GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #3

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I hate to admit it, but I believe him. I think James suspected something was going on with someone, and that is why he kept such a close watch over her. I hope I am wrong.
My gut is telling me I am not.
I think he might be telling more or less the truth. I can't imagine any other reason for him to kill both women.
I hate to admit it, but I believe him. I think James suspected something was going on with someone, and that is why he kept such a close watch over her. I hope I am wrong.
My gut is telling me I am not.

I am on that fence myself!
Hi Everyone -first time poster from SE Michigan. I have been following this devasting story from beginning.

This is so very wrong. I get "innocent until proven guilty", however, he proved his guilt when he buried two women. Innocent people do not dig graves and bury someone. He knew that James was looking for Amy, but didn't say he stopped by the house until he was confronted with a neighbor's account of seeing his truck with two women in it. Now he gets to sully Amy's reputation and cause further grieve for her husband.

I agree with above poster about going to that godforsaken trailer. Why would Amy run out in her pjs to have a quickie with that lowlife? She couldn't even take the time to get dressed in this cold weather? Just doesn't make any sense to me.
Oh, and also, she knows that James calls M-F at 10:00 AM and he picks her up at 9:30 AM. Doesn't add up!!
I guess Beebe's claim of the events of that morning shouldn't really shock us. If it is true, forensics will surely prove that. I hope to goodness it isn't true and James will not have to live with the thought of his wife having an affair too.
Wood-TV is reporting that Junior told family members that his Tonya walked in on Amy and him having an affair and that she shot Amy. He says he picked up Amy alone and that his Mom later dropped Tonya off at his place. He wrestled the gun from her and shot her in self defense and buried them both in a panic. It sounds like the family is buying it. I am thinking phone records will be the best way to prove or disprove an affair as I am not sure what else they can do.

I do not want to beleive this either.

BUT I also dont think we should not dismiss this as a possibility either.

Remember a local did mention that there had been problems in their marriage and it was BJB.

Also the photos do have them very cosy, in my opinion they were close. I am not sure about being lovers but you certainly do not have your arms around someone like that you are not close to, in the other photo she is leaning on his arm, they were certainly very familiar with each other. Once again I dont know if it was more than close/friendship/family.

I dont want to rub anyone up the wrong way on here, but a few of us have thought of this as a possibility. People have affairs all the time and as we do not know these people personally I am looking at this as a maybe. I do hope not tho.
Your thoughts would make more sense to me. And NO, I wouldn't stay in that trailer...ewwwww, just gives me the creeps looking at it!

What dogs did Tonya take care of at the trailer? Were they chained up, in a kennel, in the trailer? What breed were they? Hunting dogs? Didn't the dogs throw a fit when the women were being murdered? And when the tracking dogs and law enforcement came? Did Junior come and care for the dogs after he killed the women? How did Tonya get to the trailer to care for the dogs if it required walking or using an ATV? So many questions and so few answers. I don't think Amy was having an affair with Junior or doing anything else wrong. She seemed like a loving wife and mother and an all around nice person. If she met Junior at family parties or social events and if he plowed her drive in winter, she probably felt she knew him well enough to trust him. I think he lured her away by telling her that something had happened to her husband or children and that she needed to come quickly with him.
I do not want to beleive this either.

BUT I also dont think we should not dismiss this as a possibility either.

Remember a local did mention that there had been problems in their marriage and it was BJB.

Also the photos do have them very cosy, in my opinion they were close. I am not sure about being lovers but you certainly do not have your arms around someone like that you are not close to, in the other photo she is leaning on his arm, they were certainly very familiar with each other. Once again I dont know if it was more than close/friendship/family.

I dont want to rub anyone up the wrong way on here, but a few of us have thought of this as a possibility. People have affairs all the time and as we do not know these people personally I am looking at this as a maybe. I do hope not tho.

Which local said there were problems in the marriage? Is there a link for this?

Wood-TV is reporting that Junior told family members that his Tonya walked in on Amy and him having an affair and that she shot Amy. He says he picked up Amy alone and that his Mom later dropped Tonya off at his place. He wrestled the gun from her and shot her in self defense and buried them both in a panic. It sounds like the family is buying it. I am thinking phone records will be the best way to prove or disprove an affair as I am not sure what else they can do.

The gunshot residue, if Tonya does not have any on her hands.

The path of the bullet, if the person was standing who shot Amy and Amy was also standing, then it wasn't Tonya while Amy was laying down.

The autopsy. They would be able to tell if either one recently had sex or had been assaulted. There also would possibly be DNA. If none of the above is present, then his story makes no sense.

It is possible it COULD be present and be an assault or from someone other than the suspect.

It is also possible that there is a grain of truth in his story.... meaning the affair part is true but he killed both women for whatever reason.

OR he was assaulting Amy and Tonya walked in so he had to kill her too, so she couldn't report it.

Plus the phone records.

The problem will be if there WAS an affair in the past.... or a serious suspicion of one... that will support his story. That could easily raise reasonable doubt for one juror. :banghead:
I wish we had pics of the inside of that trailer. I'm betting it is a dump (probably with no bed) and I don't know Amy but I just can't picture her rolling around on the floor.

If James only worked 6 miles away, they were both taking a big chance, considering he might run back home if he forgot something. Also, if this neighbor saw the black truck there that morning why wouldn't he say that he saw JB pick her up before.

It's a bad habit I have, but I just don't trust LIARS.
water? sewage?

Something I have wondered about, and we may never know, when James came home and found the doors locked. He went inside Amy wasn't there. Purse was...but I wonder if there was anything else that indicated she left in a hurry? Coffee pot still on, TV on, radio on...anything that we all might turn off before we leave the house..

I know she did not feed the dog and the dog was still tied in the yard.
Remember the neighbor saw 2 females in the truck with him.
Doesn't Michigan usually have trials fairly quickly?
I am sure his lawyer will float this idea even if forensics say it is unlikely, and he will certainly push the affair part either way, to blacken Amy's name. But without proof, I doubt a jury would buy it. Even if that part is true, I think he is totally lying about who killed who...he killed and buried both of these women, sick %$%%$.
It doesn't make any sense that JB would wait until 9-9:30 AM to pick up Amy if James left the house at 7:30 AM. Also why wouldn't she take her house keys and at least put on boots, not shoes.

My guess is that JB and Tonya got into a fight, Amy's name came up and JB used a ruse to get her to go with them. I can't even begin to imagine what happened next but the news reports say they were shot in the head. It doesn't mention being shot anywhere else. Multiple gun shots to the head. That to me says he was aiming there. I have a feeling they were subdued (at least one of them).

The terror they went through makes me sick to my stomach. I pray to God it was quick and they didn't suffer too much.
It doesn't make any sense that JB would wait until 9-9:30 AM to pick up Amy if James left the house at 7:30 AM. Also why wouldn't she take her house keys and at least put on boots, not shoes.

My guess is that JB and Tonya got into a fight, Amy's name came up and JB used a ruse to get her to go with them. I can't even begin to imagine what happened next but the news reports say they were shot in the head. It doesn't mention being shot anywhere else. Multiple gun shots to the head. That to me says he was aiming there. I have a feeling they were subdued (at least one of them).

The terror they went through makes me sick to my stomach. I pray to God it was quick and they didn't suffer too much.

Multiple gunshots to the heads too, wasn't it? I think if Tonya did shoot Amy, and then BJ shot Tonya, I don't think they both would have been shot in the same body location let alone multiple gunshots.

And, truly, if it had happened like BJ said, why the heck would he lie and conceal the bodies?
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