Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #3

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JR post posted another twitter storm coming up - but the date he gave has already passed. Geez.
I found a Tumblr article that sums up Jenny's missing status from the eyes of a blogger and sort of her brother (Chen Qun Yu). It's part of a much larger article:
Original title Chinese women’s swim half lost to Mexico Legal Evening News (Reporter Shi Aihua Li Zhihao) Yesterday the net exposure Chinese-American Chen Qun Dan alone while traveling with his family lost contact in Mexico Legal Evening News (WeChat ID fzwb_52165216) reporter contact their families found Qun Dan has 17 days no audio
Currently the family has made contact with the Chinese Embassy in Mexico the embassy is actively looking but so far we have not found the whereabouts of Chen Qun Dan
Woman lost to Mexico travel alone after April 11 no audio Lost contact with the woman called Dan Qun the English name is called Jenny native of Wenzhou 26-year-old
In the eyes of students University she is a smart courageous girl
After graduation she married her boyfriend and the United States and settled in Seattle
The end of March she decided to challenge yourself to travel so alone open a two and a half trip to Mexico before departure she had an appointment with her husband met in Cancun Mexico April 15 to continue the journey together
However in April 11 Dan Qun but with all your friends and relatives lost contact
According to Dan Qun college classmate introduced her last contact is April 11 when she Oaxaca in Mexico said it plans to use three or four days to ride to join her husband in Cancun
Since then no one could reach her
Qun Qun Yu Dan’s brother introduced her last contact with the family is around April 9 when her mother chatted for a while
Qun Yu and her mother had tried to persuade her sister to go back soon from her circle of friends the feeling is not very safe
Circle of friends had described the woods rider narrowly escaped violations Qun Yu worries are not groundless
According to Chen Qun Dan’s friend said before the group had Dan to Mexico alone hitchhiking in the United States more than a month when the period may be off the sofa and other sites are also airbnb booking local houses local residents are living at home in most cases
Two days ago Dan Qun circle of friends mentioned that when riding in the mountains was nearly two Mexican men drinking violations that jumping on the highway to escape
This allows the family are worried about her trip to Mexico
Family advised her to go home but Dan Qun decided to continue to travel as planned
Her circle of friends said the significance of this trip is to learn to face fear which is more important than the museu or learn about their culture
So I decided to ride from Oaxaca to Cancun Mexico across half
she wrote I know just a bad person will be able to ruin my life but having chosen this path rider it can not therefore resist or negative
Qun Yu suspect she was on the road from Oaxaca to Cancun encountered an unexpected situation
Interrupted Embassy is actively seeking Not currently found whereabouts He told reporters he has contacted the Chinese Embassy in Mexico the current feedback message the group did not find Dan’s whereabouts
Chinese Embassy in Mexico Consular Li Shu morning to accept the Legal Evening News (WeChat ID fzwb_52165216) told reporters that the embassy has been learned about the matter we are now actively looking for the missing woman
But he did not disclose the latest developments of events the latest progress of events we are now only missing persons and their families in close contact
Currently Qun Yu has been published in the online news I hope friends from all over the world to help them find the whereabouts of his sister
Sofa-off about In case of homeowners face marijuana pillow under their own self-defense knives Now when backpackers off the sofa hitchhiking his way live local B & B so challenge theelves advocating freedom to travel more and more popular overseas travel enthusiasts
Reporters on the well-known off the sofa Tours website Couchsurfing and airbnb see there are a lot of Chinese ALICE Through these local software houses and booked a comment evaluated around the world
For Dan Qun off the sofa like this type of travel senior travel players Huang Juan (a pseudonym) is no stranger to
Going back through HFJ again...looking for references to JR working with the Chinese in looks like he had one meeting in late April on his first trip.

4/24 Someone posted numbers posted for Chinese embassy in Mexico City.

4/24 JR says that the Chinese are stepping up and thanks someone who is Chinese.

4/30 Meeting with the "Chinese delegation" tomorrow. He thanks them for coming to Oaxaca to support the team.

5/4 Summarizes his trip to Mexico. Met with Chinese business leaders (Chamber of Commerce?) and embassy security. Waiting for action. Optimistic about Oaxaca LE!! Etc.
I think her birthday is Feb 3rd or 5th.

Btw. I think the Weibo birthday announcement was automated and not by her.

Because some of the comments said it was system made.

JR said it's 2/5/90.
Yep. He wished her a Happy birthday on Facebook that day.


Would Jenny lose her citizenship if she gets divorced?

What was her exact legal status?

Not sure if this would fit Jenny or not, but I did read this while looking for what would happen.


if one of the divorcees is not a United States citizen then that person may face an additional challenge and need to fight for the right to remain in the United States. Generally, when an immigrant marries a U.S. citizen and the couple resides in the United States, the immigrant spouse is provided with a conditional permanent resident status until the couple has been married for two years. In order to obtain full permanent resident status, the immigrant spouse must file a petition with the INS prior the second anniversary of obtaining a conditional permanent resident status. If the couple is still married then the immigrant spouse becomes a full permanent resident. However, if the couple is divorced then the immigrant spouse is deportable.
What was her exact legal status?

Not sure if this would fit Jenny or not, but I did read this while looking for what would happen.


if one of the divorcees is not a United States citizen then that person may face an additional challenge and need to fight for the right to remain in the United States. Generally, when an immigrant marries a U.S. citizen and the couple resides in the United States, the immigrant spouse is provided with a conditional permanent resident status until the couple has been married for two years. In order to obtain full permanent resident status, the immigrant spouse must file a petition with the INS prior the second anniversary of obtaining a conditional permanent resident status. If the couple is still married then the immigrant spouse becomes a full permanent resident. However, if the couple is divorced then the immigrant spouse is deportable.

Wow. Okay.

Because I think Jenny met the basic criteria. But I don't know if she filed the additional paperwork for later on purposes.

Now since she is an adult; Then she has the right to voluntarily go missing.

But even without a divorce; Maybe she snuck back into the U.S like plenty of people do.

Btw. Is the missing persons report on active in Mexico and not the U.S?
Yep. He wished her a Happy birthday on Facebook that day.


Would Jenny lose her citizenship if she gets divorced?

She's not a citizen.

What was her exact legal status?

Not sure if this would fit Jenny or not, but I did read this while looking for what would happen.


if one of the divorcees is not a United States citizen then that person may face an additional challenge and need to fight for the right to remain in the United States. Generally, when an immigrant marries a U.S. citizen and the couple resides in the United States, the immigrant spouse is provided with a conditional permanent resident status until the couple has been married for two years. In order to obtain full permanent resident status, the immigrant spouse must file a petition with the INS prior the second anniversary of obtaining a conditional permanent resident status. If the couple is still married then the immigrant spouse becomes a full permanent resident. However, if the couple is divorced then the immigrant spouse is deportable.

Jenny is a full permanent resident, so it doesn't sound as if she could be deported if they were divorced, according to your link. But I'm no expert.
If she hasn't been in contact with family and friends since she disappeared, I don't think she is alive.
Wow. Okay.

Because I think Jenny met the basic criteria. But I don't know if she filed the additional paperwork for later on purposes.

Now since she is an adult; Then she has the right to voluntarily go missing.

But even without a divorce; Maybe she snuck back into the U.S like plenty of people do.

Btw. Is the missing persons report on active in Mexico and not the U.S?

JR did report her missing to the Seattle police sometime in April after starting HFJ. I don't know if there is an active investigation though.
If she hasn't been in contact with family and friends since she disappeared, I don't think she is alive.

I agree. I hope we can confirm with Jenny's family whether or not there has been contact, if Web's letter gets results. I doubt it, but it would lay to rest the hope that maybe she's still out there. I'd be interested to know if her family believed what LE said about Jenny still traveling in May and whether they ever returned to Mexico.
Good work, Web. Thanks for doing this. It's interesting that on JR's first trip to Mexico looking for Jenny, he met with a Chinese Chamber of Commerce. I will check to see if it was in Oaxaca or Mexico City.

In one of the recently posted (reposted) news articles, I read that JR contacted Jenny's Chinese family to let them know she was missing, so my surmising that they were estranged, at least at that point in time, would seem to be incorrect (or maybe because of the importance of the situation, JR would have contacted them regardless of being estranged).

The involvement of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce might have been to render finincial aid to the family, without being involved in the search efforts, but contacting them made sense to me, as they might be able to forward the request or even answer it themselves. No reply yet.
I went back to my first postings in Thread #1 and from the get-go he was "seeking help from Chinese officials".

Reinhard said he has been working with Mexican and U.S. officials. He is also working with Chen’s family back in China to seek help from Chinese officials.

Thanks for doing so much digging, Jersey Girl. I did not recall that he said he was working with Jenny's family to get help from Chinese officials. Maybe it didn't stand out at the time because it was expected that he would work with her family. But he never mentioned her family on HFJ in the posts I linked above about seeking help from the Chinese nor in posts about his successful contact with the Chinese "delegation" and embassy security who came to Oaxaca. The article you linked and his posts on HFJ about seeking help were all on 4/24/16.

In fact, he never mentioned her family at all on HFJ, and had to be asked about their trip to Mexico. So it's good to know he was working with her parents, early on. I wonder what happened between them so that he never talked about them. On HFJ he only thanked a Chinese man from Wenzhou living in Mexico City for his help in contacting Chinese officials.

I would love to know Jenny's family's version of the early days of her disappearance. Not that it would help find Jenny, but I'm always interested in family dynamics in these situations.
In one of the recently posted (reposted) news articles, I read that JR contacted Jenny's Chinese family to let them know she was missing, so my surmising that they were estranged, at least at that point in time, would seem to be incorrect (or maybe because of the importance of the situation, JR would have contacted them regardless of being estranged).

The involvement of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce might have been to render finincial aid to the family, without being involved in the search efforts, but contacting them made sense to me, as they might be able to forward the request or even answer it themselves. No reply yet.

If his statement to the Seattle Times quoted by Jersey Girl above is true, he claimed to be working with her family as of 4/24. But as I pointed out, he never mentioned that fact on HFJ around the same date. So it's possible they stopped working together quickly. I think their independent visit to Mexico and JR's silence about it until asked speaks to estrangement. JMO

As I posted in my links to HFJ last night, he said he received help from Chinese business leaders in Mexico who came to Oaxaca to meet with him and his team, as did embassy security. They may not have been from the Mexico City Chamber of Commerce, as I originally mentioned to you, but I think it's likely they were. Do you think sending a version of your letter to them might gain some information? I'd be interested to know how that meeting went and if they are still helping JR in any way. I guess it wouldn't hurt to send a letter to the Mexican Embassy too while you're at it. :)

I'm sure we all appreciate your willingness to go the extra mile, as you did with Omnitrac.
Do you think sending a version of your letter to them might gain some information?

I figured I would wait to see if there was a response from Singapore before contacting the other entities you have suggested. I felt that for the letter I sent to Singapore, I should use my real name. Due to not knowing the circumstances of Jenny's disappearance, and who might be responsible, I would rather put my real name 'out there' as little as possible. Any suggestions in this regard made by yourself and others will be appreciated. At this time, if I'm going to be signing these emails with my real name, I would like to wait a week or so for a reply from Singapore before I make contact with a different entity.
I figured I would wait to see if there was a response from Singapore before contacting the other entities you have suggested. I felt that for the letter I sent to Singapore, I should use my real name. Due to not knowing the circumstances of Jenny's disappearance, and who might be responsible, I would rather put my real name 'out there' as little as possible. Any suggestions in this regard made by yourself and others will be appreciated. At this time, if I'm going to be signing these emails with my real name, I would like to wait a week or so for a reply from Singapore before I make contact with a different entity.

I understand completely and agree. I should have thought of that issue. I've advocated publicly about the case of Stephanie Warner (see my signature) and due to my fear of her suspected killer, I have insisted on anonymity. Only do what you feel safe doing, especially with contacting ones in Mexico. Those other letters don't need to be written if there is a possibility of endangering anyone. Trust no one.

Even when communicating with the detective on Stephanie's case, I used an email address I rarely use and just signed my first name. Of course, he could have easily identified me anyway. Now I'm open with him, but no one else. I've known people on her thread who were too open with former associates of Ames while sleuthing, and even with other Weblseuthers. They have gotten into potentially unsafe situations because some people can't keep their mouths shut IMO.
The 3/7 date is a misprint. He meant Friday 4/7 according to the event page he linked just below.

Hi, everyone. Sad it has been nearly a year since Jenny was last seen or heard from.

I'm having a hard time posting these days due to my regular computer dying, so let's see if I can post what I wanted to say.

On the events page Lilibet has linked, it is interesting that the English portion is not a direct translation of the Spanish portion. At the end of the English part it says: "He then hired a private investigator who has provided information that she was picked up by a corona truck driver. The truck driver’s testimony has been proven false by GPS data collected. The suspects also were polygraphed and were so nervous, that the test was inconclusive. One driver actually jumped out of his chair according to witnesses.
I truly believe that the suspect knows where my wife is, but the corrupt police just lying and making excuses, choosing cartel money versus doing their jobs."

Another interesting page I came across while doing a Google re-searching on Jenny was one I don't recall seeing before. It may be written by a close friend of Jenny's, and the page includes screenshots of her last (We Chat? Just a guess) messaging between her and Jenny.

Don't know if these can help, but thought I'd put these here, for possibilities to ponder.
Hi, everyone. Sad it has been nearly a year since Jenny was last seen or heard from.

I'm having a hard time posting these days due to my regular computer dying, so let's see if I can post what I wanted to say.

On the events page Lilibet has linked, it is interesting that the English portion is not a direct translation of the Spanish portion. At the end of the English part it says: "He then hired a private investigator who has provided information that she was picked up by a corona truck driver. The truck driver’s testimony has been proven false by GPS data collected. The suspects also were polygraphed and were so nervous, that the test was inconclusive. One driver actually jumped out of his chair according to witnesses.
I truly believe that the suspect knows where my wife is, but the corrupt police just lying and making excuses, choosing cartel money versus doing their jobs."

Another interesting page I came across while doing a Google re-searching on Jenny was one I don't recall seeing before. It may be written by a close friend of Jenny's, and the page includes screenshots of her last (We Chat? Just a guess) messaging between her and Jenny.

Don't know if these can help, but thought I'd put these here, for possibilities to ponder.
Thank you slowpoke. Reading that broke my heart. I felt the winds from my balloon of hope slowly depleting. I think Jenny is no more. :cry:
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