MI MI - Julia Niswender, 23, EMU student, Ypsilanti, 10 Dec 2012 - #3

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I'm still dumbfounded that WS is tolerating the mention of a minor child's name! Does anyone have her best interest in mind?!

Yes, I do. And we should never be using the name of the young daughter. Initials or other reference are probably Ok. I am not going back to find where her name was mentioned, but perhaps if it was used the poster will alert a mod to bleep out the name. --- otherwise, it may end up removed by mods.

Please be careful what we post, all of us. We are all trying very hard to share our thoughts, concerns, and support in whatever way we can. Everyone is appreciated.
I'm still dumbfounded that WS is tolerating the mention of a minor child's name! Does anyone have her best interest in mind?!

You are absolutely right. She should be referred to as the youngest daughter, or minor child. Thank you.
Ok sorry for the confusion MiMommy. It appears it was 4ist who informed that JT hated the Brucks, not you. Trojan has confirmed Kim stating this as well.
I wonder WHY?!

I'm not going to tippie toe around. I have not cleared JT off my POI list in either Julia or Chelsea's murders. The odds of two family friends murdered from the same small town are astronomical. I can only find one common thread at the moment; JT. I am not saying he is the Perp, I am saying he is all around suspicious. May be involved at some level.

Obviously this is why the JT hated the Brucks is so important to dig deep on.

I think we are all still traumatized at the thought of two young girls having to use the bathroom with a curtain, and I wonder how many times JT was poking his head in?
I mean they could have had a vanity set up in their room for primping. Toilet and shower time could have been brief; hair and makeup done in room. This seems very concerning. And I assume Turnquist was behind the curtain as well? I just had an involuntary shiver.

MMy last communication with Kim was over a one hour of her ranting at me on the phone. During this "rant" she mentioned that JT hated the Brucks and didn't want to go to the wedding. Since this time, she has not talked to me but the one hour of "ranting" was pretty much running down everyone in the extended family because JT was innocent of having child *advertiser censored*. She also stated that people who think that JT had something to do with Julia's murder are crazy. She said "Do you think I would have brought such a person into my family to "raise" the twins?" Well, maybe she didn't know him as well as she thought when she met him. He has never been very friendly to our extended family and always seemed uncomfortable and usually would leave gathering early.

Thank you again, to you both for your input. It means a lot in grasping the situation. It's brave of you and I'm sure not easy to do.

Hearing Kim and JT'S words?

Yes MiMommy, let me explain, you supposedly have a 'friend' relationship with KT & JT. It shows in your posts. I hate to say this, but they are only telling you what they want you to know or believe. Kim is a huge manipulator. Jim T. Very controlling, bipolar (doesn't stay on meds), he is anti social, has fits of rage. I really do wish more 'family' that have known this family would speak up about what they have observed and witnessed. For it sure would make it a whole lot easier for all the 'sluethers' in her that really are skirting around a whole lot of issues and if they really knew the family dynamics that I have observed since 1998, you too would be having red flags going off left & right around JT and Kim. They KNOW something, in my opinion. I can tell you that when we found out that Julia was found dead, within 48 hours, I said to my husband 'Do you think there is any chance that JT had anything to do with her death. Just watching him describe and take control after her death, standing attention next to her casket, made be sick!
I want to know what time JT got home on Dec 10 and where he was before he got home.

Editing to add, Dec 9 as well.
4ist, I am so sorry you are having to take a stand for your beloved Julia in this way. I cannot imagine the pain some of our thoughts must bring to you and other family. I commend your honesty, your strength and determination. Stay strong, dear one. Justice is getting closer. It has to be.
So then...myself and the other 20+ people whom have submitted statements and letters to the court must all be under a manipulation?

People who have spoken to these individuals at least weekly for years?

I am not going to disagree with the fact that how someone acts around family and how someone acts around friends can not be completely different.

But again...I am asked questions. And I respond. As I have in this thread from the beginning. If it is something jt or KT has told then I say as such. If it is my opinion...I say as such.

I do have the ability to form my own opinion on character, personality, mental disorders etc. And I have not yet felt manipulated, that anyone I have spoken with has been dishonest.
My apologies...this has nothing to do with Julia's case....so moving along!
MiMommy, this is tough stuff being discussed, and we all appreciate your participation.
Very difficult case, with a lot of painful dynamics. Thank you for adding your view. It's important.
I'm finding it very difficult to believe that LE didn't pick up on any of these "suggestions" during their investigation thus far. Why in the world wouldn't LE have noticed all or even some of these things in the past two years? It's almost suggestive of them being deaf, dumb and blind to the situation in front of them. Just my opinion of course. JT did just become a POI in the past few months if I am not mistaken. Has anyone come forward (not a family member) to give statements against JT as an out of control bipolar man that can't control himself because surely he would have had run-ins with people around town?
Yes MiMommy, let me explain, you supposedly have a 'friend' relationship with KT & JT. It shows in your posts. I hate to say this, but they are only telling you what they want you to know or believe. Kim is a huge manipulator. Jim T. Very controlling, bipolar (doesn't stay on meds), he is anti social, has fits of rage. I really do wish more 'family' that have known this family would speak up about what they have observed and witnessed. For it sure would make it a whole lot easier for all the 'sluethers' in her that really are skirting around a whole lot of issues and if they really knew the family dynamics that I have observed since 1998, you too would be having red flags going off left & right around JT and Kim. They KNOW something, in my opinion. I can tell you that when we found out that Julia was found dead, within 48 hours, I said to my husband 'Do you think there is any chance that JT had anything to do with her death. Just watching him describe and take control after her death, standing attention next to her casket, made be sick!

I was deep in Julia's thread when a gorgeous young woman, a second semester freshman, AJ, went missing. Her step dad took control of the search right away, set up alternative investigation as it were, and ended up in jail, a POI, now awaiting trial for impeding the investigation by planting evidence. My first instinct was how similar to Turnquist he seemed. I've never thought he is innocent of Julia's death from the second I first saw him on MSM without knowing much else about the case. It was great to see him start to face justice. I don't know what this does to you to have your own family still being torn to save him from facing consequences but it seems to be moving very much in the direction of truths, which won't be any harder hopefully than what has already come to pass.
Dazed, you are right. There are two vastly different depictions of JT. If he is truly bipolar, it could account for vastly different presentments of persona.
This is a very complicated case, and perhaps it just took this length of time to arrive at various concerns.

There are still critical unanswered questions we would like to hear JT respond to. He is still LE's POI, and thus in our bullseye of sleuthing.

I agree he has passionate supporters. I hope their support is well placed, but I am not yet convinced of that. Still open and learning more on this thread each day. Complex case.
So then...myself and the other 20+ people whom have submitted statements and letters to the court must all be under a manipulation?

People who have spoken to these individuals at least weekly for years?

I've never heard of people submitting statements directly to the court or of the court asking for such, especially in a child *advertiser censored* case. If the court needs to hear from you, then you would be called by the procecutor or his lawyer as a character witness. I'll try to talk to the prosecutor and the Judge's secretary to see if such a thing has been done and what the reason would be. Now if these statements were given to JT's lawyer that may be a differnt story. I guess my question would be "Why would the court not want statements from other family members if they wanted your statement?"
My main focus continues to be to find Justice for Julia. I want the truth period. I just can not believe that anyone else with the same goal would not be as helpful as they can to solve this case. We are not discussing things to assassinate anyone's character but merely trying to get the facts as we know them out in the open to help others come up with theories and ideas that may have been overlooked. There is no doubt in my mind that LE is following all the information posted on this site as another effort to help with their investigation. The lead detective has assured me over and over that she's working for Julia and wants only to find the truth. I appreciate everyone's "ideas" and theories as it does give everyone a different perspective. Please keep up the great work as I deeply appreciate everyone's efforts.
Dazed, you are right. There are two vastly different depictions of JT. If he is truly bipolar, it could account for vastly different presentments of persona.
This is a very complicated case, and perhaps it just took this length of time to arrive at various concerns.

There are still critical unanswered questions we would like to hear JT respond to. He is still LE's POI, and thus in our bullseye of sleuthing.

I agree he has passionate supporters. I hope their support is well placed, but I am not yet convinced of that. Still open and learning more on this thread each day. Complex case.

Roses - I was with/married to an un-medicated bipolar man for 3 years who ended his life in a very violent way. I know exactly what they are like, how they conduct themselves and how they can act irrationally at the drop of a hat. It's not controlled reactions either. It's simply not possible. That's why I am asking the question. It should be easy to find many people that had run-ins with JT. These types of people leave quite an impression on people they deal with.
I want to know what time JT got home on Dec 10 and where he was before he got home.

Editing to add, Dec 9 as well.

I'd like the answers and I'm sure LE would love the answers in a formal statement from him.
Roses - I was with/married to an un-medicated bipolar man for 3 years who ended his life in a very violent way. I know exactly what they are like, how they conduct themselves and how they can act irrationally at the drop of a hat. It's not controlled reactions either. It's simply not possible. That's why I am asking the question. It should be easy to find many people that had run-ins with JT. These types of people leave quite an impression on people they deal with.

Dazed: I am so sorry you went through that painful, horrible experience. But for the grace of God go I.

You make a good point. If JT were manic, there would be stories, unless Kim cleaned up after him. But Kim and Jennifer would know for sure. Hopefully they can be very forthcoming. I am suspicious as to why he never really held down a job; just dabbled in this and that.
Perhaps I used the wrong terminology. Character statements.
This is fascinating of you to share. I imagine, 4ist, that this is fraught with pain for you but you don't seem weak to me. Would you happen to have any idea what Turnquist may have been up to around the time of BM's bash, the end of last October? Any hunting trips, mood wise, anything stand out, that may have been noticed?

This may be of no or small re-assurance to you, but I don't think with all that is now known about him, besides a tiny fraction of people who may have some loyalty to him, most people will ever care to see Turnquist as a grieving step dad again. That illusion is gone. It is concern for Jen and her younger sister, so that their lives may be unburdened by the misdeeds around them, that they may live free of perverse constraints, that I hope for, and that Kim may receive the help and support she will need to get past this in the right way. Thank you again, 4ist. O/T your name makes me think of this, 4ist as it relates to the case.

FindHG, this whole experience has been heart wrenching for all that loved Julia. I have faith that the truth will eventually be brought out, I only hope that it will happen I our life time. My strength and courage comes from the idea of so strongly wanting what is the truth, Julia deserves that.
As for JT, as far as I know he had a temper, again he was VERY controlling, STRICT DISIPLINARIAN, he did not like Kim's family, Kim didn't like JT'S family. He had a difficult time holding a job, Kim was the breadwinner, JR was the primary caretaker of his only child (the 12 yr. Old). He was married before to a womantbat had two children. JT & Kims marriage was a very odd, strange marriage, not caring or loving. They did not do hardly anything together, JT was a loner and Kim liked the social life. Which left JT alone with the girls a lot. He basically is pretty narcissic, perhaps MiMommy can agree that he does like to talk about himself and how he was trained in law enforcement, great sportsman and all. He is Not suppose to be on computers, his last post in Michigan sportsman site was 2/22/15. But on that site you can read his posts to get some info on possible areas he visited. JT usually would NOT be actively involved in parties at their house, he would make a token appearance & dissappear, even at the twins graduation party. What he does with his time, really not sure a lot of it is unaccounted for.
I wish I did know where JT was the night of the Halloween party, I can tell you that JT was the very first person that came to my mind, wondering why that artist sketch resembles JT so much, especially around the nose and mouth. Concerning my handle, You may be on to something 😊
The two are still very much interactive both face to face as well as on the telephone, etc. Although this is a horrible thing to have happen, and not the way ANYONE wants to work on having a healthier marriage, I believe that it could make their relationship stronger. My understanding right now is that they are leaning on each other for support, as a spouse should.

It was our understanding that in order for Kim to get custody of her 12 yr. Old, she and JT would have to get a divorce And that she was to remove ALL of his belongings from their home!
Dazed: I am so sorry you went through that painful, horrible experience. But for the grace of God go I.

You make a good point. If JT were manic, there would be stories, unless Kim cleaned up after him. But Kim and Jennifer would know for sure. Hopefully they can be very forthcoming. I am suspicious as to why he never really held down a job; just dabbled in this and that.

Thank you. I've come through the other side of it and consider myself rather healthy.

There would be stories with either mania or depressive moods. You can't clean it up when its out in public. Just not possible. Ask me how I know? ;-)

I appreciate your stance on accepting statements made on here as fact. I simply do not accept it as fact. I tend to question everything. I will lend credibility to things that could be used and backed up in a courtroom setting. Everything else seems like speculation and opinions that would probably get cross examined to its death.

With all that said, I would like to enter my top three if you don't mind.

1) Victim of jealousy
2) Accidental & panicked
3) Random or possible stalker
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