GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Does the defense have to prove he is innocent of shooting either one? I thought prosecution had to prove him guilty?

Of course not. The State will prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt.

IMO, what is going to get Beebe is the forensic evidence left behind is not going to line up with his bull crap story.

The crime scene is on his uncle's property.
He says he was there at the time.
They have the blood evidence.
His truck.
Possibly bloody fingerprints and shoeprints.
Trajectory of shotgun pellets too.
Autopsy reports on both victims.
Weapon- spent shotgun shells.
Eye witness seeing him leave Henslee home.

ETA: I made an error Carolina Girl. If he goes for self defense concerning Tonya then the burden of proof shifts and he will have to prove it was self defense. Sorry, but it doesnt apply on Amy's death though.

I think, imo, that phone records will bear crucial info. What does the landline phone records/data show? Had there been any regular/frequent contact between Junior and Henslee's land line? If there is a record of contact w/Junior's number - time of day would seem telling.

And did the neighbor/witness ever see this truck at Henslee's before?
Is this story implying what I think it is? Also, can someone refresh my memory on the Susan Powell case? TIA!

Did the cousin have a record? Had he ever bothered Amy before? We may soon find out. This one is not coming across right for me. Something is making me feel uneasy. It's not just the tragic circumstances of how things turned out, but it's also how the story evolved in the media, the way it was projected to millions, it reminded me of Susan Powell last year. Yet it seems contrived, canned, a copycat of Susan's, where suddenly thousands join a sympathetic Facebook page, but the connections made were based on a false pretense.
I think, imo, that phone records will bear crucial info. What does the landline phone records/data show? Had there been any regular/frequent contact between Junior and Henslee's land line? If there is a record of contact w/Junior's number - time of day would seem telling.

And did the neighbor/witness ever see this truck at Henslee's before?

I would assume Tanya had a cell phone and if she wanted to be dropped off at the trailer or property by BJ's mother it was because she couldn't get a hold of BJ when she was trying to call him. In the video according to the family member that spoke to the news station Tanya knew BJ was at the property because she seen his truck there and then found both BJ and Amy in the trailer. What I find odd is why BJ's mother would not have stuck around to make sure Tanya did find BJ. It would have been cold I wouldn't think you would just drop someone off and leave them at a property with a few trailers that I don't imagine were kept heated not knowing for sure someone was there. Which also makes me wonder why BJ would have taken Amy to the trailer to fool around in the first place if the trailer was not heated.

If there are phone calls made from Tanya's phone or the land line phone at BJ's mothers house to BJ's phone (if he had a phone) near or after the time that BJ was said to been seen at Amy's house it also goes against the neighbors statement that there were two women in the truck. Also if phone pings could determine the location of Tanya's cell phone at the time these calls were made it might also put her at BJ's mothers house and not with BJ and Amy prior to or after Amy was picked up. Of course this is all on the speculation that there are phone calls that were made from Tanya to BJ.

The same goes for any calls made between BJ and Amy as mentioned by Crocus. Where there calls between the two arranging a get together that morning or had there been a pattern of conversations between Amy and BJ in the past? If there truly was an affair there will be evidence of it.

All JMO.
Is this story implying what I think it is? Also, can someone refresh my memory on the Susan Powell case? TIA!

Did the cousin have a record? Had he ever bothered Amy before? We may soon find out. This one is not coming across right for me. Something is making me feel uneasy. It's not just the tragic circumstances of how things turned out, but it's also how the story evolved in the media, the way it was projected to millions, it reminded me of Susan Powell last year. Yet it seems contrived, canned, a copycat of Susan's, where suddenly thousands join a sympathetic Facebook page, but the connections made were based on a false pretense.

This article is written by an OPINION ED CONTRIBUTOR :banghead: It is only based on conjecture and not based on facts or evidence.

I pay no mind to such chatter anymore than I do other print or talking heads who do not even know the evidence in the case.

People who have been obsessed with other people sadly have murdered them. Maybe Beebe resented that Amy had a good close loving relationship and Beebe's relationships with women never came close. Who really can ever get into the mind of a cold unfeeling psychopath to understand them?

The posts I have occasionally seen are very accusatory in nature as if James has done some terrible wrong and that is just not true. I mean really the answers will come from a witness stand like they should.

Only Beebe really knows the motive. The answers if any.......has to come from him, and not a grieving husband that had no involvement in her death. All James is doing is trying to make sense now of a senseless murder too just like we always do here but how many times have we seen family members wrestle with that nightmare before? Sometimes the answer comes........sometimes it never does.

But to say that James should have thought immediately that his own flesh and blood had kidnapped and probably raped and murdered his wife is ludicrous at best. Just because JB admitted he dropped by and a woman was seen leaving with him doesn't mean that James should have instantly known what was transpiring. Even the nosy neighbor wasnt sure it was Amy. Amy at that time for all anyone knew could have still been inside the home then.

It is so easy to play Monday morning quarterback AFTER the suspect has been arrested and charged.:sick:

In all truthfulness James Henslee owes no one an explanation for anything. He is the grieving widower...........not the creep that is in jail for murdering Amy and Tonya. It was James who kept her story out there until she was found. So no, this is not like the Susan Powell case where her so called husband went on with his life.

Imo, if James had one inkling she was with Beebe he would have tried to move Heaven and Earth to save her. But he didn't know what had happened to Amy at that time. Even LE was telling them she was alive. He had a cousin who had been in his life forever telling him Amy wasnt home when he came by. That is all he knew.

James Henslee will beat himself up the rest of his life. Family members who have lost love ones to murder always do. Imo, it wouldn't have saved Amy nor Tonya by then, but it will haunt him forever.... that first, the police did not come on, and dismissed the seriousness of it, that LE told the searchers to hold off and having to face he has been betrayed by his own kin in the worst way imaginable.

I wish to heck people would just leave him alone and let him and his boys grieve instead of picking him apart and trying to 'think' for him. Thank goodness the people that really know James are supporting him through all of this.


I have been following this case on and off so I don't know where or when it was reported that the murder and affair took place in different trailers or if it was just a rumor. If someone could provide a link TIA.

But in the MSM video below the reporter eludes to the fact that Tanya walked in on Amy and BJ having an affair after being dropped off at the property by BJ's mother and Tanya then used a shotgun that was already the same trailer to shot Amy with. BJ then wrestled the gun away from Tanya and used the same gun to shoot Tanya. SO this would mean that the affair and murders took place in the same trailer. The same gun was used to shoot both victims. Tanya might have bruising from the shotgun butt on her shoulder and maybe GSR on her hands and arms if it can be distinguished from the GSR that she would have received from being shot if she did in fact fire the fatal shot that took Amy's life.

If BJ's mother can corroborate the fact that she dropped Tanya off at the trailer or property that pretty much contradicts the statement that there was two women in the pickup as told by the neighbor when BJ picked up Amy and only leads to the notion of the affair being the more likely scenario or some other reason why or how BJ got Amy to leave the house without Tanya being with him.

As for BJ claiming self defense. I don't see how or why you would need to shoot someone in self defense when you're holding the gun. If Tanya did shoot Amy and that is a big if in my book then I think BJ shot Tanya in a rage. How his defense team is going to prove that he was not the one that shot both women should be a interesting case to follow. If it did happen as BJ claims he should have called LE after taking the gun away from Tanya and if he had to shoot her then he defiantly screwed up by burying the two of them. I would think he might be facing a homicide charge or at worst second degree murder if it played out according to how he claims if he was charged at all had he called LE.

I also seen in early MSM reports that the bodies were partially buried. I seen it posted on WS that the hole was several feet deep. So those are also contradicting statements if there are MSM reports that claim both. With the ground being frozen I suspect it would have been pretty hard to dig a hole and the bodies were partially buried or covered with something. If he did dig a hole several feet deep then he didn't bother to put all the dirt back in the hole if the bodies were still only partially buried. If that is the case it shouldn't have been to hard to find where the women were buried with a big mound of dirt near the hole. Maybe the partial buried is the wrong information too, either way I guess it doesn't much matter. The fact is that he tried to hide the bodies and what he did. Going against any insanity defense down the road.


do we know if Tanya was dropped off? I am leaning toward this....I don't see why he would kill both women.
The nosy neighbor was Wendy B.? If that's the case, why did she wait til Tues to say she saw the truck ?!? Or am I confusing things.:banghead:
The nosy neighbor was Wendy B. ? If that's the case, why did she wait til Tues to say she saw the truck ?!? Or am I confusing things.:banghead:

From what I understand the tip about the woman being seen had already come in. Probably when LE was scouring the neighborhood or she may have called LE and then James also learned of it and talked to the lady on Tuesday.
there was a video interview after the press coference with Wendy B.... in it she talked about her and her husband going to talk to the neighbor who saw the truck. the link is in one of the threads.

imhoo she is not the nosey neighbor

"Amy Sue, my wifey, my baby, my best friend," James Henslee husband said as he read a letter during the funeral that he wrote to his wife. "I will never forget the best 12 years of my life — all the laughs, the smiles, the hugs and the kisses, the long car rides, the camping trips and all the great things we shared in our lives."

The Henslees had been a close couple. On his lunch break, James would often come home to eat with his wife and watch television. When he left, Amy would stand by the window and blow him kisses goodbye.

James Henslee told those gathered that when he looked at their sons, Jd, 11, and Jh, 7, he saw his wife's eyes and smile.

During the service, the boys sat close to their father and grandmother.
"That smile you passed on to our boys along with those puppy dog, brown, beautiful eyes
— for that reason, I know I'll always see you,” said James Henslee, 32. “We're soulmates for life."


Doesn't get sadder than this! A real heart breaker! I feel for you James!
If only Amy had never left her house that day!!
Is this story implying what I think it is? Also, can someone refresh my memory on the Susan Powell case? TIA!

Did the cousin have a record? Had he ever bothered Amy before? We may soon find out. This one is not coming across right for me. Something is making me feel uneasy. It's not just the tragic circumstances of how things turned out, but it's also how the story evolved in the media, the way it was projected to millions, it reminded me of Susan Powell last year. Yet it seems contrived, canned, a copycat of Susan's, where suddenly thousands join a sympathetic Facebook page, but the connections made were based on a false pretense.

what's he implying? I don't get it ...

it's an 'opinion' piece that lacks an actual opinion, unless 'an uneasy feeling' can be considered an opinion

it reads more like a conspiracy theory blog, albeit one that never really comes out and just says it - I think the 'writer' suffers from a desire to be mysterious and obscure

but this is the best line:

"When James went home to check on his wife, his house was locked. This means the door was locked from the outside."

right, ok, that's a leap - unless the writer knows something I don't about the locking mechanism of the door? is there a picture somewhere so we can get an idea of how the 'writer' came to this conclusion? could the 'writer' perhaps tell us how he got from A to B there?

"One wonders whether James was suspicious of his cousin?"

ahh, there's another random hint (but I still have no idea what he's trying to imply)
what's he implying? I don't get it ...

it's an 'opinion' piece that lacks an actual opinion, unless 'an uneasy feeling' can be considered an opinion

it reads more like a conspiracy theory blog, albeit one that never really comes out and just says it - I think the 'writer' suffers from a desire to be mysterious and obscure

but this is the best line:

"When James went home to check on his wife, his house was locked. This means the door was locked from the outside."

right, ok, that's a leap - unless the writer knows something I don't about the locking mechanism of the door? is there a picture somewhere so we can get an idea of how the 'writer' came to this conclusion? could the 'writer' perhaps tell us how he got from A to B there?

"One wonders whether James was suspicious of his cousin?"

ahh, there's another random hint (but I still have no idea what he's trying to imply)


The only thing I can think of is a dead bolt type lock which would require you to use a key from the exterior side of the door to lock the lock. This could be what the writer is implying. I don't recall ever reading in any MSM reports if there was a deadbolt that was locked and would have required Amy to use a key from the outside to lock it. IIRC her keys were inside the house and the back door was not locked.
From what I understand the tip about the woman being seen had already come in. Probably when LE was scouring the neighborhood or she may have called LE and then James also learned of it and talked to the lady on Tuesday.

I'll bet that WB IS a nosy neighbor, though...I'd hate to live next door to that woman.
Sometimes a person can characterize a friendly, caring and observant neighbor as "nosy." I prefer the former definition to the latter, myself.

Most people in communities and neighborhoods who have lived amongst one another for years and years tend to notice routines. Well, at least we do in our small town. I like it, and it makes me feel comfortable - knowing we have each others' "backs," so to speak.

I'll bet that WB IS a nosy neighbor, though...I'd hate to live next door to that woman.

I would rather have a nosey (concerned) neighbor than one who doesn't care (want to get involved). Many years ago, I noticed a strange car parked in front of our neighbor's house w/the garage open. One guy was in the car and one was in the garage. Seemed strange to me since neighbors weren't home. I called cops and found out the one in the car had a police scanner and the other one was planning on stealing a vintage caddy.

My neighbors didn't think I was nosey LOL. I wish more people would call if they suspect something is wrong. I certainly hope someone will if I am ever in a bad situation. :twocents:
This article is written by an OPINION ED CONTRIBUTOR :banghead: It is only based on conjecture and not based on facts or evidence.

I pay no mind to such chatter anymore than I do other print or talking heads who do not even know the evidence in the case.

People who have been obsessed with other people sadly have murdered them. Maybe Beebe resented that Amy had a good close loving relationship and Beebe's relationships with women never came close. Who really can ever get into the mind of a cold unfeeling psychopath to understand them?

The posts I have occasionally seen are very accusatory in nature as if James has done some terrible wrong and that is just not true. I mean really the answers will come from a witness stand like they should.

Only Beebe really knows the motive. The answers if any.......has to come from him, and not a grieving husband that had no involvement in her death. All James is doing is trying to make sense now of a senseless murder too just like we always do here but how many times have we seen family members wrestle with that nightmare before? Sometimes the answer comes........sometimes it never does.

But to say that James should have thought immediately that his own flesh and blood had kidnapped and probably raped and murdered his wife is ludicrous at best. Just because JB admitted he dropped by and a woman was seen leaving with him doesn't mean that James should have instantly known what was transpiring. Even the nosy neighbor wasnt sure it was Amy. Amy at that time for all anyone knew could have still been inside the home then.

It is so easy to play Monday morning quarterback AFTER the suspect has been arrested and charged.:sick:

In all truthfulness James Henslee owes no one an explanation for anything. He is the grieving widower...........not the creep that is in jail for murdering Amy and Tonya. It was James who kept her story out there until she was found. So no, this is not like the Susan Powell case where her so called husband went on with his life.

Imo, if James had one inkling she was with Beebe he would have tried to move Heaven and Earth to save her. But he didn't know what had happened to Amy at that time. Even LE was telling them she was alive. He had a cousin who had been in his life forever telling him Amy wasnt home when he came by. That is all he knew.

James Henslee will beat himself up the rest of his life. Family members who have lost love ones to murder always do. Imo, it wouldn't have saved Amy nor Tonya by then, but it will haunt him forever.... that first, the police did not come on, and dismissed the seriousness of it, that LE told the searchers to hold off and having to face he has been betrayed by his own kin in the worst way imaginable.

I wish to heck people would just leave him alone and let him and his boys grieve instead of picking him apart and trying to 'think' for him. Thank goodness the people that really know James are supporting him through all of this.


IMO he right to his thoughts just like Pat Brown and they both seem to be thinking the same way J/S
I talked to a family member of mine who went to the funeral and they noted that it was open casket. I have not been to a funeral where someone was shot before ... is it possible to cover up the damage that would be done by a gun shot wound?
I talked to a family member of mine who went to the funeral and they noted that it was open casket. I have not been to a funeral where someone was shot before ... is it possible to cover up the damage that would be done by a gun shot wound?

Not to be morbid, but that is strange considering the police saying she was shot multiple times in the head. Especially with a shotgun. My sister committed suicide and shot herself in the head with a Glock and we couldn't have an open casket.

PS - I just watched the memorial video and that was definately a closed casket.

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