Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #2

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JR 100% trusts the shopkeeper. I do not. At a dangerous, unmonitored and unregulated crossing of that nature, I imagine all the various types of human trafficking are rampant. Just sayin'.
JR 100% trusts the shopkeeper. I do not. At a dangerous, unmonitored and unregulated crossing of that nature, I imagine all the various types of human trafficking are rampant. Just sayin'.

Agree. If this was the bad part of the Las Vegas strip. Then I probably wouldn't believe the main witness 100%.

Especially since they offered house and home and supposedly found a ride to take you on a 20hr drive.

Now I have lived in some seedy parts. And I never seen this much hospitality in a while.

But my opinion is the ride did show up. But it wasn't to take Jenny to Cancun. Jmo.

I think the residents seen that Jenny was weird. And the friend/ride took advantage and paid the shopkeeper to stay hush or told them whatever. Idk
JR 100% trusts the shopkeeper. I do not. At a dangerous, unmonitored and unregulated crossing of that nature, I imagine all the various types of human trafficking are rampant. Just sayin'.

Here's why I think JR 100% trusts the shopkeeper, although I'm at the point of not trusting anyone. From his press release:

Multiple witnesses at a dangerous truck crossing called Lagunas Crossing came forward and identified Jenny and explained her last sighting.

The "came forward" implies that they contacted JR somehow, perhaps after seeing a flier or an article. Plus, her signature is in the notebook. Putting that together, I can see why he has reason to trust them. If they hadn't come forward, it's not likely his PI would have found them.

Of course, we don't know how many people saw Jenny get into the Corona truck. If it's just the shopkeepers saying that, all bets are off. Perhaps their "trusted friend" did pick her up and then trafficked her, reaping a nice profit for them all.
I've used LINE and WeChat. I think WeChat has more users (and my Chinese friend turned me on to it, so maybe it is popular in China). You can send messages and make phone calls over the internet with your phone or computer. You can also make calls to other countries without needing an international calling plan. I assume this is why she thought she wouldn't have coverage during the commute to Cancun. She needs WiFi. Free WiFi, I'm assuming.

In the beginning of this case, JR had posted a WeChat conversation she was having with a friend. He never provided context to the troubling message - something about a man who made her uncomfortable? Does anybody remember that? I'll see if I can find it...
The fact is, all eyes and energy have been solely focused on Corona drivers and irrelevant driver logs.

I would like like to know where JR was for every hour of his days for the week leading up to Jenny's disappearance until a week after she was reported missing.

Also, is the timeline in which he reported her missing true to what we know. I seem to recall a discrepancy in his report in Cancun vs. her timeline in Mexico. Is there a current timeline of JRs activities?

The Corona drivers have been the focus since mid-May. He has put all his eggs in one basket for months. This has bothered me a lot. He may still have info that he hasn't shared that convinces him that it's the one and only clue...but it just seemed very shortsighted to me. I don't know if LE has ever nailed down a timeline for JR. I would hope they did right away, but he left the country very quickly.

We don't have a timeline of anything. I've been hoping someone would tackle that project, but with the wonky info we have, it's probably not possible to nail anything down.
My thing is the shopkeeper story.

Now first of all. If your business is open at 12am; I wouldn't consider you a shopkeeper.

Because I doubt this person sold wigs or whatever else.

So I would just say store owner or vendor or employee of a xyz type of business.

Anyways back to business.

The shopkeeper stated to Jr that she offered Jenny to stay at her place for the rest of the night.

But I'm not hearing any buildup.


This girl came to me and begged me for a place to spend the night and we talked for hours about xyz before I decided to let her stay until the morning. Jmo.

Where is the build up.

Did Jenny go inside the shop and ask for help.

Did Jenny go to the shopkeeper or did the shopkeeper go to Jenny.

Was money discussed for a ride to Cancun for later that day.

And why in the heck would a shopkeeper or her family want to see Jenny write her name in Chinese?

Did kids live there?

Anyways. Imo. The shopkeeper is working late at night.

So she would be too tired to pull short notice strings for Jenny to get a 20hr drive.

But but.

What if the shopkeeper told Jenny. I got you a ride but its going to cost big.

So Jenny says okay so she can spend the night.

But what if the ride gets there and Jenny says nope; too expensive.

Then all hell breaks loose from Jenny forfeiting on a deal while wasting everybody's time. Jmo

Jenny messed with the wrong people and backed out the deal at the wrong time. Jmo
Here's why I think JR 100% trusts the shopkeeper, although I'm at the point of not trusting anyone. From his press release:

Multiple witnesses at a dangerous truck crossing called Lagunas Crossing came forward and identified Jenny and explained her last sighting.

The "came forward" implies that they contacted JR somehow, perhaps after seeing a flier or an article. Plus, her signature is in the notebook. Putting that together, I can see why he has reason to trust them. If they hadn't come forward, it's not likely his PI would have found them.

Of course, we don't know how many people saw Jenny get into the Corona truck. If it's just the shopkeepers saying that, all bets are off. Perhaps their "trusted friend" did pick her up and then trafficked her, reaping a nice profit for them all.
Let's put "came forward" into perspective.

Did the shopkeeper contact JR or the PI voluntarily to tell all she knows because she is a concerned citizen?

Or, did someone (like the cement driver) see Jenny with the shopkeeper and so the shopkeeper decided to "come forward" to CYA, err...... cover her tracks?

Or, does is the cement driver in cahoots with the shopkeeper, and some other person witnessed these associations causing the shopkeeper to CYA?

You could ask this a million different ways, concluding an equal number of outcomes. JR needs to tell his story as if he is writing to a 3rd grader. Meaning, explain it to us dummies who don't know which version of "came forward" is intended. And, do that with every single aspect of this case. Help us help you, JR. Come on!
Let's put "came forward" into perspective.

Did the shopkeeper contact JR or the PI voluntarily to tell all she knows because she is a concerned citizen?

Or, did someone (like the cement driver) see Jenny with the shopkeeper and so the shopkeeper decided to "come forward" to CYA, err...... cover her tracks?

Or, does is the cement driver in cahoots with the shopkeeper, and some other person witnessed these associations causing the shopkeeper to CYA?

You could ask this a million different ways, concluding an equal number of outcomes. JR needs to tell his story as if he is writing to a 3rd grader. Meaning, explain it to us dummies who don't know which version of "came forward" is intended. And, do that with every single aspect of this case. Help us help you, JR. Come on!

Yup. You filled in the theoretical blanks I started to write and gave up on. :) So many potential scenarios to account for "coming forward." And the very act of coming forward deflects suspicion away from the shopkeeper if no one digs deeper. But I think JR grasped onto this story and wouldn't let go because it seemed to be his only hope. That's what he indicated when people on FB suggested investigating other avenues. He and his PI may not even know why the shopkeeper came forward. So here he is, and here we are, almost five months after he found out about the shopkeeper and the Corona driver, possibly barking up the wrong tree. And we still don't have a clear story about anything from JR.

Yup. You filled in the theoretical blanks I started to write and gave up on. :) So many potential scenarios to account for "coming forward." And the very act of coming forward deflects suspicion away from the shopkeeper if no one digs deeper. But I think JR grasped onto this story and wouldn't let go because it seemed to be his only hope. That's what he indicated when people on FB suggested investigating other avenues. He and his PI may not even know why the shopkeeper came forward. So here he is, and here we are, almost five months after he found out about the shopkeeper and the Corona driver, possibly barking up the wrong tree. And we still don't have a clear story about anything from JR.

Agree. The shopkeeper could have a roommate or live in person that is a rapist murderer.

But Jr only fixated on a Corona litigation for months. Jmo.

Because we have seen too many stories where a family member or roommate was guilty of a crime while everyone else helped with a cover up after fear. Jmo
I keep having this irrational notion that Jenny is still alive and actually doing quite well. (This is completely illogical and defies everything that we *do* know). Anyone else experiencing this irrational thinking, or do I need a break from this thread!!! (wouldn't be the first time)
I keep having this irrational notion that Jenny is still alive and actually doing quite well. (This is completely illogical and defies everything that we *do* know). Anyone else experiencing this irrational thinking, or do I need a break from this thread!!! (wouldn't be the first time)

Jenny being alive and doing well would be the best news ever! It may defy what we know, but really, what DO we know? We have a Chinese symbol representing her name in a shopkeeper's notebook at Lagunas Crossing. No activity in her bank account, we are told. That's all folks. NOTHING else we can count on.

Hannah Thomas-Garner. A 17 year old most of us thought was dead, based on much more evidence than we have on this thread. But she wasn't. And we didn't give up. We kept looking for clues. We analyzed every scrap we had. ThinkThinkThink even researched fast food wrappers to see if any of them matched the one in her car (it turned out to be foil from home). We watched for her FB friends to slip up. But it turned out that Hannah hitchhiked down the coast of California and found a kind family who took her in for over three months. Dexter remembers. He was sure she was dead from the get go, but hung in there. And Hannah's Dad Jeff accepted advice, followed it to the letter and ran a model FB page, reaching out to Hannah daily, answering questions, posting regularly.

There's nothing wrong with hope. Logic can be defied. Don't leave, roses. Let's write another story for Jenny. I can picture her convincing kind-hearted Mexicans to give her refuge...until she irritated them and they kicked her out. :)
I can't shake this niggling feeling she is still with us, and doing well. Wouldn't that be a lovely turn of events!
Not to confuse anyone, but earlier reports said there were two women, not one, did the story change?

The article in that post points to this:

It should be noted that Grupo Modelo has expressed her willingness to clarify the case. However, by the facts of Nochixtlán, the Office of Oaxaca has been reluctant to do two measures: check the GPS trucks brewery that circulated around the area and take the testimony of two women, workers at the bus stop where Jenny He has spent the night.
Not to confuse anyone, but earlier reports said there were two women, not one, did the story change?

The article in that post points to this:

It should be noted that Grupo Modelo has expressed her willingness to clarify the case. However, by the facts of Nochixtlán, the Office of Oaxaca has been reluctant to do two measures: check the GPS trucks brewery that circulated around the area and take the testimony of two women, workers at the bus stop where Jenny He has spent the night.

I never noticed that before. Good eye. It also notes there were 7 trucks that day. Why aren't there 7 logs available then, for good measure? Here's the entire translated excerpt from that same posting:

Mexico City - Jenny Chen, a U.S. citizen of Asian origin, was to meet with her husband, Jonathan Reinhard in Cancun. The women of 26 years decided to make the journey of "backpack shoulder", however, from the month of April, when crossing the state of Oaxaca, ceased to have contact with it

In the news "Ciro Gómez Leyva morning", the journalist Humberto Padgett commented that April 12 was the last time you knew something of Chen, was in the place known as La Laguna, in Oaxaca, in the diversion toward Juchitán and Veracruz
The journey of Jenny Chen began in March when it flew from Seattle to San Diego California, crossed by land to Tijuana and took a bus to the City of Mexico, where he shared a picture dancing Danzón with an old man in the Citadel.
The capital of Mexico addressed to Puebla, then to Oaxaca, capital. Chen had been reunited with her husband, Jonathan Reinhard, in Cancun on 16 April. However, never came. Six days later, without news of his wife, he returned to the United States to attempt to start any procedure with Mexican authorities.
Having received no reply, Reinhard hired a private research agency, who pointed out that the last time you saw Jenny Chen, possibly spent the night in a truckstop in La Laguna, where is the offset to Juchitán.
Indications are that the women addressed a truck of the Brewery Model, around 14:00 hours on the road 185 on 12 April, three days before his arrival in Cancun. Since then no information of this woman. On this case, the husband of Chen pointed out that has moved to the Office of the Attorney General of Justice but "this is as much as seeking responses to the stones". He added that "there are very good Mexicans, but I have not found among the police and officials of Oaxaca".
Detailed data that has obtained from the case, have been obtained by the private investigator hired. Between them that has a record of seven trucks Model Group when driving by that part of Oaxaca. It should be noted that Group Model has expressed your whole disposal to clarify the case. However, by the facts of Nochixtlán, the Office of the Attorney General of Oaxaca has been reluctant to perform two steps: check the GPS of the trucks of the brewery that circulated in the area and take the declaration of two women, workers in the whereabouts where Jenny would have spent the night.
Around to disappearances in Oaxaca, the entity records, to date, 110 missing women, according to the National Registry of Data of missing persons or disappeared, being the oldest record in 2003. While between 2010 and 2015 have died, for murder, 209 foreign women in Mexico; only in one case in Oaxaca.
Last edited by Lilibet; 07-11-2016 at 11:02 PM.
Good morning, all. Just some thoughts I've had (probably ramblings) in response to the press release plus our subsequent posts on it:

So, this is all conjecture, but I was just thinking of scenarios to fill in some of the holes of Jenny's movements once she reached Lagunas Crossing:
JR's press release states the cement truck came from Oaxaca to Lagunas Crossing, so that was a long ride (6 hrs, we've been told). So, maybe:
(1)cement truck guy stopped in to the cafe along with Jenny for a break, or
(2)he ended there because Lagunas crossing was his travel destination.

This came to me as I wondered why the shopkeepeer knew the detail about Jenny arriving in a cement truck. Of course, it may be that Jenny was being chatty, and simply told her how she arrived there.

If cement guy simply dropped Jenny off at Lagunas crossing, and drove off:
the Pemex is probably well-lit at night, so he dropped her there. She saw the open-late or open-all-night places and popped into the witness shopkeeper's cafe/shop/store/whatever, who we are told was a kindly and trusting sort who let Jenny stay (sleep) there. The Pemex station has showers, so maybe the next morning that is where Jenny showered, then went to the ATM there to try to get some money, only to find it out of service (machine out of money).

I, too, am interested in the statement that the shopkeeper "arranged a ride for her with someone who she trusted." If true, maybe she has many "regulars" who come to Lagunas Crossing, and she knows that that is their destination? Seems quite a coincidence. Maybe not.

I found the fact JR keeps saying about how Jenny only had 40 pesos remaining and was in need of an ATM to get more money something I wonder about. Is that what Jenny told him (when he said he'd send her bus fare), or did Shopkeeper tell JR that is what Jenny claimed? If the latter, I would find that strange that Jenny would be telling her how much money she had. Or maybe Jenny was trying to be safe by saying she had no money (to not get robbed). Another idea crossed my mind was that she said that while working on the shopkeeper to get free food and lodging. That sounds terrible of me, but I was just recalling on her weibo log where she said,
"I went to hospital today for my flu. I use hell out of my charm to get a free meal in this hospital. Making people laugh and be funny is the trick. Then they will say yes to everything."
But then, why would she then have asked Shopkeeper where was an ATM machine so she could get money? So, the free food/lodging idea doesn't agree with that. Btw, doesn't that sound like Jenny was being too trusting, an unsafe thing to broadcast that you were going to get cash from the ATM?
2016年3月17日 3:51

Still, I'd like to hope that because the PI's practice is in Mexico, and he has been at the profession for many years, he has good interrogation skills, and can read people well that we can trust his leads thus far as the ones that will lead to finding Jenny.
A while back, I had gone back on the HFJ page to see what was written about Jenny's cell phone.

Under JR's 4/23 at 4:30am post is where JR said: "She was was Wifi only, but had a sim card- not sure if that can help-T-Mobile"

CN says Jenny most likely got a Mexican SIM card, which would be a Telcel sim card. She states that if Jenny had gotten a sim card, that must mean she probably didn't have an international plan with her T-mobile account.

With some of their plans (including their basic ones) T-Mobile included free calling in Mexico. It might be only pre-paid that did not include free calling in mexico.

If you were a t-mobile customer and planning a trip to Mexico wouldn't you just switch to the monthly plans?
Not to confuse anyone, but earlier reports said there were two women, not one, did the story change?

The article in that post points to this:

It should be noted that Grupo Modelo has expressed her willingness to clarify the case. However, by the facts of Nochixtlán, the Office of Oaxaca has been reluctant to do two measures: check the GPS trucks brewery that circulated around the area and take the testimony of two women, workers at the bus stop where Jenny He has spent the night.

You're right and this is why we get confused. In the press release JR referred to one shopkeeper. He did not say that the shop was in the truck stop. He also referred to her family and to witnesses. We don't know if the family are the witnesses who say she got on the Corona truck or if there are independent witnesses who say that. It makes a difference IMO.

A shop keeper, who is also a witness was kind enough to welcome Jenny into their home to stay the night.

The next morning, Jenny showered, and ate with the shop keeper’s family.

After a while of waiting, a truck with the Corona logos’ pulled up on the opposite side of the street, the driver and Jenny had a brief conversation, and Jenny was convinced to get in the truck.

Once hearing this information, I immediately flew to Mexico and met with these witnesses.

I never noticed that before. Good eye. It also notes there were 7 trucks that day. Why aren't there 7 logs available then, for good measure? Here's the entire translated excerpt from that same posting:

We are left to assume, because it was never explained AFAIK, that the seven trucks were narrowed down to two by a process of elimination. Otherwise, it makes sense to have seven logs for comparison purposes. But JR was probably feeling fortunate to get what he got...and he has only released one log...JSR's...the guy with the family who lied about being in a convoy with the other mystery driver. I'm not even sure he actually got two GPS logs.

From the press release:
We have two drivers who were driving in the time an area that Jenny disappeared. They said they were in a convoy, and one claims he was driving with his family; but the GPS shows there were not in convoy.
Good morning, all. Just some thoughts I've had (probably ramblings) in response to the press release plus our subsequent posts on it:

So, this is all conjecture, but I was just thinking of scenarios to fill in some of the holes of Jenny's movements once she reached Lagunas Crossing:
JR's press release states the cement truck came from Oaxaca to Lagunas Crossing, so that was a long ride (6 hrs, we've been told). So, maybe:
(1)cement truck guy stopped in to the cafe along with Jenny for a break, or
(2)he ended there because Lagunas crossing was his travel destination.

This came to me as I wondered why the shopkeepeer knew the detail about Jenny arriving in a cement truck. Of course, it may be that Jenny was being chatty, and simply told her how she arrived there.

If cement guy simply dropped Jenny off at Lagunas crossing, and drove off:
the Pemex is probably well-lit at night, so he dropped her there. She saw the open-late or open-all-night places and popped into the witness shopkeeper's cafe/shop/store/whatever, who we are told was a kindly and trusting sort who let Jenny stay (sleep) there. The Pemex station has showers, so maybe the next morning that is where Jenny showered, then went to the ATM there to try to get some money, only to find it out of service (machine out of money).

I, too, am interested in the statement that the shopkeeper "arranged a ride for her with someone who she trusted." If true, maybe she has many "regulars" who come to Lagunas Crossing, and she knows that that is their destination? Seems quite a coincidence. Maybe not.

I found the fact JR keeps saying about how Jenny only had 40 pesos remaining and was in need of an ATM to get more money something I wonder about. Is that what Jenny told him (when he said he'd send her bus fare), or did Shopkeeper tell JR that is what Jenny claimed? If the latter, I would find that strange that Jenny would be telling her how much money she had. Or maybe Jenny was trying to be safe by saying she had no money (to not get robbed). Another idea crossed my mind was that she said that while working on the shopkeeper to get free food and lodging. That sounds terrible of me, but I was just recalling on her weibo log where she said, But then, why would she then have asked Shopkeeper where was an ATM machine so she could get money? So, the free food/lodging idea doesn't agree with that. Btw, doesn't that sound like Jenny was being too trusting, an unsafe thing to broadcast that you were going to get cash from the ATM?
2016年3月17日 3:51

Still, I'd like to hope that because the PI's practice is in Mexico, and he has been at the profession for many years, he has good interrogation skills, and can read people well that we can trust his leads thus far as the ones that will lead to finding Jenny.

On 3/21 she says its the 1st night she couch surfed (i guess through the site).

So everywhere she stayed before that was with strangers that took her in without prearrangement.

Also. Her daily weibo posts stop on the 4/5. And she mentions she will hitchhike to Cancun.

But thats odd since she still had 10 days to get there. So why didn't she update from 4/6 to 4/12.

She always posted when she was at someone's house.

So she supposedly messaged on 4/11 that she would be out of range. But decided not to update her daily journal that last 5 days.

Does anyone have any other public notes from Jenny after 4/5 ?
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