Deceased/Not Found MI - Bianca Jones, 2, Detroit, 2 Dec 2011 - #3 - *D. Lane guilty*

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BBM I am wondering what the sleeping arrangements were in this 900 sf home. 3 adults and 3 children, at least one of whom (Bianca) did not regularly stay there. Was she on a pallet on the floor, was she on the couch, was she co-sleeping with adults or other children? Was she wearing nighttime pullups? Did she normally at home? Children who are just newly potty trained often have accidents at night. People who are not as familiar with the child's bedtime routine often make the mistake of letting little, newly trained, toddlers have drinks too late in the evening, contributing to the problem.

Possibly there were potty accidents in the night which soiled a couch or bed, triggering a beating, causing a nervous child who then begins to have nervous accidents in the daytime as well, further angering DL or another adult, triggering more out of control beatings . . .

Jut bouncing some things around.

I agree and I can imagine that when DL beat Bianca, and someone tried to intervene, DL might say, "She's my child. Don't tell me how to discipline my child". I wonder about the other two year old. Did he expect her to be potty trained, as well. Did her mother keep her from being disciplined by DL. Why Bianca?
and adding to IHaveNoClue's questions above:
3 adults in the home? Why did he have to take Bianca with him to drop off another child at school?

It just occurred to me that most people would not want to dress a 2yr old and take her out for a short time if not necessary. I haven't seen any reports on the whereabouts of the other 'residents' at the time, except the nephew. Were the other two adults working or had already left for the morning? Sorry if I missed/can't find anything...

Welcome to WS fifitwo :welcome:

It hasn't been stated where exactly the other two 'residents' were at the time. The other childs mom (other two year old) reported D'Andre left at 7:30 am with Bianca, iirc. So she was home at the time he left. Where the 3rd roommate was has not been mentioned.

I'd like to know where all these people slept too. A home just shy of 900 sq feet is pretty small. According to MSM we reportedly have 3 adults, a 15 yr old and two two year olds minimum in that house.

Where did everyone sleep?

And at any time did D'Andre take Bianca into another room and close the door to discipline her?

I had terrible flashbacks to a visit to Canada, I should have never made back in 2005. The childs mother not only dosed her child up with benedryl, I could hear her spanking/beating him in his room behind closed doors. It's something that haunts me to this day. She had a lot of excuses why she needed to medicate him, and some kind of medical conditions (which I don't recall). I'm just thankful my son and I made it out of there and home safely.

I pray those in the home tell the truth about what happened to Bianca. If DL lost it, he could lose it on any one of his children. He needs to be held accountable for what really happened and Bianca deserves justice and to be found.

Something else that stands out to me.

"She always used to be falling down on the ground every time she don't get her way."'s-safe-return-20111209-r2

Along with D'Andres statement about Bianca might have bruises on her legs when she is found. (from one of his interviews forgive me for no link)

It leads me to believe he not only beat her for potty accidents, but likely beat her on her legs during episodes as described above with falling to the ground if she didn't get her way.

Quote from Cubby: "What I'd like to know is why it took 11 days for she was very very sick to come out. IMO, that is D'Andre wanting to further explain himself so he can try and get people to believe him."

If Bianca was "very sick", shouldn't DL and the child's mother have discussed going to see a pediatrician, getting medication, etc.? Did Banika know that Bianca was "very sick"? What arrangements did the co-parents have for medical care for their daughter? Had D'Andre ever taken Bianca to see a physician?

I'm not buying the "very sick" thing any more than I do DL's tawdry tale about the car-jacking that supposedly resulted in Bianca's disappearance. I think D'Andre is trying to find an excuse, any excuse, in his lame attempt to justify what he did to his helpless, innocent 2-year-old :furious: jmo
Quote from Cubby: "What I'd like to know is why it took 11 days for she was very very sick to come out. IMO, that is D'Andre wanting to further explain himself so he can try and get people to believe him."

If Bianca was "very sick", shouldn't DL and the child's mother have discussed going to see a pediatrician, getting medication, etc.? Did Banika know that Bianca was "very sick"? What arrangements did the co-parents have for medical care for their daughter? Had D'Andre ever taken Bianca to see a physician?

I'm not buying the "very sick" thing any more than I do DL's tawdry tale about the car-jacking that supposedly resulted in Bianca's disappearance. I think D'Andre is trying to find an excuse, any excuse, in his lame attempt to justify what he did to his helpless, innocent 2-year-old :furious: jmo

From the NG transcripts of last evenings show:


Also to the mom, joining us tonight, Banika Jones, Bianca`s mom. Do you -- have you now learned, even though you didn`t know about it at the time, about any illness? Had she been to the doctor? Any prescriptions prescribed for her?

JONES: No. My daughter was not ill, to my knowledge. She only has one condition and that`s eczema on her knees and she had her ointment for that. So to my knowledge my daughter was not ill at all. No.

Imo "very very sick" translates to deceased, but that is jmo.
Something else that stands out to me.

"She always used to be falling down on the ground every time she don't get her way."'s-safe-return-20111209-r2

Along with D'Andres statement about Bianca might have bruises on her legs when she is found. (from one of his interviews forgive me for no link)

It leads me to believe he not only beat her for potty accidents, but likely beat her on her legs during episodes as described above with falling to the ground if she didn't get her way.


I think he was trying to put the blame for potential bruises and marks. ie. She threw temper tantrums anytime things didn't go her way and threw herself down onto the floor.
I don't believe that Bianca was singled out for punishment. I really think this was the norm for him and I can't understand why the other mothers have not come forward unless beatings are the accepted punishments among this group. Makes me sick to even contemplate this idea.:furious:
Three's Company or Three's A Crowd: The whole thing about a girlfriend and a roommate has me :waitasec: Are we talking about two different adults living in the home along with D'Andre Lane, or is/are the GF and the roomie one and the same? Seems a little fishy to me. jmo
Three's Company or Three's A Crowd: The whole thing about a girlfriend and a roommate has me :waitasec: Are we talking about two different adults living in the home along with D'Andre Lane, or is/are the GF and the roomie one and the same? Seems a little fishy to me. jmo

Roomie is probably needed to help pay rent. Haven't read anything about anyone working or I've missed it .
I think he was trying to put the blame for potential bruises and marks. ie. She threw temper tantrums anytime things didn't go her way and threw herself down onto the floor.

But he admitted to using a paddle on her during his interview on NG. Paraphrasing from memory: I might have used a paddle on her. She might have had a potty accident. It's just a parent being a parent.

Other MSM articles have mentioned D'Andre admitted to having a paddle he uses to discipline his children.

The statement about Bianca falling on the floor when she did not get her way was not from D'Andre. It was from Bianca's 7 yr old sister who appeared with her mom pleading for Bianca's safe return.

I think there are a lot of toddlers being "paddled" and we only hear about it when they vanish or die...JMO
I think there are a lot of toddlers being "paddled" and we only hear about it when they vanish or die...JMO

Bear with me because I'm going to demonstrate my ignorance but where in the world do you get a paddle ?
But he admitted to using a paddle on her during his interview on NG. Paraphrasing from memory: I might have used a paddle on her. She might have had a potty accident. It's just a parent being a parent.

Other MSM articles have mentioned D'Andre admitted to having a paddle he uses to discipline his children.

The statement about Bianca falling on the floor when she did not get her way was not from D'Andre. It was from Bianca's 7 yr old sister who appeared with her mom pleading for Bianca's safe return.


I know, I am agreeing with you, my thought though is that he is saying she "threw herself down" ie temper tantrum when in actuality, she was thrown down in HIS own temper tantrum, if you follow.

He seems to be recalling all the possible marks and injuries the ME may find on her little body and offering up an extensive list of all the possible ways she might have sustained those injuries.

Just a parent being a parent
Temper tantrums
a little sick
then very sick

the litany seems to be endless. I totally agree, Mr. DL can't seem to keep his mouth shut to save his own skin. I am very appreciative of that fact, more so with each passing day.

ETA oh, okay, I misunderstood the snip from linked article earlier then, I thought DL had offered up the throwing herself down statement about Bianca.
I've only ever used one for ping pong...

They sell those toys that are a paddle with the rubber string and the rubber ball. Have one right here. The wooden paddles are pretty thin though. I think one would break if used on a child.

He could be calling something a paddle, even if it is not necessarily a paddle. I'd imagine LE has taken it into evidence as one of the things removed from the home on Mitchell street.
I think he was trying to put the blame for potential bruises and marks. ie. She threw temper tantrums anytime things didn't go her way and threw herself down onto the floor.

This statement was made by Bianca's older sister and she was smiling and telling about how Bianca would fall on the floor when she did not get her way. It is on a video here somewhere.

It was a cute little story and I don't belive it referred to any abuse.
The 15-year-old nephew of missing 2-year-old Bianca Jones' father, Dandre Lane, said he was with Lane the morning Bianca went missing.

T Lane said he was with his uncle Dandre Lane, Bianca and two other children the night before and the morning when Bianca was reported missing by her father. T Lane said he had just met Bianca earlier that week. He said the FBI, not the police, confronted him with questions about the case.

"(Bianca) was good. She was normal," T Lane said. "My uncle carried her to the car, and my little cousin buckled her up. She was awake."

Well now we know how the nephew is related to D'Andre. I think the kid is lying. His story of Bianca being normal contradicts D'Andre's statement Bianca was very very sick that morning.

I hope this kid realizes he will be in a boat load of trouble and likely facing incarceration himself if he lies to LE for his uncle.

I wonder if they give 15 year olds polygraphs?

I find the timing of this statement from the 15 year old interesting. As I said D'Andre is just jumping at the bit to say more to explain himself. I'll bet he convinced this childs mother to allow him to speak for just that reason.

I wonder how long it will be until D'Andre just can't help himself and starts talking again.


I tried to apply what little I know about statement analysis to what this teen was saying. I believe he is telling the truth until he says or does something to change my mind. I have had a lot of experience with 15 year old boys and I trust this one.

I listened to the video 4 times and will listen to it again. These are a few of the things I recall. According to the report he, the teen, came forward, FBI came in from out of state to take his statement.

The interviewer was not very good at his job, and was leading the responder. Reporter asked 'how was she'. The teen looked like he was about to speak and the reporter asked 'How did she behave? Normal?' That is a very broad question, what is normal behavior for a two year old? (She smiled, she had potty accidents, she cried for her mommy?) The teen said, 'she was good, she was normal'. The teen answered every question with clear answers and did not stumble or try to hedge his answers. He made eye contact, spoke clearly and was polite. Why would he lie? The one thing that made me sad was when he smiled ever so slightly and said about Bianca, 'she smiled at me when I was on the couch'.

Remember the 7 year old girl who was questioned and broke down crying and LE had to 'back off' for a while? I believe she is the one who fastened Bianca's seatbelt. I wonder if she is the one dropped off at school at 8:10. If the teen was at D'Andre's home all week, maybe D'andre dropped him off at his home each day at 8:00.

The reporter asked if Bianca was awake. I know from dealing with those in various levels of coma, that being awake and being aware of your surroundings are two different things. She may have had her eyes open and been in the process of dying.

The teen did not say that Bianca was not sick, he answered the question, 'how did she behave, was she normal'. Think back to all of the abused child deaths we have covered over the years. What do parents say when they call, "My baby is not breathing, not responsive, is vomiting, losing bladder and bowel control..." usually due to severe trauma. Maybe D'andre was more aware of how sick Bianca was. He was the one beating the life out of her. If anyone is lying, it is D'andre.

I applaud the teen for coming forward and talking to FBI. His mother should be proud. I believe he saw some very bad things that week. But I hope he always remembers Bianca and how she smiled at him, and what a courageous thing he did to bring her justice.

We want witnesses to come forward and then we accuse them of lying. jmoo
Roomie is probably needed to help pay rent. Haven't read anything about anyone working or I've missed it .

Yeah, or someone being done a favor by the couple (eg., someone in the family who can't afford to rent independently). This goes on a lot in my area...people who don't necessarily need a third to pay their own rent will accept relative or close friend as a housemate.
I tried to apply what little I know about statement analysis to what this teen was saying. I believe he is telling the truth until he says or does something to change my mind. I have had a lot of experience with 15 year old boys and I trust this one.

I listened to the video 4 times and will listen to it again. These are a few of the things I recall. According to the report he, the teen, came forward, FBI came in from out of state to take his statement.

The interviewer was not very good at his job, and was leading the questioning. Reporter asked 'how was she'. The teen looked like he was about to speak and the reporter asked 'How did she behave? Normal?' That is a very broad question, what is normal behavior for a two year old? (She smiled, she had potty accidents, she cried for her mommy?) The teen said, 'she was good, she was normal'. The teen answered every question with clear answers and did not stumble or try to hedge his answers. He made eye contact, spoke clearly and was polite. Why would he lie? The one thing that made me sad was when he smiled ever so slightly and said about Bianca, 'she smiled at me when I was on the couch'.

Respectfully snipped for space. Thank you Linda. I don't have working speakers so my comments were based on the article. Now that I know the reporter was basically answering for him, I'll no longer hold him accountable for words (basically) belonging to the journalist.

The FBI is protocal in any missing child case. So that's not something remarkable here. I'm not sure why the bold in your post, if it was something TL emphasised while speaking or ?? Just trying to clarify that I understand the emphasis correctly.

In any case, I do believe TL was honest about a child he saw that morning. I'm just not convinced the child was Bianca and not her other 2 yr old cousin who, bundled, with winter clothing, and possibly blanket could be mistaken for Bianca if that is what DL said.

For Bianca to be alive and well to witnesses who saw her in the car Friday morning, the witnesses in the house would have to be lying about the beatings(which have already been corroborated by DL's own statement) and her being unresponsive and LE would have to be lying about cadaver dogs hitting in both the car and house. If the hit were only in the car, I could see her passing away in the car, but that theory is invalidated by the dog hit within the home.

IF DL posed the other child as Bianca to both the 15 yr old nephew and possible another little 7 yr old cousin he is a real .... And if the other 2 yr old's mother allowed that? They are BOTH a real bleep piece of work.

I highly doubt the 7 year old, who was also living in the home, could be "duped" into confusing the two girls. I'd like to see the link to the nephew's interview. Is there one? I'd also like to see the link to MSM reporting that DL said Bianca was "very, very sick".

Linda, thank you for your post- I agree with it.
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