" in relation to the murder of Meredith Kercher. Allegations have been made that the investigation, forensic testing, prosecution, jury, Judge and evidence were anything from incompetent to corrupt, but what else is new when someone is desperate to get away with murder. Next thing you know we'll have a lying prisoner circus with promises of sex changes and secret payments. Wait a minute ... that already happened.
1) Judge Micheli said climbing through that window would not take a spiderman.

2) The window of the lawyers office he broke into looks just as complicated.

But, point taken that it is atypical to break in that way. The counter would be, is Rudy an atypical burglar? i.e. it is atypical for a burglar to not burgle things, but Rudy has also been proven to do that as well.

The window of the lawyers office required nothing more than climbing a ground floor door grill onto the balcony, and in through the French doors. Guede broke into the lawyer's office like a common criminal - just like the common criminals that broke into the cottage after the murder. Whatever happened to Filomina's bedroom had nothing to do with a break in. Even Guede could figure out the easy way: the balcony.

Guede is not an "atypical ... burglar". Per your definition, an "atypical burglar" is someone that doesn't steal things. In fact, Guede did steal a laptop from the lawyer's office - after he went over the balcony. The obvious electronics were not stolen from the cottage - Filomina's laptop was on the floor, and Knox's laptop was not touched.
I'm confused, isn't the kitchen on the other side of the house? Actually, does it even have a window?

The kitchen window opens up to the balcony. I'll find a floor plan that may help.
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