GUILTY MI - Carnel Chamberlain, 4, Mount Pleasant, 21 June 2012 #2

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DNA Solves
any updates on what Carnels mother is doing? last time I heard she was in bars and what not.
I am unaware of JC's whereabouts or activities. As a victim and victim family friendly forum, it would be against TOS for us to sleuth or follow her activities or the rumors regarding those alleged activities.

07/14/2012, 7:27 PM, Page 20, Post 497

Admin Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: the Plains & Jordan-Hare stadium
Posts: 10,794

Originally Posted by beach
Mod note:

Following up here.

2 players are sleuthable at this time -the perp, Anthony Bennett, and

the bio mom, Jaimee Chamberlain

A word regarding WS "victim-friendly" policy -

We often see this misinterpreted. Understandable, the "rules" can get a bit confusing so I'm going to take this opportunity to try to add a little clarity. As most of you who have posted here for any length of time at all realize by now that there are no black & white, across the board rules, 'one size fits all' of what we permit or who is considered a "victim" in each case. Cases differ on nearly every level - we have to consider the circumstances of each one separately and decide accordingly. Websleuths, first and foremost, is victim-friendly toward the actual victim - in this case, Carnel Chamberlain.

Jaimee has admitted that she was aware of the abuse of Carnel by AB, however she chose to never report it, she obviously (at the very least) minimized the danger and showed a complete lack of responsibility by allowing AB to still keep Carnel when she was not there to protect him. Whether she regrets it now is another matter. And, in the eyes of WS, it really doesn't matter whether she regrets it or not. The fact remains that she is culpable on some level for not protecting Carnel when he was in her care. Therefore, she is sleuthable.

for emphasis

Bumping for clarity regarding how WS views Jaimee Chamberlain. Even the family spokesman voiced their regret that it was unfortunate that Jaimee did not take action.

It is what it is, unfortunately. Just because someone is not yet charged with a crime does not mean it didn't happen. (e.g., neglect, endangerment) That is a choice the State Prosecutor makes. Often crimes happen that go uncharged.

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts. - Daniel Patrick Moynihan, 1944
I am unaware of JC's whereabouts or activities. As a victim and victim family friendly forum, it would be against TOS for us to sleuth or follow her activities or the rumors regarding those alleged activities.

I disagree, I think it's very important what Jaimee is up to. What is she doing to make sure her sons murderer is brought to justice? Has she organized any rallies to keep the community involved? Is she going to the media demanding they keep Carnels face and story in the news daily or weekly? Has Jaimee went to the Feds inquiring some kind of evidence, whether it be hair, fibers, blood, just something. What happened to the clothes he was wearing the night of the murder? Believe me sleuthers have had no problem in the past following other families activities, rumored or truth, before, during and after a murder. IMO I just don't see the effort I would expect out of a mother, who's 4 year old baby was found murdered under the home where she lived with the man accused of assaulting and suspect in the killing of Carnel. I haven't seen anything about her or her family, for sometime now. I would expect to see Jaimee everywhere trying to get answers. Behavior is just as important after a murder as it is before a murder.

07/14/2012, 7:27 PM, Page 20, Post 497

Admin Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: the Plains & Jordan-Hare stadium
Posts: 10,794

Does that also include rumors of visits to bars brought from FB pages and social media sites? Because I am still under the impression that rumors are discouraged at WS in general, no matter the thread.
The only facebook pages, and facebook discussion, allowed would be those belonging to JC or AB and any facebooks put up in honor of Carnel.

There is to be no sleuthing of family members, friends, etc. unless they are mentioned in MSM and the sleuthing is directly related to the MSM articles.

Also, rumors from facebooks that are not linkable here, are not allowed.

Hope that helps,

I am unaware of JC's whereabouts or activities. As a victim and victim family friendly forum, it would be against TOS for us to sleuth or follow her activities or the rumors regarding those alleged activities.

It would not be against WS policy to sleuth JC. JC is not a victim in this case. She has admitted that she did not protect her child in the face of abuse. She is not a victim here. Carnel is the victim. JC's facebook is linkable and discussable.

Hope that helps,

Does that also include rumors of visits to bars brought from FB pages and social media sites? Because I am still under the impression that rumors are discouraged at WS in general, no matter the thread.

On the rez we just call them h8erz.
I disagree, I think it's very important what Jaimee is up to. What is she doing to make sure her sons murderer is brought to justice? Has she organized any rallies to keep the community involved? Is she going to the media demanding they keep Carnels face and story in the news daily or weekly? .

Respectfully snipped. What you describe above is usually done by the family spokesperson. Kevin Chamberlain is the family spokesperson for Carnel's murder.

He has some interesting recent thoughts shared via MSM.

“The history (of the boarding school era) is so incredibly vague, and if you don’t know, if you’re Joe Bigot or Joe Hater, you have absolutely no concept of that history,” he said. “You literally can’t fathom what we are talking about here. It has a lot to do with the events that have been seen in this community for last 20, 30 years, especially things in (the Carnel) tragedy.”

Chamberlain sees the beginning of the abusive cycle linked to the boarding school era, and the generations of Native Americans who became adults without familial role models.

“It all blows back to parenting -- one of the things we lost in the boarding school,” Chamberlain said. “The ability to love, nurture, comfort … stripped out of our parents. The most important thing we needed was gone.”

Native American boarding schools were common in America, Canada and abroad during the late 1800s and lasted into the early 1980s.

much much more at link:

Kevin's words brought tears to my eyes, literally. His words are very enlightening and give an excellent explanation as to why Native Indian's within his community might not be able to recognize abuse in the same manner as others in different communities. This is clearly not a one size fits all issue. Much much more from the family spokesperson for Carnel at the above link. A must read.

Thank you, Kevin! You rock! :rocker: Thank you for opening our eyes and your communities eyes! We need more in the world like you, Mr. Chamberlain!
That is a great and moving interview with KC. Thanks for that link!
Story Date: July 3rd, 2012

A funeral for young Carnel will be held at a yet to be determined date since his body will not be turned over to his family by the FBI for another three to four months, according to Kevin Chamberlain, who is serving as the official spokesperson for the families.

Story Date: June 29th, 2012

Sources close to the investigation said Carnel, who went missing June 21, was found earlier in the week but that his remains were not identified as human until DNA results came from the State Police Crime Lab.

Three months is October 3rd.

Motions for the assault case are due October 26th. I'm betting the prosecuting attorney will file murder charges against AB, well before motions are filed.

I wonder if AB has tried to communicate with Jaimee, or vice-versa?

Carnel's Justice shared a link. August 13, 2012

Published: Monday, August 13, 2012
Kevin Chamberlain, Carnel Chamberlain's cousin, speaks out on culture of abuse

Carnel's Justice
"We've debated on posting this since it released, as it has little to do with the trial. The cross we Natives have to bear is that when one native speaks loud, somehow that represents all natives regardless of tribe or background." <snipped>

"Where did this history of abuse come from? If we want to blame history and only recognize the past 500 years, then we are denying our very nature, and that we walked this land since creation."<snipped>

"I once had a good friend say to me 'Christians walk with pride and strength knowing that one man died for their sins.' Yet we had over 4 million of our ancestors murdered for us to live, and what do we do? We wear it like a cross."

[B"]Our ancestors did not die for these people to live the way they do. These people who abuse know better[/B]. They are not ignorant, they were raised reciting the 7 teachings as we all were, you cannot live on the reservation and not be able to recite them. These people are more evil than abusers out there in the world, because these people, Kevin, the people who abused you, knew and denied the sacred teachings and forsook the 7 generations to come&#8230; for their own purposes".


<snipped> and BBM

I did not interpret Kevin Chamberlain's message as making excuses. I interpreted it as educating the public to the generations who lacked parenting skills due to being removed at a young age to attend boarding school and the abuses which occured to them while in the care of non family adults in these boarding schools.

Victims of abuse often learn their parenting behavior or behaviors from those who raised them. If they were not raised with loving nourishing relationships, a person does not learn how to be a loving parent.

Kevin's message, imo, addressed the shame of telling someone about the abuse and why it is so important for victims not to be ashamed but to seek help, and tell someone. I agree with him, and saw nothing infuriating or minimizing in his message. I found it educating, resourceful and a means of helping victims not remain isolated from their support systems and support to reach out when they find themselves in situations where they are the victims of abuse.
I too find Kevin's statements thoughtful and insightful. I agree with him in that Carnel's death SHOULD mean something. just as I agree that Carnel's Hope for the Future FB page admins are right about the same.

This case being used to shed light on the dirty little secret of abuse, native or white CANNOT be a bad thing. Period. :)cow:)

I do not find Kevin's statements to be excuses at all. I find them to be a harsh examination of the shortfalls of his tribe and this country in general to look at abuse, both historically and in current events.

OT (apologies) My dad's grandmother was full Lakota. As a child she was ripped from her tribe, her family, her life and forced into a boarding school run by white missionaries. She was beaten, she was abused, she was taught that her heritage was shameful and to be forgotten, OR ELSE. She learned to hate herself, her people and all things Native. The Lakota was literally beaten out of her.

As a result, my dad's grandmother never spoke of her heritage, never would even own her true roots. Til the day she died it was a shameful secret to her and if asked, would refuse to discuss it.

Many years later, my dad, on learning of this lost heritage, was heartbroken to find that his grandmother had been taught shame. He so badly wanted to connect with that heritage and those roots, but those had been forever denied his family. He spent years trying to connect, in his own, individual way, to his roots.

Back on Topic. I don't think Kevin is in any way excusing abuse but rather trying to shed a light on what is all too common now. His pride is speaking. He cannot help but wonder what role the past has played on parents ability to truly connect with their role as parent and what that means to the people.

I too might take his statements another way, were it not for my own familial experience with the systematic destruction of the Native family unit historically. Unfortunately, I know all too well of what Mr. Chamberlain speaks on that topic.

All of the above is just my own personal opinion based on my own life's experiences and those described to me by family.
southernnana, I completely respect your point of view, and thank you for sharing it with us!!
I too find Kevin's statements thoughtful and insightful. I agree with him in that Carnel's death SHOULD mean something. just as I agree that Carnel's Hope for the Future FB page admins are right about the same.

This case being used to shed light on the dirty little secret of abuse, native or white CANNOT be a bad thing. Period. :)cow:)

I do not find Kevin's statements to be excuses at all. I find them to be a harsh examination of the shortfalls of his tribe and this country in general to look at abuse, both historically and in current events.

OT (apologies) My dad's grandmother was full Lakota. As a child she was ripped from her tribe, her family, her life and forced into a boarding school run by white missionaries. She was beaten, she was abused, she was taught that her heritage was shameful and to be forgotten, OR ELSE. She learned to hate herself, her people and all things Native. The Lakota was literally beaten out of her.

As a result, my dad's grandmother never spoke of her heritage, never would even own her true roots. Til the day she died it was a shameful secret to her and if asked, would refuse to discuss it.

Many years later, my dad, on learning of this lost heritage, was heartbroken to find that his grandmother had been taught shame. He so badly wanted to connect with that heritage and those roots, but those had been forever denied his family. He spent years trying to connect, in his own, individual way, to his roots.

Back on Topic. I don't think Kevin is in any way excusing abuse but rather trying to shed a light on what is all too common now. His pride is speaking. He cannot help but wonder what role the past has played on parents ability to truly connect with their role as parent and what that means to the people.

I too might take his statements another way, were it not for my own familial experience with the systematic destruction of the Native family unit historically. Unfortunately, I know all too well of what Mr. Chamberlain speaks on that topic.

All of the above is just my own personal opinion based on my own life's experiences and those described to me by family.


My mother was born in St Francis, SD and adopted out as an infant. I never knew this till after she passed; it was the 'secret' that she and so many carried. Don't speak about the 'bad blood'. My father's mother was removed from her home at 5 to be sent to the schools and adopted out to a white family. You can not take an Indian and make them white, it will not happen. There is an inherent, shared knowledge that will never leave.

As for the topic of Kevin's words; there is an ingrained sadness that doesn't leave. Kevin is not making excuses, he is explaining a situation. Just as there are some veterans, suffering PTSD, will go on a shooting spree, there are those who are 'beaten dogs' who will always respond in a certain manner. To explain what Kevin is speaking to is the same as addressing the issue of Shoa for Jews. Kevin is not excusing Jaimee, none of us are, he is describing the context.

I just had this conversation with a former professor, who is Lakota, today; there is a cultural divide that will probably never be bridged. That is sad. Jaimee will face her wrong-doing, she will be tried in a tribal court, in a cultural context. She will then have to live in her community and in her skin with the knowledge of the ramifications of her actions. This is not something that she is brushing off; I would not be surprised if she sees Carnel everytime she closes her eyes or that she hears his voice in the night. It concerns me that she may try to drink or smoke her way out of this, I hope that Kevin is helping her in that aspect. I am sure that I would drink/smoke my way through the pain until I reached out; then I would pray that someone is there. There is no easy way out of this and there will be justice for Carnel.

tlcox, Pila Maya for sharing your ate's [Dad's] unci's [grandmother's] story and her sorrow, I will offer prayers for her, your ate and for you tonight.

My mother was born in St Francis, SD and adopted out as an infant. I never knew this till after she passed; it was the 'secret' that she and so many carried. Don't speak about the 'bad blood'. My father's mother was removed from her home at 5 to be sent to the schools and adopted out to a white family. You can not take an Indian and make them white, it will not happen. There is an inherent, shared knowledge that will never leave.

As for the topic of Kevin's words; there is an ingrained sadness that doesn't leave. Kevin is not making excuses, he is explaining a situation. Just as there are some veterans, suffering PTSD, will go on a shooting spree, there are those who are 'beaten dogs' who will always respond in a certain manner. To explain what Kevin is speaking to is the same as addressing the issue of Shoa for Jews. Kevin is not excusing Jaimee, none of us are, he is describing the context.

I just had this conversation with a former professor, who is Lakota, today; there is a cultural divide that will probably never be bridged. That is sad. Jaimee will face her wrong-doing, she will be tried in a tribal court, in a cultural context. She will then have to live in her community and in her skin with the knowledge of the ramifications of her actions. This is not something that she is brushing off; I would not be surprised if she sees Carnel everytime she closes her eyes or that she hears his voice in the night. It concerns me that she may try to drink or smoke her way out of this, I hope that Kevin is helping her in that aspect. I am sure that I would drink/smoke my way through the pain until I reached out; then I would pray that someone is there. There is no easy way out of this and there will be justice for Carnel.

tlcox, Pila Maya for sharing your ate's [Dad's] unci's [grandmother's] story and her sorrow, I will offer prayers for her, your ate and for you tonight.

BBM. Thank you, Jacie. I agree. When dealing with abuse, well with any problem, one must find the underlying cause and deal with that/those underlying causes. Otherwise anything else is just a band aid over something broken but not fixed.

It is a fact that those who are addicts abuse alcohol or drugs to dull the pain and escape. Anyone who has been through treatment knows just that. Kevin described much of that escapism in the article. He is identifying the problems so a solution can be obtained. Nothing more.

It is a fact that addiction and abuse are part of the circumstances in Carnel's case. Without getting to the underlying cause, nothing get's fixed and more children suffer. I think we all agree no one wishes to see other children suffer.

My consideration for my behavior/thoughts with regards to those still suffering from abuse leads me to ask myself, what is going to HELP, so those who find themselves in abusive situations do not self isolate from their support systems and reach out for help. What Kevin is doing is going to help dispel the shame that keeps victims isolated and keeps them from reaching out for help. That, imo, is a good thing.

Revisiting the news on one of the two people responsible for Carnel's death ...

What we need to remember from this information is - Bennett was in jail for two weeks in May and when he got out of jail ... Carnel was missing and found murdered on or before June 21.

Bennett admitted to abusing alcohol and marijuana in the past and was ordered last year to attend mental health treatment at the Tribal behavioral health facility, according to records in U.S. District Court in Bay City.

Bennett said he has been using marijuana for three years and as recently as in May, which violated his terms of probation.

That resulted in a 15-day jail sentence, according to court records.

Posted: 07/03/12 04:40 pm
Updated: 07/03/12 07:22 pm

Bennett also has multiple convictions of assaulting police officers. Wininger said that at least twice, urinalyses found evidence of use of both marijuana and synthetic cannabinoids.

Synthetic cannabinoids are legal drugs often marketed under brands such as “K2” or “Spice” that have been linked to bizarre and violent behavior.

“He has a history of ignoring courts’ orders,” Wininger said. “He has a history of assaultive violence.”

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