MI MI - Alexandra Brueger, 31, Fatally Shot While Jogging, Rose Twp, 30 July 2016 #3

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I wonder why no one spoke to Wes at the funeral

Following up on his first post...if it’s true no one except Ally’s mother spoke to him, it’s seems strange that Ally’s friends would suspect him so soon. Most people wouldn’t suspect a decent boyfriend (even an ex) immediately would they? Or maybe they knew him better than her mother did.
Reasons for clearing WS

Owns no gun
Fathers shotguns cleared
Tyre molds and vehicle don't match
No motive
Was at home asleep/on nights
Text phone history
Still a couple/amicable relationship
Attended July family gathering together
Doesn't own sandals
Poly inconclusive.
Visibly upset, distraught and griefstruck.
No arrest
No evidence

Bumping the list with a reminder that I took most of the list from the suspects own testimony when he was verified. Some of it was supported by screenshots too. Other items are based on the reality he has not been arrested like other suspects were and there is no apparent evidence such as DNA or forensics matches.
I wonder how Wes treats his patients at Providence Park Hospital.
Jogger’s death continues to haunt family, community
In addition to her parents, Ally is mourned by her boyfriend, 30-year-old Weston “Wes” Sutherland. He is a Neuro ICU patient care technician at Providence Park Hospital in Novi, where he and Ally met. They dated for two and a half years.

I don't know how he treated his patients but we know the hospital asked him to leave. bbm

MI - Alexandra Brueger, 31, fatally shot while jogging, Rose Twp, 30 July 2016
  1. As someone who as been working on finding Ally’s killer since day one, also as someone who has regular checked this thread to see if any progress had been on this end, and to compare the directions I had started to look down to any direction anyone else might have made any progress with.... let me just tell you what I really think about pretty much everything I’ve read on this thread... and many you are not going to like what I’m about to say, but if you read my actual words and can keep yourself from taking it personally, I think you’ll be the better for it.

    Here’s what I’ve mostly observed.... speculative chaos without direction, at the same time. I’ll admit, a lot of this simply comes down to the extremely limited information released by investigators.
    An another part of this comes down to a highly organized, planned, detailed, and excuted effort, by Ally’s mother, Nikki Brueger, to deliberately distort, twist, exaggerate, down-play, and cover up different peices of information relating to many different aspect of the investigation.

    This “effort” has been going on since the day Alex was killed... and more recently, if anyone reads anything her mother has been saying over the past 2 weeks, this “effort” has been kicked into EXTREME over-drive as panic has taken over, which panic probably should be taking over at this point.... there’s LOTS of reason to panicked if your Nikki Brueger at the moment.

    If you want to know what it looks like when someone’s who’s guilty goes into panic mode? Look at Nikki Brueger over the past couple weeks..... that’s I’ll say about any of that at this time.

    Now admittedly, I realize the first 2 parts I just described are responsible for large portions of the speculative, unorganized, directionless Chaos that I described reading on here. But here’s the part that most of you have to own here....

    First, if you don’t know something, information is unavailable for whatever reason, and you decided to “speculate”.... OK. That’s fine, I did it alot actually while I was working on this case.
    HOWEVER, what DO NOT want to be doing is then building upon an original speculation (your’s or anyone elses) with more speculative, then more, and more, maybe little more?... no, let’s get joe at the coffee shop in on this too, or then Lindsey sitting at home on couch, I bet they can add some fun speculations to this speculative monstrosity we’ve created..... that’s the name I’ve given these things by the way, and you’re welcome!

    NOW, I get the temptation!
    I get it... because I even did it in the very beginning. and I realized why I did it too.
    I did it for the same reason any of you do, I wanted “feel” like I was going somewhere, To “feel” like I was making some kind of progress and that I wasn’t just letting Alex’s murder go unsolved. I was severely depressed over Alex death and it felt good to “feel” like I was figuring something out..... but here’s the truth.

    Despite how it “feels”, in the end.... you’ve gone absolutely no where, solved absolutely nothing, you end up with exactly the same amount of actual useful information that you started with, and you’ve made absolutely Zero progress of any kind.
    Not all of you do this, and of those you that do, you do so to different extents.

    This is why, I’m sorry to say, I never once found anything on here that was actually helpful in anyway. Like I said, a big part of this isn’t your fault.... You just didn’t have much info and often what info you did have was being deliberately manipulated by mom.... so you speculated a lot! Again, that’s ok!
    But going forward, be aware of just how insanely easy it is to speculate yourselves off into oblivion.
    The only other thing I would say...
    I mean, I don’t really feel like should have to at this point, but I’ll say it anyway...
    Be careful of assumptions and speculations you decide to make about someone, especially when it’s based off so called “common wisdom”. In other words, base assumptions like “parents always innocent”, “boyfriends are usually guilt”...
    Also, polygraph results are ********. However, it can be a useful tool in pressuring a confession of someone who guilty...but beyond that... they’re complete ********! and the majority of law enforcement is aware of this.

    These last 2 things I mentioned.... I having been “the boyfriend who failed a polygraph”... I cant even begin to describe to any of you how I’ve been treated since Alex’s death, or what this experience has been like, but I’m sure you can try imaging it for yourselves....
    And that’s not even mentioning the hospital I worked with Alex at, they asking me recently if I would take “leave of absence” to protect the reputation of the hospital and prevent any conflicts that might arise from me working there. I, not politely, refused and they’ve backed off.. those hospital executives are going to be in that same line that was referring to in my last post.
    That’s all I have to say.

    Combatmedic2121, Mar 14, 2018
So he says, anyway, in his first post here. He’s sort of mind-reading their thoughts and motives IMO....

I know that none of you know me... and over the past few months I have becoming painfully aware that "The BF" is always the primary person of interest in a situation like this. Those first couple days hardly felt real... extensive police searches, extensive police questioning and interviews, handing over all my electronic devices, and then agreeing to a 6-hour polygraph.... All the while, trying to gain some kind of mental grasp on reality. In an instant, my entire world was turned upside down and thrown into complete chaos, sadness, depression.
Add to that: During Ally's funeral many of Ally's friends and family, unsure what to think at the time, deliberately ignored and avoided me. Ally's mom was the only one at the funeral that really knew me well enough to KNOW I would never have hurt Alex.

I get it... I completely understand why the BF is always the first person everyone assumes or at least wonders about when a beautiful and amazing woman's life is violently and senselessly ended like Ally's was...
So I get it, but all I want to say is... it hurts! It hurts to be looked at, or thought of, as someone who could even possibly do something that violently evil to anyone, let alone my little Ally! I need the police to find this monster. She really was an amazing woman and deserves Justice! And I need everyone to know, and not just 'know' but REALLY KNOW, that I would never of hurt her in any way and that loved Ally with all my heart!

MI - Alexandra Brueger, 31, fatally shot while jogging, Rose Twp, 30 July 2016

Thanks for posting this L. So he had to hand over his phone and other devices pretty promptly.
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Bumping the list with a reminder that I took most of the list from the suspects own testimony when he was verified. Some of it was supported by screenshots too. Other items are based on the reality he has not been arrested like other suspects were and there is no apparent evidence such as DNA or forensics matches.
Which other suspects were arrested? I have not seen any arrests in this case.
Reasons for clearing WS

Owns no gun
Fathers shotguns cleared
Tyre molds and vehicle don't match
No motive
Was at home asleep/on nights
Text phone history
Still a couple/amicable relationship
Attended July family gathering together
Doesn't own sandals
Poly inconclusive.
Visibly upset, distraught and griefstruck.
No arrest
No evidence

Was at home asleep? Wow, that is a good alibi. Also, no motive? I beg to differ.

Attended July family gathering together? So what? People kill their partners they just impregnated, people kill their kids that they just took to the theme park. I don't think that fact clears him of anything.
I think @Tricia may need to clarify for us if it is acceptable to bring the text forward from previous posts that are accusatory towards the now cleared parents. Doesn't seem right. Linking maybe but not C/P.
I think @Tricia may need to clarify for us if it is acceptable to bring the text forward from previous posts that are accusatory towards the now cleared parents. Doesn't seem right. Linking maybe but not C/P.
I would think it is okay to quote any post which is still standing. however further discussing anything within those posts related to possible involvement of FB or NB is now off limits. further discussion of FB and NB is only as victims of the tragic death of their daughter.
MI - Alexandra Brueger, 31, fatally shot while jogging, Rose Twp, 30 July 2016

Link to tyre mold post and there are other posts on that page too. *$&@# warning.

Very late in arriving to the performance - has anyone gone back and checked VI's replies about such as the above, to make sure we aren't forgetting something? When this important of player arrives, we the audience should take advantage of our right to check answers even as the play goes on.

I should have taken my own advice! Combatmedic is gone with the wind!

He has left ample material behind him, though, if one is willing to sort. Things which could prove of interest in other venues, perhaps....

Thanks to Tricia and mods, thanks to OP creator BetteDavisEyes, thanks to all.
This is not in relation to murder trials, but does indicate that posts on a site like this can definitely be used in court:
Exercising poor judgment on social media.
Social media accounts can sometimes seem like a private space to vent frustrations and receive support from friends, but the reality is that these accounts are completely public and anything you post on them could come up in court. If your posts include things that could lead the judge to form a negative opinion about your conduct or your influence on your child — pictures of you intoxicated or using illegal drugs, for example, or disparaging statements about the other parent in the child custody case — then they can be very damaging to your child custody case.In general, a good guideline is that you shouldn’t post anything on social media that you wouldn’t want read or displayed in open court. If you already posted something that could be used against you, however, do not delete it. The post in question may be considered evidence, and you could face legal consequences for trying to get rid of it. Instead, discuss the post with your attorney, who may be able to prevent it from being admitted as evidence or reduce its impact by reasoning with the judge.
- - -

And this one about CYBERSTALKING was interesting and probably applies to sites such as WS:
Online Harassment & Cyberstalking | Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
Online harassment, sometimes referred to as “cyberharassment,” usually pertains to threatening or harassing emails, instant messages, or website entries. It is often repeated attempts to target a specific person by directly contacting them, or indirectly using or disseminating their personal information, causing them distress, fear, or anger.

[one form] Posting messages to online bulletin boards and discussion groups with the victim’s personal information, such as home address, phone number or Social Security number.
Posts may also be lewd or controversial – and result in the victim receiving numerous emails, calls or visits from people who read the post online.
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I would say this is confirmatiin that posts on a site like this one can definitely be used in court "AS EVIDENCE." This is a good explanation if how it is determined to be authentic to the poster and why/how it becomes evidence:

The Admissibility of Social Media Evidence
The Admissibility of Social Media Evidence | Litigation News | ABA Section of Litigation

If that link does not work, this is the same as above:
iWITNESS: The Admissibility of Social Media Evidence | Section of Litigation

Thank you for posting this, Spellbound. I really enjoyed reading it. I noticed it even talks about how social media evidence was used to help secure a murder conviction in a case out of Michigan:

Hearsay Rules
To use the hearsay rules to exclude, or the exceptions to admit, social media, lawyers need only apply the rules and exceptions in the same way they apply them to other evidence. Consider People v. Oyerinde, 2011 Mich. App. LEXIS 2104, at *26–27 (Mich. Ct. App. Nov. 29, 2011). In this first-degree murder and carjacking case, the court held that the defendant’s Facebook messages were not hearsay, but rather a party admission, because he sent them to another person. Just because the evidence was available on social media does not mean the test for a party admission changed. The rule states that ‘[a] statement is not hearsay if . . . [t]he statement is offered against a party and is the party’s own statement, in either an individual or representative capacity.’ The judge applied the test as it would be applied to any other out-of-court statement and determined that such messages were not hearsay. The same court also admitted Facebook messages sent to the defendant and another individual under the ‘state of mind’ exception.”

The article also discusses a case out of California in which the defendant was convicted of two counts of attempted murder, four counts of assault with a firearm, and two counts of street terrorism (Pen. Code, § 186.22, subd. (a)), arising from two separate drive-by shootings:

Authenticating Evidence
But what about authentication? “[A] piece of paper or electronically stored information, without any indication of its creator, source, or custodian may not be authenticated under Federal Rule of Evidence 901.” United States v. O’Keefe, 537 F. Supp. 2d 14, 20 (D.D.C. 2008).


In People v. Valdez, 201 Cal. App. 4th 1429, 1434–37 (Cal. App. 4th Dist. 2011) (section on authentication not published), a police expert printed copies of the defendant’s profile on a social media website that contained photographs of and biographical information about the defendant. The expert went on to explain that although the profile is accessible to the public, only the individual who created the profile, or one who has access to that person’s login ID and password, has the ability to upload or manipulate content on the page. As a result, the court held that a reasonable trier of fact could conclude from the information posted—including personal photographs, communications, and other details—that the social media profile belonged to the defendant.” (BBM)

An in-depth look at the Valdez case:
Contents of MySpace Page Are Sufficient To Establish Its Authenticity | Law Offices of James V. Sansone
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