Deceased/Not Found MI - Bianca Jones, 2, Detroit, 2 Dec 2011 - #2 - *D. Lane guilty*

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What gets me in that transcription is how many times he says "safe". Over and over and over, both in his own words, and in the words that Banika supposedly said to him. He is just stuck on "safe" and "you know".

ANd another thing. In that interview that I typed out, he says that they had their problems like any couple...but according to Banika's brother (Bianca's uncle), they were never a couple in that sense to begin with.
He talks about what Banika supposedly said to him when he talked to her and she told him to stay strong, I find it hard to believe that she told him she loved him at least twice. Even if he were my child's father, even if I really believed he was innocent, even if he was an ex I wanted to get back together with...I can't see telling them I love them. I would be sending all my love to my child, not him. I don't believe that Binaka said half of that, including the statement about her being the "flaky one".

And, how would the "point" of Banika calling the night before Bianca disappeared have anything to do with both of them trying to work together to be better parents. He tried a segue there, and it failed. he didn't make his connection between those two things very well.
I heard the mother say that earlier in the week. She has said very little but was at the church to thank searchers a couple of times.
Oh, so that might have been an old recycled clip. Most likely. I wonder if she still thinks her sweet baby is alive? :rose:
So this is some kind of drug deal thing then?

Personally, and IMHO, I don't think so. Drug dealers are more apt to break your kneecaps than kidnap or kill your child. That's the stuff of movies and OJ trials ;)

Not to get OT, but I remember O.J.'s defense team said Nicole and Ron may have been killed by drug dealers to scare Resnick into paying her drug debt. As if!!!

I would imagine you'd have to be a pretty hard core drug dealer for something like that to happen, and LE would surely know about it by now. A few grams of cocaine doesn't call for a car-jacking to kidnap a little girl IMHO.

Stranger things have happened, but I'm going with daddy did something to baby B and is trying to cover his *advertiser censored*s.


BBM. Imo, it doesn't strike me as odd in the least. Bianca was visting her dad. She went missing on DL's watch. My guess is LE has advised her to stay quiet and let Mr. Lane and Mr. Johnson keep talking since they are doing such a stellar job on providing helpful information to the public regarding the circumstances of this alleged carjacking. ;)


I appreciate what you're saying, but the same thing is true in the disappearance of Baby Lisa Irwin who went missing on Deborah Bradley's watch while Jeremy Irwin was at work. JI has no first-hand knowledge of what transpired that night while he did electrical work at a Starbuck's, yet he and Deborah appeared in the media together and insist on being interviewed together by LE. While the couple lives together with each of their sons, they are not married yet present a united front in the search for their missing daughter. What aren't Banika and D'Andre doing the same? jmo
I blame the media for the portrayal of Banika as not being vocal or involved. She is involved. She's out there talking to businesses, asking for donations, passing out flyers from the back of her car, talking to everyone. Dandre is getting 15-20 minutes of uncut raw interview time put on the air. Binaka is only getting sound bytes, even if she had been talking for 20 minutes, we'd never know that, because the media is choosing to air Dandre's statements over hers. That's only my perception from watching the media reports.
I buzzed through to catch up, so forgive me if I'm repeating.

Springing off your post. Keep in mind, D'Andre was possibly driving erratically due to nerves/anxiety prior to staging this alleged car jacking. Maybe breaking and looking down alleys before deciding which one to pull into. That type of driving behavior would have been memorable. It would have also called attention to noticing the occupants of the vehicle.

That makes SO much sense to me. DL comes across as either being VERY distraught or VERY guilty. Circumstances point to guilty. IMO His appearance on NG was so shaky, he was obviously in physical and emotional distress. IMO

I assume the nephew would observe some of that stress? Is there any report on what the nephew saw? Did he state if he talked at all to Bianca?

I also assume that live-in girlfriend knows *something*. IMO this will all fall apart for DL very soon.

The difference between Bianca's disappearance (and that of Sky, Aaliyah and so many others), and Lisa Irwin's is the criminal/CPS history of the parent/s. IMO
I blame the media for the portrayal of Banika as not being vocal or involved. She is involved. She's out there talking to businesses, asking for donations, passing out flyers from the back of her car, talking to everyone. Dandre is getting 15-20 minutes of uncut raw interview time put on the air. Binaka is only getting sound bytes, even if she had been talking for 20 minutes, we'd never know that, because the media is choosing to air Dandre's statements over hers. That's only my perception from watching the media reports.

When she did the spot at a news station, begging for anyone to release Bianca, she seemed to barely be able to keep it together. Before they actually taped the piece, she was on camera and probably didn't know it, and she looked like she was ready to collapse and pulled herself together to make the plea. I just think she's probably running on empty.
I appreciate what you're saying, but the same thing is true in the disappearance of Baby Lisa Irwin who went missing on Deborah Bradley's watch while Jeremy Irwin was at work. JI has no first-hand knowledge of what transpired that night while he did electrical work at a Starbuck's, yet he and Deborah appeared in the media together and insist on being interviewed together by LE. While the couple lives together with each of their sons, they are not married yet present a united front in the search for their missing daughter. What aren't Banika and D'Andre doing the same? jmo

I'm not following the baby Lisa case. That said, the difference is Baby Lisa's parents are still living as a couple, cohabitating so to speak. They are not operating as single parents coparenting as is the case with Bianca's parents.

I would not expect single parents coparenting to behave in the same manner as a mutually exclusive couple so to speak.

The article has been updated so uncle OJ's quote no longer appears in the MSM link, but I found the post which I originally added his quote.

Originally Posted by SurfieTX
Read more:

Trying to go through the thread again.

The above msm article was updated. The following Jones being quoted is OJ, moms brother.

Jones said the girl had been staying with her father for the past week and last night was the last time that mom Banika Jones spoke his niece.
“We both talked to her last night over the phone. We were just talking to her and she was just over her dad’s house for a week and stuff. We were just talking to her because we hadn’t heard from her,” said Jones.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - MI MI - AMBER ALERT: Bianca Lilly Jones, 2, Detroit, 2 Dec 2011 - #1

Why hadn't they heard from her? And why did it take getting uncle to act like a big brother or for Banika to have a male step in to actually get DL to allow mom to speak with their child?

What excuses did DL give Banika for not allowing her to speak with her child from the day he took the girls to the movies until that Thursday night?

Something is very very fishy about this phone call and I still think it was not Bianca, Banika spoke to, but the other 2 yr old daughter of D'Andre's.

HLN Just had a short segment on Bianca. Sorry couldn't log and type this before it ended, but they mentioned the case.
She's been very active in the media ( well as much media as you would expect for a black child from a very bad neighborhood). If you google Banika Jones, you should find plenty of info with her speaking. It's really only been the last two days there has not been much media attention on her since D'Andre is out there talking all about himself and how he is not the bad guy while refusing to answer questions related to the car jacking.


Not IMHO . . . (devil's advocate) why was HE on NG & MSM interviews
I buzzed through to catch up, so forgive me if I'm repeating.

That makes SO much sense to me. DL comes across as either being VERY distraught or VERY guilty. Circumstances point to guilty. IMO His appearance on NG was so shaky, he was obviously in physical and emotional distress. IMO

I assume the nephew would observe some of that stress? Is there any report on what the nephew saw? Did he state if he talked at all to Bianca?

I also assume that live-in girlfriend knows *something*. IMO this will all fall apart for DL very soon.

The difference between Bianca's disappearance (and that of Sky, Aaliyah and so many others), and Lisa Irwin's is the criminal/CPS history of the parent/s. IMO

The only information released to the media regarding the nephew is that she was in the car that morning. No where has media stated whether she was seen, covered with a blanket, alert and awake, sleeping.

MSM has reported D'Andre was using a paddle on Bianca and someone had to ask him to stop. I'll repost if I can find it.
So this is some kind of drug deal thing then?

It's starting to sound like that, but I doubt it.

Which reminds me of Casey Anthony - there is a supposition there that an accident occurred (drowning in the pool) and the mother covered the accident, making it look like a kidnapping/murder.

If this IS a drug deal, an issue of a drug debt is made worse by turning it into a car-jacking/kidnapping/hostage situation and involving so many people, LE, resources, media, etc. Why not just go to LE in the beginning and ask for their help.

Possibly, Bianca was taken and will be held until DL pays a debt to the dealers, but they are making a lot of work for themselves. A two-year-old needs a lot of care, diapers, special foods, naps... and how do they know he wants his daughter back. Maybe I am naive, but why turn over your child as collateral.

Drug dealers are in the business of aquiring and selling drugs - not daycare/kidnapping. Are they set up for that? Is there some baby daycare where babies are held until the debt is paid? If there are witnesses who say they saw him leaving his car - alone, when was the baby taken, or did he just hand her over to them. Do drug dealers sell on a pay-plan or is it cash up front.

Strange we haven't heard more about this practice. If it is found that parents knew this was not a stranger abduction, they both have a lot of explaining to do.

from new interview.....
"She might of missed going to the potty," Lane said. "I might have spanked her bottom...It's just a parent being a parent."

Lane does admit to having a small paddle he uses to discipline his children, and while he may have used it on Bianca the night before she disappeared because of the potty incident, he says she was not abused.

Read more:

bumping to bring current. BBM.
The article has been updated so uncle OJ's quote no longer appears in the MSM link, but I found the post which I originally added his quote.

Jones said the girl had been staying with her father for the past week and last night was the last time that mom Banika Jones spoke his niece.
“We both talked to her last night over the phone. We were just talking to her and she was just over her dad’s house for a week and stuff. We were just talking to her because we hadn’t heard from her,” said Jones.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - MI MI - AMBER ALERT: Bianca Lilly Jones, 2, Detroit, 2 Dec 2011 - #1

Why hadn't they heard from her? And why did it take getting uncle to act like a big brother or for Banika to have a male step in to actually get DL to allow mom to speak with their child?

What excuses did DL give Banika for not allowing her to speak with her child from the day he took the girls to the movies until that Thursday night?

Something is very very fishy about this phone call and I still think it was not Bianca, Banika spoke to, but the other 2 yr old daughter of D'Andre's.


Thank you

This explains what the description "provided to the police" was, I had not seen it before.

Anyone know if this Uncle OJ the same one who spoke with her on the phone the prior evening? Or another Uncle?

Timeline info and link originally posted by AmandaB in thread 1

  • 7:30 a.m. Bianca leaves a home on Mitchell Street with her father
  • 8:10 a.m. Lane is seen on a school surveillance tape dropping off a 15-year-old nephew
  • 9:55: a.m.: Lane reports he was carjacked on Beaubien, between Euclid and Philadelphia

  • 10:15 a.m.: Police find Lane’s vehicle just blocks away in an alley off Brush between Philadelphia and Euclid

We can add DL dropped a nephew off at school at 8:10am. (will try and find link).
not really current, we've known this for a few days . . . just sayin'

"She might of missed going to the potty," Lane said. "I might have spanked her bottom...It's just a parent being a parent."

My apologies. I should have been clear. I was bringing to the current page for those who have not had the time to read each and every post in both of Bianca's threads. No where did I say it was new news.
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