Deceased/Not Found MI - Bianca Jones, 2, Detroit, 2 Dec 2011 - #3 - *D. Lane guilty*

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Someone in that house must have information on what happened. It is 900 square ft and occupied by Lane, the GF, room mate and 3 children. Not a lot of privacy. IMO

The witnesses in this home are what lead me to believe LE has a VERY strong case against DL. It would be a whole different ball game if DL was the only adult in that home.

TWO witnesses, who likely, are not willing to go down for D'Andre by keeping his shameful secret, a secret.

One of whom likely owns the Grand Marquis who may hold some liability as the owner of a car used in the commission of a crime. If they don't agree to testify.

I'll have to pull up the no body site again, but there ARE cases with convictions in MI where witness testimony appears to have played a key role in the sucessful prosecution and conviction of the perp.

I personally don't believe they would have leaked the info about the arrest warrant request unless they had a strong case, which includes some forensic evidence from the home, (not including the cadaver dog hits).

I think that was another error on HLN. Banika said DL texted her several times that week.

That he did not call, and only texted, raises my hinky meter. That tells me the beatings had been ongoing that week.


Did Banika say that when she asked to talk with Bianca, DL would always have an excuse: "...She's sleeping,... she's playing,... etc"?
Did Banika say that when she asked to talk with Bianca, DL would always have an excuse: "...She's sleeping,... she's playing,... etc"?

I could be wrong, but from what I heard, it seemed like she would ask how Bianca was doing, and he would tell her "she's napping, she's playing" or whatever. Maybe it was implied that she wanted to speak to Bianca. Obviously now, it sounds like a put-off by DL.

I feel certain that he was beating her all week, and I wonder why, what could have made him do that? He doesn't seem like the nurturing type and little Bianca was probably nervous staying there with him --maybe she forgot her potty training, or something and he went crazy. Poor little thing.
Did Banika say that when she asked to talk with Bianca, DL would always have an excuse: "...She's sleeping,... she's playing,... etc"?

She didn't make it sound like he was giving excuses, she simply replied he did not return her telephone calls by phone, but by text.

To me it sounds like excuses from DL. I don't know of any 2 yr old being away from their primary parent for the first time to not call that parent at least once a day.

When my now 9 yr old son is away from me, if it is more than just a weekend at his dads, whether it be a 4-5 day vacation with his grandpa, or his 9 day summer vacation with his dad, I speak to him over the phone. VERBAL calls, none of this texting crap. I want to TALK to the adult with my child and I want to TALK with my child. ETA: and those extended visits, I talk to my child everyday.

After reading the transcripts, I get the impression Banika is holding back, she'll let it all out (appropriately) at trial. ALL the BS discrepencies and the load of crap DL fed her will come out then. She's got a good sense of self discipline about her, I can see that.

I could be wrong, but from what I heard, it seemed like she would ask how Bianca was doing, and he would tell her "she's napping, she's playing" or whatever. Maybe it was implied that she wanted to speak to Bianca. Obviously now, it sounds like a put-off by DL.

I feel certain that he was beating her all week, and I wonder why, what could have made him do that? He doesn't seem like the nurturing type and little Bianca was probably nervous staying there with him --maybe she forgot her potty training, or something and he went crazy. Poor little thing.

I feel certain he was beating her all week too. I also feel VERY VERY strongly, that DL's statements about I might have spanked her bottom, She might have had a potty accident, she might be found with bruises will only corroborate witness statements about the beatings. That is why his attorney is trying to keep him from talking.

I also feel very very strongly, his coming out with she was sick, and then she was very very sick the day of the alleged car jacking translates to she was already deceased that morning. D'Andre is having a real hard time trying to not provide further explanations to his story.

I could be wrong, but from what I heard, it seemed like she would ask how Bianca was doing, and he would tell her "she's napping, she's playing" or whatever. Maybe it was implied that she wanted to speak to Bianca. Obviously now, it sounds like a put-off by DL.

I feel certain that he was beating her all week, and I wonder why, what could have made him do that? He doesn't seem like the nurturing type and little Bianca was probably nervous staying there with him --maybe she forgot her potty training, or something and he went crazy. Poor little thing.

This is just my feeling after seeing him interviewed. He reminds me of the fathers I met when I worked with urban at risk / disadvantaged kids in an elementary school. Some of the dads had several kids at the shool with a few different women.
I saw that many of the dads were very strict and judgmental with their kids. It was like the dads wanted to prove to everyone how great they were doing as dads so the kids had to be perfect or else dad would lash out rather publicly. Which often bothered me because the kids were confused. The father would spank them hard and yell at them for minor infractions, yet he himself was in and out of jail. " Do s I say and not as I do."

I saw it in the aggressive potty training of the toddlers as well. The fathers would expect impossible potty training behavior out of 18 month olds even. And if you said anything to Dad, like trying to say the child is not old enough, Dad will say " HE KNOWS BETTER. He knows. " Shheeezzz. It bugged the heck out of me sometimes. But it is a cultural thing I suppose. So many of the fathers I met there were so invested in their toddlers not needing diapers. And I do not know why, unless it is a monetary issue perhaps. ?
What I'd like to know is why it took 11 days for she was very very sick to come out. IMO, that is D'Andre wanting to further explain himself so he can try and get people to believe him.

From the NG transcripts:

LANE: I mean, at first, I looked (ph) at everything. I was just trying to give them as much information as I could. And then all of a sudden, I heard someone say, Oh, he has a criminal record. Next thing you know, I`m thrown into a police car. I`m taken down. I`m interrogated. I`m made (ph) to ask questions. I`m telling these people, I don`t -- I mean, I can`t even think!

Very tough to lie under those conditions, of course he can't think because he is lying.

He would have no problem thinking if he were telling the truth. He'd be so focused he'd be recalling and reliving the events that occured leading up to and at the time of the alleged carjacking.

I think back to incidents with my child. When he had pneumonia 7 years ago. When I found a bottle of excedrin open 8 years ago and thought he had ingested excedrin. Those types of events do-not-fade-with time. They are clear and easy to recall without getting overwhelmed and claiming one can not think.

DL will NOT repeat his story again on air, because he knows he'll have trouble recalling events which did not happen and his story will contradict that which he gave police.

This is just my feeling after seeing him interviewed. He reminds me of the fathers I met when I worked with urban at risk / disadvantaged kids in an elementary school. Some of the dads had several kids at the shool with a few different women.
I saw that many of the dads were very strict and judgmental with their kids. It was like the dads wanted to prove to everyone how great they were doing as dads so the kids had to be perfect or else dad would lash out rather publicly. Which often bothered me because the kids were confused. The father would spank them hard and yell at them for minor infractions, yet he himself was in and out of jail. " Do s I say and not as I do."

I saw it in the aggressive potty training of the toddlers as well. The fathers would expect impossible potty training behavior out of 18 month olds even. And if you said anything to Dad, like trying to say the child is not old enough, Dad will say " HE KNOWS BETTER. He knows. " Shheeezzz. It bugged the heck out of me sometimes. But it is a cultural thing I suppose. So many of the fathers I met there were so invested in their toddlers not needing diapers. And I do not know why, unless it is a monetary issue perhaps. ?

I get the same impression from my many years on SP forums. It's sad, but Bianca's case imo, is the example that it is not always best for a child to have both parents in their lives.

It really makes me sad to think there has been such a focus on black men fathering babies and not being part of their lives, I find myself thinking how easily it would have been for DL to abuse, make promises and than use the I'm not gonna be one of those fathers who is not in my childrens lives. Sadly, I think he was able to manipulate many situations and weasle out of his responsibility for his actions by using the I'm not gonna be an absent father type thing.

D'Andre has been court ordered to take anger management classes. His ex wife claims he threatened to kill their child. It would be all too easy for many to go with the fathers rights battle cry of false allegations, but we can not do that in this case. We have a father who admitted to beating his child, a child he admits may have bruises who is missing and likely deceased.

And even more sadly, I think many of these women will put up with just about anything just to have their baby's daddy in their childrens lives. When it is clearly not in the best interest of all to do so. :(

I have to share a funny discipline story. My son, 9, after being told numerous times to do something, did not and lost privileges to his wii for the rest of the evening. He kept trying to negotiate getting the wii back for spankings. He said how about a spanking? I said no. he replied, two spankings? I said no. He said, three spankings? I said no. He said four spankings? I said no. He finally quit at 5 spankings after I said no yet again.

Another time, my son was 7 and he and a friend of his covered the entire side of a ranch TH with wet mud balls. I was livid. It took us hours to clean this mess up. Had to hook up three hoses to reach that far. He was grounded for a full 7 days. I heard him crying in his sleep and talking about it in his sleep. I asked him about it the next day, and he said he had bad dreams about being grounded, he was that upset about it. He KNEW what he did was wrong, has never done it since. Repercussions and loss of priviledges is what works.

2 year olds need redirecting and being shown the correct behavior.
Not beatings!

I could be wrong, but from what I heard, it seemed like she would ask how Bianca was doing, and he would tell her "she's napping, she's playing" or whatever. Maybe it was implied that she wanted to speak to Bianca. Obviously now, it sounds like a put-off by DL.

I feel certain that he was beating her all week, and I wonder why, what could have made him do that? He doesn't seem like the nurturing type and little Bianca was probably nervous staying there with him --maybe she forgot her potty training, or something and he went crazy. Poor little thing.

BBM I am wondering what the sleeping arrangements were in this 900 sf home. 3 adults and 3 children, at least one of whom (Bianca) did not regularly stay there. Was she on a pallet on the floor, was she on the couch, was she co-sleeping with adults or other children? Was she wearing nighttime pullups? Did she normally at home? Children who are just newly potty trained often have accidents at night. People who are not as familiar with the child's bedtime routine often make the mistake of letting little, newly trained, toddlers have drinks too late in the evening, contributing to the problem.

Possibly there were potty accidents in the night which soiled a couch or bed, triggering a beating, causing a nervous child who then begins to have nervous accidents in the daytime as well, further angering DL or another adult, triggering more out of control beatings . . .

Jut bouncing some things around.
The 15-year-old nephew of missing 2-year-old Bianca Jones' father, Dandre Lane, said he was with Lane the morning Bianca went missing.

T Lane said he was with his uncle Dandre Lane, Bianca and two other children the night before and the morning when Bianca was reported missing by her father. T Lane said he had just met Bianca earlier that week. He said the FBI, not the police, confronted him with questions about the case.

"(Bianca) was good. She was normal," T Lane said. "My uncle carried her to the car, and my little cousin buckled her up. She was awake."

Well now we know how the nephew is related to D'Andre.

I find the timing of this statement from the 15 year old interesting. As I said D'Andre is just jumping at the bit to say more to explain himself. I'll bet he convinced this childs mother to allow him to speak for just that reason.

I wonder how long it will be until D'Andre just can't help himself and starts talking again.

T Lane said his uncle took him home at 8 a.m. that morning

Wait, I thought DL said he took the 15 year old nephew to school that morning.

In the above article TL says his uncle carried Bianca. 2 year olds are usually quite capable of walking and no longer need to be carried. Interesting that she did not walk to the car.

He also mentions another cousin who buckled up Bianca. Now I am wondering if there were two children other than Bianca in the car. TL and the cousin. Perhaps DL dropped the cousin off at school, TL off at home (and why is a 15 year old at an uncles during the week and not at school? )
This is OT but worth sharing with those who are following this sad saga and finding it difficult to keep from thinking the worst about whoever is responsible for the (likely) harm that has come to little Bianca Jones.

DH received a $$$ gift card from a customer a few days ago. I had the card in my purse when I went to the mall yesterday but wasn't necessarily planning to use it. I was in Macy's long enough to make one purchase before heading home. I didn't realize until several hours later that I no longer had the gift card and that I must have misplaced it when I took my wallet out of my purse along with Macy's discount cards. I had a good :cry: and felt :sick: for having been so careless and knew that I would have to tell DH when he got home.

On the hunch that someone might have found the gift card and turned it in, DH called Macy's lost-and-found last night, but no one answered. DH did not want to contact his customer about stopping use of the card by someone else until he contacted Macy's which he did this morning. A good person did, indeed, turn the gift card in :) DH will pick it up on his way home this evening. In the words of Anne Frank, "... In spite of everything, I still believe that people are truly good at heart."

Thanks for the uplifting story! We all needed to hear this. And I am so happy you and your DH were able to use the gift card that you both deserve!:seeya:
I fully believe that rights to remain silent should not apply to adults who were last seen with a missing child. I can't imagine that James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and all the others who worked out the Constitution intended to protect people who murdered children. JMOJMOJMOJMOJMO

Thanks, Clu! (May I call you that? :seeya:)

I couldn't have said it better myself!
BBM I am wondering what the sleeping arrangements were in this 900 sf home. 3 adults and 3 children, at least one of whom (Bianca) did not regularly stay there. Was she on a pallet on the floor, was she on the couch, was she co-sleeping with adults or other children? Was she wearing nighttime pullups? Did she normally at home? Children who are just newly potty trained often have accidents at night. People who are not as familiar with the child's bedtime routine often make the mistake of letting little, newly trained, toddlers have drinks too late in the evening, contributing to the problem.

Possibly there were potty accidents in the night which soiled a couch or bed, triggering a beating, causing a nervous child who then begins to have nervous accidents in the daytime as well, further angering DL or another adult, triggering more out of control beatings . . .

Jut bouncing some things around.

Just following your train of thought...maybe she wet DADDY'S bed because that was the place she was sleeping. Maybe he just couldn't handle that. I wonder if even changing diapers was something he would do, much less be lying in pee-pee.
From the No Body murder blog:

Defendent Bean, Clarence Oliver
Victim Diane Chorba
Trial date 2001

Luther, Defendant convicted for May 24, 1979 murder and claimed he had put his
girlfriend on plane flight that crashed. His wife came forward and testified that she saw
victim’s body in the woods and her husband with a chain saw.

Diane Chorba's DoeNetwork missing persons page. She is still missing,

Defendents: Hall, Junious Maurice, Jeffrey Holmes and Michael Monford.
Victim: Larry Nelson.

Trial date: 2001

Three men killed owner of home they were renovating and put body
in dump, because of incriminating statements
made by each man, three separate juries required,
Donna Pendergast was the prosecutor.

No body does NOT mean no trial and no conviction. D'Andre should think long and hard about that.

Both of the above examples were no body cases with convictions in the state of Michigan.
The 15-year-old nephew of missing 2-year-old Bianca Jones' father, Dandre Lane, said he was with Lane the morning Bianca went missing.

T Lane said he was with his uncle Dandre Lane, Bianca and two other children the night before and the morning when Bianca was reported missing by her father. T Lane said he had just met Bianca earlier that week. He said the FBI, not the police, confronted him with questions about the case.

"(Bianca) was good. She was normal," T Lane said. "My uncle carried her to the car, and my little cousin buckled her up. She was awake."

Well now we know how the nephew is related to D'Andre. I think the kid is lying. His story of Bianca being normal contradicts D'Andre's statement Bianca was very very sick that morning.

I hope this kid realizes he will be in a boat load of trouble and likely facing incarceration himself if he lies to LE for his uncle.

I wonder if they give 15 year olds polygraphs?

I find the timing of this statement from the 15 year old interesting. As I said D'Andre is just jumping at the bit to say more to explain himself. I'll bet he convinced this childs mother to allow him to speak for just that reason.

I wonder how long it will be until D'Andre just can't help himself and starts talking again.


Dang! T Lane is now ANOTHER cute kid stuck in DL's "spider web" of lies and deceit. Whether T Lane lied for his uncle or not....his life will not be the same, either! And a "role model" like DL is the LAST thing he needs!
T Lane said his uncle took him home at 8 a.m. that morning

Wait, I thought DL said he took the 15 year old nephew to school that morning.

In the above article TL says his uncle carried Bianca. 2 year olds are usually quite capable of walking and no longer need to be carried. Interesting that she did not walk to the car.

He also mentions another cousin who buckled up Bianca. Now I am wondering if there were two children other than Bianca in the car. TL and the cousin. Perhaps DL dropped the cousin off at school, TL off at home (and why is a 15 year old at an uncles during the week and not at school? )

Right! Wasn't there even a witness who reported seeing DL and his nephew at the school where SHE was dropping her daughter off? And that this daughter was in a class with one of DL's other daughters?

Can anyone help me refresh my memory?

Yes, and why WAS a 15 year old spending a school night away from home in a house full of younger children of various parentage?
Another case from the no body blog. Where witness testimony appears to have played a strong part in conviction of the defendent.

Defendent: King, Jack Lee J
Victim: Johnny Perez, last seen July 2, 1993
Trial date 2009
Witnesses testified that defendant murdered victim after stop at gas station. Def convicted and sentenced to 60 years.

Johnny's Charley Project profile. His body has never been found.

There are witnesses to the beatings D'Andre gave Bianca. There is a reported witness who told D'Andre to stop. It has also been reported a witness stated Bianca was unresponsive after one of these beatings. It is unknown if the witness who told D'Andre to stop is the same witness who stated Bianca was unresponsive.
and adding to IHaveNoClue's questions above:
3 adults in the home? Why did he have to take Bianca with him to drop off another child at school?

It just occurred to me that most people would not want to dress a 2yr old and take her out for a short time if not necessary. I haven't seen any reports on the whereabouts of the other 'residents' at the time, except the nephew. Were the other two adults working or had already left for the morning? Sorry if I missed/can't find anything...
Right! Wasn't there even a witness who reported seeing DL and his nephew at the school where SHE was dropping her daughter off? And that this daughter was in a class with one of DL's other daughters?

Can anyone help me refresh my memory?

Yes, and why WAS a 15 year old spending a school night away from home in a house full of younger children of various parentage?

The witness you are recalling saw D'andre when she was walking her child to the bus stop. Her younger child, 7 iirc, and one of D'Andre's children are in the same 2nd grade class iirc.

So she was walking when she saw DL drive past and said she did not notice who, if anyone, was in the car with him.

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