GUILTY MI - Carnel Chamberlain, 4, Mount Pleasant, 21 June 2012 #2

More revisiting of Carnel's abuse and torture ...

Jaimee Chamberlain told an FBI agent that she saw Carnel at their home on Tomah Road in late May or early June with a bruised and swollen face and cut lip and Bennett admitted to her that he had backhanded the boy, according to the affidavit.

Jaimee told investigators that she witnessed the man picking up Carnel by his neck and dropping him, Flattery wrote.

"Anthony Bennett then pulled Carnel by his right foot from Jaimee's room to his, Carnel's, room, a distance of about 15 feet,” Flattery stated in the affidavit. “Carnel's buttocks was bruised as a result of this assault.”

Bennett has had seven run-ins with the law since he turned 17 and was on probation when Carnel went missing. He remains jailed without bond.
<snipped> and BBM
I find it frustrating that it is so commonplace for us to read that a murderer has a long criminal history full of slaps to the wrist when they could have been prevented from murder had the system and those in charge of it simply handed out a more stringent consequence earlier.

It is obvious to us now and to the powers that were then that Bennett has zero respect for the law or the orders of the court, and yet they continued to let him have access to us, the public.
BBM. Thank you, Jacie. I agree. When dealing with abuse, well with any problem, one must find the underlying cause and deal with that/those underlying causes. Otherwise anything else is just a band aid over something broken but not fixed.

It is a fact that those who are addicts abuse alcohol or drugs to dull the pain and escape. Anyone who has been through treatment knows just that. Kevin described much of that escapism in the article. He is identifying the problems so a solution can be obtained. Nothing more.

It is a fact that addiction and abuse are part of the circumstances in Carnel's case. Without getting to the underlying cause, nothing get's fixed and more children suffer. I think we all agree no one wishes to see other children suffer.

My consideration for my behavior/thoughts with regards to those still suffering from abuse leads me to ask myself, what is going to HELP, so those who find themselves in abusive situations do not self isolate from their support systems and reach out for help. What Kevin is doing is going to help dispel the shame that keeps victims isolated and keeps them from reaching out for help. That, imo, is a good thing.

BBM. I have a difficult time looking just at this situation ... although, of course, it has to be dealt with. What if the only thing that came out of this were AB's punishment and JC being held accountable for her role? What would change? There was a very tragic case in which a 3-month old infant died earlier this year in Peshawbestown, MI. (The case is on Websleuths.) It was said at that time that abuse is increasing, but is often kept hidden.

I need to be careful here because I'm not supposed to be sleuthing AB's mother, other than what has been published in interviews. But from what I've seen, it could be understandable why she didn't get her children back many years ago after completing the parenting classes. I can look at all of the players in this and see victims.

There's something about Carnel that has opened so many hearts. I can't help but think that this case is bigger than AB and JC and that it could be the start of healing and change for many. Unfortunately, while KC has some support, there are also many in denial who don't want to acknowledge the part history has played and the broad healing that is needed. I so agree with Cubby's question ... what is going to HELP?

For some reason the two posts just above this didn't show up when I logged on. Yes, it is absolutely tragic that a tighter rein wasn't kept on AB by LE. In that sense our LE system failed.
What Kevin is talking about, imo, will help the community heal. Hopefully a wake up call to others facing abusive and addiction issues. If Carnel's murder causes one person to seek help for substance abuse or report suspected abuse or seek counseling or report abuse, then Carnel will not have been murdered in vain. I hope.

It may help while people await murder charges.

I have my own suspicions on why not only Jaimee, but no one reported this abuse. I think much of it has to do with substance abuse and Jaimee's having previously lost custody. A second report would be cause for concern and fear of losing Carnel entirely. Well, they lost him anyway. :(

And I would guess, this is just a guess, anyone using illegal substances or having alcohol or addiction issues would fail to report abuse due to the fear their own substance abuse issues might be exposed. No drug and no drink has ever solved any problem. Ever. Let's hope this tragedy opens some eyes within the community to seek help and recognize some issues which need exposing.
What Kevin is talking about, imo, will help the community heal. Hopefully a wake up call to others facing abusive and addiction issues. If Carnel's murder causes one person to seek help for substance abuse or report suspected abuse or seek counseling or report abuse, then Carnel will not have been murdered in vain. I hope.

It may help while people await murder charges.

I have my own suspicions on why not only Jaimee but no one reported this abuse. I think much of it has to do with substance abuse and Jaimee's having previously lost custody. A second report would be cause for concern. And I would guess, this is just a guess, anyone using illegal substances or having alcohol or addiction issues would fail to report abuse due to the fear their own substance abuse issues might be exposed. No drug and no drink has ever solved any problem. Ever. Let's hope this opens some eyes within the community to seek help and recognize some issues which need exposing.

Beyond the community, as well.
Impacts of Child Maltreatment in Indian Country: Preserving the Seventh Generation through Policies, Programs, and Funding Streams

Delores Subia Bigfoot
Thomas Crofoot, MSW, PhD
Terry L. Cross, MSW, ACSW, LCSW
Kathleen Fox, PhD
Sarah Hicks, MSW
Linda Jones
Gordon Limb, PhD
John Red Horse, PhD
David Simmons, MSW
Jack Trope

Historical Factors Influencing Child Abuse and Neglect in Indian Country...,42

This is a long read but addresses the issue of chld abuse in Indian Country thoroughly.
Hitting and abuse needs to stop and the complacency that sets in needs to stop. On the rez. Everywhere. I know there is an "ethic of non-interference" but when it involves violence against others, especially children, one MUST step in and stop it. JMO Sorry for the rant. xo
More revisiting of little Carnel's horrible death ...


July 3, 2012

BAY CITY, Mich. – The body of a 4-year-old mid-Michigan boy was so badly burned that authorities had trouble identifying it as human remains, a prosecutor said Tuesday as a judge refused to grant bond to a man accused of abusing the child weeks earlier.
The courtroom remarks were the first public disclosure by federal authorities since Carnel Chamberlain's body was discovered under his house last week on the Saginaw Chippewa Indian reservation, 70 miles north of Lansing.

Latest local, national & international news from the Associated Press
Man linked to dead Mich. boy indicted on assault
July 12, 2012, 5:44 p.m. EDT

BAY CITY, Mich. (AP) — A federal grand jury has charged a central Michigan man with assaulting a 4-year-old boy weeks before his remains were found buried and badly burned.

Anthony Bennett, 20 <snipped>, the one-sentence indictment said Bennett "caused substantial bodily injury" in early June. A search for Carnel ended June 28 when his remains were found under his house.

Bennett lived at the home with Carnel and the boy's mother, Jaimee Chamberlain. <snipped> she has said Bennett was watching her son June 21,the day that Carnel disappeared.,0,7589210.story

10:54 p.m. EDT, July 16, 2012

Anthony Bennett was indicted by a federal grand jury on an assault charge in connection with the death of Carnel Chamberlain <snipped> the charge of assault to a minor under 16 causing bodily harm.

Prosecutors believe he had a role in Carnel's death. The little boy was found dead in late June. Bennett, who was living with Carnel and his mom, admitted to choking and hitting the child in the past.

On June 21, Bennett was watching 4 year old Carnel while his mother was at work. When she returned home, she reported the child missing. Days later, the boy's burned body was found under the porch at the home.

Bennett was arrested for past abuse but has not been charged in the child's death.
<snipped> and BBM
I find it frustrating that it is so commonplace for us to read that a murderer has a long criminal history full of slaps to the wrist when they could have been prevented from murder had the system and those in charge of it simply handed out a more stringent consequence earlier.

It is obvious to us now and to the powers that were then that Bennett has zero respect for the law or the orders of the court, and yet they continued to let him have access to us, the public.

Another area which needs an overhaul. Why did a child have to die before the courts would hold AB? Based on his priors, he should have been incarcerated or institutionalized. Why was he roaming the streets to cause further destruction?
Beyond the community, as well.
Impacts of Child Maltreatment in Indian Country: Preserving the Seventh Generation through Policies, Programs, and Funding Streams

Delores Subia Bigfoot
Thomas Crofoot, MSW, PhD
Terry L. Cross, MSW, ACSW, LCSW
Kathleen Fox, PhD
Sarah Hicks, MSW
Linda Jones
Gordon Limb, PhD
John Red Horse, PhD
David Simmons, MSW
Jack Trope

Historical Factors Influencing Child Abuse and Neglect in Indian Country...,42

This is a long read but addresses the issue of chld abuse in Indian Country thoroughly.

I can't get the link to work. Could be on my end.... And I think I got too many results trying to google the title. Is there an alternate link I could use?

If all we do is close our eyes and ears and cry out for nothing but vengeance, then nothing changes.

We can seek justice for those responsible - but at the same time we must ask why, and seek to address the underlying causes. Otherwise, as we all know, there will inevitably be a next victim. And this applies to every community, every ethnic or racial group, every socioeconomic group.

Vengeance and punishment alone are not the solution.
Respectfully snipped. What you describe above is usually done by the family spokesperson. Kevin Chamberlain is the family spokesperson for Carnel's murder.

He has some interesting recent thoughts shared via MSM.

“The history (of the boarding school era) is so incredibly vague, and if you don’t know, if you’re Joe Bigot or Joe Hater, you have absolutely no concept of that history,” he said. “You literally can’t fathom what we are talking about here. It has a lot to do with the events that have been seen in this community for last 20, 30 years, especially things in (the Carnel) tragedy.”

Chamberlain sees the beginning of the abusive cycle linked to the boarding school era, and the generations of Native Americans who became adults without familial role models.

“It all blows back to parenting -- one of the things we lost in the boarding school,” Chamberlain said. “The ability to love, nurture, comfort … stripped out of our parents. The most important thing we needed was gone.”

Native American boarding schools were common in America, Canada and abroad during the late 1800s and lasted into the early 1980s.

much much more at link:

Kevin's words brought tears to my eyes, literally. His words are very enlightening and give an excellent explanation as to why Native Indian's within his community might not be able to recognize abuse in the same manner as others in different communities. This is clearly not a one size fits all issue. Much much more from the family spokesperson for Carnel at the above link. A must read.

Thank you, Kevin! You rock! :rocker: Thank you for opening our eyes and your communities eyes! We need more in the world like you, Mr. Chamberlain!

Wow! Powerful stuff! Thank you for the link. Yes, we need many more like him!!
I can't get the link to work. Could be on my end.... And I think I got too many results trying to google the title. Is there an alternate link I could use?


I have to convert the file; I can do that in a bit.

I did not interpret Kevin Chamberlain's message as making excuses.

Well, I disagree ... And so does THE MORNING SUN. Link below.

On this thread, we hope to see justice prevail for the murder of little Carnel Chamberlain.
Let's all try to keep the purpose of this thread alive.

Also, we have a thread here on WS dedicated to posting educational information, ideas, and insights concerning prevention of neglect and abuse of children. Thoughtful and informed members have made a great start in forming and contributing ideas and information to this thread.

Let's continue the good work on this thread by taking a few minutes of our time all along and see what positive contributions we can add.

WS Link for Prevention of Neglect and Child Abuse

Signs of Danger Single Moms Need to be Aware of. - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Morning Sun - Sound Off Link


Posted: 08/19/12 12:01 am
Updated: 08/19/12 06:26 am

Breaking the silence, building a future

Kevin Chamberlain emerged as a family spokesman. He&#8217;s continued to give voice to the anger and sadness that engulfed the Isabella Reservation.

There is much to be angry over. It&#8217;s one of the lessons of imperialism: If the policy is to destroy a people&#8217;s families, society and culture, no one should be surprised when a large segment of what emerges are punks and gang bangers, drunks and junkies.

The solution, as every Native person is aware, lies within the Native community. It&#8217;s easy to look at the wealth of Saginaw Tribe <snipped> Yet the problems of abuse, neglect, violence and addiction that exist in this small piece of Indian Country are exactly the same as those that exist on the poorest U.S. reservations <snipped> It&#8217;s not a question of wealth. It&#8217;s a question of morality.

That will take work. That will take sometimes-stern leadership. That will take wisdom. That will take time ...

It ran out for Carnel, and the sadness still echoes far beyond Indian Country.
<snipped> and BBM

... more at link

... abuse needs to stop and the complacency that sets in needs to stop. On the rez. Everywhere. I know there is an "ethic of non-interference" but when it involves violence against others, especially children, one MUST step in and stop it. JMO

...We can seek justice for those responsible - but at the same time we must ask why, and seek to address the underlying causes. Otherwise, as we all know, there will inevitably be a next victim. And this applies to every community, every ethnic or racial group, every socioeconomic group. Vengeance and punishment alone are not the solution.
Thinking of Carnel today. :bump: back up ya go little one
We are nearing the dates for motions on the assault charges against Bennett to be filed, Oct 26 ... and the last day for Bennett to accept a plea, as well as the final pre-trial conference on his trial is Nov. 13 ... with the trial scheduled to begin on Nov. 27.

The news we long to hear has not come yet ... that Anthony Bennett has been charged with the murder of precious little Carnel. :heartbeat:

I think they are waiting for lab results and for the Medical Examiner's report. The ME should be able to say, what kind of tool marks (if any) are on the remains. Ashes from the woodstove, tools from around the home were probably taken and are being examined. The blood Jaimee saw on the bathroom carpeting. Drains were probably removed.

There are taking their time to build a solid case, that's what I choose to believe at this point. The assault charges keep him in jail and buy them time.

I'm sure your right, Knox. Additionally, from what I recall, the family statement was (parpaphrased) a substantial portion of Carnel's body was found severly burnt. That leads me to believe a portion of his remains were not found. Gosh, I hate typing that.......
I'm trying to be patient, but I know it is hard not to worry AB might never be charged with Carnel's murder. I pray that is not the case. :please:

The Comment below is considered rumor and can be found at Link.

Commentor 0000000

"This happened on a Native American Reservation.
The family is using good sense to be patient and wait.
If a test needs to be redone they need the body for it.
Native Americans have what is called a Q DNA Haplotype which is different from Europeans.
It may be s Q Haplotype takes more or different testing."
Anthony Bennett's mother has a post on her FB page today stating that she's in Bay City for a grand jury hearing re her son. At day's end, they've haven't finished. (rumor)

I checked the Bay City court system and found the following, but nothing for today and no explanation of what the hearings are. (I'm typing summary, formatting gets messed up with cut/paste.) The hearing are with Judge Mark Janer for Anthony Bennett, case No. 12 10809FY.

9/14/12: Settlement Conference.
9/20/12: Preliminary Exam 1.
[SIZE=-1]case number[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]petition #[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]name[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]dob[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1] 1210809fy1[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]bennett, anthony[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]03-11-1992

[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]fines/costs assessed[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]restitution[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]amount paid[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]balance due[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]last payment[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]$ 0.00[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]$ 0.00[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]$ 0.00[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]$ 0.00 [/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] 00-00-0000[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]*assessed amount does not include restitution ordered.[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]comment[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]jail term:[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]years[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]months[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]days[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] 0[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] 0[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] 0[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]probation term:[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]years[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]months[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]days[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] 0[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] 0[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] 0[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]count[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]charge[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]adjudication date[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]judgment[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-2]1[/SIZE][SIZE=-2]assault prison employee[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]00-00-0000[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]2[/SIZE][SIZE=-2]assault prison employee[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]00-00-0000[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]5[/SIZE][SIZE=-2]mal dest building o/200 & u/1000[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]00-00-0000[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Name[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Case Number[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Petition #[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] BENNETT, ANTHONY[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]1210809FY1[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]09-06-2012[/SIZE][SIZE=-2]ARRAIGNMENT[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]09-07-2012[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]09-07-2012[/SIZE][SIZE=-2]D. VELASQUEZ #8457 ON THE RECORD[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]09-11-2012[/SIZE][SIZE=-2]ARRAIGNED[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]09-07-2012[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]09-11-2012[/SIZE][SIZE=-2]SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]09-14-2012[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]09-11-2012[/SIZE][SIZE=-2]PRELIMINARY EXAM. 1[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]09-20-2012[/SIZE]

Bennett can't even control his violent behavior in jail, what a looser
Holy Cow, Knox! I hope he got the hell beat out of him.

Thanks, for the post. I was concerned it was a settlement conference on his assault charge on Carnel.

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