GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #4

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Here's a thought on the "lure" he could have used.

He could have told her the school bus slid off the road and that everyone was going to pick their kids up - no one was hurt but c'mon we'll go get the kids and take them to school. That would have got her out of the house quickly and only for a minute to go "get the kids".


If she was dressed in her pj's still, please correct if that info is no longer accurate, then it would be safe to say, imo, that she wasn't expecting to go anywhere public.
Since that rules out any emergency about her husband and children, it must be related to something else.

Just about anything would cause one to take the time to throw on some jeans.

Imo, he showed up out of the blue, and told her he found some really cute baby animal in his yard, and would she like to come take a quick look. He can't be long as he has an appointment, but he knows how much she loves this particular kind of animal. Perhaps he had a dog or cat that was expecting and he used that as a ploy to get her to go see.

I can't think of any other reason why she wouldn't have stopped to get dressed, and/or call her mom, husband,etc.
Thanks TS.

I see the white motorized camper trailer that looks about 30-35 feet long that is off to the left in the photo at an angle. Is that where he lived?

So is the much smaller pull camper the one where the gun was found and the bodies buried close by? Is that the one you are saying is way back into the trees?

Sorry, my eyes aren't the best in the world.

Thanks what I'm thinking. The smaller camper is where the shotgun was found. The larger one is the yellow and white one, so yes, I think that is where he killed Amy and Tonya IIRC.
I still want to know why Amy left the house locked and didn't take her keys to get back in.

Does anyone know how tall Beebe is, and how much he weighs? I read somewhere that he is 5'6" tall ... and wonder if that was correct.
I am concerned about James now saying his cousin had a "sick obsession" with his wife. Did he relay that sentiment to LE at the beginning? Surely he would have gone to the property where Jr. does his "work" from, or wherever he was living - - after finding out a truck matching the description of Jr's was reported as being seen at his home that morning - especially if he felt Jr had an obsession with his wife?
I still want to know why Amy left the house locked and didn't take her keys to get back in.

Does anyone know how tall Beebe is, and how much he weighs? I read somewhere that he is 5'6" tall ... and wonder if that was correct.

I completely didn't pay attention about the key issue. Has it been confirmed she didn't have them after all? How did she lock the door? I read the door was locked from the outside with a key...

"When James went home to check on his wife, his house was locked. This means the door was locked from the outside."

In a press conference Thursday morning, police say that Amy may be voluntarily missing because she took her shoes, coat, keys and locked the house before leaving.

I wonder if JB threatened her if she didn't leave with him. What other elements do we have that indicate she left voluntarily? I think if she was forced to leave that might not necessarily have been visible to the witness who saw her leave?
If she was dressed in her pj's still, please correct if that info is no longer accurate, then it would be safe to say, imo, that she wasn't expecting to go anywhere public.
Since that rules out any emergency about her husband and children, it must be related to something else.

Just about anything would cause one to take the time to throw on some jeans.

Imo, he showed up out of the blue, and told her he found some really cute baby animal in his yard, and would she like to come take a quick look. He can't be long as he has an appointment, but he knows how much she loves this particular kind of animal. Perhaps he had a dog or cat that was expecting and he used that as a ploy to get her to go see.

I can't think of any other reason why she wouldn't have stopped to get dressed, and/or call her mom, husband,etc.

I don't think being in her pj's rules out the accident/ emergency theory. My husband and son were in a serious accident a year ago during a snow storm. I got the call from the BMW roadside assistance that the police were requesting I go to the scene (4 min from my house). I grabbed my other 2 kids, jumped in the car and headed to the scene asap. I left the house in snowboots and my pj's.
As far as the locked front door goes, I read where James had to go around to the back to get in because the front door was locked.

IMO if he had to go to the back, the front would have to be chain locked, not just locked. I can't believe he didn't take his front door key with him.

If this is the case, JB must have come in through the back to get Amy. Maybe she already had her coat and shoes on while she was outside feeding the dog. Maybe she never made it back in the house at all.

If this is the case, it sure does blow there having an affair theory to hell. I think he grabbed her in the back yard.
If she was dressed in her pj's still, please correct if that info is no longer accurate, then it would be safe to say, imo, that she wasn't expecting to go anywhere public.
Since that rules out any emergency about her husband and children, it must be related to something else.

Just about anything would cause one to take the time to throw on some jeans.

Imo, he showed up out of the blue, and told her he found some really cute baby animal in his yard, and would she like to come take a quick look. He can't be long as he has an appointment, but he knows how much she loves this particular kind of animal. Perhaps he had a dog or cat that was expecting and he used that as a ploy to get her to go see.

I can't think of any other reason why she wouldn't have stopped to get dressed, and/or call her mom, husband,etc.

Very good point about going out in just PJ's!

Also to those questioning her going out without her keys but the house being locked - I thought this was the result of it first being reported that she left her keys inside the house and the backdoor was left unlocked. This was later changed to her leaving with her keys and all doors were locked.

Now that the supposed affair was to have taken place in one trailer, while the murders in the other, it makes the self-defense claim seem more unrealistic IMO...
I am concerned about James now saying his cousin had a "sick obsession" with his wife. Did he relay that sentiment to LE at the beginning? Surely he would have gone to the property where Jr. does his "work" from, or wherever he was living - - after finding out a truck matching the description of Jr's was reported as being seen at his home that morning - especially if he felt Jr had an obsession with his wife?

I don't believe he knew this before Amy was killed. He said this in response to the cousin's accusations of an affair.

James said he didn't believe there was an affair, he believed his cousin was obsessed with his wife.

James didn't say that he had always believed his cousin was obsessed with his wife. It was the response to the affair accusation and it's a response that makes sense to me.

If they were NOT having an affair but he was obsessed with her and wanted to be... it wouldn't be the first time we've seen that as a motive.
In the discussion section on her memorial page on FB a poster says he used to live next door to AH and to the neighbour who witnessed "two women" in the truck. He calls her a very "nosy" neighbour and says if she says she saw two women than she definitely did.
Very good point about going out in just PJ's!

Also to those questioning her going out without her keys but the house being locked - I thought this was the result of it first being reported that she left her keys inside the house and the backdoor was left unlocked. This was later changed to her leaving with her keys and all doors were locked.

Now that the supposed affair was to have taken place in one trailer, while the murders in the other, it makes the self-defense claim seem more unrealistic IMO...


I have been following this case on and off so I don't know where or when it was reported that the murder and affair took place in different trailers or if it was just a rumor. If someone could provide a link TIA.

But in the MSM video below the reporter eludes to the fact that Tanya walked in on Amy and BJ having an affair after being dropped off at the property by BJ's mother and Tanya then used a shotgun that was already the same trailer to shot Amy with. BJ then wrestled the gun away from Tanya and used the same gun to shoot Tanya. SO this would mean that the affair and murders took place in the same trailer. The same gun was used to shoot both victims. Tanya might have bruising from the shotgun butt on her shoulder and maybe GSR on her hands and arms if it can be distinguished from the GSR that she would have received from being shot if she did in fact fire the fatal shot that took Amy's life.

If BJ's mother can corroborate the fact that she dropped Tanya off at the trailer or property that pretty much contradicts the statement that there was two women in the pickup as told by the neighbor when BJ picked up Amy and only leads to the notion of the affair being the more likely scenario or some other reason why or how BJ got Amy to leave the house without Tanya being with him.

As for BJ claiming self defense. I don't see how or why you would need to shoot someone in self defense when you're holding the gun. If Tanya did shoot Amy and that is a big if in my book then I think BJ shot Tanya in a rage. How his defense team is going to prove that he was not the one that shot both women should be a interesting case to follow. If it did happen as BJ claims he should have called LE after taking the gun away from Tanya and if he had to shoot her then he defiantly screwed up by burying the two of them. I would think he might be facing a homicide charge or at worst second degree murder if it played out according to how he claims if he was charged at all had he called LE.

I also seen in early MSM reports that the bodies were partially buried. I seen it posted on WS that the hole was several feet deep. So those are also contradicting statements if there are MSM reports that claim both. With the ground being frozen I suspect it would have been pretty hard to dig a hole and the bodies were partially buried or covered with something. If he did dig a hole several feet deep then he didn't bother to put all the dirt back in the hole if the bodies were still only partially buried. If that is the case it shouldn't have been to hard to find where the women were buried with a big mound of dirt near the hole. Maybe the partial buried is the wrong information too, either way I guess it doesn't much matter. The fact is that he tried to hide the bodies and what he did. Going against any insanity defense down the road.


On Thursday afternoon, a private search company employed by the missing woman's family began scouring the area, and dogs used by the search group found blood inside and outside a trailer in a wooded area on the property.

The two bodies were found partially buried nearby.
I don't believe he knew this before Amy was killed. He said this in response to the cousin's accusations of an affair.

James said he didn't believe there was an affair, he believed his cousin was obsessed with his wife.

James didn't say that he had always believed his cousin was obsessed with his wife. It was the response to the affair accusation and it's a response that makes sense to me.

If they were NOT having an affair but he was obsessed with her and wanted to be... it wouldn't be the first time we've seen that as a motive.

I agree. He did not know this before Amy was murdered and also a friend of Amy's has now told him that Amy told her she was distrustful of Beebe.

She probably confided about her distrust of JB only to her friends and not to James like a lot a married couples do.


"Amy Sue, my wifey, my baby, my best friend," James Henslee husband said as he read a letter during the funeral that he wrote to his wife. "I will never forget the best 12 years of my life — all the laughs, the smiles, the hugs and the kisses, the long car rides, the camping trips and all the great things we shared in our lives."

The Henslees had been a close couple. On his lunch break, James would often come home to eat with his wife and watch television. When he left, Amy would stand by the window and blow him kisses goodbye.

James Henslee told those gathered that when he looked at their sons, Jd, 11, and Jh, 7, he saw his wife's eyes and smile.

During the service, the boys sat close to their father and grandmother.
"That smile you passed on to our boys along with those puppy dog, brown, beautiful eyes
— for that reason, I know I'll always see you,” said James Henslee, 32. “We're soulmates for life."

I would like to know if there is any evidence showing that BJ's mom did drop off Tanya at the camper. But I personally would not trust her words as an alibi. Mothers and wives are not often truthful when it comes to trying to protect their men.
Does the defense have to prove he is innocent of shooting either one? I thought prosecution had to prove him guilty?

But in the MSM video below the reporter eludes to the fact that Tanya walked in on Amy and BJ having an affair after being dropped off at the property by BJ's mother and Tanya then used a shotgun that was already the same trailer to shot Amy with. BJ then wrestled the gun away from Tanya and used the same gun to shoot Tanya. SO this would mean that the affair and murders took place in the same trailer. The same gun was used to shoot both victims. Tanya might have bruising from the shotgun butt on her shoulder and maybe GSR on her hands and arms if it can be distinguished from the GSR that she would have received from being shot if she did in fact fire the fatal shot that took Amy's life.

If BJ's mother can corroborate the fact that she dropped Tanya off at the trailer or property that pretty much contradicts the statement that there was two women in the pickup as told by the neighbor when BJ picked up Amy and only leads to the notion of the affair being the more likely scenario or some other reason why or how BJ got Amy to leave the house without Tanya being with him.

I think if Beebe's Mom did drop her off at the trailer that morning, that doesn't necessarily give him an Alibi. He could have driven over to pick up Amy right after his Mom dropped Tonya off. With the timeline still being so scetchy, unless she can say a specific time she dropped her off. With the trailer only being 3 miles away, it wouldn't have taken much time for him to get to Amy's between 9:00 - 9:30. Having that story repeated in the media, and the Mother willing to lie for her son, she will know what time to say she dropped her, but I still think that doesn't prove that Tonya was not in the truck when the neighbor spotted them. My opionion only.

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