GUILTY MI - Jane Bashara, 56, dies in contract killing, Grosse Pointe Park, 25 Jan 2012 #2

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Bashara handyman likely to cut plea deal if competent

Gentz passes state's psychological review, granted second exam

By George Hunterand, Christine Ferretti
The Detroit News


Detroit— The man who claims he was paid to kill Jane Bashara will likely try to cut a plea deal with prosecutors if he's ruled competent to stand trial by an independent psychologist, his attorney said Monday...


"We want to make sure Mr. Gentz is competent before we enter in plea negotiations," Reed said after his court appearance.

But a defense attorney who is a former prosecutor said the outcome of Gentz's competency reviews will have a "huge impact" and be a challenge for Prosecutor Kym Worthy if anyone else is charged in the case with the prime witness' mental stability an issue.

"The only witness who can tie Bashara to the killing is Mr. Gentz," said former Macomb County Prosecutor Carl Marlinga.


From The Detroit News:

More at the Source (above)
Experts To Double-Check Joseph Gentz's Competency

June 12th, 2012, 7:25 AM

If you were thinking that accused Jane Bashara killer Joseph Gentz's legally-established competency seemed a tad unbelievable, you weren't alone.

Macomb Daily: The request for an independent competency exam for Joe Gentz was made Monday by his attorney Susan Reed in Detroit’s 36th District Court where Gentz is charged with first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder.

“I want to be very sure Mr. Gentz is competent before we proceed with any negotiations,” Reed said outside of court.

Yeah, that's probably a good idea. -- JTW



Gentz found competent, awaits more tests

Kathy Ryanwrite, the author

A website supporting Justice for Jane Bashara also has support with lawn signs around town. Anonymous organizers said a summer vigil will be scheduled later this summer, probably in July. photo by Kathy Ryan.

June 14, 2012

An independent competency examination has been ordered for Joseph Gentz, the handyman accused of killing Jane Bashara.

Gentz and his attorneys were in court Monday, appearing before Judge Kenneth J. King in Detroit's 36th District Court. He has been charged with first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder in the death of the Grosse Pointe mother and marketing executive.

The ruling came after a court-ordered examination conducted by a clinician from the Michigan Department of Community Health determined the 47-year-old defendant was competent to stand trial.

However, Gentz's attorney, Susan Reed, requested the independent examination in order to "be very sure Mr. Gentz is competent before we proceed with any negotiations."

Assistant Wayne County Prosecutor Lisa Lindsey agreed with Reed's request, noting that the court-ordered examination determined Gentz was "familiar with the plea bargaining process," but added that Reed requested the independent examination before entering into plea negotiations.

These statements by both Reed and Lindsey appear to confirm reports that a plea bargain could be in the works for Gentz who faces life in prison without parole if convicted of either charge.

Reed said that she has been working with the Prosecutor's Office, but did not elaborate. She also declined to comment on the status of the conspiracy charge, which would indicate a second individual was involved in Jane Bashara's murder.

The hearing on the independent examination has been scheduled for July 23 before Judge King.

In question is Gentz's intellectual abilities. According to court reports, he has an IQ of 67, which is considered well below normal.

Monday's hearing lasted less than 15 minutes. Prior to the hearing, Gentz met with his attorneys, including Reed and William Winter III, in a small holding room adjacent to the court room. Gentz did not speak during the hearing.



As the case moves slowly through the judicial process, a group identified only as "Justice for Jane," has taken to the internet to promote closure in the case and to honor the memory of Jane Bashara. Organizers of the group will not identify themselves, but their presence is becoming known throughout the Pointes as lawn signs promoting "Justice for Jane" have started appearing, most notably on Middlesex, just a few houses down from the Bashara residence.

According to Bob Bashara, the group's motive is "not about Jane Bashara, but about attacking me." He said he believes he knows who is behind the group, but would not name those individuals.

Gentz is being held without parole in the Dickerson Correctional Facility in Hamtramck. Reed said her client is "nervous and anxious."


More at the Source:
Darkman00 said:
Friends And Supporters Launch “Justice For Jane”

June 11, 2012 8:25 AM


GROSSE POINTE, Mich. (WWJ) – Friends and supporters of Jane Bashara are mounting what they’re calling the “Justice For Jane (Bashara) campaign”.

Organizers say the purpose is to visibly show the Grosse Pointe community’s desire to bring to justice whoever murdered one of its most respected members. They’ve begun selling yard signs, car magnets, wristbands, and purple tree ribbons — with the goal to have as many of them displayed as possible before what would have been Jane Bashara’s 57th birthday — on June 22nd.


Meantime, supporters of Jane’s husband, Bob Bashara, say ”Justice For Jane” is nothing more than a “lynch mob” targeting Bob, posing as a advocacy campaign. (Stay tuned to WWJ Newsradio 950 for more on this).

...was added at the same (above) Source
So appreciate all your updates Darkman. Seems as of late not much time to follow cases. Waiting for the hammer to come down on Bob. I feel bad for Joe. I think the first Murder Case I can say that.
June 14, 2012 at 5:42 pm

'Justice for Jane' group aims spotlight on Bashara case

By Francis X. Donnelly
The Detroit News

"Justice for Jane" signs have begun to sprout in the bucolic Grosse Pointe communities.

They're being sold by a newly formed group that wants to find the killer of Jane Bashara, who was strangled in January.

Since a handyman has already been charged in the murder, the group apparently feels someone else was involved. Bashara's husband, Bob, has been described by police as a person of interest...

The group's leaders couldn't be reached for comment.

According to its website, it wants to "avenge" the murder by selling yard signs, car magnets, wristbands and tree ribbons that are affixed with the slogan "Justice for Jane."


While the group works to makes its desire visible, the same can't be said about its identity.

The organizers of Justice4Jane are anonymous. The members are anonymous. Two Grosse Pointe residents with signs in their yards Thursday declined to give their names.

One of the sign owners lives a few yards away from Bashara in Grosse Pointe Park. The homeowner said she bought the sign because she felt Jane Bashara was being forgotten in all the publicity over the murder.

"I really think it's important for the community to remember that we lost Jane," said the woman, who has lived in the neighborhood for 15 years. "I want people to remember that it's about Jane."

Asked what she thought about Bob Bashara, she declined comment.

A Grosse Pointe Woods resident with a sign in his yard said he believed Bob Bashara was involved in the murder, and didn't understand why he hadn't been arrested yet.

A Grosse Pointe Park resident who doesn't belong to Justice4Jane said he didn't understand the secrecy surrounding the group.

Bob Frank, 63, said the group would be more credible if members identified themselves.

"They believe what they believe," he said. "Let people know who you are."

Frank is no supporter of Bob Bashara. He said he believes handyman Joe Gentz wasn't the only person involved in the murder. Asked if he thought Bob Bashara was involved, he just smiled.

As of Saturday, Justice4Jane had received orders for 52 wristbands, 46 yard signs, 23 car magnets and 14 tree ribbons, according to its website.

The yard signs cost $15 while the other three items are $5 each.

Proceeds will pay for a memorial vigil for Jane Bashara that will be held sometime this summer. Any money leftover will go to her favorite charities.

The group said it is supported by Jane Bashara's parents and siblings.

Bob Bashara, it said, is not a member.

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Read more from The Detroit News:
Similar article to the one above, but somewhat re-written...
June 15, 2012 at 1:00 am

Secretive group seeks justice in Bashara case

Sale of signs aims to keep case of slain mom in spotlight

By Francis X. Donnelly
The Detroit News


A Justice for Jane Bashara sign stands in Grosse Pointe Park. (David Coates / The Detroit News)

"The purpose of the campaign is to show in a visible way the Grosse Pointe community's desire to bring to justice whoever murdered one of its most respected members," read a statement on the website.


A Grosse Pointe Park resident said he didn't understand the secrecy surrounding Justice4Jane. Bob Frank, 63, who didn't have a sign in his yard, said the group would be more credible if members identified themselves.

"They believe what they believe," he said. "Let people know who you are."

Frank is no supporter of Bob Bashara. He said he believes handyman Joe Gentz wasn't the only person involved in the murder. Asked if he thought Bashara was involved, he just smiled.


The vigil would show how much she is missed, according to the website.

"The vigil is also intended to show … the level of community desire to bring whomever murdered her to justice," read the website.

The vigil was planned for June 22, which would have been Bashara's 57th birthday, but was postponed because of a scheduling conflict, said the website. It will be held later this summer...


Read more from The Detroit News:
They say Bob started Facebook page today.... also called "Justice4Jane"

Nice pictures of Jane there....


The OFFICIAL family-run forum for those who seek justice for Jane Bashara WITHOUT accusation, but with love, just the way we know she would TRULY want it. Please feel free to post any fond memories of Jane, as well as any spiritual uplifting thoughts.

Jane Ellen Bashara was taken away from us
January 24

Founded on June 22, 1955
Baby Jane entered the world!

June 16, 2012 at 1:00 am

'Justice' for Jane Bashara sought in secret

By Francis X. Donnelly
The Detroit News


A group seeking to avenge the murder of Jane Bashara said it wants to remain anonymous for myriad reasons.

Identifying organizers would deflect attention from their goals by focusing it on group leaders, would raise hackles in the publicity-averse Pointes and would bring unwanted press attention to organizers, the Justice for Jane group wrote in an email.

"We anticipated the criticism about anonymity but believe in our mission and that its' true merits will shine through," wrote the "J4J organizing committee."

The group declined to be interviewed by telephone...


Despite Gentz' arrest, the Justice for Jane website said it hopes to "bring to justice whoever murdered" her.

Many posts on the website forums are critical of Bob Bashara, who has been described by police as a person of interest in the case. Gentz, meanwhile, will face a mental competency hearing Monday afternoon in Detroit's 36th District Court....


Read more at the source, from The Detroit News:

from BB's Facebook: (posted 3 hours ago)

"Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future."


Bob Bashara's defense attorney involved in pair of conflicts over subpoenas' use

June 18, 2012


An attorney representing Bob Bashara, who is suspected in his wife's homicide, is being called before the presiding judge of Wayne County Circuit Court's criminal division this week over his apparent unauthorized use of a subpoena.

Attorney David Griem is waging his own battle, filing a motion with the Michigan Court of Appeals against prosecutors for what he calls their unconstitutional use of investigative subpoenas.

The warring over subpoenas comes nearly four months after the death of Grosse Pointe Park resident Jane Bashara, who was strangled in January. Bob Bashara was called a person of interest in the case but has not been charged.

Nevertheless, a subpoena filed in Griem's name was issued to a company last month seeking employment records for Joseph Gentz, the only person who has been charged in the case. The subpoena lists the case as People of the State of Michigan v. Robert Bashara. However, it has no case number.

Judge Timothy Kenny has set a hearing on the matter for Friday.

Legal experts say state law has no provision that allows for a defense attorney to issue subpoenas without a pending case.

Gentz's attorneys were taken aback when they learned of the attempts to subpoena his work records.

"What's going on here?" asked Susan Reed, one of his lawyers, adding that the subpoena appears to be improper since there is no pending case against Bashara. "There's a court rule on it."

Griem wouldn't comment on the subpoena, instead questioning the "unconstitutional use of the investigative subpoena process" by the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office.

Griem said his office filed a motion Wednesday with the Michigan Court of Appeals. He said he couldn't discuss specifics of the motion, which is under seal. He said he expects the appellate judges to make their ruling based on written arguments.

Maria Miller, a spokeswoman for the Prosecutor's Office, said there is an order from the Court of Appeals sealing the matter "and we are strictly precluded from speaking about it."

"Further, the Bashara homicide remains under investigation, and we will not comment on this ongoing investigation," she said.

According to Griem, multiple witnesses subpoenaed by the Prosecutor's Office have later said investigators and prosecutors began by spending several minutes "telling the witness why they believe Bob Bashara is guilty.

"Don't you think that has an impact on a potential witness?" Griem asked, noting that he asked the Court of Appeals to intervene because the Prosecutor's Office is "out of control."

But Griem would not talk about the subpoena he appears to have issued, signed and sent along with a note on letterhead from his office.

The letter requests employment records from Detroit-based Tranor Industries, for Gentz, who was a handyman for Bashara...



The letter from Griem's office says Gentz worked as a "diesetter" for Ronart Industries, "which was subsequently purchased by Tranor Industries LLC." The letter goes on to say, "In order to avoid having to appear, please provide the requested information contained therein by fourteen (14) days of the date of the Subpoena."

The subpoena indicates a representative of the company was ordered to appear in Griem's office at 10 a.m. today. An attorney for Tranor Industries declined to comment Friday.

The subpoena appears to be yet another example of Griem's unorthodox tactics in the case. He's had Bashara appear for in-depth local and national interviews, has aggressively criticized police and prosecutors for their investigation and alleged leaks and has announced he's conducting his own investigation in the search for Jane Bashara's killer.

Richard Krisciunas, a University of Detroit Mercy law professor and former top Wayne County prosecutor, said the purpose of the subpoena, which appears to have been issued by Griem, was likely an attempt to preserve evidence in the event that Bashara is charged.

"I don't think the statute authorizes such use of the subpoena," Krisciunas said, "but I understand what he's doing."

The better method, Krisciunas said, may have been to file a motion expressing he anticipates his client will be charged and then request the court allow him to subpoena and preserve the evidence.

Larry Dubin, also a law professor at the University of Detroit Mercy, said Michigan law gives prosecuting attorneys the power to obtain investigative subpoenas prior to criminal charges being instituted.

"This subpoena power can be used to obtain physical evidence as well as testimony from potential witnesses," he said. "This subpoena power prior to criminal charges being instituted is generally reserved only for the use by prosecuting attorneys."


The rest is at the Source:
at BB's FB page he / they keep on posting new pictures of Jane almost on daily basis ... for that reason only, I don't really mind that FB page.... as if it would not existed, I would not be able to see those......

Today's new one was this one:

"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."

Today's Jane's new "one" from BB's FB "thingy"

Forgiveness is the power that enlivens relationships. Forgiveness keeps life moving forward, creates harmony and makes you spiritually strong.

June 15, 2012:

"If we let our resistance down, be calm in our soul, our grief will tell us what it needs from us at each step along the way."


Laura Maurer : "This is a beautiful picture of Jane, she was always ready to celebrate!"
Let's hope this doesn't happen to Gentz:

Man Charged in St. Clair Shores Murder Found Not Competent to Stand Trial

Judge Mark Fratarcangeli finds Viktor Shaholli not competent to stand trial for the Nov. 20 fatal shooting on Recreation Street.

By Edward Cardenas, the author, 6:16 pm

--- SNIP ---

The ruling was made after Fratarcangeli heard testimony Tuesday from a Dr. Donna Rinnas, who conducted the exam for the prosecution and found Shaholli to be competent to stand trial.

Dr. Gerald Shiener, who conducted an exam for the defense, testified May 31 and found the suspect was not competent to stand trial.

In both exams, it was noted that Shaholli had poor personal hygiene and that he reported seeing visions of his late wife visiting him the jail.

Shiener stated that Shaholli did not understand the court proceedings and was suffering from severe depression due to the death of his wife two years ago. In addition, Shiener said Shaholli suffered brain damage from the use of drugs to treat his migraine headaches.

Rinnas countered by stating that there was no indication he has ever been diagnosed with a stroke and that the migraines were self-reported.

She also added that he understood what he did was "against the law" and that what he did was wrong "legally and spiritually."

--- SNIP ---


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