GUILTY MI - Jane Bashara, 56, dies in contract killing, Grosse Pointe Park, 25 Jan 2012 #2

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EXCLUSIVE: Bob Bashara's former girlfriend speaks out

Rachel Gillett talks exclusively with Local4 Defenders about her relationship with Bob Bashara

Published On: May 21 2012 10:01:46 AM EDT

---- VIDEO ---- (5:33)




Gillett, who has since filed a personal protection order against Bob Bashara, said she met the businessman online. She said his profile claimed he was widowed and raising a teenaged daughter by himself. But Gillett found out during the relationship he was married.


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BB and snipped by me:

Ok, so you FOUND OUT he was a liar and STILL CONTINUED TO DATE HIM! Yes, I am yelling! This is just crazy. He said his wife was DEAD and he only had a daughter! He didn't lie and say he was 20 lbs lighter than he was FGS!

My questions to RG: SO he lied to you from the get-go, you uncovered his lie and stayed with him anyways? Oh, and didn't you find it a teensy bit ODD that you NEVER went to BB's house?

I'm so sick of women with this "but I loved him" crap. Pull you head out of your butt ladies... It is one thing to "follow your heart" but after you do - DON'T stop listening to your common sense!

... Oh, and didn't you find it a teensy bit ODD that you NEVER went to BB's house? ...
Because she knew he was still married ... according to RG, she only thought he was divorced "for the last eight months of their relationship" (not for the entire 3 years they dated).

And during those last 8 months he probably told her stories such as --- that the house is for sale and for now him and Jame are staying at the same house .. for the sake of the kids ... blah blah blah .. etc
RG ...come on...what did you expect him to say. The wife is now dead...he thought he wouldn't have to OWN up to being a so he was going to play the part of grieving widower. Of course he had to say all those things.

What was he going to say..."Gee, Joe did me a favor ...I was wondering how i was going to tell her that I haven't loved her for years and cheated on her." NOBODY admits to that willingly in the news, tv, etc. :twocents:

I'm sure there was all kinds of conversations and He came over "STRESSED" for RG to calm him down in the ways she KNEW he liked;with all kinds of imagined or real situations with JB as the cause. She was so focused on "relaxing him from the way JB would get him upset"...she forgot how to logically think about "JUST WAIT A DOG GONE MINUTE HERE>>>" He manipulated her using that game. I'm seen Master Manipulators play that...and they can turn around on a dime when you aren't buying it!!

I hope they don't postpone JG trial. I want to hear the words; I'm signing a release for a warrant for BBB. :please:
May 21, 2012 at 12:37 pm
Bashara's ex-girlfriend gives TV interview, claims he lied to her

By George Hunter
The Detroit News

... Gillett's attorney, Doraid Elder, said his client is cooperating with authorities in the murder investigation. Police searched Gillett's former Grosse Pointe Park flat, removing several boxes, although it was unclear what items were taken into evidence.

Gillett did not address elements of the case during her television interview because she said she didn't want to compromise the investigation. But she discussed at length how the man she met online allegedly deceived her.

"At the beginning of our relationship when I met Mr. Bashara online, on his profile he said he was widowed and was raising a teenage daughter by himself," said Gillett, who has moved out of Metro Detroit. "After we began dating, I found out that that was not true; that he had lied. But then he told me he was separated; that the marriage really was, for all intents and purposes over; that they were separated and they were in the process of getting a divorce. At no time did I think this was a good, solid relationship."

Robert Bashara's attorney, David Griem, was not available Monday morning for comment...

More at the Source below.

From The Detroit News:
Ex-Lover To Big Bob Bashara: Back Off!

April 21st, 2012, 8:26 AM

If you’re a suspect in a murder case, one of the last things you need is for your ex-girlfriend to file a personal protection order. It just doesn’t look good.

Well, Robert Bashera, “suspect” in the murder of his wife Jane, is facing that situation in what has become one of the more compelling who-done-it stories in Metro Detroit....

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Bob Bashara's Mistress Talks Of A Love Gone Wrong

May 21st, 2012, 11:36 AM

...the horribly sad irony of Bashara's online self-description was the eventual death of his wife, Jane Bashara, in January. She was found dead in the back of her SUV in a litter-strewn Detroit alley.

Police quickly labeled Bashara a person of interest, and Gillett's anonymity faded almost instantaneously in the glare of media reports and the murder investigation.

Bashara has not been charged and has cooperated with police. The family handyman is awaiting trial in the case, charged with murder. And Gillett is picking up the pieces of her life.

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No need for Griem to speak this time ... His co-counsel, i suppose, can also do that... :)


... Christina Utley, an Oakland County-based attorney retained this month by Bashara as co-counsel to David Griem, recited a statement Monday prepared in response to Gillett's television interview.

"After hearing Ms. Gillett's prepared statement, it's evident that she and Mr. Bashara were not on the same page regarding the relationship," Utley said, declining to elaborate further. "If Ms. Gillett felt she was misled in any way regarding that relationship, we'd like to take this opportunity to apologize to her."

Utley added Gillett and Robert Bashara have both cooperated fully with the murder investigation. Bashara, she said, has voluntarily met with police without an attorney on four separate occasions over the last four months.

"It was clear, after seeing the interview with Ms. Gillett and her lawyer, she had no knowledge or information indicating that Mr. Bashara had anything whatsoever to do with his wife's death," Utley said.

New Bashara attorney says mistress 'misunderstood' relationship with Bob Bashara

Bob Bashara's defense stresses Rachel Gillett 'misunderstood' her relationship with married Grosse Pointe Park man

Author: Marc Santia, Local 4 Defenders
Published On: May 21 2012 05:16:26 PM EDT Updated On: May 21 2012 05:28:15 PM EDT

---- TEXT & VIDEO (3:08) ----

Bob Bashara is responding to Rachel Gillett's interview with Local 4.

Gillett painted a story of lies and deceit. She said Bashara betrayed her and lied to her about his wife and children.

Now, Bashara's newest attorney, Christina Utley, is firing back. She says Gillett misunderstood her three-year relationship with Bashara....


Bob Bashara's new-look defense team


Utley returned to Michigan after serving a prosecutor in Cook County, Illinois. She joins David Griem in Bob Bashara's defense.

Utley stresses Gillett misunderstood her relationship with Bob Bashara.


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O I C, poor poor misunderstood Bob. Yeah, whatever.
Bashara bounced from Macomb church festival

Posted: 05/21/12 09:46 pm

By Mitch Hotts

Murder suspect Bob Bashara inexplicably showed up at a Macomb County church festival over the weekend where he volunteered to work before he was asked to leave the premises, according to witnesses and the church pastor.

Bashara showed up at the annual St. Joan of Arc Spring Festival in St. Clair Shores on Friday and Saturday, offering to work at the Vegas tent and a food booth. Someone allowed him to briefly work as a dealer in the Vegas tent until Monsignor G. Michael Bugarin was notified and asked him to leave.

“I am not really sure why he was here because he’s not a member of our church, I checked on that,” Bugarin said.

Bugarin said once Bashara made his presence known, word spread around the church campus during the festival on Friday and Saturday, and the buzz eventually reached him.

“Some people felt uncomfortable about the conversation he was making about wanting to help people out and his continued presence,” Bugarin said. “When his actions were brought to my attention, I took action. And I asked him to leave.”


Many in the crowd at the spring festival instantly recognized him because his face has been on television news reports and in newspaper reports for the past four months, said one worker at the event.

“He was even wearing a name tag but we don’t know where he got it,” said a festival volunteer who did not want to be identified. “He was acting like he belonged there, like he was a regular, and I don’t think people liked that. As Christians, we are taught to be forgiving and accepting, but with someone who has a reputation like his, we have to be careful and watch out for shenanigans.’

Bashara’s legal team could not be reached for comment on Monday.

His appearance at the St. Joan event coincided with a television appearance by Rachel Gillett, his former mistress, who was interviewed Sunday night on WDIV-TV (Channel 4).

In her first public comment on the case, Gillett said she met Bashara online where he indicated he was widowed and raising a teenage daughter by himself. Bashara, who has two adult children, later told Gillett that he was married to Jane Bashara but had divorced her.

“In retrospect, I realized he lied to me and manipulated me and now I find myself in a position that I never imagined I would be,” she told the TV station, which also reported she has moved out of Michigan to start a new life.

WDIV also reported that Christina Utley, a former prosecutor in Cook County, Ill., has joined attorney David Griem on the Bashara defense team.

Bashara’s appearance at the St. Joan festival wasn’t the only topic of conversation in the church community...


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Bob Bashara Seen Dealing Blackjack at St. Joan of Arc Fair

Posted 57 min ago.

"Didn't go myself, but heard that "Master Bob" was dealing blackjack at the St. Joan of Arc Vegas room. Is this possible? The guy is an admitted cheater and it is likely that he is an S&M Master and played some part in the murder of his wife. How on earth would St Joan allow him to represent this fine event? If it is true, The people who run St Joan should have their heads examined."

Source: Grosse Pointe Park Forum
New lawyer: Bob Bashara apologizes to his ex-lover

May 22, 2012


A new lawyer joined the defense team for Bob Bashara, a suspect in the January killing of his wife, Jane Bashara, by stepping into the news media spotlight Monday with a public apology from her client to his former lover Rachel Gillett.

"If Ms. Gillett felt she was misled, he wants to apologize," said Bob Bashara's new lawyer, Christina Utley, a former state prosecutor in Cook County, Ill. Utley also said it appears that Bashara and Gillett "are not on the same page" about their past relationship.


Utley said the interview made it clear that Gillett "had no knowledge or any information that indicated Mr. Bashara had anything to do with his wife's death."

She thanked Gillett for cooperating with investigators and said her client, too, "has cooperated in every way" with the investigation.

The statements got a frosty reception from Gillett's lawyer, Doraid Elder.

Bashara's team "can put the spin on what he thought, but (she) can never change the facts or manipulate the truth in the investigation, and that includes the intimate relationship" that Bashara wanted to continue, Elder said.

Asked whether Gillett still is concerned about Bashara, Elder said: "My client is no longer in the state of Michigan."


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Darkman, thank you for keeping us updated on this case. I hope this trial will be televised.
Hmmm.. they changed the photo of BB in my above post i see (the photo's address was right from the Source).

Here is article's original photo of BB:

HAHA... - firstly i thought maybe it was Bobby ... until i read the details :rolleyes:

Grosse Pointe Woods Police Subdue Naked Man with Taser on Mack Avenue


The details are HERE:

Man who ran naked down Mack charged in court -- and wears a suit

2:41 PM, May 23, 2012

A man who gained Twitter notoriety after he was recorded running naked on Mack Avenue in Grosse Pointe Woods during rush hour was arraigned today in municipal court.

Jeffrey Thompson, 30, of Livonia, dressed in a suit, stood mute and waived a formal reading of the charges. He is charged with being a disorderly person, public nudity and resisting arrest, each punishable by up to 93 days in jail.

According to police, Thompson was high on methamphetamines when he stripped and ran naked before being shocked with a Taser.

His lawyer, Samuel Gun, told Judge Theodore Metry that Thompson is a 2005 University of Michigan graduate and was laid off from his job last year. He is in therapy and has tested negative for drugs.

Metry set personal bond and ordered him to take a drug test immediately after his hearing and twice a week thereafter.

Gun and the city attorney will meet June 13, and if they reach an agreement, the case won’t go to trial.


Gun confirmed his client had taken meth twice, but he said he had never gotten in trouble before.

“He’s like a choir boy. He’s clean,” Gun said. “This guy has never even smoked cigarettes. He’s a solid regular guy.”

Gun said Thompson was shocked when he learned Tuesday that footage of him running had gone viral on the Internet.

“He has no recollection of the incident — none,” Gun said.


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