MI MI - Julia Niswender, 23, EMU student, Ypsilanti, 10 Dec 2012 - #3

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I know this post is not directed at me, but I would like to jump in and state that I had marked several things which I felt were red flags and included citations from relevant sources to back up my "claims." Many of these were removed, as they were in response to another post which was deleted. Rather than edit out the quote, the whole post was deleted. I inquired, but received no response in regards to what the reason behind this was.

As stated later, I will not be posting those again. Spellie is not the only person who has stated she sees red flags in certain aspects of this case. Many of us have also posted the same. Also, the Grandmother (Rose) states in an article that she suspected sexual abuse. So it is not just those of us on the board who have thought this.


Grandma Rose is not alone in her suspicions Psyquestor.
A summary of what I consider key points so far:


Dec. 11, 2012.: Julia's body found in bathtub

January or February 2013: Grandma Rose's laptop-computer freely given to LE (Julia had used this computer, to be examined for use and possible contacts)

In late 2014: "voluntarily gave his computer to Ypsilanti police in late 2014 as part of the investigation into Niswender's death. Stablein said Turnquist was then asked to answer further questions, but the lawyer intervened."

February 25, 2015: JT arrested for possession of child *advertiser censored* at his karate studio following an earlier (warranted) search of his house by police. A gun was found in his car, for which he had a permit.

Police allege they found child *advertiser censored* on the computer [my question: is this the computer given in late December 2014?] and took a number of electronics in the search of his Monroe home, Stablein said.

March 4, 2015: JT termed POI by Ypsi police (not a suspect)

(June 29: Trial date). [added by me]


The stepfather of an Eastern Michigan University student found dead in 2012 has been arrested on a charge of possessing child *advertiser censored*.
James Turnquist, 47, was arraigned on Feb. 27 in Monroe County District Court on one charge of possessing explicit materials of children, according to the court.
Police believe Niswender was asphyxiated and placed into her bathtub, where she drowned.
http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/...sted-for-child-*advertiser censored*/31598374

Police armed with a warrant seized Turnquist's computer and cellphone.
Niswender, 23, was found asphyxiated in her bathtub, locked inside her off campus apartment in December 2012. Police said her body was positioned unnaturally and have always maintained robbery was not the motive.

Sources close to the investigation told Local 4 News even before Turnquist's arrest on child *advertiser censored*, investigators had moved away from the theory a casual acquaintance had murdered Niswender and were looking closer to home.

Sources told Local 4 they would like to have a long, on-the-record interview with Turnquist, which is something we're told has never happened in more than two years

YPSILANTI - Ypsilanti police say the stepfather of Julia Niswender, an Eastern Michigan University junior found dead in her bathtub in December 2012, is now a person of interest in the ongoing homicide investigation.

This update comes after police were made aware James Turnquist was arrested by the Monroe County Sheriff's Office in an unrelated case.

"This is due to the fact that he has not provided detectives with a formal statement as to his whereabouts the days prior to Julia's death, thus making him a person of interest."
Paul Stablein, Turnquist's attorney, said the accusation of possessing child *advertiser censored* stemmed from police investigation of his computer while looking into Niswender's death.
Child Protective Services became involved because of the charge against Turnquist, Stablein said.
In the DHS hearing immediately following the criminal proceedings, Judge Cheryl Lohmeyer chose to let the youngest daughter continue to remain with her mother as the Department of Human Services continues to investigate the safety of the child.

The Ypsilanti Police Department stated that Turnquist has not "provided detectives with a formal statement as to his whereabouts in the days prior to Julia's death."
"They asked for his whereabouts the days leading up to and he's given that to them in multiple conversations he's had with him," said Turnquist's attorney, Paul J. Stablein of Bloomfield Hills. "Now we have Ypsilanti saying he's a person of interest; I think it's pretty irresponsible."
[added by me: conversations does not equal a formal statement]

Ypsilanti Police
released a statement Wednesday stating that investigators and some family members of Julia Niswender "have concerns that Mr. Turnquist has knowledge pertaining to her death."

Lt. Deric Gress said Thursday that detectives sought Turnquist's computer last year as part of their investigation into Niswender's death. Gress said police decided to officially announce Turnquist was a person of interest in the case after the department received a flurry of media inquiries this week.

"There are definitely no suspects, he's just a person of interest that we need to talk to one-on-one," Gress said. "He has yet to give us his accounts of where he was. All these people saying he's a suspect, I wouldn't bring it to that level yet because we haven't obtained a formal statement and now he has counsel that doesn't want to bring him in and tell us about his whereabouts. The family has provided us information, and he's given us some type of account. We don't know if it's credible."

February 26, 2015, search warrant:
"During that search warrant, they seized a family video camera, a digital camera, old cell phones, current cell phones, another laptop computer that was there, thumb drives and DVD disks," Stablein said. "They ended up returning all of the storage stuff like the thumb drives. Everything else is being forensically examined."

Per Ypsi police:
"We have some lab stuff out and that stuff takes a lot of time," he said.


Wow weeeee, I see you have been busy while I was out :)
Appreciate all of your hard work, time and effort Spellbound. That darn computer stuff is one of the things that I have problem with, and let's just say I beg to differ, but will just agree to disagree for now.
The other thing that I really have a problem with is this. In order for Justice to be served, why in the heck doesn't JT cooperate. If he didn't before, because of fear that they might find out about the 'child *advertiser censored*' ..... well the gig is is up, it's out there now. And if he's afraid that people will find out about his past, well it's starting to be told, and more people are digging. IF he EVER had any love or cared about Julia at all EVER, he would do the right thing and talk to Ypsi LE, give a formal statement. For Gawd sake, it's been 2 years and 5 plus months since Julia was murdered!!!!! IMO
I know we had discussed the fact that that JT was being investigated in early November 2012 on an earlier thread, but I have to ask; if the first Tournquist computer was not given to LE until December 2014, WHAT did LE have that prompted an investigation in November 2012? WHO/WHAT initiated the 2012 investigation?

ETA: Was it from the Grandma's accusations?

It is my understanding that this 'November 2012' comes into play only because they found 'child *advertiser censored*' on the first computer they took from the Turnquist home. (Kim's) The date stamp I guess was the date of November 2012. As far as I know, perhaps Trojan knows more, I had not heard anything about Jim T. being investigated for anything in November 2012.
As in most murders, the investigation turned to family eventually, unfortunately, the first year of the investigation, lot of the family stuff was sorta put on a back burner. It wasn't until the start of the second year of the investigation, that the investigation turned more to the Turnquist Family. IMO
The issue with JT not going to LE is redundant at this point. How many times has it been posted and reposted? We differ greatly on effective means to get cooperation. It's been stated LE is stalled until they get this information. Lt. Deric Gress states there are DEFINITELY no suspects and that JT is a POI because of a flurry of media inquiries as mentioned upthread. The child *advertiser censored* charges are weak at best and it will be known to the world in just one short month. What will be the focus if/when JT gives a formal statement and is cleared? Where will investigators turn then?

We were trying to get back to sleuthing other possibilities. Can we get back to that please?
I would like to concentrate on helping solve Julia's murder. I don't know if anymore discussion about a "curtain" is very important to the big picture. There was a curtain, it wasn't very "private" and let's move on. The Turnquists did not live in Gaylord very long as most of their married life has been spent in Monroe. I think the main problem for me is that LE is trying to "clear" the family and yet the family seems to be uncooperative. Most parents would cooperate completely with LE to solve their daughters murder. Yes, they may have been cooperative in the beginning but why would you stop. Most people know that it is pretty common for the immediate family to be thoroughly checked out when a murder like this occurs. Obviously, Julia either knew her "killer" or at least let him in to her apartment. This is why the immediate family must be "cleared" to continue the investigation. I'm sorry, but I feel all the effort and resources being used on the current "sideshow" are just possibly allowing the real killer to distance himself from the investigation. I'm not saying that I condone child *advertiser censored* but whether that is a legitimate issue is still to be resolved by the courts. All I ask is for everyone on this thread to continue to "help" solve the murder. We can look at things both ways, assume JT is guilty of child *advertiser censored* or assume he is innocent of child *advertiser censored* and just had some dirty pictures on the computer. We will know the courts decision probably by July 1st. Onward and upward. I truly appreciate everyone's efforts and would love to have this investigation continue until the person who committed this terrible murder and permanently removed Julia from our lives is brought to justice. She will always be in my heart and memories but such a thing like this should not happen to anyone. I really can't "rest" until this is solved and Justice for Julia is complete. Then again, no matter what happens, nothing will bring her back to me... her loving smile, her bubbling personality, her voice saying "Oh grandpa" ; these I've lost forever for the rest of my life.

This was the post of the day Trojan, love you. There will be justice, the coward that took Julia's life will be found and have their day in court. Thanks to all that are in here, sharing their thoughts. We appreciate you all. Thanks so much.
The issue with JT not going to LE is redundant at this point. How many times has it been posted and reposted? We differ greatly on effective means to get cooperation. It's been stated LE is stalled until they get this information. Lt. Deric Gress states there are DEFINITELY no suspects and that JT is a POI because of a flurry of media inquiries as mentioned upthread. The child *advertiser censored* charges are weak at best and it will be known to the world in just one short month. What will be the focus if/when JT gives a formal statement and is cleared? Where will investigators turn then?

We were trying to get back to sleuthing other possibilities. Can we get back to that please?

I am hoping MiMommy will answer some of the questions I posted yesterday after she gets a chance to talk to family members.
But fear not, there are some very interesting connections we are exploring and will post after validation...if they pan out. Busy bees behind the scenes.
We are focusing on connection points of the Niswender and Bruck girls* , and are finding some that merit further review. If they look like anything, we will advise Trojan, and he can pass to LE.

As far as discussion here, very much looking for feedback from MiMommy when she has time, and has gathered anything we can work with.

*such as similar service providers, etc.
Bravo, Spellbound for those full, documented, good timelines you have been doing! A huge amount of work, but so clarifying. Thank you!
Originally Posted by TigerBalm
Or not move your family out of town if you were so poor, you had to choose between your preteen's bathroom privacy and putting food on the table.... JMO
They relocated for employment i.e. to have income.

They relocated for employment i.e. to have income.

Not as I remember it MiMommy, they also moved because JT hated Kim's side of the family.
I've lit a candle at Gratefulness.org for Julia and her family. Won't you please take a moment and light one too? Let's send positive thoughts and prayers today for all of those missing her.

You can see this candle here and light one of your own.

ETA: A group has been set up for these candle (per below post) please use this link instead : http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/candles.cfm?l=eng&gi=JN-WS

Thank you - removing my original link.
If the roommates were cleared, then there would have been no reason to have asked for fingerprints off the sets of keys or did they look at this? Just thinking maybe someone who had access to the apartment let someone "borrow" their keys to get in, maybe They knocked on the bedroom door or hid in the apartment until Julia was alone, then made their move?? Since Julia's key was stated as missing from her key ring, that was probably to avoid fingerprinting ... Fingerprinting the roommates keys could have possibly helped.. If it was done and nothing was found, well at least they tried that avenue ...
Originally Posted by TigerBalm
Or not move your family out of town if you were so poor, you had to choose between your preteen's bathroom privacy and putting food on the table.... JMO
They relocated for employment i.e. to have income.

Not as I remember it MiMommy, they also moved because JT hated Kim's side of the family.

They lived in Gaylord prior to purchasing the house that they live in right now in Monroe. They relocated to Gaylord because of a pending change in Jim's job. Kim quit Meijers in Monroe and eventually was hired by WalMart in Gaylord. While living in Gaylord, Kim would make trips back to Monroe to see friends and family. Many times, she made the trip alone and the twins would stay in Gaylord with Jim. Some of Kim's trips back to Monroe may have been during the week which would mean the twins would have been in school during the day. I visited their house in Gaylord once and mentioned the "curtain" but was told that was "temporary". I must say that I was a bit uncomfortable using a bathroom with only a curtain. If it is so important, I may have a picture taken inside the house that may show "the curtain"! I really don't know what value that would be.

Interesting because here we see Trojan confirming that they relocated because of jobs i.e., income.
I've lit a candle at Gratefulness.org for Julia and her family. Won't you please take a moment and light one too? Let's send positive thoughts and prayers today for all of those missing her.

You can see this candle here and light one of your own.


ETA: And apparently it signed it wrong, but the message and sentiment is the same. fwiw


If the roommates were cleared, then there would have been no reason to have asked for fingerprints off the sets of keys or did they look at this? Just thinking maybe someone who had access to the apartment let someone "borrow" their keys to get in, maybe They knocked on the bedroom door or hid in the apartment until Julia was alone, then made their move?? Since Julia's key was stated as missing from her key ring, that was probably to avoid fingerprinting ... Fingerprinting the roommates keys could have possibly helped.. If it was done and nothing was found, well at least they tried that avenue ...

The key was never found. It may be possible the perp locked themselves out of Julia's room, left the radio or something on to make it sound like she was there. A roommate, who had been in and out all weekend, as it was finals and most were away, after noticing Julia's car hadn't moved since Sunday, the door was locked, called school security, who called police for a welfare check. LE opened her door first. Kim then came, driven by a friend from her night out, Turnquist and the youngest who were home were said to join them afterwards. None of the family was permitted in her room as they arrived at the scene. The last time she was heard from was by Jen based on text Sunday night. I'm not sure that we know or it had been reported where Jen was or when she came to the scene. I do recall Chelsea's sister's account of the night, having been around to console Jen, then having Chelsea cuddle her own sister to sleep as she had returned from the scene devastated by the evil she felt that touched them all that night. Of course, I mess things up, so Trojan may take pity on me and set it straight if I have it wrong.
Here is an article about Jim Turnquist and his martial arts (page 26-28)
I think he started around 2008, at the "Martial Arts Fitness Center"
also known as "Monroe Tang Soo Do"
It does not seem like he ever changed his martial arts studio.

There is a different Martial arts studio, called Monroe Martial Arts.
I am not sure if it ever went out of business, but it almost did according to the owner:
It seems that the focus shifted to Mixed Martial Arts which as an emphasis on fighting rather than self-defense,
but this was not good for the school.
Webpages go back to 2002:
Some of the older webpages have images of the instructors and helping staff.
Which year are we talking about? 2008 or so?

Thats it!!! MAFC...I recognized the logo on the back of the karate uniforms. I also talked with Ann who is my daughters friends mother and she says that the man who she was up against that broke her ribs was named Jim and it was either during a tournament or when they were testing for their brown belt. She doesn't remember his last name but I knew I was onto something. And yes the time frame for my daughter wouldve been around 2008.
black squirrel I looked at the monroe martial arts and the owners name at the time was named Mike not Dwight, so that's how I know it was MAFC (same logo on back of uniform), my daughter still has hers so I'll see if I remember to snap a picture of the back of it.
The key was never found. It may be possible the perp locked themselves out of Julia's room, left the radio or something on to make it sound like she was there. A roommate, who had been in and out all weekend, as it was finals and most were away, after noticing Julia's car hadn't moved since Sunday, the door was locked, called school security, who called police for a welfare check. LE opened her door first. Kim then came, driven by a friend from her night out, Turnquist and the youngest who were home were said to join them afterwards. None of the family was permitted in her room as they arrived at the scene. The last time she was heard from was by Jen based on text Sunday night. I'm not sure that we know or it had been reported where Jen was or when she came to the scene. I do recall Chelsea's sister's account of the night, having been around to console Jen, then having Chelsea cuddle her own sister to sleep as she had returned from the scene devastated by the evil she felt that touched them all that night. Of course, I'm mess things up, so Trojan may take pity on me and set it straight if I have it wrong.

Jennifer was with Kim. They were at a dart tournament - they arrived on scene together.
The roomies keys should have been examined for prints, IMO, but if they all cleared to start with, I am guessing there was no need to do that ...

This story is a very tragic one ... Poor Julia :(
Jennifer was with Kim. They were at a dart tournament - they arrived on scene together.

Thank you. I have a hard time seeing her among the Red Crew, in my mind, thus the shoddy memory. You're great on details, thank you. Hope you continue... with more.... of them...

BTW, MIMOMMY, this has to be hard on you, and yours, all the time, stress, commitment to details, strategics, legalities and heart you seem to put into it. I'm sure it is very much appreciated, especially in considering who other than Turnquist may have murdered Julia, set it up to look like she fainted and drowned, remember how we both agreed, like a cat took her breath? I'm sure the truth will be a huge relief to you and yours as well. Thank you for all your continued help clearing things up, in advance.
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