MI MI - Julia Niswender, 23, EMU student, Ypsilanti, 10 Dec 2012 - #4

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With these verified family members living over a 1000 miles away and not visiting regularly, it's hard to know exactly what they do know other than what comes down to he said/she said.

The family members here have been careful to state what they know and what they do not know. They didn't always live so far away either. They lived in the same residence for most of the girls lives fwiw. I'm going to take them at their word since they have personally been in the home, know the family members well and can speak for themselves as to what they have seen with their own eyes. They have a longer history with the family than anyone else; particularly prior to Julia's murder; and are more motivated than most to find out the truth of what happened.

An observation I'd like to make is that some are willing to discount our family members posting based on a rift that has developed since Julia's death. However they would also like us to discount a rift that had existed between Julia and her parents prior to her death. (though it does seem it was getting better based on her social media posts). Why is that? Also the whole "blame Grandma Rose" bit has gotten a bit worn out, particularly because Rose isn't the only person to have suspected James Turnquist. It has been alleged that Grandma Rose went to LE. No one knows that for certain except Rose and LE. Even if true - she isn't the only one who suspected him. The grandparents raised the girls up to the age of 10 (iirc) and were more like parents to them than grandparents. Julia remained close to them both throughout her lifetime, particularly her grandfather who she adored. (also in her social media).

If family members state there are three computers, I have no reason not to believe them. I do have reason not to believe JT and KT however, as it has been shown several times that they have been evasive and uncooperative. (according to LE and MSM).

And begging your pardon but it isn't "he said / she said" because KT and JT are not here. Only some people who supposedly get information from them second hand. So it's more like she said she said / they said.
If KT and JT would like to clear up these points, they could always go to MSM and answer for themselves. Or even better, go to LE. Assuming of course they want to get on with investigating what happened to Julia. What have they got to lose? Why aren't they cooperating and giving those statements? Why didn't they turn over all electronic devices at the very start of the investigation and why were they in such a hurry to get them back?

I'm sorry but it really doesn't look good for JT or Kim. Depending on the outcome of the child *advertiser censored* case, it could look even worse. JMOO

Just thinking out loud here - not presenting any facts or inside knowledge. This is my opinion.
I think as verified family members have indicated, the first detective on the case was close to KT and not great at looking beyond where KT and JT led them, it seems. So, as you can imagine, welcoming KT and JT's pointing him in all kinds of different directions, as evidenced on this thread as well. It was only after sometime in the investigations and new eyes looking at the leads, conducting more interviews, that JT started complaining in the press, once he'd lost special access through KT's special relationship with the first LE person investigating the murder, it seems to me.

If that were the case, which if you review all the press from the beginning of the investigation, past the point the investigators on Julia's case where changed, then just focusing on what JT had to say publicly, you'll hear the ambivalent conflicted remorse he shows, referring to Julia as a challenge of sorts, and odd out of place thing to say at a memorials, accolades to himself and his grief rather than Julia. Then when they became closed out of the investigation, it appears all JT's public appearances had a rueful "why won't they tell us anything?' bent to it, including in that barefoot interview with his tripod propped next him. I leave it to those unfamiliar with the coverage since Julia's murder to do their own review and present their own impressions based on a review of JT's statements since Julia was murdered.

KT and JT may have had control of the situation to begin with, but time and more information coming out has clearly worked against JT, considering where things are, and I don't think it is going to get any easier, as it becomes evident that the investigation has been impeded for lack of their cooperation since the first detective was taken off the case. I think what we may be seeing is the unwinding of the complicated layers of distraction JT set in place and his world shrinking as the investigation closed in on him to the point of his desperate actions of fleeing to his karate dojo before his arrest. KT's fear at the time are telling it seems, over his state of mind, so much so that she thought he would kill himself and she urged a friend to make calls to intervene.

I think the drama will be easier to see through with time, but it seems a coping tactic that will potentially come into play again, considering the pattern. I worry for the youngest still caught up in any potential drama. Whatever the results, the welfare of a child caught up in all this should take precedence, it seems to me, as the adults around her have not seemed to act responsibly or with good intent, it appears to me, unless I missed something, but these are my impressions.
Sorry for the multiple posts BUT

Are you asking us to believe that KT; a business manager; did not have a laptop to do her work on that was separate from the desktop computer that JT used for his business? Are you also asking me to believe that the computer given up was the one the girls bought for JT for Christmas, though the age of the computer seems to state otherwise? I mean it's going to be very easy to discover which laptop LE has in their possession, so umm, yeah.

My belief is that KT didn't give up her own laptop because she needs it for her job. That just makes sense to me. However IP addresses and useage will quickly determine which of these two is true. I DO believe there were three computers because living otherwise would have been a HUGE inconvenience to a business manager. Three computers makes the most logical sense IMHOO. Other than that we have verified family members saying there were three. Good enough for me.
It seems to me, if my memory remembers correctly, Grandma Rose is not the only relative who felt uncomfortable or had suspicions about JT. (Suspicions are not facts). I remember a cousin who posted similar concerns somewhere. I also remember that there were supposedly two lie detector tests with JT .... one via his lawyer, and another that was inconclusive. Was the inconclusive test via his own lawyer or LE. I don't know. So .... to say he passed would be wrong, if this is true. I can not find anything that confirms he passed, other than the family (sister).

at this point, I tend to believe verified family members over people who only knew the family for a few weeks/months or do not know them personally. How someone becomes "verified" on only a few weeks of knowledge is beyond me. I have worked and socialized with many people, yet I would not consider myself an insider on their family life. However, it is what it is. I have to use my own logic to determine if they could be mistaken or exaggerating.

As for the computers .... it remains a mystery, JMO.

all just my own thoughts, not necessarily factual.
The family members here have been careful to state what they know and what they do not know. They didn't always live so far away either. They lived in the same residence for most of the girls lives fwiw. I'm going to take them at their word since they have personally been in the home, know the family members well and can speak for themselves as to what they have seen with their own eyes. They have a longer history with the family than anyone else; particularly prior to Julia's murder; and are more motivated than most to find out the truth of what happened.

An observation I'd like to make is that some are willing to discount our family members posting based on a rift that has developed since Julia's death. However they would also like us to discount a rift that had existed between Julia and her parents prior to her death. (though it does seem it was getting better based on her social media posts). Why is that? Also the whole "blame Grandma Rose" bit has gotten a bit worn out, particularly because Rose isn't the only person to have suspected James Turnquist. It has been alleged that Grandma Rose went to LE. No one knows that for certain except Rose and LE. Even if true - she isn't the only one who suspected him. The grandparents raised the girls up to the age of 10 (iirc) and were more like parents to them than grandparents. Julia remained close to them both throughout her lifetime, particularly her grandfather who she adored. (also in her social media).

If family members state there are three computers, I have no reason not to believe them. I do have reason not to believe JT and KT however, as it has been shown several times that they have been evasive and uncooperative. (according to LE and MSM).

And begging your pardon but it isn't "he said / she said" because KT and JT are not here. Only some people who supposedly get information from them second hand. So it's more like she said she said / they said.

Opinion stated as fact? You don't personally know what they did, regarding data and deletion do you? Regarding the number of computers; we have verified family members with first hand accounts concerning how many (and what types) of computers were in the home when they were *personally there.*
Now if you'd like to find a link to MSM or get KT or JT to directly post, I'd be willing to discuss it. But for now, this is jus tyour opinion being stated as fact.

Going back a few posts you stated JT had passed a lie detector test "according to his lawyer." Okay, that's all well and good but LE hasn't said that JT passed, have they? TIA


Psyquestor, thank you for your posts. <modsnip> WE know the family, although what we do know had either came from KT or JN themselves (now I really question what they have shared with us in regards to Julia's murder investigation, as I believe you all should) and the rest of information is coming from LE and other relatives that are close to the family, or should I say HAD been close to the family, for if people in the family didn't stand behind JT, and KT and JN supporting them, then we were NO longer listened to. What sickens me, is from DAY one after Julia's death, we got ALL of our information from KT. Think about that, KT was extremely close to the detective investigating Julia's murder, and KT and JN was .... how can I say this "controlling the show' so to speak, they wanted EVERYTHING to go through them, they didn't want us to talk to the detectives, KT put on a good show, calling us and asking us to do certain things, write letters to TV stations like 20 20 & Dr. Phil, she said that she and the whole family would be doing the same thing. Come to find out, NO one else in the family knew about it, never was contacted by KT to write ANY letters!!!! SHE herself, never wrote a letter as far as we know.
As harsh as this may sound, I really think that KT and JN perhaps liked the attention after Julia's death, NOT so much after LE start investigating them that had lived in the Turnquist home. WHERE are they now, they are feeding those people in their 'friends and now their family, in KT's words 'that they never liked or cared about' information. Manipulating them by only their stories. Same stories we had heard since Julia's death. As any other investigation eventually, usually early on, they look closely at FAMILY.... the first DETECTIVE must have truly had her blinders on, and seemed to overlook doing that. It wasn't until the second detective took over the investigation that the TROUBLE started. THE Turnquist family seemed to think that they should not be looked at closely, and they NEVER voluntarily turned over the computers. WE KNOW That for certain, we remember getting a phone call from KT, she was very upset and so was JT about LE taking their computer, so is that cooperating!?
We do live over 1000 miles away, and I'm sure we sure have missed a whole lot of what goes on up in our MI family through the years. But we are only a phone call away, seems my Husband (Trojan1966) has basically had a one sided relationship with his children. He is a giving, loving and supportive Dad who loves his children NO matter what, hasn't always been thrilled about the decisions they have made or the direction that they were going, but still he loves them, and always will. I on the other hand, accept them, care about each and every one of them, have always been concerned about them, and have always wanted the very best for them. It sickens me to know that everyone in this family are struggling and hurting and have so much anger towards each other. I pray every day, for all of them, and especially our youngest granddaughter that lives in the Turnquist home, she has been exposed to so much stuff that NO child should ever be privy to... her Mom has no filtering system .... and has ALWAYS talked about 'adult' conversations' in front of her daughters. As for responding to any of the folks that are getting fed information from KT, JT, JN or CN, I will not respond to your posts. If KT, JT, JN or CN get on here and become a verified member, then that would be great. AT least then we have comments straight from the immediate family and they would have to be OPEN and responsible for their posts. AND their comments would hold some weight in this investigation. Until then, I take anything that the 'JT's supporters post as 2nd. and 3rd. hand information. I know, a person is innocent until proved guilty and all.... but really, JT and KT past history tells a story that really makes one wonder and makes you stop and THINK, what they really know about Julia's murder. Praying that they were NOT involved in anyway.
Also, I have to remember that this is a internet site, that is filled with people that are interested in the many aspects of crime, investigations and perhaps support. BUT this particular link is about helping find Justice for Julia.... openly, with varied opinions. But my point is, it is about Julia. Unfortunately, because of her step Dad's child *advertiser censored* charge and being the only POI in Julia's murder, and lack of completely cooperating with LE, sadly it seems to have become all about defending JT. IMO
Your pain comes through in your posts, 41st. To this day, I do not understand any family not fully cooperating or going above and beyond what is requested by LE to solve my child's murder.

We, as outsiders, can really only offer support and suppositions and do our best to dig up any possibilities toward justice in this case. It makes sense, in my opinion, to put more weight in LE info as opposed to that coming third hand from people who only want to support one side with blinders on. I will always believe there is a grain of truth from everything said, but to completely and blindly believe only one side .... I cannot do that.

Unfortunately, I think this case is at a bit of a standstill until the *advertiser censored* case is completed. I believe it will sway my thoughts one way or the other in some regards.
Sorry for the multiple posts BUT

Are you asking us to believe that KT; a business manager; did not have a laptop to do her work on that was separate from the desktop computer that JT used for his business? Are you also asking me to believe that the computer given up was the one the girls bought for JT for Christmas, though the age of the computer seems to state otherwise? I mean it's going to be very easy to discover which laptop LE has in their possession, so umm, yeah.

My belief is that KT didn't give up her own laptop because she needs it for her job. That just makes sense to me. However IP addresses and useage will quickly determine which of these two is true. I DO believe there were three computers because living otherwise would have been a HUGE inconvenience to a business manager. Three computers makes the most logical sense IMHOO. Other than that we have verified family members saying there were three. Good enough for me.

Why would KT need a personal laptop to conduct business due to her job? I'm not bashing KT in anyway - but it's not like her job was something where the company she works would allow her to just "take home" their software etc.? And, it's not like her type of job is something where you would take home hours of "home office" type work.
With these verified family members living over a 1000 miles away and not visiting regularly, it's hard to know exactly what they do know other than what comes down to he said/she said.

DazednConfuzed09................ When was the last time you personally talked to LE, Monroe or Ypsi? I have personally maintained contact with them plus other members of the family. Whenever my daughter wants to speak or yell at me, she calls or sends text messages. You evidently only seem to get one side of everything that is going on. I honestly believe that most of your comments are what KT and JT want you to say. I have posted all my information as honestly as I can. The child *advertiser censored* case is not as important to me as the most important thing is to solve Julia's murder. *advertiser censored* was found and thus there probably be a trial. Why would the cooperation of the parents concerning Julia's murder seem to be such a "big" deal? If it was your daughter who was killed would you not do everything you can do to solve the murder? If everyone is truly innocent of being involved, what is the problem with fully cooperating? Without positive proof, it would be extremely hard to convict an innocent person of murder. KT and JT want people to come forward with any information but yet they seem to be doing the opposite and yet try to convince their friends that they are doing all they can but are afraid that LE has "targeted" JT. All LE has said is that he is a person of interest, not a suspect. I really have a hard time dealing with the way they have been acting.
Sorry for the multiple posts BUT

Are you asking us to believe that KT; a business manager; did not have a laptop to do her work on that was separate from the desktop computer that JT used for his business? Are you also asking me to believe that the computer given up was the one the girls bought for JT for Christmas, though the age of the computer seems to state otherwise? I mean it's going to be very easy to discover which laptop LE has in their possession, so umm, yeah.

My belief is that KT didn't give up her own laptop because she needs it for her job. That just makes sense to me. However IP addresses and useage will quickly determine which of these two is true. I DO believe there were three computers because living otherwise would have been a HUGE inconvenience to a business manager. Three computers makes the most logical sense IMHOO. Other than that we have verified family members saying there were three. Good enough for me.

I do not believe that KT had a lap top to do her work at home. She works for Meijers which is quite similar to a Super Walmart. The original lap top taken from their home had been in the house for many years and was used by lots of people. JT may have used it to manage his cleaning business until the twins bought him his own lap top in December 2012.
I do not believe that KT had a lap top to do her work at home. She works for Meijers which is quite similar to a Super Walmart. The original lap top taken from their home had been in the house for many years and was used by lots of people. JT may have used it to manage his cleaning business until the twins bought him his own lap top in December 2012.

Thank you Trojan. I appreciate you taking time to answer my questions to the best of your ability. My heart hurts for you and your wife.

Managers frequently travel for their jobs. Training seminars, required manager meetings (etc). I assume KT was on the ball and had a laptop to take with her when she traveled to the mandatory meetings that MOST large retail establishments have. I frequently traveled myself for corporate america; though not Meijer.

My own opinion.
Personal note here - unlike many of you I have been involved in a death investigation regarding my child. When LE and lawyers asked for his things - I collected them as fast as I could and handed them over along with my phone and his journals, computers - you name it - absolutely everything. Even his log book from work. Why? Because as a grieving parent I NEEDED answers, not just wanted them but felt with every fiber of my being that I needed answers. I never for one second thought about not being 100% cooperative and helpful. I didn't ask for any of these things back and didn't receive them back for over 6 YEARS, when the probate and legal issues had all been resolved.

So when I say I don't understand why KT, JT or JN haven't rushed to do the same, I speak from my heart. I can't imagine not cooperating. I just can't. The ONLY reason that I can fathom in not doing so is that you already know the answers and are hiding facts that condemn you in some way.

If you said, "Psy, we could get answers for you but it might mean you sit in prison for the rest of your days." I would LEAP at the chance. I'm not even a little bit kidding. I'm in a prison of having to live each day without my son anyway. I was fortunate that we did get most of the answers we sought. I believe our complete cooperation was instrumental in this!!!

On that personal note, I'm going to again offer my condolences to Trojan and 4ist because they do know what I'm referring to. Trojan has also lost a son, iirc and he knows the absolute hell of living every day asking those questions. My broken heart to yours.
Opinion stated as fact? You don't personally know what they did, regarding data and deletion do you? Regarding the number of computers; we have verified family members with first hand accounts concerning how many (and what types) of computers were in the home when they were *personally there.*
Now if you'd like to find a link to MSM or get KT or JT to directly post, I'd be willing to discuss it. But for now, this is jus tyour opinion being stated as fact.

Going back a few posts you stated JT had passed a lie detector test "according to his lawyer." Okay, that's all well and good but LE hasn't said that JT passed, have they? TIA

With "the fact" I meant that "computer #1", the one that was taken in December 2014, which allegedly contained child *advertiser censored*, had not been replaced. As far as I know,
nobody has claimed that this computer has been replaced (some people have alleged that computer #2 was replaced). Also, obviously, the questionable images weren't deleted, or at least not deleted properly, because LE could recover them. The other statements all start with "I think" or "I believe" and are of course clearly just my opinion.

Trojan1966 stated that he has seen (and used) computer #1 and that family members also have seen computer #2, the one given as a gift to JT. As far as I know, nobody has claimed to have seen computer #3, so it just may not exist. As far as I know, the only people who were present when a computer was seized in February 2015 were KT and perhaps her immediate family, and the Monroe Police. I am not sure where Trojan gets his information from regarding the computer seized in 2015. I think (and hope) that the Monroe Police does not leak information to the extended family of the defendant. So it is not clear to me what the allegations of a hidden 3rd computer are based on.

Of course I cannot completely dismiss the possibility that the Monroe police leaks information to the outside. Ryan Duvall, the PI who retracted his award money for finding Julia's killer, is an ex-cop who has been on the Monroe police department, and is also friends with grandma Rose.

Indeed, JT lawyer actually stated that JT passed 2 lie detector tests. LE has stated at some point that all people who were asked to take a lie detector test cooperated and passed. This includes JT.
It may have been Dazed and Confused who shared the tidbit about KT carrying the *advertiser censored* in her purse and telling people it was her's not his? Sorry for the confusion.

Wrong again. It was 4ist who shared this.
Do we know that he actually passed any lie detector test that was given by LE? Or were both these given by his own lawyer. Also, it has been reported (somewhere, don't have a link) that he passed one (was it given by his own lawyer?) and was inconclusive on the other. Who gave the "other" test? That does not seem clear, and does not indicate passing in my opinion. Not sure I recall hearing that ALL people who were asked to take a lie detector test had done so with LE. If so, and if JT did .... I have not seen a definitive answer from LE that he passed. And besides all that ..... lie detector tests cannot be used in court, so why does it matter?

Just musing ........... again. You all give me so much to muddle through that my mind has become mush. Sorry for that.
I believe that one polygraph was taken by Michigan State Police. I don't think this is disputed, but Julia's cousin claimed on FB that one of the polygraph's was inconclusive. It is unclear where she got that information from, because most likely she wasn't present at either one of the tests. I haven't seen this piece of information anywhere else.
"We've also polygraphed numerous people," Yuhas said. "Everyone that has been polygraphed at this point has not only cooperated with the investigation but passed the polygraph."

My only connection to this case is the geographic locations. I live near Ypsilanti and drive through Ypsilanti on a daily basis and often pass Peninsular Place, where Julia was found dead. Although I was aware of the case, I did not follow it from the beginning. I started taking notice when JT was named a POI. There were several things that struck me in this case:
1. The crime scene seemed very puzzling.
2. Although JT was named a POI, his grief for Julia seemed genuine to me.
3. The child *advertiser censored* charges seemed atypical to me. Instead of hundreds or thousands of pictures there were only 7 or 8.
4. The interview of grandma Rose. I found it striking that a family member was accusing JT, but seemed to base the allegations mostly on the fact that he retained a lawyer.

In the discussions I have mostly tried to steer away from discussing JT and his child *advertiser censored* charges. My primary interestest is in investigating Julia's death. I have contributed several possible suspects and connections. However, the subject of JT seems unavoidable. I am not trying to defend JT, but rather, to keep the discussion balanced and the facts straight.
<modsnip> Also MUCH of the information we have gotten from Trojan has been quickly verified in MSM or on the court docket or even by MM.

I guess that makes it believable for me. Easily verifiable.

Also, questions asked by Trojan are no more in depth than any news reporter would ask or have answered. He has been clear about what questions he asked and how they were answered (if they were answered).

Respectfully MOO
ADMIN NOTE: Thread closed for review. No member, or group of members, is allowed to attack another poster in the manner which has taken place here.

ETA: The poster who makes a claim bears the burden of providing a link.
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