MI MI - Danielle Stislicki, 28, Southfield, 2 Dec 2016 #5

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Originally Posted by Looking Glass 517
I know there's stuff that cannot be mentioned here, but my first impression of Danielle missing, leaving work early for a dinner date was: "someone" on the INSIDE is working with "someone" on the OUTSIDE, who may be from Danielle's work?? maybe. It has been speculated Danielle was scheduled to appear at an upcoming trial. Both what could she know? We cannot speak of this, no?

I don't know that I've heard anything allowable at WS to say she was supposed to testify at a trial. I've heard people speculate that here based on what we know of a situation in someone's life to whom she is close. Nothing involving DS being involved in any sort of illegal activity. If we did know through some legitimate source that there was some participation in a legal case on her part, that would be very important, IMHO.

Yesterday, I spent time watching a video on the FDS FB page posted by a friend of DS. https://www.facebook.com/sarah.poll...350699277744/1843356975943783/?type=3&theater She seems like such a nice and caring friend who has been through hell to say the least! After taking time to better understand the public friendship between DS and her dinner friend (through multiple methods), I think both of your posts above present a very plausible scenario! Let me be clear, I don't suspect the dinner friends involvement one bit! Tragedy seems to be the main connection and I hurt for her friend!
I definitely read in MSM that a car was taken, citing what a neighbor said. I just have not been able to refind it. I know it was in a link somewhere upthread (or in the previous DS thread).
Me too. I think it might have been on one of the videos?

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I can't be certain, but it sounds as if the car or van was taken during the first search. The matress was taken during the second search. Could this mean something was found in the car or van that was taken during the first search, which ultimately lead to allow for the second search which resulted in the matress being taken? Makles sense to me anyway!
I can't be certain, but it sounds as if the car or van was taken during the first search. The matress was taken during the second search. Could this mean something was found in the car or van that was taken during the first search, which ultimately lead to allow for the second search which resulted in the matress being taken? Makles sense to me anyway!
I believe this is correct and I agree.

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I can't be certain, but it sounds as if the car or van was taken during the first search. The matress was taken during the second search. Could this mean something was found in the car or van that was taken during the first search, which ultimately lead to allow for the second search which resulted in the matress being taken? Makles sense to me anyway!
...and we wait.
Oh and I think I found the met life snoopy ^ ;)

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I agree 100%. The home being searched twice is so telling. And why would they (LE) divulge everything they know? It seems to make more sense to keep it under wraps and build a case. I think they knew a lot on day one.

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Agreed. I didn't want to believe this in the beginning due to possible POI and wanting POI to be innocent dor a million reasons, but you can hardly deny what it points to.

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I can't be certain, but it sounds as if the car or van was taken during the first search. The matress was taken during the second search. Could this mean something was found in the car or van that was taken during the first search, which ultimately lead to allow for the second search which resulted in the matress being taken? Makles sense to me anyway!

If they were able to get a warrant for the vehicle, there had to be good reason. Video of the vehicle following her or something similar?
...and we wait.
Oh and I think I found the met life snoopy ^ ;)

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Nope, I'm not the MetLife Snoopy, but it is funny that's my avatar and it's also an odd coincidence! I love Beagles and Snoopy is a Beagle!
Hello - This is a little off topic, but may help someone call into police at some time. I almost never watched America's Most Wanted. However, one night I did and there was a jewel thief featured. I managed a condominium/rental development, and the next day a gentleman came in looking for a rental. I asked for identifying info and he was from out of state. I wear a lot of jewelry and he must have thought I looked like a "sucker." He said just a minute and went out to his car and brought in a suitcase full of jewelry which he tried to sell me. Well, he looked just like the guy on America's Most Wanted, so I call the local sheriff. I told the guy to wait in the Rec Room until I could verify what I had for rent. The Sheriff sent one man to look him over, and they thought he looked close enough to possibly be the guy. They then sent SWAT Team, who hid in cars, bushes, etc., and had me call the guy to come back to the office. As he was walking back, they surrounded him. It turned out not to be him, but they were so very, very thankful that I had called, even though it must have been an expensive "hunting expedition." I apologized profusely to them for the mistake, but they were very grateful and thankful that I took the time, and remembered the picture and called them, and told me never to hesitate to call, even if only a faint idea it might be someone they were looking for. I just added this for any one who may see someone who looks like a missing person, or even a wanted person, they will be very happy to have you call, even if is a mistake. At least they know the public is paying attention.

Like all of you, I am anxious for Danielle to be found. It has been too long. I hope they have much more info than we do. Thanks everyone. Katt
I agree with this. I know we cannot talk about things not presented in msm but I think there is a link between the dinner friend and DS missing. I see them both as victims. Edited: still learning- meant to quote the previous post referencing video posted by DS' friend.
If they were able to get a warrant for the vehicle, there had to be good reason. Video of the vehicle following her or something similar?

I wish I knew the reason. We know that Danielle or Danielle's jeep was seen at approximately 5 PM leaving MetLife. What we don't know is, did a person see her, was she seen on camera, or was her vehicle only caught on camera leaving work. There are alot of variables there! Keep in mind, I'm considering Danielle's mother asking if anyone saw Danielle's demeanor? So, the question is, who saw her? Was it the security guard? Was her jeep seen on camera and there's no proof who was driving it? Was the security guard seen leaving MetLife right after Danielle left? So many questions????
Hello - This is a little off topic, but may help someone call into police at some time. I almost never watched America's Most Wanted. However, one night I did and there was a jewel thief featured. I managed a condominium/rental development, and the next day a gentleman came in looking for a rental. I asked for identifying info and he was from out of state. I wear a lot of jewelry and he must have thought I looked like a "sucker." He said just a minute and went out to his car and brought in a suitcase full of jewelry which he tried to sell me. Well, he looked just like the guy on America's Most Wanted, so I call the local sheriff. I told the guy to wait in the Rec Room until I could verify what I had for rent. The Sheriff sent one man to look him over, and they thought he looked close enough to possibly be the guy. They then sent SWAT Team, who hid in cars, bushes, etc., and had me call the guy to come back to the office. As he was walking back, they surrounded him. It turned out not to be him, but they were so very, very thankful that I had called, even though it must have been an expensive "hunting expedition." I apologized profusely to them for the mistake, but they were very grateful and thankful that I took the time, and remembered the picture and called them, and told me never to hesitate to call, even if only a faint idea it might be someone they were looking for. I just added this for any one who may see someone who looks like a missing person, or even a wanted person, they will be very happy to have you call, even if is a mistake. At least they know the public is paying attention.

Like all of you, I am anxious for Danielle to be found. It has been too long. I hope they have much more info than we do. Thanks everyone. Katt

Not to get off topic here but your post about an Americas Most Wanted hits home for me . I actually helped capture one back in 2005.
I believe this is correct and I agree.

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In my (still-unsuccessful) search for the mention of the vehicle being towed from the Oxford St. house, I rewatched interviews from the neighbors. One neighbor described the first search as a "raid" and said the others were "more just searches". Multiple neighbors also said that LE was asking if people had seen her or her car near the house/in the neighborhood. It sounds like there was strong, strong suspicion that she was in the house at some point. Whether that's still what they suspect, we can't know.
I cannot believe Danielle has not been found. I had hoped someone had cracked by now.

I did have a weird experience earlier today. I saw a young woman who looked like Danielle. At least 99% it wasn't Dani. But, it sure did look like her. She was holding a sign that read "Trying To Go Home" and it broke my heart. It's a very busy intersection coming out of Wal-Mart and onto a major highway. I didn't have much cash and I wasn't in the lane closest to where she was standing, but I called out to her and gave her the little cash I had in my purse - only $2 and some change. I told her I didn't have much to give her, but I started crying as I told her to go home to her mother, please!!!! Tears welled in her eyes too. Oh my gosh! I feel I should have done so much more. She was clean. Her clothes were clean. She had a little makeup on. Sorry for being off topic mods! I just thought of Danielle immediately when I saw this young woman! I wish it had been her.

Where is Dani??

Just curious, was this the Walmart in canton on ford road before 275 here in michigan? I saw someone with a similar sign but couldn't get a good look at their face. I wanted to stop and give money but I was with my mom. She was driving and called me stupid and gullible when I asked to turn around to give money lol she isn't the kind heart type that I am.
Hello - This is a little off topic, but may help someone call into police at some time. I almost never watched America's Most Wanted. However, one night I did and there was a jewel thief featured. I managed a condominium/rental development, and the next day a gentleman came in looking for a rental. I asked for identifying info and he was from out of state. I wear a lot of jewelry and he must have thought I looked like a "sucker." He said just a minute and went out to his car and brought in a suitcase full of jewelry which he tried to sell me. Well, he looked just like the guy on America's Most Wanted, so I call the local sheriff. I told the guy to wait in the Rec Room until I could verify what I had for rent. The Sheriff sent one man to look him over, and they thought he looked close enough to possibly be the guy. They then sent SWAT Team, who hid in cars, bushes, etc., and had me call the guy to come back to the office. As he was walking back, they surrounded him. It turned out not to be him, but they were so very, very thankful that I had called, even though it must have been an expensive "hunting expedition." I apologized profusely to them for the mistake, but they were very grateful and thankful that I took the time, and remembered the picture and called them, and told me never to hesitate to call, even if only a faint idea it might be someone they were looking for. I just added this for any one who may see someone who looks like a missing person, or even a wanted person, they will be very happy to have you call, even if is a mistake. At least they know the public is paying attention.

Like all of you, I am anxious for Danielle to be found. It has been too long. I hope they have much more info than we do. Thanks everyone. Katt

My experience is also that LE is very thankful when people call in things in good faith. One time, I heard what I thought was a scream, although I lived in Ann Arbor, MI and that was not a rare thing at night after the bars let out. But there was something about the scream that got my attention, not it's volume... I can't explain what it was. then, I went to give my dog a quick walk just right in front of my apartment, and I saw this guy in a hoodie come running up the sidewalk, cross the road, intentionally step toward a dumpster, and then I could have sworn I heard something go "clunk" against the side of it. When I called, I gave them all sorts of apologetic disclaimers...about it probably being nothing...heard a scream...saw a guy...but the dispatcher got super-excited and asked me to hold and all of a sudden about 6 cop cars came racing down the road. When I was later questioned, I was able to help them find what was thrown in the dumpster because I was able to pinpoint the corner where he threw it, which, it turns out, was a can of pepper spray that a man had used to incapacitate a woman. She had been sexually assaulted, and I had heard the woman's scream when she was sprayed. They were incredibly grateful that I called because they were hoping to get fingerprints from the pepper spray. Half of me thought it was nothing and almost didn't call, but I'm glad I didn't ignore that nagging sensation that something wasn't right.
Edit: <in reference to other Farmington Hills case that someone above asked about that I obviously did not quote properly>

Starting to second guess this. I really wonder if LE isn't being straight with the public because they deliberately want to keep it under control. Think about it...

She told her sister she was home but subsequently ended up on a roof dead with nothing but weed in her system. Her car was parked in the lot with her purse and ID in it and her keys and phone were found elsewhere. LE said they still didn't know how she actually got up there and they released the autopsy findings in the midst of the DS disappearance. Her family said maybe she had gone to Petsmart to get her cats some stuff...

Where did DS buy her cat's food from? Was it Petsmart? Did she maybe see something that day in September? Is that why she was going to stay at her friend's house? Maybe she knew the alleged POI had ties to law enforcement and she had told him something about the other case. Her car was found in a parking lot, with purse and ID inside and phone and keys missing. Maybe that's why they're really stressing the keys being found. The keys being found at Home Depot helped resolve that other case. Or maybe like others have suggested, she was some type of informant and there was some type of recording device in that smoke filter keychain that may lead to whoever took her. Maybe POI was her contact and isn't really a suspect... maybe the whole "not cooperating" thing is just a media ploy on behalf of LE to deflect from their true interest. Maybe they were looking in that area for the keychain and just FG is working WITH them in some capacity.

That house that was searched appears to be a 3 block straight shot from a relative of the other girl. That seems like a very bizarre coincidence. Maybe there's someone in that neighborhood both girls had in common and LE is using the local dude with public safety work ties to be able to search the immediate vicinity without causing alarm. MAYBE FG is taking one for the team and that's why his FB got shut down and he's been keeping his mouth shut. And maybe that's why he hasn't been officially named as a POI.

I'm telling you, something is really not right about this whole thing. These situations are soooo similar, even down to both girls failing to show up for a scheduled work shift the next morning. They publicly release the autopsy results after people started speculating as to whether the two cases might be linked. It wouldn't be the first time LE has withheld info to preserve the related investigation. Compressive asphyxia can be the result of a tragic accident but it can also be caused by someone else. The potential fact that there may be a connection between the two cases would help explain why so many agencies got involved immediately after Danielle was reported missing.
The one thing for sure is that there are a lot of coincidences that seem to be popping into light... idk tho, sometimes a coincidence is just a coincidence and sometimes, life is stranger than fiction.
There's a new article that came out about a half hour ago, the source is Heavy.com.


Two things stand out in this article to me that I had not heard before.

"The Detroit News reported that Danielle had asked to leave work early to meet the female friend." This is the first time I've read that Danielle asked to leave work early to meet with a female friend. That means that the friends account and MetLife's account of why Danielle was leaving early match up.

2nd "Police have searched the home where a local security guard lives with his wife several times in connection with the disappearance of Stislicki." We knew it had been searched two times, but several.....that's new information in my opinion.

If this article is not considered MSM please delete.
Don't be so suspicious. Both my Great Aunt and 2nd cousin were found dead on top of a roof. The first, a restaurant, the latter a bowling alley. And yes, both accidental asphyxiation. It much more common than you think.

Wishing all a safe, healthy and happy New Year as I await the deletion of my post.:loveyou:
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