GUILTY MI - Jane Bashara, 56, dies in contract killing, Grosse Pointe Park, 25 Jan 2012 #2

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Bashara Murder Mystery that some people find more informative than Dateline NBC show

Bashara murder mystery: Chapter 1 -- Timeline video
February 17, 2012

Bashara murder mystery: Chapter 2 -- Jane's family video
February 17, 2012

Bashara murder mystery: Chapter 3 -- Joe Gentz video
February 17, 2012

Bashara murder mystery: Chapter 4 -- The investigation video
February 17, 2012

Bashara murder mystery: Chapter 5 -- Bob Bashara video
February 17, 2012

Bashara murder mystery: Chapter 6 -- Bob's secret life video
February 17, 2012

Bashara murder mystery: Chapter 7 -- Grosse Pointe Park community video
February 17, 2012

Bashara murder mystery: Interview with David Griem video
February 17, 2012

Bashara murder mystery: Interview with Tom Berry video
February 17, 2012

Bashara murder mystery: Interview with Todd Flood video
February 17, 2012
BB lost quite a bit of weight, by the looks of it...


"I think this is Bob at the casino night he was kicked out of recently." (thanks for the find, starzinmyeyes2)


... and here are few more pics of Bobby, that I cut out from Bashara Murder Mystery, mentioned in above post: (click on Spoiler below to view)



Joe Gentz is misbehaving in jail again...

... on 5 pm News, Channel 4 ... they said: as his court date is approaching he is increasingly aggressive, controls the TV etc etc .. They have a special file on him already. :(
Joe Gentz in more trouble behind bars

Man charged with death of Grosse Pointe Park's Jane Bashara, currently locked up in Dickerson Jail.

Published On: May 25 2012 05:31:17 PM EDT

The Local 4 Defenders have learned that Joe Gentz has been causing more problems behind bars.

Another disciplinary report has been created because of Gentz's aggressive behavior and continued refusal to comply with instructions.

Sources told the Defenders Gentz is arguing with other inmates about several things, including television.


He’s currently locked up in the Dickerson jail in Hamtramck, awaiting a preliminary hearing that is set for June.


More at the Source:
I think if anyone was locked up, it would drive you crazy until you "acclimated" and adjusted to living like that. Could part of it be part of his personality disorder? Sad! Just so sad that he is in that position.
I think if anyone was locked up, it would drive you crazy until you "acclimated" and adjusted to living like that. Could part of it be part of his personality disorder? Sad! Just so sad that he is in that position.


Could... and, more likely, IT IS.

Joe is also freaking out, because maybe he realized that the "Jail House" is NOT a "5 star luxury resort"... :rolleyes:
Bob Bashara has different version of why he was asked to leave church fair

Posted: 05/26/12 11:05 pm

By Mitch Hotts


Bob Bashara on Saturday said a St. Clair Shores church leader’s version of Bashara being ordered off church property during a festival fundraiser last week was not accurate. Bashara worked as a volunteer dealing cards at the Vegas tent for more than 10 hours over two days before being asked to leave the premises.

Bashara, the Grosse Pointe Park property manager who has been named as a person of interest in the strangulation of his wife, said he was bounced from the event only after an intoxicated man caused a scene at the St. Joan of Arc Spring Festival and security was called.

Bashara said he was blocked from even entering the food tent to buy a pierogi on his way out of the festival, where he had gone to meet some friends and relax a bit.

Bashara had met his friends at the Vegas tent on May 18 where he learned two dealers had failed to show up. He offered to work for free and was given a name tag and a table to handle.

“Life hasn’t been fun with the death of my wife and the terrible things being said about me in the press, so I just wanted to get out for a little while,” he said. “When I found out they were short on dealers, I said I’d be happy to deal; I know a little about gambling from having gone on some Vegas jaunts. I worked six hours and at the end of the night, they thanked me profusely and asked me to come back the following night.”

He returned the following day and worked until just after midnight when a church official asked him to leave following an incident by a parishioner who was intoxicated and “caused a commotion.”

“This intoxicated guy approached me and started cussing me out, saying I shouldn’t be there and all of this. He actually pushed a few patrons after we called security. A little while later, the head supervisor, who had been very nice, told me I couldn’t work there, because my presence made people feel uncomfortable. I understood and I left.”

Monsignor G. Michael Bugarin last week told the Macomb Daily he personally asked Bashara to leave and was under the impression that Bashara had only worked a short time in the Vegas tent before being escorted out.

“The monsignor’s comments were unfair and untrue,” Bashara said. “I guess I would have assumed a man of the cloth would tell the truth.”

Bashara, who has a history of charitable acts and fundraising efforts, said on his way out, another church official blocked him from entering the food tent, and again asked him to leave the church property. Bashara said he walked to his car, turned and waved before leaving.

“I was thinking to myself, ‘You’re a man of God, and yet you are accusing me, ridiculing me,’ just like how Jesus Christ was mocked and attacked, not that I’m comparing myself to the Lord,” Bashara said.

Bugarin on Saturday declined further comment.

“Quite honestly, I said what was needed to be said last week and have nothing further,” Bugarin said.

Some festival volunteers told the Macomb Daily last week that they were surprised to see Bashara working the event, but felt uncomfortable there since he has been widely reported to be under investigation for the death of his wife, Jane, a Mount Clemens native.

But others now say Bugarin knew Bashara was working the Vegas tent and some were upset that not only was Bashara banned from working but also not allowed to even eat at the event. Others were upset that Bugarin put festival organizers “in the awkward position” of asking Bashara to leave instead of doing it himself.

Dave Griem, Bashara’s attorney, said he has written a letter to Bugarin, the church pastor, calling his actions and words “cowardice.”

“There is a saying that applies here: No good deed goes unpunished,” said Griem, who has done pro bono work for the Catholic church. “We would think the church would keep an open mind and not act as the Romans did way back in the beginning of our calendar. I think it’s sad that Monsignor Bugarin has tried Mr. Bashara, found him guilty, and sentenced him on inaccurate facts. But Bob Bashara has no axe to grind with him and forgives him for that type of mindset.”

Bashara said fundraising and volunteer work was something he enjoyed doing with Jane Bashara. He said the couple were part of a volunteer force that raised $850,000 for Grosse Pointe Public Schools, from which their two children graduated. Other causes dear to the Basharas included the Grosse Pointe Rotary Club, Oakland International Academy and the Grosse Pointe Woods annual Fourth of July fireworks display.

“God blessed our family and we wanted to give back to the community,” he said. “And that’s something I hope to get back to someday. When Jane and I worked on those projects, I’d come home at night with a huge sense of satisfaction. That’s what made me happy.”

Bashara, who had a 24-year record of perfect attendance as a Rotarian, resigned from the Rotary after 15 of the club’s 95 members called for his removal. He said the club’s motto of “service above self” was a principle instilled in him from his father and grandfather, both attorneys who gave back to the community...


The end is at the Source:
Notice the similarities in BB's tie (in the above article's pic) .. with the pic of infamous Fifty Shade's of Grey book's cover ...


... and why is he holding that tie for the photo snap? ... :rolleyes:
This case 1 hour special that was recently shown on Dateline NBC

Bashara Special

The entire show, free of commercials


===============    ===============

All thanks go to LNS
Bob's property on Mack just became a bit cheaper to rent... New ad placed only a couple of days ago:

$1900 / 2650ft² - Mack ave location for multi use (Grosse pointe park) (map)

This double store front can be a bar, retail office or whatever you wish.

There is a liquor license that is available and plenty of parking.

Alot of building upgrade have been done in areas of electrical, plumbing, etc.

Call Bob at 313-410-7113 to arrange a tour and talk flexiable terms...

mack at nottingham


The previous similar ad was 95 bucks per month more:

$1995 double store front, for office/lounge (Mack ave. Grosse Pointe Park) (map)

This lower store front has been a bar, and restraunt, and can be used for your venture

The is the possibility of a liquor liscense for sale as well.

This is a great rent value and a must see location, on a busy street with plenty of

off street parking... call Bob at 313-410-7113

Mack at Nottingham

Noticed this before also ... but i see that they are, more or less, keeping up with "Jane Bashara Murder" case updates over at TruTV boards / forums:

and i see they also talk about the case here:

also something else i came across: Friend of the family found murdered - ProTeacher Community


Some other minor case related stuff i found on the net:

"...Anyone been following the Jane Bashara murder? Joe Gentz and his late dad were long time friends and have worked for me. Joe is not 'all there' but his dad kept him in line. If Joe did the alleged murder, someone had to plan it and tell him what to do. He has been arrested, arraigned, and a competency hearing scheduled, which is needed as one charge is 'conspiracy.'

My home land line phone exists only to support my DSL, one phone and an answering machine, no caller ID, etc. Most times the machine gets the call before me. (Mostly marketing calls.)

I haven't seen or talked to Joe since a couple months after his dad's death some three years ago.

It was somewhat surprising that Joe called the day after his 3 day hold, and left a message on the machine to call back. Trouble is, he left no number, so with no caller ID and other calls after his, I couldn't use the 'call back last caller' feature. Oh well.

Two other bits; last I knew, Joe lost his driver's license over thousands in unpaid fines, so I'm not sure if the alleged promise of a used Cadillac would have done him any good. He was married for a while, so maybe she got his tickets and finances straight, but maybe not as news reports say a friend is driving him.

News reports say the car and body were found near Seven Mile and Hoover, supposedly near one of his friend's properties. What they aren't saying, if they know, is that location is is about four blocks W and a block or two S of where Joe grew up."


"Got my haircut a few weeks ago, the girl said Joe Gentz had been in there the day before, sounding like he was bragging about being in the spotlight, etc. I'd believe he's not 'all there'. That's my two cents."


Some more talk about the case at that forum is here:


-- 1a judge needs to put a gag order on David Griem

-- A judge can't go ahead and put a gag order on an everyday citizen just because he feels like it. There are no charges, there's no trial, no judge assigned to any case.

-- I heard from a vey reliable source that old Bob was playing blackjack at the St. Joan of Arc fair last night. ( Mack south of 9 mile)



Joe Gentz' father Richard Gentz passed away in 2009 -


-- I've known Joe for at least 15 years, we both belonged to the same club. Joe has a bad temper, is as big as a grizzly bear and as dumb as a bag of rocks. He is easily manipulated to do things he would never think of on his own. I can’t see him as the master mind in planning a murder. I could see him getting in a bar fight and really hurting someone, but not murder. As far as conflicting stories he is giving, he couldn’t give the same story about going to the corner store twice. He is that dumb.

-- Having known his entire family for over 30 yrs(same school and church) I can attest to the accuracy of your description. I would add that the entire family suffers from a diminished mental capacity yet Joe was the only one who showed an aggressive nature. He also was known to 'stretch' the truth for the sake of attention which may be one of the reasons for the delay in charging him.

-- I only had the pleasure ( :rolleyes: ) of meeting Joe and his father so I don't know about the rest of the family. His father was no angel and had his own anger issues which he would vent in Joe's presence.

Radio Interviews in the Case

Val Hall, proprieter of the hinkymeter blog that has made explosive allegations about the Jane Bashara murder case, called into Charlie Langton’s show Thursday.

February 9, 2012 3:25 PM

---- AUDIO ----

part 1 (9:09)

part 2 (8:18)


Alleged Bashara Witness speaks

May 4, 2012

Supposed Bashara witness “Steve” gives his story of what went down in the murder of Jane Bashara. Charlie asks tough questions to “Steve” about his substantial claims.

---- podcast (Audio) (20:56) ---- Steve Virgona (Joe Gentz friend) speaks to Charlie Langton

Listen at the Source: Audio (20 min : 56 sec)


Read the details of Steve Virgona's phone call to Charlie Langton HERE


MOJO in the Morning ... Bashara related Audio:

(08:48) Bashara Murder Investigation -

(10:08) Master Bob Bashara -

(08:14) Did Bob Bashara Have A Fetish? Pt 1 -

(08:14) Did Bob Bashara Have A Fetish? Pt 2 -

"Got my haircut a few weeks ago, the girl said Joe Gentz had been in there the day before, sounding like he was bragging about being in the spotlight, etc. I'd believe he's not 'all there'. That's my two cents."
That guy was probably talking about that "Dana" girl / hairdresser who called Mojo in the Morning and told them Joe Gentz came in for haircut after being released from police and was bragging about being in spotlight etc ... admitted to them that he killed Jane and that Bob Bashara made him do it ...

It's in this Mojo's Audio / podcast below:

(08:08) Bashara Murder ... (Joe Gentz) Got Haircut -
Notice the similarities in BB's tie (in the above article's pic) .. with the pic of infamous Fifty Shade's of Grey book's cover ...


... and why is he holding that tie for the photo snap? ... :rolleyes:


OT - I had heard of the book but thought it was softcore *advertiser censored* for OLDER FOLKS (Grey...).

My mother asked if I had read it and said "No way do I want to read about old people *advertiser censored*".

Now that I know what the book is about, whenever someone asks me if I have read it I tell them...

*I am waiting for the MOVIE*


Detroit’s Local 4 News Filming of BDSM Club Irresponsible Journalism

By Sunny Megatron


DETROIT - I just learned Detroit’s Local 4 News planted someone at a local BDSM Dungeon party and will broadcast images of the guests captured on a hidden camera on tonight’s 11pm news. The angle of the story is something to the effect of “OMG! Are there really crazy sex parties in our quiet suburban neighborhoods!?” The story will also attempt to tie a local murder suspect’s involvement with S&M to his wife’s killing.

Although faces will be blurred, it is unclear whether other identifying marks like tattoos will be obscured (they were not blurred in the promos). It is also unclear if the name/location of the venue will be revealed.

This promotional segment on “Dungeons of Debautery” has already been airing all day. Note, the clip includes audio and clear below the neck views of some party goers. I am at odds with whether or not to link to this clip. I decided to go ahead because it’s important for us to see how this subject is being portrayed. My outrage didn’t fully kick in until I saw this video with my own two eyes: Detroit’s Dungeons of Debautery. The text below the video reads “Are there dungeons of debauchery in quiet, local communities? Wait until you see what Defender hidden cameras reveal!”

UPDATE: The promo clip that failed to properly obscure the identities of party goers has been removed from Channel 4’s website. The full story has aired and can be seen HERE. The undercover scenes are dramatically different from the promo and the focus of the story was changed, likely due to the public outcry spearheaded by the kinky community. The story was originally called “Dungeons of Debauchery” and is now “Bob Bashara’s Alternative Lifestyle.” The station also blurred out entire bodies instead of partial faces. Unfortunately, the station did name the venue.

---- snip ----

"If you are as outraged as I am, please take a moment to contact Detroit’s Local 4 Investigative reporters and let them know how you feel."

Local 4 Defenders Investigator Kevin Dietz
Defender Kevin Dietz
Follow: @kevindietzWDIV

Local 4 Defenders Investigator Karen Drew
Defender Karen Drew
Follow: @drewWDIV

Local 4 Defenders Investigator Marc Santia
Defender Marc Santia
Follow: @marcsantia

Hank Winchester
Follow: @winchesterWDIV


Much more at the Source:

There was a little matter-related activity / article posted at the same Source:

TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2012

Deviations Is Coming Back!

pup ruff
Chicago Den

DETROIT - Deviations, the party that was the target of a hidden camera investigation by Detroit television station WDIV, is indeed coming back...


Read more at the Source:
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