Mexico - 10 members of Polygamist LeBaron Family murdered, Sonora, Nov 2019 *arrests*

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read a bunch of comments.

Mitt Romney's father born in Mexico, not Mitt himself.

i had never heard of mormons living in Mexico until 15 minutes ago.
Mormons, with the LDS Church, live all around the World. Which is not that surprising, since the Church sends tons and tons of youth on missions all around the World to get more people to join the Church. They are literally everywhere.
I love you friend but some things I read in your post I respectfully but really disagree with.

Mexico IS a third world country. Not becoming. And the people coming here across our borders are mostly hard working, God-fearing, family-centered folk. I’ve lived among them my whole life.

There may be more to this than we think at first blush. The LeBaron clan history is scary to say the least.

Also, cartels aren’t flooding across the border and murdering people here. Oh we have our own drug/gang issues but not with Mexican cartels like what they have down south. We would quickly wipe them out.

And neither are sex traffickers flooding in and snatching our citizens off the street. That is just a misunderstanding of categories used to define what’s going on.

Human trafficking includes taking people across the border for money. So there are tons of coyotes who do this and although they go back and forth, that gets translated into “human traffickers, I mean sex traffickers are stealing our women!”

Not remotely close.

We have plenty of our own home-grown criminals who are causing drug overdoses and many of them have MD after their name or are called Purdue.

This case isn’t about immigration. Its not about dark skinned savages flooding our borders. It’s about a strange clan, some of whom were massacred, including innocent women and children, in the nation they choose to live in and call home.

I suggest all who want to know more about this clan read what they can. Someone posted excellent books on the subject. I’ve read many because religious sects originating in the US was a particular interest to me as an American Studies major. Love the subject.

There may be more to this case than meets the eye.

Many slow claps!! Bravo
Maybe the US could work on the drug dependency problem. The cartels are providing the product for the addictions.

This is murder in itself also, (Reuters) - Mexican drug cartels are making "mass quantities" of fake prescription pills containing the synthetic opioid fentanyl with the intention of selling them to users throughout North America, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) said on Monday
gitana, thank you for the color on different fringe groups living in mexico. hope "fringe" isn't too negative. but it makes complete sense they want freedom to pursue life their way..... how do they make a living?

i have met alot of mennonites who are from bolivia...... i'm guessing that is similar situation...... or is that from spreading as missionaries?

AFAIK, Mennonites do not practice polygamy nor have any similar practices that would require them to live outside the jurisdiction of the U.S. like the Mormon sect under discussion here.
Well, if you are born to American citizens and you were born in Mexico, you have dual citizenship.
Mexico does not have automatically give citizenship simply by being born in Mexico. Rather, obtaining Mexican citizen is along, complicated process.

In the end, the Mexcian government facilitates citizenship to small numbers of non ethnic Mexicans when there is an interest in doing so.

At various times, the Mexicans have established an interest in permitting the immigration of Germans, Chinese, Jews, Lebanese, Mennonites and Mormons etc).
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9 Mormon women and children were shot and 'burned alive' in an ambush near the US-Mexico border - CNN

The LeBaron family's history of conflict with Mexican drug cartels may indicate the family was targeted, former Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castañeda told CNN on Tuesday evening.

"They had stood up to the drug cartels and they did have certain frictions either with the cartels or with neighboring communities over water rights," Castañeda said.

"Their long-standing tensions, and apparently the woman who was driving in the first car that was attacked was an activist. She was someone who was very active in her community, defending her family, her fellow members of the community against cartels, on the issue of water rights," Castañeda said, describing one of the three women killed, without naming her.

The former minister also said the larger LeBaron community had been receiving the protection of 90 federal police stationed around the community since 2011 because of tensions between the family and cartels.

That protection was withdrawn to some extent by the current government earlier this year, according to Castañeda. It's unclear whether all 90 policemen were withdrawn or just some of them, he added.

This ! I knew it!!!I'm sure they were targeted and very curious why there were no men traveling or at least self defense weapon and maybe a guard they know its dangerous.
Cocomod wrote “I wonder why only one or two times has it been mentioned that the women were brutally raped and burned.”

There was an MSM source (though IDK if I find the U.K.’s The Sun newspaper all that credible) posted at the beginning of this thread which had the allegation of rape in its title subsequently changed the wording. If you read through the story, though, there is a fleeting reference to family members having been concerned that sexual assault may possibly have taken place. The trope of innocent white women being sexually assaulted by savage non-white men has a long and incendiary history in the US (most well-documented in the South but also deployed to great effect in the regions that border Mexico during the early 20th century). It makes me wonder if certain parties (including the “newspaper” in question) were using this trope to try to play up the violence and horror of this crime—as though it needs any help to be seen as merciless and horrific!

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This is murder in itself also, (Reuters) - Mexican drug cartels are making "mass quantities" of fake prescription pills containing the synthetic opioid fentanyl with the intention of selling them to users throughout North America, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) said on Monday
And the fake Fentanyl is also being made in China and transported to Mexico to be brought across the border
Mexico family shooting, ambush: History of Mormon groups in Sonora

McCormick suspects that criminal organizations may have attacked the three families in retaliation against LeBaron and his activism against cartel violence.

"To be honest, I think what happened (Monday) was a long time coming," McCormick said. "The fact that they were dual citizens probably pushed off the inevitable, which was to say these organized criminal networks were going to seek retaliation for the fact that Julian LeBaron has been so outspoken and the family sort of refusing to pay extortion fees."

Many of the families living in the area have become quite prosperous as pecan farmers, ranchers and businesspeople, Bluth said. That has made some of them targets by criminal organizations for kidnappings and extortion, Bluth said.

Some prominent family members only travel with bodyguards, he said, and criminal organizations may have been carrying out a vendetta against them by targeting their families.

McCormick said the order to ambush the families must have come from top leaders in the criminal organization because they must have known that killing women and children with dual citizenship would generate "ginormous blowback" both in Mexico and the U.S.
I love you friend but some things I read in your post I respectfully but really disagree with.

Mexico IS a third world country. Not becoming. And the people coming here across our borders are mostly hard working, God-fearing, family-centered folk. I’ve lived among them my whole life.

There may be more to this than we think at first blush. The LeBaron clan history is scary to say the least.

Also, cartels aren’t flooding across the border and murdering people here. Oh we have our own drug/gang issues but not with Mexican cartels like what they have down south. We would quickly wipe them out.

And neither are sex traffickers flooding in and snatching our citizens off the street. That is just a misunderstanding of categories used to define what’s going on.

Human trafficking includes taking people across the border for money. So there are tons of coyotes who do this and although they go back and forth, that gets translated into “human traffickers, I mean sex traffickers are stealing our women!”

Not remotely close.

We have plenty of our own home-grown criminals who are causing drug overdoses and many of them have MD after their name or are called Purdue.

This case isn’t about immigration. Its not about dark skinned savages flooding our borders. It’s about a strange clan, some of whom were massacred, including innocent women and children, in the nation they choose to live in and call home.

I suggest all who want to know more about this clan read what they can. Someone posted excellent books on the subject. I’ve read many because religious sects originating in the US was a particular interest to me as an American Studies major. Love the subject.

There may be more to this case than meets the eye.

Hi there! I dearly love you too, and highly respect everything you have to say.

It's perfectly okay for you or anyone for that matter to disagree with me. You should know that better than anyone.

However, this time I do respectfully disagree although rare as hens...teeth I tell ya! :)

I have watched several Arizona law enforcement officers in the past few weeks including Texas, and recently talking about this case as well, and the amount of illegal Mexican gang members they are having to deal with on a daily basis. They said trying to keep all safe is an overwhelming task.

In fact iirc the sheriff from Tucson said yesterday he has had several victims shot in his area in the past few days committed by Mexican drug gang members. He said this year alone there have been illegals pouring into his area from 141 countries, all coming over the southern border.

I'm not ever saying all who are coming are bad people. Most are NOT, I'm sure, but ever bad one that slips in makes it extremely dangerous for everyone else.

Iirc, this year alone over 141,000 thousand illegal immigrant criminals have been apprehended who were dangerous criminals even before they slipped in, and have done horrific crimes since then against many others before finally apprehended.

But, imhoo, thousands remain uncaught, and are only found once it's far too late for the victims they have gravely harmed or even murdered.

Be well my dear friend. You will always be my hero for the amazing person you are.

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The Mexican Cartels vs. a Mormon Sect: Behind the Horrific Massacre of American Moms and Children

"The LeBaron community was an odd cultural fixture in the Mexican borderland, an affluent and orderly farming settlement as American as a Texas suburb, with around a thousand fluent Spanish-speaking inhabitants whose native tongue is English, most of whom share a last name in common.

The group’s trials were the stuff of local lore long before drug cartels entered the frame. Over the past decade, however, leading members of the LeBaron community have distinguished themselves as outspoken opponents to the growth of cartel-related kidnappings, extortion and killings in Mexico. "
gitana, thank you for the color on different fringe groups living in mexico. hope "fringe" isn't too negative. but it makes complete sense they want freedom to pursue life their way..... how do they make a living?

i have met alot of mennonites who are from bolivia...... i'm guessing that is similar situation...... or is that from spreading as missionaries?

It’s a similar situation. They move there for religious freedom and cheap land.

The question as to how the Mexican LeBaron’s make their money is an interesting one.

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