Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox appeals conviction #16

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Why so? Did it ever occur to you that she might fear being next? In any case, I say AK was either not there at all, or she wielded the knife. No kitchen scenario for me. (BTW, do not think that I do not catch what you are throwing my way. You believe that I am advocating doing nothing while a woman is raped and murdered. I catch your drift, but will not bite the bait...)

I believe as you do SMK that there are many that are very aware of the antics being presented here. Again it simply weakens any arguments they may have
I think it is interesting that some people still like the idea that a woman who is standing next to the exit, but who does nothing while a woman is raped an murdered down the hall about 15 feet away, is a nice woman ... rather shocking, actually.

What is actually shocking is that people actually believe this considering the theory makes no sense and there is nothing to back it up not even her own words which she herself states seems more dreamlike.

Of course some prefer to believe AK to be nothing but a liar and that PLE could not possibly have done anything to provoke this as they were sooooooo busy serving her tea

Yet it took so many PLE to bring all the comforts of home to her just to hear her lies.

Of course they PLE can't provide the video/audio tapes to back any of this up

I am truly becomming tired of the rubbish especially from individuals that state they have followed this case for 2 years yet continue to post inaccurate information
Oxymoronic? No, it make Mignini seem like a moron. (I added this in an ETA to my other): This business of Mignini saying she may have been in the kitchen is very worrisome. Because some of us were taking very seriously his depiction of Amanda as charged in the indictment: As a masculine, aggressive, knife-wielding killer. Not a feminine whimpering wreck in the kitchen, and who could call that a murderer?

I am of quite the opposite opinion SMK. I believe that there is pressure being brought that for some reason Mignini feels he must present his views in recent interviews. I find his actions to be very telling.

I also wonder if his actions here could have any bearing on his appeal or whether additional charges could be forthcomming his way and he is trying to deflect this possibility

For heaven sakes 37 members of PLE were awarded medals etc. against one 20 year old.
Again regarding the phone calls which some are trying to state are only 3 seconds long. That is all the cell phone company would record once it is redirected to the voice mail. This is common knowledge which I have posted many times with cites

As has been previously shown, posted and cited in this forum the cell phone company that filomenia used (and probably many of our own cell phone companies) only registers to the connection when it is redirected to the voicemail and to the callers ear it would continue to ring. (This is quite common knowledge) AK was actually on longer than 3 seconds. This one tiny detail makes a huge difference. Ask your cell phone company

As per the testimony:

12:11:02 (3 seconds) the Vodafone number 348-4673711 belonging to Meredith (this is the one [i.e. SIM card] registered to Romanelli Filomena) is called and its answering service is activated
Bloggers are not journalists. Journalists study journalism and report the news, bloggers spread opinions on the internet.

I thought Knox attended a Jesuit school. Can I assume that you agree with the article that she attended Roman Catholic school.

Does this pertain to proof of innocence or guilt?
Mediocre is not a word applied to most universities that I am familiar with, but if we assume that universities are mediocre, then perhaps a degree from a place like that does nothing to advance education and knowledge ... so bloggers can be described as journalists in that context ... but that is not how most see it ... and not many go to the blogs to read the news - so I think most agree that bloggers are not journalists.

That reminds me of the argument that there are book smarts and street smarts but it makes no difference, so a guy with street smarts can just as easily be a surgeon as the guy with book smarts. Newspapers often hire people with 4 year English degrees. Is that the training that Frank has.

Blogging has become a recognized form of journalism
Yes, I believe she held the knife. Mignini once said, (before he placed her outside the room) "It was Amanda who dealt the fatal knife thrust." Yes, her short stories were clearly a precursor to this.

This is not what he stated in his CNN interview which was discussed at length again on this thread
Mediocre is not a word applied to most universities that I am familiar with, but if we assume that universities are mediocre, then perhaps a degree from a place like that does nothing to advance education and knowledge ... so bloggers can be described as journalists in that context ... but that is not how most see it ... and not many go to the blogs to read the news - so I think most agree that bloggers are not journalists.

That reminds me of the argument that there are book smarts and street smarts but it makes no difference, so a guy with street smarts can just as easily be a surgeon as the guy with book smarts. Newspapers often hire people with 4 year English degrees. Is that the training that Frank has.

Frank is more capable than myself of presenting his thoughts/opinions as well as some posters I have seen
Exactly. It is a rag mag and the Nov. 25, 2007 article is filled with errors, but because it is the one and only media link containing the allegation that Patrick was beaten by police, it keeps surfacing as being a factual article.

Actually this is incorrect as there are the Court filings by his lawyer stating that this did indeed happen and which he won
Professors are rather disappointed with the calibre of students these days, particularly points like: students expecting at least a B for showing up for class and an A for submitting assignments ... and all sorts of other funny things ... or students deciding that they want to submit a paper on a subject that is not part of the course material. I suspect professors all over the world are seeing funny things in the entitled modern day student.

However, that has nothing to do with Frank. He is a blogger and he was not beaten by police.

Not all Professors are disappointed and not all students expect what you have stated.

As for Frank being beaten it was investigated and documented. The comment regarding him is blatently false
Patrick wasn't roughed up. There is one article suggesting that he was, but that same article also contained incorrect information about Knox. If you accept the false information about Patrick, you have to accept the incorrect information about Knox. Which should it be?

Frank was not roughed up. When he and many others got too close to the Kercher family. He, and others, were cleared out to protect the Kerchers.

If you disagree, and have information that Patrick and an Italian blogger were roughed up, please provide media links.


This again is blatently false as per his court case which he won
Let's look at another part of the article dated 25 November 2007:

"Amanda tried much harder, but was less popular. I didn't realise it at the time, but now I see that she was jealous. She wanted to be the queen bee, and as the weeks passed, it became clear that she wasn't. She hated anyone stealing her limelight ? and that included Meredith."

Was Knox jealous of Meredith? Did she want to be the queen bee and was it clear that she hated Meredith? Did Knox go to a Roman Catholic school?

The article is full of errors, but if we're going to accept that Patrick was beaten, then I suppose Knox attended a Roman Catholic school and hated women.

From the article:

"Amanda, meanwhile, was becoming increasingly erratic. "Her moods started swinging from docile and lazy to hyperactive and flighty.

"I knew she smoked cannabis and it was impossible to predict which one she'd be.

"I told her I'd asked Meredith to come and work for me and her face dropped and there was a big silence. Then she said, 'Fine,' and stropped off. I knew then she was extremely jealous of Meredith. She obviously thought she was invading her territory."

By Tuesday, October 30, his patience ran out. He told Amanda she could carry on handing out club flyers, but could no longer work in the bar.

"She looked at me blankly and walked away," he says. "The club was busy and I didn't see her again that evening."

The next day Amanda attended a Hallowe'en party at the club, knocking back the free red wine. "She was all over two American boys," Patrick says. "There was no sign of Sollecito and I didn't see her leave."

I simply have to ask as I am at my breaking point here.

Why is information that has been proven to be inaccurate continually posted? Can we not rely on known facts and corrected information in which to present our opinions?

I simply do not understand the reasoning or purpose this misinformation can bring to the discussion when it is not accurate....
Something happened to MK's window, though, at some point AFTER the crime, because there's tape across it in the investigative photos from December 18th. It's the same tape use at the front door to keep the sign on it.

The cottage was broken into after the murder that is why there is taped off
Don't believe that is what happened in this case.

I guess it could be very similar to the judges/jurors threshold.

You know fred I have to thank you. Out of all the ones I have asked you are the only one that has attempted to answer that question.
@skewed- Did you miss this post?

Is this gonna be like the mop pic/link deal with wasn't me where you bash me a bit, then are proven wrong, bash me a bit more... then don't apologize or admit being wrong? In the US DURING a trial if a prosecutor has stated a gun or a knife is the murder weapon and that weapon is thrown out, in almost every case there will be a mistrial or acquital. I'm not speaking of a trial where the jury never hears of the murder weapon because it has been excluded. I stand by that statement as it has been my experience with trials... if it is not correct I will gladly admit being mistaken. That is my 'reality' and my point of view... nothing more.

In Italy, as I also said was my own view, it seems that even if the knife or even the bra clasp is thrown out (and other evidence is not brought into play such as the supposed computer evidence/TOD/staged break in/luminal bare prints/bathroom bare print/mixed dna of AK-Meredith/phone evidence/etc... they may not be acquitted, they may be, they may have their sentences reduced, they may even have their sentences increased. I don't believe any of us are sure.

You didn't read what I said. You are saying that in the US, even if there is enough other evidence to prove guilt, the jury will still acquit if a murder weapon is discredited, and I'm calling BS. Sorry, that's not the way it works. Again, take a closer look at your reference cases, and I believe you will find that in those cases, the rest of the evidence was lacking. You've 'proven' nothing in your posts, only made extraordinary assertions with no evidence to back them up. Show me some studies or articles about how this is some kind of systemic problem in the US if you want to 'prove me wrong'.

The situation you outlined in the second paragraph applies in American courts as well, except in random, anecdotal examples that show more about how stupid some juries can be than anything about the American Justice System as a whole.

ETA: And keep in mind here, the American Justice system I find myself defending in this debate is one that I'm not very fond of.
I will bring the full post foreward, I added, but it was loading slowly.....better yet, please see my full post above your own RE Lumbumba.....

Not to worry. Some of us can read quite well.
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