GUILTY MI - Jane Bashara, 56, dies in contract killing, Grosse Pointe Park, 25 Jan 2012 #1

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I cant imagine what he is going to say???? His Lawyer cant be too happy he is doing this. C'mon Bob the public awaits :waitasec:
Even my TouchPad is saying:

"Nothing to see here folks - do you still want to watch?"
yeah... I mean why is he doing a presser?

very interesting and wonder if it is atty condoned?
Nice home. Trying hard not to look at the garage.
My OCD is setting in from staring. I want to go and centre that door wreath :blushing:
another snip from the link I just posted:

Grosse Pointe Park police say they do not have a news conference scheduled.

Gawd what IS he going to say????
perhaps the delay is an ongoing conversation with his attorney?
well, if he announces that he is going to turn himself in I think that will be a first..

if he comes out and says he thanks all the law enforcement and didn't hurt his wife I think I have heard that a zillion times

eta: I think whatever he is going to say is damage control from what has been leaked about Joe today:twocents:
BB's attorney has probably stopped him. Attorney will drive up and state:

We have no comment at this time.

hehe --- imo
well, if he had to talk to his family first and it was bad news I could see why that could take a while?? maybe he did decide to make a deal and man up?

that would be a first but not out of the realm of possible imhoo
This is way to suspenseful. My gawd. This could be a first.
Just trying to sort all this Gentz stuff out in my head:

1) Genz was on B Bashara's "list" of people who could "have it out for the family" (per fox news via the new criminal defense atty) yet

2) Gentz walked into LE dpt of his own volition apparently concerned that he would take the entire blame for the murder

3) Gentz (per media reports) was there in the garage where the murder took place and got rid of the car/placed Jane into the car

4) Gentz has a violent past per neighbors

5) Gentz was kicked out of his St Clair apt in the fall and went to live near his "landlord"

6) some reports say that Gentz was doing maintenance work for B Bashara and.. surprise surprise... B Bashara is a landlord

7) B Bashara had a girlfriend on the side... was trying to buy a house for her which leads to other questions (as I believe this crime had a lot of planning)..
-when did he try to buy the house?? in the fall???? (around the time that Gentz moves to GP?)
-what is on Gentz' phones that he left both of them (along with jacket) wtih a friend? Why do that if you are going to try to prove that someone was setting you up/paying you?
-could there be something else going on with Gentz and Bob that caused Gentz to retaliate on Bob in this way?

just thinking out loud...

either way Bob seems connected to Joe and Joe to Bob and a beautiful woman is dead far too soon...

Thinking out loud here too, speculation alert!

Ok Nursebee, you got my attention.

I'm thinking Gentz maybe the hired hitman, possibly with BB as the principle. BB then has someone to blame as he creates an alibi. If Gentz was following the car with her body in it, he could have escaped because nobody was holding the gun on him, that person was supposedly driving in front of him. That story doesn't fly but Gentz found out he'd be the fall guy for BB and turned himself in.

Now Gentz has to prove his allegations to LE. The only one to gain from this is BB. JMO, speculation and all that. Now if I can understand what I just typed.

I can't explain the 3rd person --- yet.
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