MI MI - Danielle Stislicki, 28, Southfield, 2 Dec 2016 #12

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Thank you Skigirl, for this link. I'm sorry to have snipped it as I really appreciate your entire post. I'm jumping off yours though to add some thoughts of my own.

I've posted little but have followed Danielle's disappearance from the beginning. Danielle touched my heart as she has countless others. Her radiance literally jumped off the page! Every photo, every video. There's not been a day I haven't thought about her.

Then to watch her parents during this horrible ordeal. The epitome of dignity and kindness. Their love for their daughter is so deep, it's beyond words. Danielle has been truly blessed to have them for parents.

I've read all the theories about Danielle and FG, and honestly, I've clenched my teeth while reading some. Let me just say, this is all my opinion only. Everyone is entitled to theirs too and I respect that. I also realize FG has not been convicted in a court of law, and the legal process has to unfold.

However, my theory is Danielle gave FG a ride home out of the kindness of her heart. I think he was obsessed with her and planned this ruse under false pretenses. I have never believed that Danielle did anything to put herself in harm's way, or to encourage FG in the wrong way. I don't believe she had an inappropriate relationship with him.

If her vibrant and radiant personality was obvious to US, mere strangers, how much more it must have been apparent to those around her. Like gazing at a sparkling diamond!

Bet he was dazzled by her as well, and probably did try to entice her into a relationship. My belief is she turned him down, kindly, but firmly.

I'm even more convinced of this after reading the above article, and the following words of Ann Stislicki about Danielle.

".... I always say Danielle had boundaries, and was graceful how she presented herself..."

This jumped off the page at me! I believe she's telling us that Danielle would not have agreed to an affair with FG, a married man. She's also saying Danielle would have been respectful of FG's feelings in turning down his overtures.

I believe FG could not stand the rejection though. I think he fumed and raged inside while he made the decision and planned her abduction.

(By the way, I know I can use his name now instead of initials, but for some reason, I just can't bring myself to even say his name, much less write it.)

I'm truly devastated about what happened to Danielle. I keep hoping for that miracle that maybe somewhere she's being held and may still come back. My heartfelt prayer is that she is found and justice will be done.

Sorry for my lengthy post, but I just want Danielle's family to know that Danielle will never be forgotten, nor will their dignity and grace...

I agree that her parents speak and use words carefully to try to send a message. In the very beginning mom or dad said they thought her kindness somehow got her into her situation. I can't remember verbatim but I always took that to mean that she helped him out after he told her he needed a ride. As soon as she agreed to that it all went south. Just my opinion of course.
I agree that her parents speak and use words carefully to try to send a message. In the very beginning mom or dad said they thought her kindness somehow got her into her situation. I can't remember verbatim but I always took that to mean that she helped him out after he told her he needed a ride. As soon as she agreed to that it all went south. Just my opinion of course.

But if he was no longer working security at MetLife, when would she have seen him? And wouldn't she wonder what he was doing there? unless he had some story ready ....
But if he was no longer working security at MetLife, when would she have seen him? And wouldn't she wonder what he was doing there? unless he had some story ready ....

Crazy thing is we may never know. I'm fairly certain he isn't telling..
And wouldn't she wonder what he was doing there? unless he had some story ready ....
I would be willing to bet that he had a story ready or came up with one in the moment. Psychopaths are very glib and are pathological liars. They tell lies as effortlessly as you and I breathe.
But if he was no longer working security at MetLife, when would she have seen him? And wouldn't she wonder what he was doing there? unless he had some story ready ....

I've gone to places that I no longer work at to say hello to former coworkers. Sometimes it's nice to catch up.
The Hines Park attack was seriously brazen. As a local, that stood out to me right away.

From the Livonia Police statements it sounds like the jogger was snatched off of the walking path that runs along Hines Drive. For those who don’t know, Hines Dr is a scenic, but well-used road. It has a wide shoulder for biking and, just a few feet in from that, a paved walking path. Both are popular for cyclist/joggers/etc. The walking path runs along Hines Dr for miles and, by my memory, is clearly visible from the road at least 90% of the time. It isn’t some deep-woods trail. The road does curve around a bit, so you can’t always see the path that far ahead of or behind you, but when I jog along that path, I rarely go 30 seconds without seeing another jogger/cyclist/car.

I don’t know exactly where he tried to snatch the jogger, but one statement said he pulled her into the woods, down the embankment by the river. At most points, the river runs pretty close to the road. In fact, Hines Dr is often closed due to flooding. The point is, even if the attacker managed to pull her into the trees without being seen, he’s chancing a passerby hearing the struggle and taking just a few steps over to glance down the embankment and see him clear as day. No wonder he went straight for a choke-hold, because there are decent odds that any scream would be heard.

If FG is the Hines Park attacker and really is responsible for Danielle’s disappearance, then I underestimated just how bold he could be. The Hines Park attacker was not a careful individual. Something led police to quickly suspect FG in Danielle’s case. This gives me hope that the culprit made other mistakes as well.

The Hines Park attack was seriously brazen. As a local, that stood out to me right away.

From the Livonia Police statements it sounds like the jogger was snatched off of the walking path that runs along Hines Drive. For those who don’t know, Hines Dr is a scenic, but well-used road. It has a wide shoulder for biking and, just a few feet in from that, a paved walking path. Both are popular for cyclist/joggers/etc. The walking path runs along Hines Dr for miles and, by my memory, is clearly visible from the road at least 90% of the time. It isn’t some deep-woods trail. The road does curve around a bit, so you can’t always see the path that far ahead of or behind you, but when I jog along that path, I rarely go 30 seconds without seeing another jogger/cyclist/car.

I don’t know exactly where he tried to snatch the jogger, but one statement said he pulled her into the woods, down the embankment by the river. At most points, the river runs pretty close to the road. In fact, Hines Dr is often closed due to flooding. The point is, even if the attacker managed to pull her into the trees without being seen, he’s chancing a passerby hearing the struggle and taking just a few steps over to glance down the embankment and see him clear as day. No wonder he went straight for a choke-hold, because there are decent odds that any scream would be heard.

If FG is the Hines Park attacker and really is responsible for Danielle’s disappearance, then I underestimated just how bold he could be. The Hines Park attacker was not a careful individual. Something led police to quickly suspect FG in Danielle’s case. This gives me hope that the culprit made other mistakes as well.

Welcome, Effex! Great first post!

(and I totally agree... this person is not a careful one... I suspect he was caught on camera with Danielle or there were eyewitnesses who saw them together...law enforcement didn't just decide to search his house at random).

The Hines Park attack was seriously brazen. As a local, that stood out to me right away.

From the Livonia Police statements it sounds like the jogger was snatched off of the walking path that runs along Hines Drive. For those who don’t know, Hines Dr is a scenic, but well-used road. It has a wide shoulder for biking and, just a few feet in from that, a paved walking path. Both are popular for cyclist/joggers/etc. The walking path runs along Hines Dr for miles and, by my memory, is clearly visible from the road at least 90% of the time. It isn’t some deep-woods trail. The road does curve around a bit, so you can’t always see the path that far ahead of or behind you, but when I jog along that path, I rarely go 30 seconds without seeing another jogger/cyclist/car.

I don’t know exactly where he tried to snatch the jogger, but one statement said he pulled her into the woods, down the embankment by the river. At most points, the river runs pretty close to the road. In fact, Hines Dr is often closed due to flooding. The point is, even if the attacker managed to pull her into the trees without being seen, he’s chancing a passerby hearing the struggle and taking just a few steps over to glance down the embankment and see him clear as day. No wonder he went straight for a choke-hold, because there are decent odds that any scream would be heard.

If FG is the Hines Park attacker and really is responsible for Danielle’s disappearance, then I underestimated just how bold he could be. The Hines Park attacker was not a careful individual. Something led police to quickly suspect FG in Danielle’s case. This gives me hope that the culprit made other mistakes as well.

this article describes where the attack of the jogger happened. you may have a better idea of where it was from it:

The 28-year-old victim was jogging The 28-year-old victim was jogging eastbound on the Edward Hines bike trail, west of Levan Road, when she saw the male suspect walking in the opposite direction, according to police.
The victim attempted to jog past him, but he wrapped his arm around her neck, struck the side of her face and attempted to drag her to the Rouge River, she told police.
The man attempted to remove her clothing and told her he wanted to have sex with her, but she was able to fight him off, police said., when she saw the male suspect walking in the opposite direction, according to police.
this article describes where the attack of the jogger happened. you may have a better idea of where it was from it:
]The 28-year-old victim was jogging eastbound on the Edward Hines bike trail, west of Levan Road

That is one of the few places where the walking path moves out of sight of the road for a while. If I'm thinking of the right area, there are also some places nearby where you can park your car out of sight. It's still chancy though. Like I said, Hines Dr is really popular with walker/runners/cyclists/families at most times of day. Even if you get out of sight of witnesses, it's hard to get out of hearing range. Still, if you're determined to ambush someone along that path, that's one of the best places to do it. Sometimes when I'm alone and it's getting dark, I'll avoid that part and just jog along the shoulder of the road until it meets back up with the walking path.
Welcome @effex and thank you for sharing that info with us. We always appreciate locals joining in the discussion to help us understand things like lay-of-the-land and such!
I do hope the female jogger is doing ok. Well, as ok as one can be after an episode like that, and the harassment she has suffered, as mentioned by the judge in FG's arraignment.
Stick around, I think you will like us here!
That is one of the few places where the walking path moves out of sight of the road for a while. If I'm thinking of the right area, there are also some places nearby where you can park your car out of sight. It's still chancy though. Like I said, Hines Dr is really popular with walker/runners/cyclists/families at most times of day. Even if you get out of sight of witnesses, it's hard to get out of hearing range. Still, if you're determined to ambush someone along that path, that's one of the best places to do it. Sometimes when I'm alone and it's getting dark, I'll avoid that part and just jog along the shoulder of the road until it meets back up with the walking path.

If you are a female, PLEASE stop jogging alone. I know, I know, women SHOULD be able to and I am absolutely not even remotely victim blaming. But man o man, it is just dangerous nowadays, even in 'pleasant' towns. It's a real 'stinkybummer' that we can't roam our towns freely, that we have to be so cautious, but it is what it is.
Be safe.
I do hope the female jogger is doing ok. Well, as ok as one can be after an episode like that, and the harassment she has suffered, as mentioned by the judge in FG's arraignment.

I hope so too! I have such admiration for her being able to get away after such a sudden and brutal attack.
But if he was no longer working security at MetLife, when would she have seen him? And wouldn't she wonder what he was doing there? unless he had some story ready ....

Those are good questions but they have never been a sticking point for me, because I believe that's exactly what FG did - had some story ready.

I think he got there early and waited in the parking lot of Metlife, watching the door for Dani to exit, as he probably had done many times before. Eager to lure her but something or someone else always interfered in the past. Either someone would be with her or he would not be able to see a way to get her undivided attention.

I can just picture him after those missed opportunities, becoming even more enraged as he watched her get in her car and leave. I can see him vowing she'd pay for rejecting him.

Finally the fateful day. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Dani come out the door alone. I believe he quickly approached her and after the surprised greeting from her, he explained that he was there because he had come to visit some old friends, but wouldn't you know it, his car wouldn't start. Now he was stuck and since Danielle probably knew about his ailing wife, he threw in some song and dance about her. He really needed to get home quickly, his wife was in the hospital, blah, blah, blah.

I bet Danielle hesitated briefly because it would be out of her way and alter her plans. But being the kind person she is, I think she smiled and said sure, she wouldn't mind at all. That's the kind of girl she was.

Her fate was sealed from the moment he got into her car. I think she drove him to his home uneventfully, (chit-chat, catching up) and that nothing happened until she pulled into his driveway and waited for him to get out.

She would not have gone into his home on her own. She was only doing a favor. He was a married man and she was not romantically interested. She was also in a hurry to get to her friend's house.

I believe that was the moment he pulled a weapon on her. He made it plain to her then that she was going to do what he said from that point on.

What could she have possibly done differently at that point? I believe he DID get his revenge on her that day. I can't bear to think of what she endured. (I hate even typing those words.)

Then I think he drove her car back to her apartment. I have no theory of where he went afterwards, or where he placed Danielle.

That's what's most agonizing now. Where is Danielle?

All of this is my opinion only. It's totally my perceptions of how FG entrapped Danielle. Your opinion may be completely different, and yours may be the correct one. I'll be happy to be wrong. My only wish is that she could be returned to her family...
Those are good questions but they have never been a sticking point for me, because I believe that's exactly what FG did - had some story ready.

I think he got there early and waited in the parking lot of Metlife, watching the door for Dani to exit, as he probably had done many times before. Eager to lure her but something or someone else always interfered in the past. Either someone would be with her or he would not be able to see a way to get her undivided attention.

I can just picture him after those missed opportunities, becoming even more enraged as he watched her get in her car and leave. I can see him vowing she'd pay for rejecting him.

Finally the fateful day. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Dani come out the door alone. I believe he quickly approached her and after the surprised greeting from her, he explained that he was there because he had come to visit some old friends, but wouldn't you know it, his car wouldn't start. Now he was stuck and since Danielle probably knew about his ailing wife, he threw in some song and dance about her. He really needed to get home quickly, his wife was in the hospital, blah, blah, blah.

I bet Danielle hesitated briefly because it would be out of her way and alter her plans. But being the kind person she is, I think she smiled and said sure, she wouldn't mind at all. That's the kind of girl she was.

Her fate was sealed from the moment he got into her car. I think she drove him to his home uneventfully, (chit-chat, catching up) and that nothing happened until she pulled into his driveway and waited for him to get out.

She would not have gone into his home on her own. She was only doing a favor. He was a married man and she was not romantically interested. She was also in a hurry to get to her friend's house.

I believe that was the moment he pulled a weapon on her. He made it plain to her then that she was going to do what he said from that point on.

What could she have possibly done differently at that point? I believe he DID get his revenge on her that day. I can't bear to think of what she endured. (I hate even typing those words.)

Then I think he drove her car back to her apartment. I have no theory of where he went afterwards, or where he placed Danielle.

That's what's most agonizing now. Where is Danielle?

All of this is my opinion only. It's totally my perceptions of how FG entrapped Danielle. Your opinion may be completely different, and yours may be the correct one. I'll be happy to be wrong. My only wish is that she could be returned to her family...

Chilling. Unfortunately that is a very believable scenario and pretty much what I've thought for some time now.
I may need some refreshing here. Do we have any definitive indication that he was at MetLife the day Dani went missing?

JazzTune, I think your theory is quite probable. My only real difference is I keep thinking she made it home but was abducted then. He could have "accidentally" happened upon her, giver her a story of just getting a security job there, and then .... ?

Just thinking different possible scenarios has given me a real headache.
I may need some refreshing here. Do we have any definitive indication that he was at MetLife the day Dani went missing?

Honestly, I think all we have is the SIL saying that police told her that FG was seen with Dani the day of her disappearance.
Honestly, I think all we have is the SIL saying that police told her that FG was seen with Dani the day of her disappearance.
You also have a strong hint from Dani's father, who said that her helpfulness was what got her into her predicament.

Moreover, I believe one of the articles said that Dani's laptop from work was stowed under the passenger seat of her vehicle, which suggests that she left work with a passenger.
I may need some refreshing here. Do we have any definitive indication that he was at MetLife the day Dani went missing?

JazzTune, I think your theory is quite probable. My only real difference is I keep thinking she made it home but was abducted then. He could have "accidentally" happened upon her, giver her a story of just getting a security job there, and then .... ?

Just thinking different possible scenarios has given me a real headache.

Honestly, I think all we have is the SIL saying that police told her that FG was seen with Dani the day of her disappearance.

Thanks Spellbound and kelsie,

No, I'm not aware if any MSM ever validated that FG was definitely seen at Metlife that day. It is my belief that he was, but no, I cannot back that with a link.

However, this link below does provide a little more corroboration of some of my theory.


kelsie is correct that the sister-in-law is the one who stated they were seen together that day. The reporter in this article quotes her as going further though and saying that the police told her about there being eyewitnesses that saw them at the house together on Oxford in Berkley, (where FG lived.)

The last line of this article though is NOT a quote by the sister-in-law. It is simply a statement by the reporter, and it reads:

"Neighbors have said they saw her Jeep in the driveway of the Oxford house."

There is no source listed by the reporter for that information. No names at all. So, the credibility of the statement depends on the reporter.

I DO believe this is a true statement myself, which is the basis for my theory. There are so many different scenarios though, and I don't mean to set my theory up as being IT. Often when I read other opinions, I change mine too.

That's part of the reason why I love WS. So many intelligent, compassionate people thinking of various angles that have never crossed my mind. I always enjoy reading everyone else's ideas too, (except certain ones about Danielle. Got a raw place in my heart for her.)
JazzTune, woah, I had no idea that was reported in MSM! Regarding her jeep possibly being at the house
I looked back and reread a lot of AA posts. There was a lot of talk about the suspicious person (who was definitely not FG) potentially driving a rental car due to out of state plates. If the encounter was related to Dani's disappearance, and if this was a rental vehicle with an accomplice, the whole thing would have had to be very premeditated, IMO. She said this took place around 6:15. That's not a lot of time between Dani last being seen and someone obtaining a rental car and getting roped into being an accomplice.

On the flip side, do we know if AA looked like Dani?

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