Deceased/Not Found MI - Bianca Jones, 2, Detroit, 2 Dec 2011 - #2 - *D. Lane guilty*

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Now, let's see if we can figure out who the mother of D'Andre's 7-year-old daughter is - the second grader who is in class with another child at a school in Highland Park whose mother saw Lane near a bus stop on Friday morning :maddening:

If you go to D'Andre's of the baby mommas is his friend and has the initials SB
I don't understand it...I'm trying, but it's not working. I want to prepare my mind for what's coming way in this world..or the next, is his story true. So that means the sweet little one has come to harm and by the hands of her father no less.

Disclaimer: it's been established..I will eat crow if need be..
I don't understand it...I'm trying, but it's not working. I want to prepare my mind for what's coming way in this world..or the next, is his story true. So that means the sweet little one has come to harm and by the hands of her father no less.

Disclaimer: it's been established..I will eat crow if need be..

You won't be alone... and we'll exercise together after the feast :D
Sounds like a Broadway musical: "Seven Kids With Seven Women" :innocent:


for giggles . . . now, for sleuthing

D'Andre's baby-momma & kids

1) 2 yo Bianca's mom (BJ)
2) 2 yo son with RM (as per RO)
3) 7 yo girl in 2nd grade (lock her in a room - LE interviewed?) - at the house that day
4) 2 yo girl whose mom D'Andre was "staying" with - LE met the 1st day

let's make a list!!!

for giggles . . . now, for sleuthing

D'Andre's baby-momma & kids

1) 2 yo Bianca's mom
2) RM has a 2 yo son with him (as per RO)
3) 7 yo girl in 2nd grade
4) 2 yo girl whose mom D'Andre was "staying" with - LE met the 1st day

let's make a list!!!

A little levity never hurts!
Responding to reports that he was abusive to his other children, Lane, whose attorney said he has seven children by seven different women, denied any wrongdoing.

"When you take a 7-year-old and lock her in a room," he said before trailing off. "My daughter does not need to be subjected to people making her father out to be a villain.

"I'm not the villain — whoever has my daughter is the villain," Lane said. "Bring some proof out. I never threatened any of my children."

who is he said ? Lane or the atty? Poor writing - I assume it is Lane . . . alluding to the fact LE scared her

From The Detroit News:‘bad-guy’#ixzz1fnw8nQO0

for giggles . . . now, for sleuthing

D'Andre's baby-momma & kids

1) 2 yo Bianca's mom
2) RM has a 2 yo son with him (as per RO)
3) 7 yo girl in 2nd grade (lock her in a room - LE interviewed?) - at the house that day
4) 2 yo girl whose mom D'Andre was "staying" with - LE met the 1st day

let's make a list!!!
From "Father to Son's" note on DL's FB

Sons (4) Jr., S, A, T
Daughters (3) I, A, Bianca
don't know ages or mothers to go with names
The witness is a child that lived in the home. We can expect not to hear directly from them.

No, maybe not the girls, but there are 7 baby-mommas out there and their friends and families, court records, and DL's own big mouth.

I think the person who intervened on one of the beatings must have come forward, since it sounds like they spoke to LE.

This guy thinks he is special and his feelings are hurt because he is being painted as a bad guy. It's all about him. I hope NG turns on the sweet, southern charm and butters him up so good that the jncriminating details just ooze out of him.

As long as she treats like like he's the man, he will talk and talk and talk and talk - right into a life sentence. Go NG!!
Well right off the bat I must say, DL was an awfully generous man with his attentions back in the year 2009 :angel:

There are three 2 yr olds with three different baby mamas, some of whose pregnancies probably crossed over one another. I am betting the year 2009 was quite drama filled.
from new interview.....
"She might of missed going to the potty," Lane said. "I might have spanked her bottom...It's just a parent being a parent."

Lane does admit to having a small paddle he uses to discipline his children, and while he may have used it on Bianca the night before she disappeared because of the potty incident, he says she was not abused.

Read more:'s-disappearance#ixzz1fnik9JOA

What does a six-foot, 200 pound (or whatever) guy consider to be a 'small paddle'?
The more I watch DL, the less I believe him. I can't stand listening to him explain how he "disciplines" a two-year old with a paddle. I was thinking of transcribing some of his interviews, but he just talks and talks and talks and I quickly get tired of listening to him. He doesn't have much to say, imo, and I don't believe what he does say, so I haven't been able to get through it. (And I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt before the information about Bianca's beating and the ex-wife's protection order).
No, maybe not the girls, but there are 7 baby-mommas out there and their friends and families, court records, and DL's own big mouth.

I think the person who intervened on one of the beatings must have come forward, since it sounds like they spoke to LE.

This guy thinks he is special and his feelings are hurt because he is being painted as a bad guy. It's all about him. I hope NG turns on the sweet, southern charm and butters him up so good that the jncriminating details just ooze out of him.

As long as she treats like like he's the man, he will talk and talk and talk and talk - right into a life sentence. Go NG!!

Well, NG trusted Ronald Cummings completely even though many believe him to be the perp in the disappearance of HaLeigh. RC sweet-talked the HLN host with his "Miss Nancy" this and that, and she bought it hook, line, and sinker. jmo
I want to know who is using any size paddle on a two year old for a potty training accident?? I'm not trying to open a debate on whether corporal punishment is okay or not but for a 2 yr old??
Poor little lady Bianca Lilly. Thrown away into the trash. May justice be served. I will never cease to be shocked by the evil some humans commit. She was just an innocent child...
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