Deceased/Not Found MI - Bianca Jones, 2, Detroit, 2 Dec 2011 - #2 - *D. Lane guilty*

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Have you heard/read that the nephew was staying in the Mitchell Street house?

The homeowner isn't named Lane. I don't want to post someone's name who might not have any connection to the case. The information is on the Wayne County website (Tax Assessment).

Only that he took his nephew to school at 7:30 in the morning. Wouldn't the nephew have to be staying there if he was getting a ride to school that morning? Maybe not, if he lived really close by I suppose. But most kids wake up and get a ride from whomever they are living with.

eta: and i didn't mean that the brother or sister OWNED the home. Just that they may be the renters.
I wonder how his ex defines "tried to kidnap"? That is most certainly interesting, and it makes his whole nice guy act obvious as just act. Moo.
Haven't noticed that this has been posted yet:|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

Dad of missing Detroit girl Bianca, 2, hides in wake of death threats, attorney says

12:37 PM, Dec. 6, 2011

By Tammy Stables Battaglia and Melanie D. Scott

Detroit Free Press Staff Writers

The father of missing 2-year-old Bianca Jones is in hiding after receiving death threats, according to his lawyer.

D’Andre Lane, 32, of Detroit, said he wants to search for his daughter that he says disappeared after they were carjacked on Friday, according to his lawyer, Terry L. Johnson. But after investigators’ said Lane failed a polygraph test, death threats have kept Lane from joining dozens of volunteers combing the city for little Bianca, Johnson said...
Gosh, I wish I could say I am surprised by the possibility that Dad made up tihs story...I didn't believe it on Friday and I really don't believe it now. I don't mind being proven wrong.
I wish we knew exactly who lives at the Mitchell Street house and who besides Lane's two daughters were there on Friday morning. Has there been any mention about the girlfriend having children of her own who also live in the house? It's quite common for folks in Detroit to have extended family/friends staying in a home at one time or another. Media keep saying that it's D'Andre Lane's house, but he isn't documented as the current owner; someone posted this info yesterday.

It was reported earlier that the other two year old is the daughter of Lane and his current girlfriend, with whom he is staying. I don't recall reading or hearing that his older daughter was in the house, as well. Can someone verify? That puts a lot of eye-witnesses in a small area. Thanks

I am thinking that it is his girlfriend's house because reports refer to "the house where Lane is staying", implying that it is not a permanent residence for him. I could be wrong

I do not have sound on my computer, currently, so have not heard any of the interviews, but I watch with the sound off. I read the transcripts in the body of the article. I tend to believe the mom and her family. I think the father did something, unintentionally. He has been in prison and may not realize, or have forgotten, how fragile children can be. He seems like a nice enough man, but I think he may be a smooth-talker and ego-centric.

I hear a lot of people (on other sites) blaming the mother because she does not act upset enough. She seems like a quiet type of person, but also loving. She's said she has to be strong for "-----", her (other) daughter. Others condemn the selling of shirts, with Bianca's photo on them. The community is doing all they can to help and support this family, and are showing their solidarity by praying, searching and wearing the shirts. (I just had to get that out).

I wonder what LE means by saying there is no evidence to support a car-jacking. Is there perhaps closed circuit video which shows the entire area, at the date and time? Witnesses seeing him leave the car running and leaving the car door open? (Was the backseat door next to Bianca's car-seat open, too?).

I wish he would be a man and admit exactly what happened. I think the mother did not want to talk to him because she knows him, knows he is a smooth talker and would not tell the truth but just waste her time when she needs every bit of it to search for her daughter. I think she knows he is not going to give up any information, or he would have done so, already.

Just moo
I have to apologize - I am trying to read each and every post and I tend to add my posts and questions, as I go along, so I don't forget. Later, I see that my question has been answered on the next page or so. Sorry to be asking questions that have already been answered. Thanks-
I think the older daughter was in the house and I think he gave her a ride to school that morning too.
I do not have sound on my computer, currently, so have not heard any of the interviews, but I watch with the sound off. I read the transcripts in the body of the article. I tend to believe the mom and her family. I think the father did something, unintentionally. He has been in prison and may not realize, or have forgotten, how fragile children can be. He seems like a nice enough man, but I think he may be a smooth-talker and egocentric.

Just moo

<respectfully snipped>

This is the impression I am getting from this guy also. I looked at his FB page, he SEEMS like a nice guy, just trying to get his life back together. BUT I don't think he is. I have known people like this. Under that "nice guy" mask is a person who does what they want, and they don't have a conscience. It's just a feeling I have when I see him talking, sorry, can't explain it better than that. :( I think he is evil. JMO

ETA: Also, the "discipline". BEATING a child is not discipline. I don't even like the idea of spanking a 2 yr old (JUST turned 2, for that matter) Actually I dont really like spanking at all, but that is a whole 'nother matter.
<respectfully snipped>

This is the impression I am getting from this guy also. I looked at his FB page, he SEEMS like a nice guy, just trying to get his life back together. BUT I don't think he is. I have known people like this. Under that "nice guy" mask is a person who does what they want, and they don't have a conscience. It's just a feeling I have when I see him talking, sorry, can't explain it better than that. :( I think he is evil. JMO

I agree with you 100%.
<respectfully snipped>

This is the impression I am getting from this guy also. I looked at his FB page, he SEEMS like a nice guy, just trying to get his life back together. BUT I don't think he is. I have known people like this. Under that "nice guy" mask is a person who does what they want, and they don't have a conscience. It's just a feeling I have when I see him talking, sorry, can't explain it better than that. :( I think he is evil. JMO

ETA: Also, the "discipline". BEATING a child is not discipline. I don't even like the idea of spanking a 2 yr old (JUST turned 2, for that matter) Actually I dont really like spanking at all, but that is a whole 'nother matter.


I've been really reluctant to post this because I do not want it to come off the wrong way. But when I saw that video of him today talking to the reporter, the first person that came to my mind was OJ. He would come across as this "nice guy " also.

It was the expression on his face. I can't really pin point it.I hope I'm wrong and he didn't have anything to do with her going missing.

Then to find out the order of protection stemmed from him threatening to kill the other child.

That clenched it for me.
I have to apologize - I am trying to read each and every post and I tend to add my posts and questions, as I go along, so I don't forget. Later, I see that my question has been answered on the next page or so. Sorry to be asking questions that have already been answered. Thanks-

Maybe this will help...

I open a separate window to reply in. Then I add the post or question as I go along, so I don't forget. I just don't post it.
Then, if one is answered, I go erase it and don't post it.
Once I am at the end of the thread, I look back at the post I'm making to see if it is all still relevant.
Then I post it. I never post without reading the whole thread. So that's how I do it. :seeya:
There wasn't much of a report/update on the 5:00 news - a couple of interviews with searchers and repeating what we've already heard. The 6:00 news will have interviews with people who believe that whatever happened to Bianca will lead straight to "Dad's doorstep" :eek:
I wonder what LE means by saying there is no evidence to support a car-jacking. Is there perhaps closed circuit video which shows the entire area, at the date and time? Witnesses seeing him leave the car running and leaving the car door open? (Was the backseat door next to Bianca's car-seat open, too?).
bbm and snipped, respectively

Good thinking!

I haven't seen this info mentioned anywhere, on any msm reports. Everything just says that the driver's side door was open. I think this is very telling! If a carjacker was in such a rush that he couldn't shut the driver door, would he take the time to remove the baby from the backseat? And if the carjacker did remove the child, why would he shut the backdoor but not the front? On the other hand, this is probably not a detail that dad would have thought of when setting the scene.

However, if Bianca could get out of her seat herself she may have climbed over the front seat and left the vehicle through the open driver side door.
<respectfully snipped>

This is the impression I am getting from this guy also. I looked at his FB page, he SEEMS like a nice guy, just trying to get his life back together. BUT I don't think he is. I have known people like this. Under that "nice guy" mask is a person who does what they want, and they don't have a conscience. It's just a feeling I have when I see him talking, sorry, can't explain it better than that. :( I think he is evil. JMO.

I agree. I think his only real tears are for himself, especially when anything is brought up that points out what a poor, pitiful victim HE is. Goes hand in hand with his FB postings about being persecuted by the mothers of his children wanting child support or whatever. (Not a direct quote, just a summation of what I took away from his posts.)

I think his lawyer told him to say over and over that he "just wants BeBe back home." His tears and emotion during those statements seemed forced and phoney to me, and more like a "quit looking at me and just go look for the baby" way of getting the spotlight off his own behind.

That said, I bet he DOES wish she'd just turn up at home... even if he knows that will never happen.

I firmly believe he is a charlatan and a child murderer.
What bothered me the most about D's interview is he said to the reporter "I talked her (the mom) a little bit today (or yesterday).


If you're the mother or father of a missing child, when does "a little bit" come into play? I would expect the mother and father to be talking at length about what happened, and all the childs activities prior to the kidnapping - EVERYTHING! Not just "a little bit".

Talking to the primary caregiver can give great insight as to what happened and how the child behaved (normally or abnormally). Did the child act out, what was the child watching on TV, eating, etc.

If I was a parent of a missing child, I would demand every single detail of what my child was doing prior to the disappearance.

You don't just "check in" I take to "talking a little bit" means. Since he was in jail previously, I'm gonna assume that yesterday was the first time he was able to talk to the mother (and obviously it wasn't at length).

That's just astounding to me.


Sounds like D'Andre has some issues with 2-year-olds :furious:

And still... he is living with who???

His OTHER 2 year old. :furious:

He threatened to kill/tried to kidnap one 2 year old.

The other 2 year old went missing on his watch after a witness says he beat her.

So let's give him the third 2 year old... and what, hope that the 3rd time will be the charm that gets him caught?! :banghead:
What bothered me the most about D's interview is he said to the reporter "I talked her (the mom) a little bit today (or yesterday).


If you're the mother or father of a missing child, when does "a little bit" come into play? I would expect the mother and father to be talking at length about what happened, and all the childs activities prior to the kidnapping - EVERYTHING! Not just "a little bit".

Talking to the primary caregiver can give great insight as to what happened and how the child behaved (normally or abnormally). Did the child act out, what was the child watching on TV, eating, etc.

If I was a parent of a missing child, I would demand every single detail of what my child was doing prior to the disappearance.

You don't just "check in" I take to "talking a little bit" means. Since he was in jail previously, I'm gonna assume that yesterday was the first time he was able to talk to the mother (and obviously it wasn't at length).

That's just astounding to me.



BBM. It would seem that someone is not being truthful. Bianca's mother said yesterday that she had not spoken with D'Andre and didn't know about the car-jacking :waitasec:
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