Mexico - 10 members of Polygamist LeBaron Family murdered, Sonora, Nov 2019 *arrests*

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KCK lawyer mourning family lost in attack near the US-Mexico border

They left their homes just minutes before the attack, and LeBaron Ramos said if her family had known about any danger, they would not have left the community.

Suspected drug cartel gunmen kill nine members of a family in ambush in Mexico

Staddon said she learned later Monday that her sister-in law and her cousin had been killed.

She was trying to verify from relatives in Mexico exactly how many people died. She said they told her that after gunmen killed her sister-in-law and two children, they opened the door and saw more children and let them go.

Children from another mother?
Glad to find a thread , Ive always wondered what happened to the Le Barron children and remaining family members , since I live in Irving , the whole thing has fascinated me

That family has a long and bizarre history of murdering each other via “blood atonement” and tons of child abuse and domestic violence in the clan.

They have determined to live in Mexico (those of the clan who do), in order to circumvent US laws on polygamy and to have privacy for their lifestyle.
read a bunch of comments.

Mitt Romney's father born in Mexico, not Mitt himself.

i had never heard of mormons living in Mexico until 15 minutes ago.

Polygamist Mormons, Amish, Mennonites, some hardcore Orthodox Jewish offshoots and various Christian cults, among others.

Some fundamentalist religious groups live in places like Mexico in order to fly below the radar.

As we can see, that carries some risks. Not just murder but lack of access to resources for things like health care, infrastructure that people living in developed nations enjoy.

They often live in very rural areas.
If you really want to know the history of the LeBaron family and their settlements in Mexico there are a few good books to read:
The Prophet of Blood by Ben Bradlee and Dale Van Atta
The Four O’Clock Murders by Scott Anderson
The Blood Covenant by Rena Chynoweth
The Polygamist’s Daughter by Anna LeBaron
Cult Insanity by Irene Spencer - she also has a couple of other books about her life living in Colonia LeBaron, Mexico.
There are a few other books also but I have them in storage so can’t remember the names.

There are many families living in Colonia LeBaron who do not practice polygamy. It is a personal choice. They do not have anything to do with the FLDS and Warren Jeffs.

Two other good books are The Sound of Gravel by Ruth Wariner and His Favorite Wife by Susan Ray Schmidt.
As others, I am extremely curious about this. It is terrifyingly horrific. What these children have endured. :(

I wonder why only one or two times has it been mentioned that the women were brutally raped and burned. I wonder about that because if you see the video of the car, it is shot up and burned. It seems more likely that they were not stopped and then killed. Also, it is horrible, but also a bit strange that the grandfather filmed the burning car and said it is "for the record". Why would he need to document it? Is he saying there is a war here?

I am wondering also if they are blaming the cartel so loudly to take our eyes off of a possible other intent and motive here? The poor, poor babies. I am so heart sickened by this!

As others have mentioned, it is cringe worthy when they keep saying a "Mormon" American family. These are an off-shoot of the LDS faith, and they live a much different life. One where they are living in a place that puts their children in harms way.

A wedding - I wonder how old the bride is? Sorry, but this "family" lives in infamy.

Maybe he wants the American president and military to step in and take action ?
9 Mormon women and children were shot and 'burned alive' in an ambush near the US-Mexico border - CNN

The LeBaron family's history of conflict with Mexican drug cartels may indicate the family was targeted, former Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castañeda told CNN on Tuesday evening.

"They had stood up to the drug cartels and they did have certain frictions either with the cartels or with neighboring communities over water rights," Castañeda said.

"Their long-standing tensions, and apparently the woman who was driving in the first car that was attacked was an activist. She was someone who was very active in her community, defending her family, her fellow members of the community against cartels, on the issue of water rights," Castañeda said, describing one of the three women killed, without naming her.

The former minister also said the larger LeBaron community had been receiving the protection of 90 federal police stationed around the community since 2011 because of tensions between the family and cartels.

That protection was withdrawn to some extent by the current government earlier this year, according to Castañeda. It's unclear whether all 90 policemen were withdrawn or just some of them, he added.
I saw the breaking news around 6am on FNN, and have been watching the new updates throughout the day.

I was absolutely horrified this happened, and when I saw the father of the mom, and his little grandchildren filming the burned out bullet ridden car, I burst into tears.

Omg, how terrified they all must have been. Knowing little twin babies where in their carseats when this happened to all of them is something like the worst horror movie yet it was their reality with more young children found executed in the area.

These monsters are sadistic terrorists imo.

While many in our country seem to like nothing better than putting down our own country, Mexico has become like a third world country. Last year alone they broke their own unbelivable homicide record. Iirc it was over 35K! They are expected it to rise even higher this year. Ugh.

What's even more frightening these same ruthless people are coming right over our own borders in areas that are opening, and welcoming them to come right in. Yet these same cartel POSs are causing almost 70K fatal overdoses of our own citizens last year or who are human traffickers, including sex traffickers coming illegally into our country. Gah!!

I wasn't the least surprised when the Mexican president doesn't want our help to eradicate these vile cartel members. They are part of the problem since many of them are in the pockets of the cartels themselves.

Imo, we could sure do it just like we did in Columbia along with the Colombians assistances.

All of these cartels need to be deemed terrorists by all free nations.


I love you friend but some things I read in your post I respectfully but really disagree with.

Mexico IS a third world country. Not becoming. And the people coming here across our borders are mostly hard working, God-fearing, family-centered folk. I’ve lived among them my whole life.

There may be more to this than we think at first blush. The LeBaron clan history is scary to say the least.

Also, cartels aren’t flooding across the border and murdering people here. Oh we have our own drug/gang issues but not with Mexican cartels like what they have down south. We would quickly wipe them out.

And neither are sex traffickers flooding in and snatching our citizens off the street. That is just a misunderstanding of categories used to define what’s going on.

Human trafficking includes taking people across the border for money. So there are tons of coyotes who do this and although they go back and forth, that gets translated into “human traffickers, I mean sex traffickers are stealing our women!”

Not remotely close.

We have plenty of our own home-grown criminals who are causing drug overdoses and many of them have MD after their name or are called Purdue.

This case isn’t about immigration. Its not about dark skinned savages flooding our borders. It’s about a strange clan, some of whom were massacred, including innocent women and children, in the nation they choose to live in and call home.

I suggest all who want to know more about this clan read what they can. Someone posted excellent books on the subject. I’ve read many because religious sects originating in the US was a particular interest to me as an American Studies major. Love the subject.

There may be more to this case than meets the eye.

Wary of the drug cartels that patrol the region, families like theirs from the fundamentalist Mormon settlement of La Mora knew to travel by day to avoid danger. And they knew to travel together.

Staddon said that at some point drug cartel members cut the community’s phone lines down, so her family relies on WhatsApp to exchange news.

She said the violence seems to have become worse in the last several months, with family members pulled over and threatened with guns.

“They said we would be OK as long as we didn’t travel at night," Staddon told The Post. "Everybody made sure they were traveling in the daytime. But this happened yesterday in the middle of the day.”

Mexican officials said cartel gunmen might have mistaken the SUVs for those of rival traffickers. But relatives of the victims said the gunmen knew they were firing on civilians.
Family members believe Mexico attack was not an accident

Lebaron says two members of the family -- Benjamine Lebaron and Luis Widmar -- were kidnapped and killed in 2009. He says members of the family testified to convict those involved. The family received government protection after that.

Lebaron says that protection was later reduced to cover only those specific family members who testified in the case. They pleaded with the government for additional protection, but did not receive it.
gitana, thank you for the color on different fringe groups living in mexico. hope "fringe" isn't too negative. but it makes complete sense they want freedom to pursue life their way..... how do they make a living?

i have met alot of mennonites who are from bolivia...... i'm guessing that is similar situation...... or is that from spreading as missionaries?
I love you friend but some things I read in your post I respectfully but really disagree with.

Mexico IS a third world country. Not becoming. And the people coming here across our borders are mostly hard working, God-fearing, family-centered folk. I’ve lived among them my whole life.

There may be more to this than we think at first blush. The LeBaron clan history is scary to say the least.

Also, cartels aren’t flooding across the border and murdering people here. Oh we have our own drug/gang issues but not with Mexican cartels like what they have down south. We would quickly wipe them out.

And neither are sex traffickers flooding in and snatching our citizens off the street. That is just a misunderstanding of categories used to define what’s going on.

Human trafficking includes taking people across the border for money. So there are tons of coyotes who do this and although they go back and forth, that gets translated into “human traffickers, I mean sex traffickers are stealing our women!”

Not remotely close.

We have plenty of our own home-grown criminals who are causing drug overdoses and many of them have MD after their name or are called Purdue.

This case isn’t about immigration. Its not about dark skinned savages flooding our borders. It’s about a strange clan, some of whom were massacred, including innocent women and children, in the nation they choose to live in and call home.

I suggest all who want to know more about this clan read what they can. Someone posted excellent books on the subject. I’ve read many because religious sects originating in the US was a particular interest to me as an American Studies major. Love the subject.

There may be more to this case than meets the eye.
Indeed. Well said.
Slain U.S. citizens were part of Mormon offshoot with sordid history

"One, Ervil LeBaron, formed his own church that took on a cult following, said Anna LeBaron, who was one of Ervil's 51 children with 13 wives. She was born at the LeBaron colony and escaped her father's cult when she was 13; she detailed her experience in a 2017 book, 'The Polygamist's Daughter.'"

It's very hard to talk about this case without talking about the religious cult the victims are members of.
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gitana, thank you for the color on different fringe groups living in mexico. hope "fringe" isn't too negative. but it makes complete sense they want freedom to pursue life their way..... how do they make a living?

i have met alot of mennonites who are from bolivia...... i'm guessing that is similar situation...... or is that from spreading as missionaries?
Pursuing life in one's own way is one thing. But I do not think this group is like the Mennonites at all. Not at all.
the only reason i care is that they were placed in harm's way. and this happens to so many native Mexicans but we only get outcry now. its sad no matter who it is.

Morning all!

I dont know about others caring or not, but for years, even here at times I've tried to bring awareness to what is happening to the citizens in Mexico. Most didn't want to discuss it.

Just like I've tried to bring awareness to what is happening in our own country in many large inner city neighborhoods, where ruthless extremely violent gang members rule their streets terrorizing those who can't afford to move.:( Now they are spreading their evil throughout every state, even coming into rural, once peaceful communities.

Until all of us are honest about our own gang problem, and willing to bring awareness about will continue to worsen by ignoring it. It's already ignored, the very way all gang members want it to be.

Mexico has done the same for different reasons, although I'm sure some of our gang members may have paid off some officials to look the other way. Sigh.

Either way, both the cartels, and our gang members are so out of control now where its ended up with both ruling the streets they have infiltrated... ruining it for good people who just want to live in peace.

My heart has long been broken knowing what each law abiding citizens have had to endure, whether it's in my own beloved country or for the countless good citizens of Mexico.

This thread is off the rails with discussion of religion (which is a violation of TOS) and LeBaron family history which may have zero bearing on today's victims in this case.

There is absolutely no MSM to indicate that this family or their ancestors are the motive behind this massacre. We will try to clean up the thread to this point, but any further posts or responses that discuss religion or are victim blaming will be removed and members who continue to violate TOS will lose posting privileges.

Stop now or thread bans or worse will be issued.

I'm so glad you are here. Thank you for reminding us all WS is a victim friendly site.

No one should ever be brutally murdered the way these victims have been. No one, and to know how it was carried out is absolutely horrifying, and it takes a lot to shock me anymore.

In fact I'm rather saddened to see such a high profile case not get as many posts as other horrible mass murders.:(

hope "fringe" isn't too negative. but it makes complete sense they want freedom to pursue life their way..... how do they make a living?
To my knowledge, the men (Mormon polygamist group) take extended trips to the US where they do construction or building trade work. They then return to Mexico.

Though LDS Mormons are encouraged to avoid the group, some may seasonally hire them under a "don't ask, don't tell" type practice.

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